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- Exorcist Diary #276: A Busy Demonic Week
It was a busy week for demons. The morning started off with a bang- the demons texted me a bunch of salacious photos. They were gross. These photos are typically accompanied by taunting and tempting comments, none of which should be repeated... There is a reason why the Holy See does not allow every priest to perform solemn exorcisms. Rather, only those priests selected by the Bishop may do it (Canon 1172). It is also common for Bishops to choose older priests to be exorcists. This is prudent. You've got to be ready for the demons' retaliation. As I tell new exorcists: "You can't keep poking Satan in the eye and not expect some sort of response." The demons continued. As I was praying online with someone with a demonic affliction, the session was reaching a crescendo. The demons were screaming and were at their breaking point. I thought some might leave. At that very moment, the connection inexplicably crashed. The program would NOT reboot, despite several tries (this has never happened). Eventually, with some patience and additional technology protection prayers, we reestablished the connection and continued. But it felt like the demons had successfully dodged leaving... for a while. Moreover, this was the week of the March for Life rally in our Archdiocese. We know it is being heavily cursed by Satan's minions and attacked by demons. Thus, quietly behind the scenes, our Team lifts curses, and prays deliverance prayers. We pray protection prayers for all involved, especially all the courageous young people. This does not go unnoticed nor is it ineffective in the preternatural realm. Not surprisingly, the demons attacked some Team members; it was a rough week for them. Demons do not rest in hell. This week, they seemed especially active. If they used their spiritual energies in praising God and loving others, they would be truly holy. But they spend their time and energies on promoting discord, destruction and death. But the evil actions of Satan's minions and his demons are self-defeating, as evil always is. I have no doubt that all the powers and efforts of hell's denizens were completely eclipsed by the faith and sacrifices of many thousands of the faithful, especially our young, who marched in the cold to preach the Gospel of life. As I reflect upon this and the faith of our young people, I feel a sense of joy. I thank God for all who took part or supported the March in any way. May God grant them joy and peace in this life, and the fullness of life in the next. ---------------------------- *Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session Monday Feb 19th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or at: catholicexorcism.org/event-details/february-19th-online-deliverance-prayer-session/form **Signup for our online Lenten Deliverance Retreat with Msgr. Rossetti. Saturday March 9th, 11am -2pm Eastern USA time. Register here or register.gotowebinar.com/register/1381389462175786334 Scholarships readily available; send email to stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com ***Have you seen our "Pray With Me: Casting Out Demons of Infirmity"? ****Beware of scammers! There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. Our site is msgr.rossetti (Instagram) and they are, at this moment, using msgr.rossetti32 (Instagram) but this keeps changing; Also on Tik Tok our site is: msgrrossetti with scammers using msgrrosseti, msgrrossetti11, msgrrossetti1, msgrrossetti18 (Tik Tok). Moreover, they have made an email address which looks like me but it is not (stephenjrossetti1@gmail.com) and they are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #275: Satan Taunts Woman's Abortion
[St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Sacred Heart of Jesus] The demons continue to taunt "J" and the Team via texts. Sadly, a number of years ago "J" had an abortion. As one part of a long series of shaming messages, they said to the Team: "She would have been a wonderful mother but she killed her own baby." And then, addressing "J" directly, they texted: "Don't forget to sing your lullaby; your dead baby is burning down here with me." In addition, in the midst of a full manifestation, the demons made her relive her abortion both physically and emotionally. (Yes, they can affect a possessed person's mind and body). I recall one gifted individual, who had the ability to hear demons, express her shock that demons have absolutely no compassion whatsoever. These texts support her experience. They are cruel! It is also important to remember that demons are inveterate liars. We should not believe what the demons say about the eternal fate of such babies. We commend these babies and their mothers to the merciful heart of Our Savior. And we encourage mothers of aborted babies to pray for their children. Satan and his minions try to shame everyone of us with our sins and failings. In this life, most of us "hear" this in mental self-accusations and the shame that clings to us, despite our being repentant and having our sins forgiven. At death, some have experienced the final onslaught of accusations and shaming by the Evil One. Satan may assault us with our sins and claim us as his own. Our recourse, as always, is to the mercy of Our Savior. Jesus paid the price on the Cross. Let us focus our eyes on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose compassion and mercy drowns out the voice of evil. Because of his sacrifice, our sins are forgiven and we belong to him. ------------------------------ *Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session Monday Feb 19th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or at: catholicexorcism.org/event-details/february-19th-online-deliverance-prayer-session/form **Signup for our online Lenten Deliverance Retreat with Msgr. Rossetti. Saturday March 9th,11am -2pm Eastern USA time. Register here or register.gotowebinar.com/register/1381389462175786334 Scholarships readily available; send email to stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com ***Have you seen our "Pray With Me: Casting Out Demons of Infirmity"? ***Beware of scammers! There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. Our site is msgr.rossetti (Instagram) and they are, at this moment, using msgr.rossetti32 (Instagram) but this keeps changing; Also on Tik Tok our site is: msgrrossetti with scammers using msgrrosseti, msgrrossetti11, msgrrossetti1, msgrrossetti18 (Tik Tok). Moreover, they have made an email address which looks like me but it is not (stephenjrossetti1@gmail.com) and they are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #270: Demons Tempt and Taunt Exorcist
["Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII," Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1854. Note: St. Joan of Arc was a true warrior for Christ in the face of seemingly impossible odds.] Tough case. It's been going on for a long time although with a lot of progress, but still....a long time. The demons have been regularly taunting me and team members via text, including last night. Hundreds of them. A recent one was signed: "666." The first level of attack is to the sin of impurity. It is rather obvious. They send salacious photos and make suggestive comments. These are often paired with photos of the demon Baphomet. These comments should not be repeated. I walk away from such encounters feeling slimed. And it affirms my belief that exorcists should normally be older priests. A few younger exorcists have succumbed to such demonic onslaughts against purity. The second level is to the sin of pride. The incessant taunting feels like I am being jabbed. It is a regular barrage of demonic texts, often arriving just when I am trying to fall asleep: "You've lost." "She's supposed to be my daughter." "The end [for her] is near." "She'll be dead tonight." The subtle temptation here is for me to respond in kind. And the demons try to wear us down by not letting us sleep. It would indeed be easy to respond with my own jabs and taunts, telling them with an air of superiority that they will suffer in the final judgment. I could gloatingly say that they have lost. The latter is true and is often said in the Rite itself. But, in this context, I would be acting no better than they. It would be arrogance on my part. Interestingly enough, the demons feed off our upset and anger, which they are trying to provoke. Rather, I respond in tranquillity with a prayer. I also send a picture of St. Michael in response to the photo they regularly send of Baphomet. The third level of temptation is to the ultimate sin of despair. They sent many texts telling us to give up: "You can't help her;" "Nice try- but you can't keep it up;" and "She's given herself away [to evil]. It's over with." This battle has been going on for many, many months. The demons expect us to give up, just as they despaired of God and gave up. This is the real core of every spiritual battle; it is a test of faith. The demons want us to believe that evil wins. They are convinced that we will give up on God, just as they did. But we profess that Jesus is Lord and ultimately He will triumph. Faith is the ground of every spiritual battle. We pray that we will persevere until the end. But, frankly, the barrage of texts is getting wearisome. So, at times, I have taken to turning off my phone at night, which I did last night. Demons don't need to sleep. But I do. ------------- *Signup for our next free online Deliverance Session: Monday, January 8th from 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Go to: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/january-8th-online-deliverance-prayer-session or click here. **Have you seen our very popular "Pray With Me" section of our website? There are short 3-5 minute prayer sessions for a variety of specific needs such as combatting depression, unwanted distressing thoughts, healing inner wounds, and overcoming a porn addiction. Click here. ***Did you register for the recent December 8th workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from the Evil One"? If you did, you should also have received a link to watch the video. If not, send an email to: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com.
- Exorcist Diary #274: Slaves of Hell
["Fall of the Damned," Peter Paul Rubens, 1577-1640] Not long ago I received a barrage of texts from the demons in the midst of an intense case. In response, I texted back a holy picture and prayer to the Blessed Virgin and Saint Michael. I also texted back a command: "With each text, I command the demons to contemplate the beauty of our Lady while praising God with the angelic song: "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus." I commanded the demons based upon the Church's authority over demons given by Christ which is delegated to the Exorcist by the Bishop. The demon texted back: "No one can tell me how to act or what to do. I decide everything; that's been clear for years." The demonic response is an echo of the original refusal of Satan and his minions to obey God: "Non serviam," "I will not serve". This is further echoed in today's rejection of God's will and asserting one's own will often found, for example, in Wicca, Witchcraft, and Satanism. The "freedom" the demons assert they have found in rejecting God's will for their own is an illusion. In the famous 16th century case of the exorcism of Nicola Aubry, the Bishop of Leon was personally leading the exorcism. The chief demon in the case was Beelzebul (or Beelzebub). At one point, the Bishop commanded the lower-ranking demons to come forward and to speak. Beelzebul snapped back that these lower demons will NOT speak. He said, "I tell you they shall not speak in my presence. They are my servants, my slaves; I am their master. Did you ever see a slave speak in the presence of his lord?" This has been our experience: hell is an evil empire with the more powerful demons brutally lording it over the lower demons and at times even beating them up. Demons hate humans even more than their fellow demons. And what demons do to damned souls in hell ought not be repeated. Many today reject the Christian notion of serving and obeying God for the "freedom" of doing their own will. In reality, they are only subjugating themselves to the most cruel and merciless of masters, Satan, who was the first to reject the Divine will. On the contrary, in obeying God, we are truly set free. "For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery" (Gal 5:1). ------------------------- *Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session Monday Feb 19th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or at: catholicexorcism.org/event-details/february-19th-online-deliverance-prayer-session/form **Signup for our online Lenten Deliverance Retreat with Msgr. Rossetti. Saturday March 9th,11am -2pm Eastern USA time. Register here or register.gotowebinar.com/register/1381389462175786334 Scholarships readily available; send email to stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com ***Have you seen our "Pray With Me: Healing Self-Hatred"? ***Beware of scammers! There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. Our site is msgr.rossetti (Instagram) and they are, at this moment, using msgr.rossetti32 (Instagram) but this keeps changing; Also on Tik Tok our site is: msgrrossetti with scammers using msgrrosseti, msgrrossetti11, msgrrossetti1, msgrrossetti18 (Tik Tok). Moreover, they have made an email address which looks like me but it is not (stephenjrossetti1@gmail.com) and they are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #273: Satan Has A Plan
["The Virgin as the Woman of the Apocalypse," Peter Paul Rubens, 1624-1625] Satan and his minions don't do "random." The Evil One has a plan, such as any military commander would have. Looking at the world around us, it is not hard to discern some of the major elements of his plan: 1. Destroy the Family. The assaults on the integrity of the family have never been stronger. The family is the "domestic church," according to Church teaching and the foundation of a healthy and holy society. I have great admiration for the courageous families of today who live the Gospel in the midst of constant assaults. May the Holy Family intercede for our families and keep them strong! 2. Attack the Church. Similarly, the Church is herald of Christ's message and the instrument of the world's sanctification. Admittedly, many of the assaults against the Church are made possible by real sins of the clergy, for which we must repent and ask forgiveness. However, since May 2020, there have been about 300 incidents against Catholic Churches including destroying religious statues, burning churches, defacing gravestones, and other forms of vandalism. I know of no similar precedent in modern times. 3. Destroy the Faith. Ultimately it is faith in God and Jesus that sustains the people and this world. The presence of faith allows Jesus to work his miracles in our lives and a lack of faith blocks it (Mt 13:58). It is no secret that there is a large and steady erosion of the faith in our society. Catholic parents often tell me that they are distraught that their children, brought up in a Catholic environment, turn away from the faith. And many more are not taught the faith at all. Survey research shows a steady, strong decline in church membership in the United States, now below 50% for the first time. And it shows a rapid rise in those who profess no religious affiliation, "nones," now at 30%. 4. Amass an Army of Followers. The rapid rise of those practicing witchcraft, wicca, the occult, paganism, and Satanism is stunning. For example, WitchTok had over 18.7 billions views by Oct 2022. Satan is amassing an army of followers. Some of them knowingly follow the Evil One, but most are unwittingly bonding themselves in servitude to Satan by casting spells, engaging in the occult, and worshipping pagan gods. 5. Replace Christian Life/Values With An Agenda of Death. Euthanasia is on the rise. Legalization of drugs and drug-related overdoses abound. Abortion continues to be available and now it is openly supported by Satanists. Sexual confusion reigns. School prayer is "out" and after school Satanic groups are "in". Religious statues are being destroyed and statues of Baphomet appear in public places. Suicides in the United States are steadily rising. 6. Spread Conflict, Confusion, and Violence. Rational, respectful public discourse is gone. Violence is spreading in our cities and division in our nation and our world. For example, the incidents of terrorism in the United States boggle the mind. Fifty years ago no one went into a public place and randomly killed innocent people. Today it is commonplace. This is the symptom of a society gone terribly wrong. In short, Satan's plan is to transform this earth into a hell. It is noteworthy that the Evil One is engaged in intense assaults on all the above six fronts at the same time. Some speculate that the end times are near. I don't know. But I do believe that his "100 years"* are up and as the Scriptures say: "Time is short" (1 Cor 7:29). We are certainly in a decisive battle with Satan who is at the end of his rope. It is as if all of hell has been emptied for a great battle. I can understand those who are pessimistic. From all externals, things look bad and getting worse. No doubt Satan thinks he is winning. I suspect Satan and his minions thought that they were winning when Jesus was dying on the cross. The words of the Rite of Exorcism speak the Truth to Satan: "Why, then, do you stand and resist, knowing as you must that Christ the Lord brings your plans to nothing?" And we, inspired by the Marian apparitions at Fatima, recall that oft-quoted line: "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph." --------------------------- *For a reflection on Satan's 100 years, see blog 266: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/post/exorcist-diary-266-are-satan-s-100-years-over **Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session this Monday. Rosary at: 6:40pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register at: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/january-8th-online-deliverance-prayer-session ***Have you seen our new "Pray With Me: Lifting Generational Curses"? Here ****Beware of scammers! There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. Our site is msgr.rossetti (Instagram) and they are, at this moment, using msgr.rossetti32 (Instagram) but this keeps changing; Also on Tik Tok our site is: msgrrossetti with scammers using msgrrosseti, msgrrossetti11, msgrrossetti1, msgrrossetti18 (Tik Tok). Moreover, they have made an email address which looks like me but it is not (stephenjrossetti1@gmail.com) and they are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #272: Demons Crash Deliverance Session
["The Temptation of Anthony," Lelio Orsi,1570s] During the last online deliverance session, my internet connection crashed. I have a hard-wired, fast internet connection which is very reliable. I depend on it to minister to the large and growing international following we have from our website and social media. When connection dropped, it was very odd and the Team knew something was up. Every month we have a large online deliverance session: 15,000 sign up and the Lord blesses us with powerful graces. Naturally, the demons don’t like it. At the same time, witches are throwing curses at us. Every month our communications get harassed by the dark world in some way. But we are prepared. We have our "Prayer Warriors" praying throughout the session. Also, our Team says the “Umbrellino Prayer for Technology”* several times. And one of our exorcists is constantly lifting curses. We repeatedly invoke Blessed Carlo Acutis- a web designer who has proven a powerful spiritual ally in protecting technology. But on November 13th, in the middle of the session, my screen inexplicably froze and then my internet connection crashed. What is particularly interesting is that it went down right in the middle of the prayer to lift generational curses.”** An accident? I doubt it. While the Catholic Church has never spoken definitively about whether generational curses actually exist, it is the common experience of exorcists that they are real. It is true that succeeding generations are not culpable for the sins of their ancestors, but they do seem to be spiritually affected in palpable ways. It has also been our experience that the lifting of generational curses is one of the most powerful moments in these online sessions. Little wonder that the Evil One would do everything possible to block it. While I am not the most technologically savvy person, I was able to reconnect to the online session with a couple of minutes. Our very capable Team, realizing what had happened, kept the prayer session going until I rejoined. Then we continued where we left off. In fact, I doubled down and said the prayer to lift generational curses from the beginning and placed even greatest emphasis on it. When demons don’t like something, we do more of it! The incident is instructive. To my mind, it reaffirms the importance of lifting generational curses. It also reaffirms the truth that, while the Evil One can harass the servants of the Lord regardless of how many blocking and protecting prayers we say, the Lord’s work will ultimately be accomplished. Satan can tempt, harass, and delay, but never stop the coming of God’s kingdom. God’s will is always accomplished. Satan is powerless to stop it. Our next online deliverance session is coming January 8th. Every month there is some new form of demonic harassment, despite our best efforts to stop it. But we trust in Jesus. He has triumphed and He will do so again. This we know for certain. ------------------------------- *The Umbrellino Prayer for Technology for use by the laity is on our website (www.catholicexorcism.org) under Deliverance Prayers for the Laity. **See Prayer to Remove Generational Spirits also under Deliverance Prayers for the Laity on our website. ***Signup for our next free online Deliverance Session: Monday, January 8th from 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Rosary at 6:40pm. Go to: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/january-8th-online-deliverance-prayer-session or click here. ****Last chance before the end of the year to donate to our rapidly expanding deliverance ministry. It is tax deductible. Donate: www.catholicexorcism.org/donate Thank you! We are funded by the generosity of our worldwide family.
- Exorcist Diary #271: Demons Hate Christmas
[New star in the sky] At the beginning of the Rite of Exorcism, a Gospel passage is read. The first choice, most often used by exorcists, is the Prologue of John's Gospel which begins: "In the beginning was the Word." It is easy for an exorcist to move quickly through the opening parts of the Rite, thinking that the real "meat" is the final imperative prayer, commanding the demons to leave. Not so in the recent case of "K". At the beginning of the exorcism, when the Prologue was read, the demons reacted violently. Clearly, the words of this Gospel were torturing them: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God....and the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." Powerful stuff! For centuries, this Prologue was thought to have a special sacred character. It was read as a blessing over the sick and over newly baptized infants. It was even worn around the neck as a kind of amulet to protect against illness. Among Scriptural exegetes, the soaring poetry of the Prologue with its deep theological insight is one reason the symbol for John the Evangelist is an eagle. Given the obvious power the Prologue was having over the demons, we stayed with it during K's session, reading this Gospel over and over and over. And when she came back to consciousness for a moment, we had her read it aloud herself: "He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him, he gave power to become children of God." I looked at the demons and said, "She is a child of God." Theologians speculate that one of the prime reasons Satan and his minions rejected God was their rejection of the incarnation. They thought, "How could the omnipotent God debase himself and become a lowly human?" Moreover, in doing so, God elevated humanity above the angels. The incarnation of God in Jesus is supremely odious to the denizens of hell. Today, K is no longer possessed. I was recently sent a nice photo of her in the front pews of the church sitting next to her father and mother. Previously when possessed, she had great difficulty being in a church and would retch receiving communion. Now, she looked happy and at peace. She is truly a child of God. When you sit down for Christmas dinner, before the usual blessing of the meal, you might want to begin with a reading of the Prologue of John's Gospel. It is a beautiful and powerful way to remember the "reason for the season." ----------------------------- *Signup for our next free online Deliverance Session: Monday, January 8th from 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Go to: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/january-8th-online-deliverance-prayer-session or click here. **Last chance before the end of the year to donate to our rapidly expanding deliverance ministry. It is tax deductible. Donate: www.catholicexorcism.org/donate Thank you! We are funded by the generosity of our worldwide family.
- Exorcist Diary #269: The Emotions of Demons
["Satan descends upon Earth," Gustave Doré, 1832-1883] At the beginning of a recent exorcism, as is typical, the demons began to manifest and the afflicted person's consciousness receded into the background. Looking at the person's face, which had now become the demons' face, a look of pure rage crossed the eyes and visage. As the one-hour session progressed, the look of rage turned into terror. By the end of the session, the look morphed into one of complete despair. There are several well known primary signs of possession such as speaking unknown languages or occult knowledge, but there are also secondary signs. These are not conclusive of a demonic presence but a possible indication of one. In this case, the emotions of rage, terror, and despair came straight from hell. In the beginning of the process of an exorcism, the demons, like any narcissist, are full of arrogant bluster. But it is an empty show and covers over their inner cowardice and weakness. As the session wears on and they are confronted with the Truth, their underlying fear and terror come to the fore. They are terrified of Jesus and all that is holy. By the end of the session, as they face their ultimate defeat and doom, their despair can be palpable. Demons do not have bodies and thus do not experience emotions in the same way humans do. Their emotions are unfiltered by a body and are thus purely spiritual. I believe that such emotions in a purely spiritual life are more powerful, purer and more real. In this case, the rage, terror and despair of demons overwhelms and consumes them. I have heard that the emotions of the blessed in the Kingdom are likewise powerful, pure and real. But the blessed are filled with joy, peace and love. These spiritual emotions naturally overflow into a canticle of praise to our beautiful God, a song unique to each soul who sings it. I have been an exorcist for many years. Ironically, facing all that evil has spontaneously turned my eyes heavenward. In the midst of the spiritual battle, whiffs of joy and eternal life pass through our sessions- a harbinger of what is to come. ------------------ *Register for our Dec 9th (11am-2pm Eastern USA time) online workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from Evil" with Msgr. Rossetti and Gina, followed by a deliverance session. Partial and full scholarships available at: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8382139423552810076 **Signup for our next free online Deliverance Session: Monday, January 8th from 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Go to: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/january-8th-online-deliverance-prayer-session or click here. ***Have you seen our very popular "Pray With Me" section of our website? There are short 3-5 minute prayer sessions for a variety of specific needs such as combatting depression, unwanted distressing thoughts, healing inner wounds, and overcoming a porn addiction. Click here.
- Exorcist Diary #268: The Mystery of Evil
["St Francis Meditating on a Skull," Caravaggio, 1606] I continue to be stunned at the behavior of demons. During an exorcism, they scream and scream and scream but do not leave....until finally forced at the end. For them, an exorcism can best be described as pouring boiling oil over them and lighting it. I am impressed by their ability to withstand pain, no doubt acquired from eons of suffering in hell. But why do they do it? In fact, as the ancient Rite of Exorcism tells them, "The longer you delay, the deeper your punishment." God, in His justice, will punish them not only for their original disobedience in rejecting Him, but also for each moment they are tormenting a human being. Thus, at the final judgment, their eternal torment will be much worse than the present. They know this, yet they persist. This is the mystery of evil. The demons threw off the loving freedom of obeying God for the slavish obedience to the most sadistic narcissist of all- Satan. They threw off the joys and peace of God's kingdom for an eternity of torment. At the very beginning, they were given an infused full knowledge of all the ugly ramifications of a rejection of God, yet they persisted. And they still do.* Each demon is a different being with a different personality. However, as an exorcist, I notice that all are the same in being consumed by rage, hatred and a desire for revenge. This is what unites them. Their every action is meant to deceive and to destroy. But the one who is first and most destroyed by their actions is themselves. Evil is, by its very nature, self-defeating. While we human beings are not given a complete infused knowledge of the ramifications of our decisions as the angels were, we should be learning by experience. We should be learning that the "wages of sin is death" (Rm 6:23) and that only in God do we find true joy and peace. But like the demons, many humans are likewise locked into a compulsive death spiral. Many humans, by their own choices, are committed to evil and thus committed to their own destruction. This is the mystery of evil. I feel a great sadness when I contemplate it. I do what I can to announce the Good News, especially on our social media accounts which reach many, especially the young. I pray that the grace of God would touch each of them, especially those inured in evil, and they would turn to the light before it is too late. Please join me in fervently praying for the conversion of souls. "People must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants." William Penn ------------------------------- *Catholic Catechism #393- It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes angel’s sin unforgivable. "There is no repentance for angels just as there is no repentance for man after death.” **Register for our Dec 9th (11am-2pm Eastern USA time) online workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from Evil" with Msgr. Rossetti and Gina, followed by a deliverance session. Partial and full scholarships available at: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8382139423552810076 ***Are you being called to a deeper prayer life? Order Msgr. Rossetti's book: "When the Lion Roars: A Guide for the Unsuspecting Mystic":
- Exorcist Diary #267: Demons Harass Lay Team Member
["Mankind Beset by Devils" (reverse of Noah Panel), Hieronymus Bosch, 1500-1504] I received a slightly panicked text from one of our lay exorcism team members. She texted: "Just got a call from home and our toilets randomly began overflowing and the house has flooded. My daughter turned off the water to the house. They can find no explanation...My husband wants to know if there is liability insurance against demonic affliction. 😊" I responded: "I am serious: throw some holy water on them." Her daughter doused the toilets with holy water. Sure enough, it stopped. The plumber arrived shortly thereafter and found nothing wrong. This is interesting on several levels. First: demons only do such harassment during big cases. The priest-exorcist and the lay member were indeed right in the middle of a high value case for the demonic world. So Satan would invest additional resources include harassing the team. Second: it is important to note that the dark work was harassing a lay team member. Demons do not do random- the dark world always has a motive and a goal for their actions. In exorcisms, they usually target those key folks present whom they believe are directly affecting the process in a significant way. This particular lay woman not only organizes the sessions, she also is a spiritual director to several of the afflicted, is a prayer presence during the sessions, and is a spiritual sensitive as well. Her presence is a threat. They want to get rid of her. Clogging up her toilets is the best they can do at this point. (Demons are chained and limited by God in what they can do.) It immediately occurred to me to douse the toilets with holy water because this is not the first time this has happened. Several years ago, during another very high value case, one of the priests complained that his rectory toilets were inexplicably clogged and the plumbers, after two weeks of work, could not fix the problem. I suggested holy water and, after being doused, the toilets were immediately functional again. Demons tend to gravitate to that which is dirty, smelly and ugly. While the ministry of exorcism is led by a designated priest, the presence of the laity is not incidental. Rather, they are a key part of the process. This harassment by the Evil One is a witness to their importance. For her and all of our dedicated laity and prayer warriors who fight so valiantly against the Dark World, thank you! And as I noted during the previous incident, "Sometimes in life you need a plumber, but other times, you need a bit of holy water."* -------------- *See: Stephen J. Rossetti, "Diary of an American Exorcist," Sophia Institute Press, 2021, p.33, Order here: https://sophiainstitute.com/product/diary-of-an-american-exorcist/&_rt_nonce=44e14cc3ea **Register for our Dec 9th (11am-2pm Eastern USA time) online workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from Evil" with Msgr. Rossetti and Gina, followed by a deliverance session. Partial and full scholarships available at: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8382139423552810076
- Exorcist Diary #266: Are Satan's 100 Years Up?
["Last Judgment," Michelangelo, 1536-1541] Why is it that only in the last few years, after decades of a long drought, has the Church actually started to train exorcists? When I started in this ministry years ago, there were only a handful of exorcists and no formal training. Even now, despite the Holy See's request that every diocese have an exorcist, there are still entire countries without any. Moreover, almost all seminaries still do not include any deliverance training. Now, however, there is a veritable explosion of interest here and in some countries abroad, and many young priests are getting involved in deliverance work. St. Michael Center provides on-going training for exorcists and has trained hundreds of priests in the deliverance ministry, including how to recognize the presence of the Evil One and cast him out in Jesus' name. Previously, Satan was able to hide and go about doing his destructive work in secret. Those days are rapidly disappearing. Why the change? Here is a quote from an article from the Catholic News Agency: On October 13, 1884 Pope Leo XIII, just after celebrating Mass, turned pale and collapsed as though dead. Those standing nearby rushed to his side. They found him alive but the pontiff looked frightened. He then recounted having a vision of Satan approaching the throne of God, boasting that he could destroy the Church. According to Pope Leo XIII the Lord reminded him that his Church was imperishable. Satan then replied, “Grant me one century and more power of those who will serve me, and I will destroy it.” Our Lord granted him 100 years. The 20th century was a particularly brutal century with two world wars and more. But now, the 100 years are up. The Church has not been destroyed. And a growing army of exorcists together with a multitude of faith-filled, zealous laity are fighting back, by the power of Christ. This closing battle, culminating the end of the 100 years, is upon us. The presence of Satan is no longer hidden. The battle is out front and clear. 300 Catholic Churches in the U.S.A. have been attacked since May 2020 and the number is escalating. Hundreds of thousands of people are openly claiming to be witches, wiccans, occult practitioners, and/or Satanists. Fundamental moral values are being openly challenged to the degradation of people and their families, including our children. Statues of the evil demon, Baphomet, are being publicly enshrined. The Bible tells us: "For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits..." (Eph 6:12). But we are confident and at peace. In an exorcism, when I hear the demons, including Baphomet, howl and scream when they merely look upon a crucifix or are sprinkled with holy water, I am reminded that even the most powerful demons are dust in the presence of the Son of God. St. Michael and the faithful angels cast out Lucifer and his minions at the beginning of time and will do so definitively at the end. This time, they will have a little help from their friends. ---------------- *Next free online deliverance session is next Monday, Nov 13th at 7-8pm Eastern USA time. There are already over 10,000 registered. Join us in prayer with people from all over the world. Register here: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/november-13th-online-deliverance-prayer-session **Register for our Dec 9th (11am-2pm Eastern USA time) online workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from Evil" with Msgr. Rossetti, Fr. Luke and Gina. Partial and full scholarships available at: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8382139423552810076 ***Great news: Our app "Catholic Exorcism" has been updated and the new version is now available. ****Sample of Feedback from October 2023 Online Deliverance Session The prayer “I Am Loved” moved me to tears as I suffer from feelings of hurt, and rejection from family members and loved ones. It is always good to know and feel God's healing love! I feel a sense of joy. Thank you!! By God's grace, after the deliverance, I experienced renewed physical strength, i.e., my body returned to normal. Before the deliverance I was careful with my actions, afterward I could move about normally and do chores as before. What an amazing experience that was! …And, when things seem especially trying, I rewatch those sessions as needed. Thank you so much! I cried when Msgr lifted financial curses and when he asked God the Father to wrap His arms around us. I suffer from not believing that I can be loved due to past sins. The final blessing was the most powerful. Thank you! Truly beautiful! I have been having bad dreams for about 20 years…After 1 deliverance session, they have mostly gone away! Thank you! Today I was able to watch a live session and was shocked how powerful it was. I felt like I was lightheaded and had pressure in my head during the removing of curses. I was horrified to learn how I have opened myself up dabbling with the new age and going to energy healers…I plan on rewatching this service and continue praying the rosary everyday and attend confession this week. I also will be attending mass. I can’t tell you how humbled I feel. How at peace and calm I feel. I felt a deep peace during the session that I haven't felt in a very very very long time. Thank you so much for doing these sessions. God Bless You!! The biggest effect in my life from attending these sessions is the loosening of the grip of fear, oppression, and the increase in the surrender to the love of God and His will. Had a feeling of God’s grace coming over me, like a warmth. Thank you, I feel a great peace and a joy and am filled with gratitude following the session today. Felt at peace and joy! Thank you. After tonight's session, I have this great sense of peace. I will sleep peacefully tonight for the first time in a while. Thank you so very much! I know God really Loves me, feeling His love flowing over and in me. I felt a "heaviness" leave me. Felt the light I’ve never felt in a while. I have finally been liberated from the vice of wrath and am thankful for God's mercy and grace in response to [the] prayers. I was quite troubled and worried about my current health condition and felt lost, fearful, and unsettled. After the prayer session, I felt so much peace, especially with the prayer “I Am Loved”. I felt the joy and peace enter into my heart and slept with a smile on my face feeling God's love is always with me. Thank you so much for all the prayers and blessings! Praise the Lord! As we began the prayers to remove generational spirits and to cast out specific evil spirits I burst out crying. I felt a release of emotions at that time, it felt as if I was crying in the arms of the Lord Christ and He was soothing my soul. When I started doing these deliverance prayer sessions almost a year ago, I was carrying a tremendous burden. I felt the burden physically. It weighed down on my neck and shoulders. I was under constant attack by the Evil One. Now the weight is gone. God bless you all!! Thank you!! During the prayer for healing of family conflict and discord, all of a sudden I started shaking sobbing. Its been a trial lately in that area for me. I woke up the next day feeling lighter, it was easier to get out of bed, normally a fight. Thank you I really felt that one and a release. God bless you. Wow.....very, very powerful. I felt a major release in my heart, of forgiveness for my husband who has hurt me deeply. The exchange of hearts with Jesus has been powerful for me. I feel a greater closeness to him, and an increased ability to love others. Thank you for all you are doing. My fever went away as the service progressed. I felt and saw a big black shadow lift from my head and I felt instantly better and happier. A lot of stress left me and I have been able to get more done this week. My family also seems to be doing a little better as well. Thank You, Jesus. Amen. I experienced healing. I can now walk without a cane. I was bed-ridden for 3 months, and on a gurney, wheel chaise, walker then cane. I praise and thank God for these blessings. Unexpectedly, I cried through much of the session. The tears were not sad, but felt like a healing, peaceful release. Thank you for doing this! Grace-filled and powerful. These sessions are a blessing to my priesthood and others involved in our parish and mission ministries, outreach and prayer groups. God bless all involved. Thank you! What I am experiencing is a deeper awe and love for my Catholic faith. My wife and I have attended many of the sessions. We always feel closer to God and filled with the Holy Spirit after the sessions. The sessions strengthen our faith and give us hope and joy. I received a 100% healing in my hand that was in great pain. I have noticed that since I have begun participating in these prayer sessions, many things in my family's life have changed for the better. I used to be envious when I would read that people felt lighter and more peaceful after sessions. This time I actually felt a heaviness was lifted from me. I felt an air of peace. It was amazing. Thank you so much. I've definitely noticed subtle changes over this time period. I don't get the self-hatred, dislike, down on myself, and feel worthless as frequently or severe as I once did. It still happens from time to time. I felt St. Michael and his angels near me! A deep feeling of peace and cleansing, that goes beyond words. I had to watch the recording, but it was just as powerful. God has this ministry at work! … It is a miraculous blessing in my life. Overwhelming peace. I like the live sessions because I can experience a communal sense of prayer, joining my prayers with other participants and to pray for their intentions as well as my own. Both my husband and I attended online, we both felt a sense of peace during and afterwards… I’ve noticed for me that the people and issues of the past have become less and less intense as if healing in a slow and steady path over time…I’ve been attending every month for about a year. Thank you so much for these sessions!!! As I am in Germany it is very late for me (1am), but I was impressed how many people were online. Awesome! Thanks for what you are doing! Keep going. After exiting the prayer session, I felt joy and had mental clarity that I haven’t experienced in a very long time. I will be attending these as often as they are available. Thank you so much. I experienced coughing, crying, and then a sense of relief and well-being. Thank you so much. These sessions are very soothing. Complete peace by end of session...thank you!
- Exorcist Diary #265: Breaking Satanic Contracts
["Engraving of Faust's pact with Mephisto", Adolf Gnauth (c. 1840)] Some have come to me in a panic believing they have made a contract with Satan. Many of them suffer from major mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. It is not uncommon that such individuals, as part of their thought disorder, will erroneously believe such a contract was made and that they are possessed. But typically they are not. The scrupulous will also tell me they made a Satanic contract. They become scrupulous over spurious unwanted evil thoughts that cross their minds and conclude they made a contract with the Evil One. Again, it is not so. Contracts with Satan are made with clear consent of free will in which the individual tries to obtain some benefit such as financial or job benefit, love or relation enhancing, or revenge against a hated other, through occult means. There are more than a few people in today's society who DO make contracts with Satan, often unwittingly. A few days ago, a group of us exorcists were graced to have an informal discussion with Rob Miller, author of "Satan's Trap." Rob spent 27 years in the occult and is very knowledgeable on this subject. At one point he said, "Anytime you enter into any, any occult practice or ritual, you are making a contract with the Devil...It's a business contract: you are asking, for example, for $1,000 for your rent and you do a ritual for it. You're making a business deal with the Devil. But it's a one-sided deal. You only find out later when your life falls apart. You're gonna wish you never asked for the $1,000." The Good News is that, on our website, under "Pray With Me: Lifting Contracts With Satan" there is a short video to break Satanic contracts. Contrary to what demons tell people, Jesus can and does nullify such contracts. The Cross and Resurrection smashed the power of Satan and this liberation is available to all. For those who have made contracts with Satan, ask Jesus to nullify each and every one. In addition, it is important to go to confession and receive sacramental healing and forgiveness. In any contract with the Evil One, all the recipient ends up receiving is misery and death. Jesus gives us true freedom and life, and asks for nothing in return except that we love and trust Him. In Him, we have all we want and all we hope to be. ---------------- *Next free online deliverance session is Monday, Nov 13th at 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register here: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/november-13th-online-deliverance-prayer-session **Register for our Dec 9th (11am-2pm Eastern USA time) online workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from Evil" with Msgr. Rossetti, Fr. Luke and Gina. Partial and full scholarships available at: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8382139423552810076 ***Great news: Our app "Catholic Exorcism" is being updated and a new version will be available very soon. ****Sample of Feedback from October 2023 Online Deliverance Session The prayer “I Am Loved” moved me to tears as I suffer from feelings of hurt, and rejection from family members and loved ones. It is always good to know and feel God's healing love! I feel a sense of joy. Thank you!! By God's grace, after the deliverance, I experienced renewed physical strength, i.e., my body returned to normal. Before the deliverance I was careful with my actions, afterward I could move about normally and do chores as before. What an amazing experience that was! …And, when things seem especially trying, I rewatch those sessions as needed. Thank you so much! I cried when Msgr lifted financial curses and when he asked God the Father to wrap His arms around us. I suffer from not believing that I can be loved due to past sins. The final blessing was the most powerful. Thank you! Truly beautiful! I have been having bad dreams for about 20 years…After 1 deliverance session, they have mostly gone away! Thank you! Today I was able to watch a live session and was shocked how powerful it was. I felt like I was lightheaded and had pressure in my head during the removing of curses. I was horrified to learn how I have opened myself up dabbling with the new age and going to energy healers…I plan on rewatching this service and continue praying the rosary everyday and attend confession this week. I also will be attending mass. I can’t tell you how humbled I feel. How at peace and calm I feel. I felt a deep peace during the session that I haven't felt in a very very very long time. Thank you so much for doing these sessions. God Bless You!! The biggest effect in my life from attending these sessions is the loosening of the grip of fear, oppression, and the increase in the surrender to the love of God and His will. Had a feeling of God’s grace coming over me, like a warmth. Thank you, I feel a great peace and a joy and am filled with gratitude following the session today. Felt at peace and joy! Thank you. After tonight's session, I have this great sense of peace. I will sleep peacefully tonight for the first time in a while. Thank you so very much! I know God really Loves me, feeling His love flowing over and in me. I felt a "heaviness" leave me. Felt the light I’ve never felt in a while. I have finally been liberated from the vice of wrath and am thankful for God's mercy and grace in response to [the] prayers. I was quite troubled and worried about my current health condition and felt lost, fearful, and unsettled. After the prayer session, I felt so much peace, especially with the prayer “I Am Loved”. I felt the joy and peace enter into my heart and slept with a smile on my face feeling God's love is always with me. Thank you so much for all the prayers and blessings! Praise the Lord! As we began the prayers to remove generational spirits and to cast out specific evil spirits I burst out crying. I felt a release of emotions at that time, it felt as if I was crying in the arms of the Lord Christ and He was soothing my soul. When I started doing these deliverance prayer sessions almost a year ago, I was carrying a tremendous burden. I felt the burden physically. It weighed down on my neck and shoulders. I was under constant attack by the Evil One. Now the weight is gone. God bless you all!! Thank you!! During the prayer for healing of family conflict and discord, all of a sudden I started shaking sobbing. Its been a trial lately in that area for me. I woke up the next day feeling lighter, it was easier to get out of bed, normally a fight. Thank you I really felt that one and a release. God bless you. Wow.....very, very powerful. I felt a major release in my heart, of forgiveness for my husband who has hurt me deeply. The exchange of hearts with Jesus has been powerful for me. I feel a greater closeness to him, and an increased ability to love others. Thank you for all you are doing. My fever went away as the service progressed. I felt and saw a big black shadow lift from my head and I felt instantly better and happier. A lot of stress left me and I have been able to get more done this week. My family also seems to be doing a little better as well. Thank You, Jesus. Amen. I experienced healing. I can now walk without a cane. I was bed-ridden for 3 months, and on a gurney, wheel chaise, walker then cane. I praise and thank God for these blessings. Unexpectedly, I cried through much of the session. The tears were not sad, but felt like a healing, peaceful release. Thank you for doing this! Grace-filled and powerful. These sessions are a blessing to my priesthood and others involved in our parish and mission ministries, outreach and prayer groups. God bless all involved. Thank you! What I am experiencing is a deeper awe and love for my Catholic faith. My wife and I have attended many of the sessions. We always feel closer to God and filled with the Holy Spirit after the sessions. The sessions strengthen our faith and give us hope and joy. I received a 100% healing in my hand that was in great pain. I have noticed that since I have begun participating in these prayer sessions, many things in my family's life have changed for the better. I used to be envious when I would read that people felt lighter and more peaceful after sessions. This time I actually felt a heaviness was lifted from me. I felt an air of peace. It was amazing. Thank you so much. I've definitely noticed subtle changes over this time period. I don't get the self-hatred, dislike, down on myself, and feel worthless as frequently or severe as I once did. It still happens from time to time. I felt St. Michael and his angels near me! A deep feeling of peace and cleansing, that goes beyond words. I had to watch the recording, but it was just as powerful. God has this ministry at work! … It is a miraculous blessing in my life. Overwhelming peace. I like the live sessions because I can experience a communal sense of prayer, joining my prayers with other participants and to pray for their intentions as well as my own. Both my husband and I attended online, we both felt a sense of peace during and afterwards… I’ve noticed for me that the people and issues of the past have become less and less intense as if healing in a slow and steady path over time…I’ve been attending every month for about a year. Thank you so much for these sessions!!! As I am in Germany it is very late for me (1am), but I was impressed how many people were online. Awesome! Thanks for what you are doing! Keep going. After exiting the prayer session, I felt joy and had mental clarity that I haven’t experienced in a very long time. I will be attending these as often as they are available. Thank you so much. I experienced coughing, crying, and then a sense of relief and well-being. Thank you so much. These sessions are very soothing. Complete peace by end of session...thank you!
- Exorcist Diary #264: The Rosary Electroshocks Demons
["Our Lady of the Rosary", Simone Cantarini, 1612-1648] A woman told me that she was being attacked and harassed by demons. She said, "I was so desperate that I started praying the Holy Rosary every day. When I pray the Rosary, it feels as if it [the demon] is being electrocuted. The shaking, the jerking, is intense. The Rosary feels like an electroshock to this thing." She feels the reaction of the demons because, as she said, "This 'thing' inside of me reacts differently to different prayers and holy things. We seem to be somehow intertwined and it communicates to me its 'feelings and sensations.'"... This is a symptom of the experience of having demons- an intertwining of personalities. She added that when praying the Rosary: "It especially hates the 'forgive us our trespasses' part of the Our Father and the 'pray for us sinners' part of the Hail Mary. I often get hit [by demons] when I pray those." Not coincidentally, she is repenting for her sins that allowed the demons to enter. Her repentance helps to close the demonic portal. In many Marian apparitions and in the experiences of many great saints, the Rosary is held up as a most powerful and important prayer. To some it may not seem like much- mostly a collection of two common prayers: the Our Father and the Hail Mary, while meditating on the mysteries. But what gives the Rosary its power is not any sort of multiplication of prayers or innate power to the words. Rather, it is a plea to a most powerful person, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She promises great graces to those who pray it and trust in her intercession with her Son. In this case, Our Lady promises that the Rosary will be a powerful armor against hell. Indeed, it is. ---------------------------- *Next free online deliverance session is Monday, Nov 13th at 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register here: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/november-13th-online-deliverance-prayer-session **Register for our Dec 9th (11am-2pm Eastern USA time) online workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from Evil" with Msgr. Rossetti, Fr. Luke and Gina. Partial and full scholarships available at: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8382139423552810076 ***Sample of Feedback from October 2023 Online Deliverance Session The prayer “I Am Loved” moved me to tears as I suffer from feelings of hurt, and rejection from family members and loved ones. It is always good to know and feel God's healing love! I feel a sense of joy. Thank you!! By God's grace, after the deliverance, I experienced renewed physical strength, i.e., my body returned to normal. Before the deliverance I was careful with my actions, afterward I could move about normally and do chores as before. What an amazing experience that was! …And, when things seem especially trying, I rewatch those sessions as needed. Thank you so much! I cried when Msgr lifted financial curses and when he asked God the Father to wrap His arms around us. I suffer from not believing that I can be loved due to past sins. The final blessing was the most powerful. Thank you! Truly beautiful! I have been having bad dreams for about 20 years…After 1 deliverance session, they have mostly gone away! Thank you! Today I was able to watch a live session and was shocked how powerful it was. I felt like I was lightheaded and had pressure in my head during the removing of curses. I was horrified to learn how I have opened myself up dabbling with the new age and going to energy healers…I plan on rewatching this service and continue praying the rosary everyday and attend confession this week. I also will be attending mass. I can’t tell you how humbled I feel. How at peace and calm I feel. I felt a deep peace during the session that I haven't felt in a very very very long time. Thank you so much for doing these sessions. God Bless You!! The biggest effect in my life from attending these sessions is the loosening of the grip of fear, oppression, and the increase in the surrender to the love of God and His will. Had a feeling of God’s grace coming over me, like a warmth. Thank you, I feel a great peace and a joy and am filled with gratitude following the session today. Felt at peace and joy! Thank you. After tonight's session, I have this great sense of peace. I will sleep peacefully tonight for the first time in a while. Thank you so very much! I know God really Loves me, feeling His love flowing over and in me. I felt a "heaviness" leave me. Felt the light I’ve never felt in a while. I have finally been liberated from the vice of wrath and am thankful for God's mercy and grace in response to [the] prayers. I was quite troubled and worried about my current health condition and felt lost, fearful, and unsettled. After the prayer session, I felt so much peace, especially with the prayer “I Am Loved”. I felt the joy and peace enter into my heart and slept with a smile on my face feeling God's love is always with me. Thank you so much for all the prayers and blessings! Praise the Lord! As we began the prayers to remove generational spirits and to cast out specific evil spirits I burst out crying. I felt a release of emotions at that time, it felt as if I was crying in the arms of the Lord Christ and He was soothing my soul. When I started doing these deliverance prayer sessions almost a year ago, I was carrying a tremendous burden. I felt the burden physically. It weighed down on my neck and shoulders. I was under constant attack by the Evil One. Now the weight is gone. God bless you all!! Thank you!! During the prayer for healing of family conflict and discord, all of a sudden I started shaking sobbing. Its been a trial lately in that area for me. I woke up the next day feeling lighter, it was easier to get out of bed, normally a fight. Thank you I really felt that one and a release. God bless you. Wow.....very, very powerful. I felt a major release in my heart, of forgiveness for my husband who has hurt me deeply. The exchange of hearts with Jesus has been powerful for me. I feel a greater closeness to him, and an increased ability to love others. Thank you for all you are doing. My fever went away as the service progressed. I felt and saw a big black shadow lift from my head and I felt instantly better and happier. A lot of stress left me and I have been able to get more done this week. My family also seems to be doing a little better as well. Thank You, Jesus. Amen. I experienced healing. I can now walk without a cane. I was bed-ridden for 3 months, and on a gurney, wheel chaise, walker then cane. I praise and thank God for these blessings. Unexpectedly, I cried through much of the session. The tears were not sad, but felt like a healing, peaceful release. Thank you for doing this! Grace-filled and powerful. These sessions are a blessing to my priesthood and others involved in our parish and mission ministries, outreach and prayer groups. God bless all involved. Thank you! What I am experiencing is a deeper awe and love for my Catholic faith. My wife and I have attended many of the sessions. We always feel closer to God and filled with the Holy Spirit after the sessions. The sessions strengthen our faith and give us hope and joy. I received a 100% healing in my hand that was in great pain. I have noticed that since I have begun participating in these prayer sessions, many things in my family's life have changed for the better. I used to be envious when I would read that people felt lighter and more peaceful after sessions. This time I actually felt a heaviness was lifted from me. I felt an air of peace. It was amazing. Thank you so much. I've definitely noticed subtle changes over this time period. I don't get the self-hatred, dislike, down on myself, and feel worthless as frequently or severe as I once did. It still happens from time to time. I felt St. Michael and his angels near me! A deep feeling of peace and cleansing, that goes beyond words. I had to watch the recording, but it was just as powerful. God has this ministry at work! … It is a miraculous blessing in my life. Overwhelming peace. I like the live sessions because I can experience a communal sense of prayer, joining my prayers with other participants and to pray for their intentions as well as my own. Both my husband and I attended online, we both felt a sense of peace during and afterwards… I’ve noticed for me that the people and issues of the past have become less and less intense as if healing in a slow and steady path over time…I’ve been attending every month for about a year. Thank you so much for these sessions!!! As I am in Germany it is very late for me (1am), but I was impressed how many people were online. Awesome! Thanks for what you are doing! Keep going. After exiting the prayer session, I felt joy and had mental clarity that I haven’t experienced in a very long time. I will be attending these as often as they are available. Thank you so much. I experienced coughing, crying, and then a sense of relief and well-being. Thank you so much. These sessions are very soothing. Complete peace by end of session...thank you!
- Exorcist Diary #263: Can Witches Heal?
["Christ Healing the Paralytic at Bethesda," Palma il Giovane, 1592] Our monthly online deliverance sessions continue to be a powerful spiritual experience, thanks be to God, with thousands praying together from around the world.* We receive hundreds of wonderful notes after each session.*** One in particular from this week caught my eye: Dear Msgr. Rossetti and team: I have been praying with you for over a year now. I was involved with witchcraft and divination during the pandemic and now I am suffering the consequences. I had a "healing ritual" performed on me by a witch and I have been experiencing what I believe is demonic oppression ever since (there is something moving up and down my body, and weighing me down, making it hard to walk and move properly). I got many medical checks and a psychiatric evaluation but it looks like it is all normal there. [When I pray] the shaking and jerking is intense. Going to church was tough and is still a bit hard. This thing starts to shake violently and hits me from inside when I enter a church so you can imagine what it is like! Not to mention the aversion and repulsion I felt. The worst part is getting close to a Tabernacle. My heart starts beating so fast; it feels like I'm going to have a heart attack. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find much assistance where I live so thank you very much for what you are doing, the help and comfort your have been providing has been invaluable. I wanted to let you know a couple of things that have happened lately. First, I have expelled a black thread from my intestines. I don't want to get too graphic here, but the thread exited completely clean, looking as if a knot had been untied. I haven't improved too much but I hope it is a step in the right direction. Also, I got scratched at the beginning of the session last night. Actually I get scratched quite regularly but this is not the worst thing I have to deal with. Last year I couldn't even pray because hell would break loose in my room: loud bangs, creaks and other noises. They have now disappeared. Often I would smell burnt charcoal inside my throat, as if it was coming directly from my lungs (and I don't smoke!). It still happens but a lot less than it used to. Thank you all once again. Thank you, thank you, thank you to you and all your team. Hopefully your prayers will guide me to a way out of this nightmare. I send you all a virtual hug. [Used with permission] There are some validating signs here which are typical of a demonic presence. As a result of her dabbling in the occult, she has a strong aversion to the sacred (church, prayer, tabernacle). Demons react strongly and negatively to anything holy. Also, there are physical manifestations in her room when she prays including "bangs, creaks and other noises." She also has negative physical symptoms typical of the demonic including being scratched and the taste of "burnt charcoal" in her throat. Very telling is her passing from her body a "fortuna," in this case a black thread, which is associated with witches' curses. Passing a fortuna is a sign that progress is being made in lifting the curse. Finally, in response to sacraments and prayers, she is slowly getting better. More than a few people seek healing through witchcraft and occult rituals, often with good intentions. There are "healing witches," "curanderos," and "shamans" who promise healing magic. Those who come to us after seeing such occult healers often report an initial feeling of relief after these magic rituals, but then the problems become much worse. Good intentions do not alter the reality that when the true God is not invoked in spiritual practices, dark spirits will often respond, as this person tragically found out. There is one safe source for healing: Jesus. Many of the thousands who attend our online healing sessions experience a healing grace through Jesus. And if Jesus does not give us the grace we want, He will give us the grace we need. This always includes the strength to endure in faith whatever comes. The Christian learns to trust in God. Unfortunately, this life is often a "vale of tears." But, whatever comes, we trust that God is in charge and, in Him, all things that come our way will ultimately be for our good. "We know that all things work for good for those who love God" (Rm 8:28). ------------- *Next free online deliverance session is Monday, Nov 13th 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register here: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/november-13th-online-deliverance-prayer-session **Register for our Dec 9th (11am-2pm Eastern USA time) online workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from Evil" with Msgr. Rossetti, Fr. Luke and Gina. Partial and full scholarships available at: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8382139423552810076 ***Sample of Feedback from October 2023 Online Deliverance Session The prayer “I Am Loved” moved me to tears as I suffer from feelings of hurt, and rejection from family members and loved ones. It is always good to know and feel God's healing love! I feel a sense of joy. Thank you!! By God's grace, after the deliverance, I experienced renewed physical strength, i.e., my body returned to normal. Before the deliverance I was careful with my actions, afterward I could move about normally and do chores as before. What an amazing experience that was! …And, when things seem especially trying, I rewatch those sessions as needed. Thank you so much! I cried when Msgr lifted financial curses and when he asked God the Father to wrap His arms around us. I suffer from not believing that I can be loved due to past sins. The final blessing was the most powerful. Thank you! Truly beautiful! I have been having bad dreams for about 20 years…After 1 deliverance session, they have mostly gone away! Thank you! Today I was able to watch a live session and was shocked how powerful it was. I felt like I was lightheaded and had pressure in my head during the removing of curses. I was horrified to learn how I have opened myself up dabbling with the new age and going to energy healers…I plan on rewatching this service and continue praying the rosary everyday and attend confession this week. I also will be attending mass. I can’t tell you how humbled I feel. How at peace and calm I feel. I felt a deep peace during the session that I haven't felt in a very very very long time. Thank you so much for doing these sessions. God Bless You!! The biggest effect in my life from attending these sessions is the loosening of the grip of fear, oppression, and the increase in the surrender to the love of God and His will. Had a feeling of God’s grace coming over me, like a warmth. Thank you, I feel a great peace and a joy and am filled with gratitude following the session today. Felt at peace and joy! Thank you. After tonight's session, I have this great sense of peace. I will sleep peacefully tonight for the first time in a while. Thank you so very much! I know God really Loves me, feeling His love flowing over and in me. I felt a "heaviness" leave me. Felt the light I’ve never felt in a while. I have finally been liberated from the vice of wrath and am thankful for God's mercy and grace in response to [the] prayers. I was quite troubled and worried about my current health condition and felt lost, fearful, and unsettled. After the prayer session, I felt so much peace, especially with the prayer “I Am Loved”. I felt the joy and peace enter into my heart and slept with a smile on my face feeling God's love is always with me. Thank you so much for all the prayers and blessings! Praise the Lord! As we began the prayers to remove generational spirits and to cast out specific evil spirits I burst out crying. I felt a release of emotions at that time, it felt as if I was crying in the arms of the Lord Christ and He was soothing my soul. When I started doing these deliverance prayer sessions almost a year ago, I was carrying a tremendous burden. I felt the burden physically. It weighed down on my neck and shoulders. I was under constant attack by the Evil One. Now the weight is gone. God bless you all!! Thank you!! During the prayer for healing of family conflict and discord, all of a sudden I started shaking sobbing. Its been a trial lately in that area for me. I woke up the next day feeling lighter, it was easier to get out of bed, normally a fight. Thank you I really felt that one and a release. God bless you. Wow.....very, very powerful. I felt a major release in my heart, of forgiveness for my husband who has hurt me deeply. The exchange of hearts with Jesus has been powerful for me. I feel a greater closeness to him, and an increased ability to love others. Thank you for all you are doing. My fever went away as the service progressed. I felt and saw a big black shadow lift from my head and I felt instantly better and happier. A lot of stress left me and I have been able to get more done this week. My family also seems to be doing a little better as well. Thank You, Jesus. Amen. I experienced healing. I can now walk without a cane. I was bed-ridden for 3 months, and on a gurney, wheel chaise, walker then cane. I praise and thank God for these blessings. Unexpectedly, I cried through much of the session. The tears were not sad, but felt like a healing, peaceful release. Thank you for doing this! Grace-filled and powerful. These sessions are a blessing to my priesthood and others involved in our parish and mission ministries, outreach and prayer groups. God bless all involved. Thank you! What I am experiencing is a deeper awe and love for my Catholic faith. My wife and I have attended many of the sessions. We always feel closer to God and filled with the Holy Spirit after the sessions. The sessions strengthen our faith and give us hope and joy. I received a 100% healing in my hand that was in great pain. I have noticed that since I have begun participating in these prayer sessions, many things in my family's life have changed for the better. I used to be envious when I would read that people felt lighter and more peaceful after sessions. This time I actually felt a heaviness was lifted from me. I felt an air of peace. It was amazing. Thank you so much. I've definitely noticed subtle changes over this time period. I don't get the self-hatred, dislike, down on myself, and feel worthless as frequently or severe as I once did. It still happens from time to time. I felt St. Michael and his angels near me! A deep feeling of peace and cleansing, that goes beyond words. I had to watch the recording, but it was just as powerful. God has this ministry at work! … It is a miraculous blessing in my life. Overwhelming peace. I like the live sessions because I can experience a communal sense of prayer, joining my prayers with other participants and to pray for their intentions as well as my own. Both my husband and I attended online, we both felt a sense of peace during and afterwards… I’ve noticed for me that the people and issues of the past have become less and less intense as if healing in a slow and steady path over time…I’ve been attending every month for about a year. Thank you so much for these sessions!!! As I am in Germany it is very late for me (1am), but I was impressed how many people were online. Awesome! Thanks for what you are doing! Keep going. After exiting the prayer session, I felt joy and had mental clarity that I haven’t experienced in a very long time. I will be attending these as often as they are available. Thank you so much. I experienced coughing, crying, and then a sense of relief and well-being. Thank you so much. These sessions are very soothing. Complete peace by end of session...thank you!
- Exorcist Diary #262: The Dark Fruits of Witchcraft
[Resurrection: Jesus lifting up Adam and Eve, Anastasis, Mary Green] A man in his 30's self-referred for an exorcism. He confessed to having been involved with witchcraft for the past seven years. He started his own coven and was deeply into casting spells and magic. As I was praying over him, I was struck by the darkness, unhappiness, isolation and depressive mood he exuded. I mentioned it and he said knew it was the result of his involvement in the occult. He only came for a few exorcism sessions and then stopped. He was addicted to the feeling of power and control it gave him. He couldn't give it up. Another former witch admitted that the practice led her into "despair, anger, emptiness, and the facade of having control."* She was able to stop and return to the Catholic faith. She realized that witchcraft promises results but never quite delivers. It tempts its practitioners with taking control of their lives and reaping great benefits, but it actually leads them further and further into the darkness. We are praying over several people who have repented their previous lives in the occult and have returned to the faith. Not uncommonly, members of their former covens are cursing them and casting spells. Their former partners in the occult are now bent on making them suffer for leaving. In discerning that which is truly right and wrong, a biblical adage is key: "By their fruits you will know them" (Mt 7:15). Witchcraft dangles tempting fruit in front of its practitioners but ultimately cannot deliver. Converted witches tell us that they were deceived by the illusion of power and control. Many began as "white" witches but this path led them into "black" witchcraft and further into evil. Every day, I pray for the conversion of those practicing witchcraft and the occult. There is only one source of true joy and peace. May they find Jesus and be at peace. ------------ *To read about the experiences of former occultists and their personal reflections, see Charles D. Fraune, "Slaying Dragons II: The Rise of the Occult." 2023. **Register now! Our next online deliverance session is this Monday, Oct 16th at 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register on our website https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/october-16th-online-deliverance-prayer-session or here. There were 18,000 who registered in September and the Lord abundantly blessed us. Here are a few of the feedback comments from participants: Thank you so much. I and my husband did these prayers together. Very powerful. I love these prayers, it's beautiful. It gives me peace in my soul. The forgiveness prayer and prayer to eradicate generational spirits deeply touched me. I came away with a growing sense of peace, confidence, and joy. It's hard to explain the peace and lightness I feel immediately from these deliverance sessions. Thank you and God bless you always! Thank you is not enough.With your deliverance sessions, my depression I have had since I was in my early 20s (I am now 49) has been more manageable since I have been joining your sessions. It always feels like a weight is lifted during and after each session. I have had severe self-hate and inferiority problems. After three times of your online exorcisms I no longer suffer. I even did a speech at a wedding without getting nervous. I know I am loved. Hallelujah! I felt the anger that I had held onto for so long ebb away when we prayed for forgiveness for self and others. I felt the Presence of God very strongly...knew this was the real deal. Thank you so much. I felt great grace and peace. I also had tears of healing. I always feel closer to God when I attend your session. At some points, I just started to cry. And it actually felt like a weight was being taken off of me. It was very comforting, and I could feel very confident the love of God with me.
- Exorcist Diary #261: Satan Exploits Our Wounds
[Mary Magdalene depicted as a Penitent" Domenico Tintoretto, 1598] Kate suffers from depression and anxiety. She was sexually abused by her father and as an adult struggles with the trauma of the abuse. She has difficulties with hopelessness and trusting in others. Also, she is emotionally isolated and suffers from self-hatred. Recently, Kate has periods of especially intense depressions and bouts of suicidality which seem extreme and not typical of her "normal" psychological moods. These bouts surface without an apparent immediate cause. When she is prayed over, these crises subside significantly. Both Kate and the priest wonder: are these bouts psychological or are they the work of demons? For our discernment, it is important to note that Satan exploits our wounds. If we struggle with depression, he will do everything he can to exaggerate our depressions, including filling the person's mind with depressing thoughts, hopelessness, despair and even suicidality. If fear is our weakness, he will exaggerate our fears and tempt us to be terrified of him and not trust in God. If we have been abused in childhood, the Evil One will fill our minds with feelings of worthlessness, self-hatred, and isolation. Satan uses peoples' wounds as portals to enter and torture their lives. How do we know if Satan is directly involved in someone's life or are their problems strictly psychological? One place to look is in the severity and the onset of the attacks. Satan exaggerates our weaknesses and what should have been a “normal” depressive episode is then exaggerated into a full blown, unmanageable crisis. Second, demonic attacks often occur suddenly and without the usual psychological triggers. Third, when deliverance prayers are said during a Satanic attack, the crisis often abates quickly to a more manageable and typical problem. Many cases of demonic affliction involve this combination of underlying psychological wounds and a demonic presence exploiting these wounds. As a result, full spiritual liberation cannot take place unless the underlying psychic wounds are sufficiently healed and the portal is closed. Many of our afflicted people who are receiving deliverance prayers are also in some form of psychological healing which directly addresses past traumas and underlying wounds. In Kate's case, Satan is using her past psychological wounds as portals. Thus, to answer the question about the source of her problems: Kate's difficulties are both psychological AND spiritual. After months of psychotherapy and deliverance prayers, she is now able to discern when she is suffering from a typical mood problem as a result of her abusive past or when she is being directly attacked by the Evil One. Whenever she suffers "normal" psychological difficult moods, she has a series of steps to take such as connecting with her therapist, reaching out to friends and family, and being involved in social activities. But when the problem includes a Satanic attack, she also engages spiritual means such as deliverance prayers, connecting with her spiritual director, and praying the rosary, It is easy to fall into extremes in discernment. One extreme is to believe that one’s problems are wholly spiritual and denigrate anything psychological. The other extreme is to reduce everything to the psychological and not allow the possibility of a direct demonic influence. Our experience finds the psychological and spiritual to be intertwined, and thus healing modalities of both psyche and spirit are typically important. Kate is working hard on both levels and has already made considerable progress. Her debilitating fear has subsided greatly. She is reconnecting with friends. She is able to go to Mass daily and receive communion. Her prognosis is very good. She now has a new-found feeling of hope. And we find much hope in working with her. ----- *Our next online deliverance session is Monday, Oct 16th at 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register on our website at:https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/october-16th-online-deliverance-prayer-session or here. There were 18,000 who registered in September and the Lord abundantly blessed us. Here are a few of the feedback comments from participants: Thank you so much. I and my husband did these prayers together. Very powerful. I love these prayers, it's beautiful. It gives me peace in my soul. The forgiveness prayer and prayer to eradicate generational spirits deeply touched me. I came away with a growing sense of peace, confidence, and joy. It's hard to explain the peace and lightness I feel immediately from these deliverance sessions. Thank you and God bless you always! Thank you is not enough.With your deliverance sessions, my depression I have had since I was in my early 20s (I am now 49) has been more manageable since I have been joining your sessions. It always feels like a weight is lifted during and after each session. I have had severe self-hate and inferiority problems. After three times of your online exorcisms I no longer suffer. I even did a speech at a wedding without getting nervous. I know I am loved. Hallelujah! I felt the anger that I had held onto for so long ebb away when we prayed for forgiveness for self and others. I felt the Presence of God very strongly...knew this was the real deal. Thank you so much. I felt great grace and peace. I also had tears of healing. I always feel closer to God when I attend your session. At some points, I just started to cry. And it actually felt like a weight was being taken off of me. It was very comforting, and I could feel very confident the love of God with me.
- Exorcist Diary #260: Demons Terrified of the Future
["The Last Judgment," detail, Michelangelo, 1536-1541] When "P" walked into the chapel for his weekly exorcism session, as always I asked him how he was feeling. He responded, "I feel an intense hatred for you." At that point, I knew that he was starting to "manifest," ie, the demons were coming to the fore. The spiritual battle was on. Demons hate priests. They hate the Church. They hate God most of all. And they can't stand anything holy. John Paul II said that God does not send anyone to hell; rather, they choose it for themselves. Likewise, the demons try to stay far away from God and all that is holy, that is, they choose to dwell in their own hell. This is an important truth for our time. In this post-Christian era, hatred for God, the faith, and all that is holy is explicit and even celebrated. It is not surprising that Satanists reject the Catholic Church. Similarly, as someone goes deeper into witchcraft and sorcery, they too increasingly hate the Church and reject the faith. Some of their number will even intentionally curse priests and the faithful.* This odium fidei, hatred of the faith, is spreading. There have been 300 known attacks against Catholic churches in the United States since 2020. Not long ago, A mother contacted me and, in tears, said her daughter had gone off to college and had converted to witchcraft and paganism. Her daughter now, in her own words, "violently rejects" the Catholic faith and avoids contact with the Catholic members of her family. She has even convinced her younger sibling to stop going to Mass and to question the faith. During "P"'s session, we prayed the Litany of the Saints that is used in an exorcism. At one point, the Litany says: "You gave your Disciples power over demons." I stopped and commanded the demons, "Is that true? Does the Church has power over you?" "No, no," they said, shaking the head. I responded: "Tell the truth!" They said again, "No, no!" "Stop lying," I retorted, "I command you to tell the truth!" They finally admitted in a sullen tone, "Yes." At the end of "P"'s session, after he had returned to full consciousness and the demons' receded, he looked at me and said, "The demons are afraid of you." I responded, "They are afraid of Jesus and his Church." In a recent Marian apparition, Our Lady reportedly told us not to be afraid of the future. She told us to look to Jesus, to pray and trust in Him. In our exorcism ministry the words of Our Lady are confirmed daily. Jesus is Lord. Pray and trust in Him. It is Satan and his minions who are terrified of Jesus and his Church, and they are terrified of what is to come. ----------------------------------- *See Exorcist Diary blog #259. **Our next online deliverance session is Monday, Oct 16th at 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register on our website at:https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/october-16th-online-deliverance-prayer-session or here. There were 18,000 who registered in September and the Lord abundantly blessed us. Here are a few of the feedback comments from participants: Thank you so much. I and my husband did these prayers together. Very powerful. I love these prayers, it's beautiful. It gives me peace in my soul. The forgiveness prayer and prayer to eradicate generational spirits deeply touched me. I came away with a growing sense of peace, confidence, and joy. It's hard to explain the peace and lightness I feel immediately from these deliverance sessions. Thank you and God bless you always! Thank you is not enough.With your deliverance sessions, my depression I have had since I was in my early 20s (I am now 49) has been more manageable since I have been joining your sessions. It always feels like a weight is lifted during and after each session. I have had severe self-hate and inferiority problems. After three times of your online exorcisms I no longer suffer. I even did a speech at a wedding without getting nervous. I know I am loved. Hallelujah! I felt the anger that I had held onto for so long ebb away when we prayed for forgiveness for self and others. I felt the Presence of God very strongly...knew this was the real deal. Thank you so much. I felt great grace and peace. I also had tears of healing. I always feel closer to God when I attend your session. At some points, I just started to cry. And it actually felt like a weight was being taken off of me. It was very comforting, and I could feel very confident the love of God with me.
- Exorcist Diary #259: Witches Curse Catholic Church
["The Sermon on the Mount," Cosimo Rosselli, 1439-1507] I just received the following query from a subscriber: "I run a surprisingly successful tiktok (@gen.z.bible.stories) and one person has been unusually supportive of me and messaging me often for the past week. So I searched her tiktok username and found a comment she made about a month ago on a witch's tiktok video about revenge spells, saying she was new to the practice and asking if it had any negative karma or effects. I realize this person is a danger to me, so I blocked her instantly, and prayed your prayer for protection against curses from your website. But obviously this might encourage her to do a revenge spell against me. Should I have not blocked her?" [Used with permission] I understand the person's concern. It is clear that faithful Christian ministries, especially the Catholic Church, are special targets for witches' curses. Similarly, this week I also received some information about a former witch and Satanist. She publicly admitted that their cult specifically targeted Christians. For example, they put cursed rosaries in churches, mixing them in the basket with other rosaries. However, these minions of evil found that they had no power over those who truly serve God, as opposed to what she called: "so-called Sunday Christians." Faithful religious communities of consecrated women and men are regularly cursed. We assist them in lifting these curses. Moreover, we at St.Michael Center are ourselves regularly cursed by witches. We know that these minions of Satan are frustrated that we are protected. What surprised the former witch, and helped lead to her conversion, was realizing Satan's lie that he was all powerful. She found out that Satan is only a "proud fallen angel" and that "God is more powerful." Odium fidei, hatred of the faith, is one of the unmistakeable signs of Satan's presence. The contemporary destruction of churches and religious statues, the public rejection of the faith, the hatred toward the church and those who minister therein, and attempts to expunge the faith from society ultimately find their source in Satan's hatred of Christ and his church. When I responded to the host of the @gen.z.bible.stories tiktok site, I told him that first and foremost: trust in Jesus! Those who truly do his will, which the witch found out, are protected. While some demonic harassment is possible, it is limited to what God allows, and it ultimately leads to their sanctification and His glory. I also told him that it is actually possible that the woman who was following his site, and at the same time inquiring about revenge curses, is genuinely interested in his work. Sadly, there are some who practice the faith and also engage in magic. This is a grievous error. Let them read Deuteronomy 18:10-12. For a fuller explanation of why any form of magic, including "white" magic, is truly an "abomination" (Dt 10:12), see Fr. Cliff Ermatinger's book: The Trouble With Magic. To answer the woman's query: "Does casting a revenge spell bring bad effects into my life?" The answer is always: "Yes." Satan's minions will ultimately share in what Satan has to offer: hell. To those who faithfully minister in the name of Jesus, if Satan has you in his sights, rejoice because this is a sign that you are truly doing the Lord's work. "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 5: 10). ----- *Our next online deliverance session is Monday, Oct 16th at 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register on our website at:https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/october-16th-online-deliverance-prayer-session or here. There were 18,000 who registered in September and the Lord abundantly blessed us. Here are a few of the feedback comments from participants: Thank you so much. I and my husband did these prayers together. Very powerful. I love these prayers, it's beautiful. It gives me peace in my soul. The forgiveness prayer and prayer to eradicate generational spirits deeply touched me. I came away with a growing sense of peace, confidence, and joy. It's hard to explain the peace and lightness I feel immediately from these deliverance sessions. Thank you and God bless you always! Thank you is not enough.With your deliverance sessions, my depression I have had since I was in my early 20s (I am now 49) has been more manageable since I have been joining your sessions. It always feels like a weight is lifted during and after each session. I have had severe self-hate and inferiority problems. After three times of your online exorcisms I no longer suffer. I even did a speech at a wedding without getting nervous. I know I am loved. Hallelujah! I felt the anger that I had held onto for so long ebb away when we prayed for forgiveness for self and others. I felt the Presence of God very strongly...knew this was the real deal. Thank you so much. I felt great grace and peace. I also had tears of healing. I always feel closer to God when I attend your session. At some points, I just started to cry. And it actually felt like a weight was being taken off of me. It was very comforting, and I could feel very confident the love of God with me.
- Exorcist Diary #258: Demons Threaten Plane Crash
[The Gates of Hell, Cornelis Saftleven (1607-1681)] I am soon going on a trip and, while there, I will pray over an afflicted woman. She recently texted me: "The demons told me that they are going to crash your plane." A few moments later, the demons texted me directly: "Get on the plane stephen, go ahead!" They were taunting me and daring me to take the flight. The first time demons threatened to kill me happened years ago in another case. We were in the midst of a session and they said with a haughty and threatening tone: "We are going to kill you!" I responded, "If I die, then this priest will take my place," as I pointed to the other exorcist, "and if he dies, yet another will take his place. We are simply instruments. I am not your problem; Jesus is your problem!" At the mention of that Holy Name, the demons shut their mouths. Demons are not creative and have a limited repertoire. Saying they will kill me, especially by crashing my plane flight, is a common threat. I do not know the future and I am just as susceptible as the next person to a fatal disaster. But what I do know is that the demons are not in charge-- God is. Whatever comes my way I accept as being God's will. In that light and with that intention, all is grace and all gives glory to our loving God. So, I will get on that airplane. As usual, I will ask the holy angels to guide and protect the flight. I especially pray for a smooth flight; I hate turbulence! Demonic threats don't scare me but turbulence does: hah! I feel confident the flight will go just fine. When I arrive, I will pray over the afflicted person. The demons that are tormenting her will be subjected to the power of God in the Church, and they will howl in terror and pain. They will be one large-step closer to leaving and the afflicted person will be one large-step closer to full liberation. "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it" (Mt 16:18). -------------- *Our next online deliverance session is this Monday!, September 18th from 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register at: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/sept-18th-online-deliverance-prayer-session.
- Exorcist Diary #257: "Satan, Be Afraid of Us!"
["Healing of the demon-possessed," Medieval Illustration] An important part of the process of expelling demons is making the afflicted person an unwelcome host for evil. This means not only closing any doors to the demonic, but also making the person as holy a vessel as possible for the Divine. Recently, one of our exorcists was interrogating the demons in a young man, forcing them to recognize that they are no longer welcome: Exorcist: Why don't you go into his heart right now and feel the holiness of Our Lord's presence and tell me who his heart belongs to. Feel Our Lord's presence. Demons: [blood curdling screams.] Exorcist: Who is in his heart, in Jesus' name, say it! Demons: No one. There is no one there. There is nothing there. Exorcist: Why don't you check again. Demons: [More screams.] Exorcist: It looks like there is something there, because you are screaming. Demons: There is nothing there. I am fine. Exorcist: Why don't you go back again. Demons: [Screams and then whimpers] Exorcist: In the Holy Name of Jesus, is Our Lord there in his heart? Demons: Yes. Exorcist: His heart belongs to him, doesn't it? Demons: Yes. Exorcist: And it doesn't belong to you, right? Demons: Right. F.... you. In the old Rite of Exorcism, which many exorcists still use, one of the first imprecatory prayers commands the demons: "Sit tibi terror corpus hominis, sit tibi formido imago Dei" which is: "Let the body of man be a terror to you; let it be a fearful image of God to you." As powerful as Satan is, he is mere dust compared to the God-man Jesus Christ. We, who are made in God's image and have Christ dwelling in us through baptism, Eucharist and sanctifying grace, are a terror to the Evil One. He cannot stand being in the presence of Christ. However, when we fall into sin and distance ourselves from Christ, the darkness can take hold in our hearts. So many people are afraid of Satan. Indeed, Satan encourages this fear and feeds off it. But when we, the sons and daughters of God, come to realize our true dignity and the indwelling of Christ, it is he who is afraid of us. ------------- *Our next online deliverance session is Monday, September 18th from 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register at: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/event-details/sept-18th-online-deliverance-prayer-session.