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- Exorcist Diary #316: Satan's Smoke & Mirrors
[ Padre Pio and the Stigmata ] The demons first threatened the woman with bodily harm if she kept coming to the exorcism sessions. When that didn't work, they threatened harming her children. They put ugly graphic pictures in her mind of what they would do to them if she kept coming. This was understandably very upsetting for her. But her children were never seriously harmed. Another woman was threatened by the Evil One with cancer and then with a heart attack. They kept telling her she would contract these diseases. Then they told her that she would be dead by morning. She has neither ailment and she is very much alive. Recently, in one of our exorcism sessions, the demon screamed: "I will kill you!" But the exorcist is also very much alive, although our exorcists and team often experience some demonic "sludge," as we call it, after the sessions. God has chained Satan and his power is greatly limited, although not negligible. He does have considerable power over those who willingly submit to him. But for those who trust in Jesus, his power is very limited. Satan can tempt, harass, threaten and, at times, inflict some mental and/or physical torment including throwing some demonic sludge on the team. But these are always limited by God. Our experience with the possessed suggests he cannot kill, maim, permanently disable, seriously wound, or cause true major illnesses. The possessed can feel sick; the Evil One can scratch and bruise them; he can torment their minds; he can make them feel all sorts of physical ailments and bodily effects. Their body parts can morph, expand and contract, take different shapes, and he can levitate an entire body. But, in the end, they return to normal. Satan's goal in all this is to intimidate, frighten and subjugate. One man recently told me that he does not use deliverance prayers, even though he needs them, because he is afraid of a demonic retaliation. One might ask this person, "Who is really the Lord of your life? Satan or Jesus?" Why does God allow Satan and his minions to harass us? It is for our sanctification, as the great saints knew. Virtually every great mystic and saint has experienced intense demonic attacks. Perhaps best known is Padre Pio, who suffered brutal demonic attacks so much so that other friars thought he was possessed (which he wasn't). Nevertheless, he lived to the ripe old age of 81. The central question for all of us is: Who is Lord of your life? In an exorcism, our constant refrain is: Jesus is Lord! Jesus I trust in you! -------------------------- *Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Nov 11th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! ** Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th ! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website. See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. ***Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ------------------ Some of the Feedback from Oct 2024 Online Deliverance Session Tonight’s return to the prayer session was a balm to my aching soul. It was a beautiful experience. During the I am loved prayer, I could not stop crying. As someone who has been dealing with depression and suicidal ideation, this truly brought me so much peace afterwards. This was amazing. I cannot put it into words...something so positive that can only have come from God. I feel these sessions are so very powerful and helpful and healing to me from all of my brokenness. My dad was an alcoholic and very verbally abusive-telling me I was worthless and would never amount to anything. Glorious absolutely glorious!! I wept and wept and wept beautiful tears with so much love and peace during forgiveness prayers, healing prayers and I am loved prayer...Then my husband called just to tell me he loves me so much and he felt the love straight from heaven! Thank you so much! These sessions bring me great solace, thank you!I felt an amazing sense of peace as the session went on. I feel energized by the Holy Spirit now! I had registered for this session knowing that my 40-year-old daughter would be here to watch and participate...My daughter was involved in witchcraft/Wicca...This was very emotional for her. She shed a lot of tears...stated that she was so emotionally drained. We plan on watching next month and doing the retreat in December. I am so thankful to God that we found out about the deliverance sessions. It’s my first time attending this prayer session. I loved it! It was very efficacious! Great session, as always. Always feel lighter, happier, less burdened afterwards. Wonderful prayers. Love this monthly session. Leads to such peace and joy.Felt immense love and hope this evening. I experienced a great sense of peace and God's presence, especially during the Latin prayers. I also felt my trust in God's plan increase, knowing I am loved as are my children. Tonight’s session gives me hope again and reminded me that God is our strength and protection and His will is good. Today I had felt very heavy, like something was weighing me down. This heaviness was making me feel discouraged and overwhelmed but by the end of the prayer session it was as if a huge weight was lifted off of me and I felt relieved - very light and full of Jesus's love. felt a sort of pressure in my head through most of the session. Notwithstanding, by the end I felt much less anxious and physically more comfortable too... EXCELLENT!! This is the first one I ever attended, and it was outstanding! Wow!!! There was a tremendous power of prayer behind this session...It felt like a Mighty Army!!! Praise God for that!! Keep it up!! I felt so much Refreshment, Light, peace and Love. I coughed like crazy, especially when you were praying the Latin prayers. God is good! Demons and their curses were being expelled! AMEN JESUS! Thank you GOD! Peace and Joy!!! 2 to 3 weeks after participating in the September 2024 deliverance prayer session I began to get insight as to how my childhood trauma was affecting me. I give thanks to God and my Guardian Angel for proving me this insight and thus begin healing process. I love the peace and lightness that I experience when the session is over. I have so much gratitude for this ministry. Thank you all! This was incredibly powerful. My husband and I were moved by these prayers immensely. I would absolutely do this every month for the salvation and healing of our family. Amazing prayers and deliverance. I needed to sever soul ties and forgive myself and break generational curses and Masonic ties as we have it all in our family line. Praise God for this wonderful webinar... What a wonderful peace came over me during the 'I am loved' prayer. This is my third session, I really can feel things shifting slowly. God bless you Monsignor and all those working to help us all I'm bursting with joy because my sister who was reluctant at first when I extended the invitation sent me a message that she is joining in today's deliverance session. JESUS & MARY you're awesome! Time to celebrate our victory as it is infectious. At one point I had cried due to forgiveness prayers for people I wanted to forgive from past hurts. An overwhelming feeling of peace came over me. Thank you for helping me to receive Jesus healing. My husband and I experienced great peace tonight. I especially prayed for the grace to forgive myself... Tremendous Joy was the hallmark of tonight's session. When Father spoke about the Blood of Jesus, beginning in the forgiveness prayer at the beginning of the session I felt like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket of safety and peace. I felt such hope! Going through a tough tough time....my daughter (30 yrs old) has turned to New Age stuff and is currently not speaking to me. Anyway, your prayers brought my heart ‘peace’...I totally feel lifted! This experience gave awareness of my own personal choices that lead me away from joy and peace. I experienced peace and joy tonight and appreciate Msgr. Rossetti giving us "Jesus is Lord", "Stay in the boat" It's a grace to be praying with thousands who also love the Lord. It was so comforting to be a part of it. Especially because of contact with freemasonry from a parent, and occult practices by child. Also, a drug addiction by a child. Thank you so much for these sessions. I felt that God really does love me. I’ve always had negative thoughts - and I’m in my 70’s!! But tonight I felt joy and peace. THANK YOU I prayed tonight most of all for deliverance from self rejection. Somehow in my heart I felt - I could almost see the memories - that this spirit had clung to me for so many years. I could see how it affected my view of myself, my relationship with others, and my unwillingness to reach outside of myself. I knew in my heart that the Lord never intended me to suffer the pain and loneliness that came with this evil. I felt such healing and peace. Thank you for your ministry and for all that y’all do I had mental clarity like a fog was lifted after the cursed object prayer. Thanks be to God! I also was crying during the You Are Loved prayer. I felt so loved. I felt like Jesus was giving me a hug... I’ve been struggling with addiction due to trauma caused by abusive relationships and just keep feeling more and more lost and hopeless...I felt Jesus speaking right to me through you in these times. I could feel the healing, and I feel renewed. I cried during the entire session. This was my first time attending. Wow. This was a beautiful and powerful session. I will be returning next month. Thank you. Thank you!! I felt so much love from Jesus and peace at the end. Thank you for this wonderful blessing. I feel a weight is lifted after each session. I cried cleansing tears and found profound peace! All Glory to God!It was wonderful! I feel a lot of peace and hope.Superb!!! During our Lady’s litany...I had uncontrollable crying...During your conclusion prayer...I felt woozy, peaceful and sensed our Mother’s presence and smelt faint scent of roses. It was beautiful. I always feel so much peace🙏🤍🕊I cried a lot during the Forgiveness prayers. I felt I was being healed of some deep childhood wounds of rejection, resulting in self-hate. The result of the session was a deep Peace. I have regained full movement of my right hip...I was limping for years and went to an orthopedic doctor who said there was nothing wrong (they did an mri and took x-rays)...I can do things like hike, exercise, work around the house that I was not able to do...Thank you to Father Rossetti and the team! I began to fall asleep during this session... However, after the prayer that calls to bind the spirit of lethargy, I feel wide awake. This is amazing to me. At the completion of the session I feel peaceful. I was brought to tears by the “I am loved” part. I have suffered through two divorces, not of my choosing. I did not know that I was in need of healing of feeling unloved. Each time I’ve participated, I’ve felt myself filled with peace and realize that when we finish, I’m smiling!! My husband and I have felt supported in the daily prayers we pray for the healing of our family trees. On one side of our family, there are many who struggle with addictions...we know that one aunt used Ouija Boards and tarot cards.....her descendants have had a very rough ride. Beautiful peace surrounded by pure love. God bless .Tonight was a very blessed and special night. I felt loved and accepted again. Lighter and hopeful. Beautiful sessions each time I attend, my family life has changed completely with saying the deliverance prayers...healings from addictions and compulsions the Lord has shown mercy to my family. Very peaceful and cleansing. I felt so much lighter and purer tonight than I ever have felt. I truly feel that these monthly deliverance prayers are helping me become more the kind of woman God created me to be. It was excellent. The prayers were very powerful. I was coughing throughout the entire session and felt lighter by the end. I really appreciated the prayer offering an act of love to the Father. Before the session I feel distracted and I'm hesitant to attend. But after the session I feel a tremendous peace in my heart. Our daughter, 19, who has been away from Holy Mother Church for 6 months, JOINED us while praying with you...She was so very drawn to Our Lord, exactly as He says, I know My sheep and My sheep know Me! She was hearing The Good Shepherd through you Monsignor and your voice! She kept leaning toward the screen! I, mom, had tears of healing! Thank you so much! Glory to God! I felt a renewed sense of hope and encouragement as the feelings of shame and self hatred from my past sins begin to lift - The knowing that God does Love me. Thank you I thought the prayer session was an incredible experience. I felt through out something being pulled from me and tingling in my fingers. I became very emotional and felt like all the prayers were very powerful... Beautiful healing. For too long, I struggled with self hatred believing I was worthless. These sessions have remarkable healing and awareness of the wickedness that surrounds us. Thank you so much for all of these prayer sessions. They are very powerful. Tonight was very emotional for me. I cried almost throughout and then felt very much at peace. I am so grateful. You have replaced my fear, dread and despair with hope. I am grateful for this incredible mission you have undertaken. I struggle so much with unforgiveness and only God’s grace can help me. I feel encouraged that these sessions are helping little by little to let go of past wounds and...eventually I can be liberated and free. I can’t wait for the next one!During the prayers in Latin, I felt very warm and comforted, as though wrapped in a holy blanket. When you renounced wounds from childhood, I knew the betrayal I was feeling was from my childhood. God is still healing me. There’s still so much healing needed. I’m not discouraged, though. As Fr. prays, I hang my head and close my eyes. At one point, I realized the pain I have been enduring the last two weeks on either side of my back shoulder and neck area disappeared. Great peace and encouragement! Renewed energy, at peace with trusting God more. Feeling of a layer of burden has been removed. A sense of joy and confidence filled me. My daughter and I are having issues with generational spirits (freemasonry) plus spirits of divination and other occult practices from before our conversion to Catholicism. This is my second session and her first. We already feel lighter and happier (once the headaches and nausea passed). Very, very powerful prayer session tonight! We used to be Satanists, so we know how important these prayers are. We were confirmed into the church last Easter. I'm sure these prayers have played a big role in helping lead us back home and minimizing the demonic attacks on the way. Thank you Msgr! All glory to God. I am filled with so much peace after the session. I am making progress with reconciling with my past and with people I’ve been hurt by and who I have hurt. Renouncing the spirit of self hatred was key for me! I felt it lifted from me!!! I am a child of the most high God!!! Jesus loves me so much!!! Such an amazing experience! I have never felt so much at peace as I did during this session! I was wounded growing up about who I am and what my value is. I spent 25 years in the dark understanding that I was worthless and rejected by God. The prayer about how loved I am and the act of love to God have been instrumental in my healing. Thank you!! We have been praying for my family particularly for my daughter... She has been away from the church and actually has satanic tattoos. Through these deliverance prayers she has unblocked me and God willing we are going to try to bring her back to God. I know Our Lord is Merciful. Praise be to God. I have shed many tears but now I am in PEACE. I don’t understand how this all works, but something has been lifted off. Afterwards, I realize I was walking around with a hundred pound weight on my back. And I wake up the next morning with a clear mind, and realize my mind was a complete fog before. The prayers are very powerful and after a very long day at work and getting home late, there was something trying to keep me away from joining the webinar and trying convince me that I'm too tired to join the session but I had a reminder in my calendar and I joined and I'm grateful that I did. Incredible agitation for several days prior. Painful at the Freemason part of session, but absolute peace afterward. Next day deep sense of freedom. Clearly something was forced to let go. I felt calm and something almost like layers being very gently lifted from me. It’s been a month since I’ve had difficulty of moving my left shoulder...While joining in praying the Prayer for healing, I also massaged my shoulder with holy & exorcised oil. Right after the said prayer I can move it comfortably further back. Glory to God! I truly felt Christ lifting my burdens and the feeling of leaning into Him. I found myself smiling often... when Msgr. Rossetti prayed the deliverance prayer in latin when I suddenly found myself crying out of nowhere...Then an overwhelming peace/joy come over me.
- Exorcist Diary #315: A Holy Hour on Halloween
[" All Saints ," Fra Angelico, 1420s] The Solemnity of All Saints (November 1st) is a powerful, graced holy day on which we remember and honor all the holy souls who have gone to heaven, including the loved ones in our own families. While God is constantly gracing us, these special feasts are particularly graced in which God pours out his blessings in a most generous way. We ought to welcome this great feast and open ourselves in prayer to the healing graces God has for each of us. We begin great feasts on the previous night. In this case, it is the "Eve of All Hallows," ie., All Hallows Eve or, as is secularized today, Halloween. Rather than glorifying evil, we ought to glorify Our God! Join us for a special online holy hour (Thursday midnight Oct 31 to 1am Friday Nov 1 Eastern USA time) * in which Msgr. Rossetti and SMC will lead us in adoration of the Holy Eucharist, the Litany of the Saints, the Holy Rosary, the Litany of Loretto, a prayer for healing, and moments of silence. We will pray especially for: * Remember and honor our loved ones in heaven and all saints *Peace in the world, our country, our families, and our own hearts *Reparation for the offenses against God, especially the Eucharist *Vocations to the priesthood, religious life, marriage and for priests *Healing for all those present and their loved ones *Your specific intentions In yesterday's message, Marija, one of the Medjugorje's seers, said she received the following message from Our Lady: [See Sr. Emmanuel http://www.sremmanuel.org/ ] Your prayers are badly needed for today's troubled world. Join us in prayer. If you cannot, begin this great feast with your own prayer and, of course, holy Mass. God has a unique and special grace for you and for our world. [To sign up click the button above or go to: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/733806806664877404 ] -------------------------------- *Eastern USA time is the same as New York City so that you can find the time difference for your time zone. ** Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Nov 11th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! *** Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th ! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website. See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. ****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. ***** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ------------------ Some of the Feedback from Oct 2024 Online Deliverance Session Tonight’s return to the prayer session was a balm to my aching soul. It was a beautiful experience. During the I am loved prayer, I could not stop crying. As someone who has been dealing with depression and suicidal ideation, this truly brought me so much peace afterwards. This was amazing. I cannot put it into words...something so positive that can only have come from God. I feel these sessions are so very powerful and helpful and healing to me from all of my brokenness. My dad was an alcoholic and very verbally abusive-telling me I was worthless and would never amount to anything. Glorious absolutely glorious!! I wept and wept and wept beautiful tears with so much love and peace during forgiveness prayers, healing prayers and I am loved prayer...Then my husband called just to tell me he loves me so much and he felt the love straight from heaven! Thank you so much! These sessions bring me great solace, thank you!I felt an amazing sense of peace as the session went on. I feel energized by the Holy Spirit now! I had registered for this session knowing that my 40-year-old daughter would be here to watch and participate...My daughter was involved in witchcraft/Wicca...This was very emotional for her. She shed a lot of tears...stated that she was so emotionally drained. We plan on watching next month and doing the retreat in December. I am so thankful to God that we found out about the deliverance sessions. It’s my first time attending this prayer session. I loved it! It was very efficacious! Great session, as always. Always feel lighter, happier, less burdened afterwards. Wonderful prayers. Love this monthly session. Leads to such peace and joy.Felt immense love and hope this evening. I experienced a great sense of peace and God's presence, especially during the Latin prayers. I also felt my trust in God's plan increase, knowing I am loved as are my children. Tonight’s session gives me hope again and reminded me that God is our strength and protection and His will is good. Today I had felt very heavy, like something was weighing me down. This heaviness was making me feel discouraged and overwhelmed but by the end of the prayer session it was as if a huge weight was lifted off of me and I felt relieved - very light and full of Jesus's love. felt a sort of pressure in my head through most of the session. Notwithstanding, by the end I felt much less anxious and physically more comfortable too... EXCELLENT!! This is the first one I ever attended, and it was outstanding! Wow!!! There was a tremendous power of prayer behind this session...It felt like a Mighty Army!!! Praise God for that!! Keep it up!! I felt so much Refreshment, Light, peace and Love. I coughed like crazy, especially when you were praying the Latin prayers. God is good! Demons and their curses were being expelled! AMEN JESUS! Thank you GOD! Peace and Joy!!! 2 to 3 weeks after participating in the September 2024 deliverance prayer session I began to get insight as to how my childhood trauma was affecting me. I give thanks to God and my Guardian Angel for proving me this insight and thus begin healing process. I love the peace and lightness that I experience when the session is over. I have so much gratitude for this ministry. Thank you all! This was incredibly powerful. My husband and I were moved by these prayers immensely. I would absolutely do this every month for the salvation and healing of our family. Amazing prayers and deliverance. I needed to sever soul ties and forgive myself and break generational curses and Masonic ties as we have it all in our family line. Praise God for this wonderful webinar... What a wonderful peace came over me during the 'I am loved' prayer. This is my third session, I really can feel things shifting slowly. God bless you Monsignor and all those working to help us all I'm bursting with joy because my sister who was reluctant at first when I extended the invitation sent me a message that she is joining in today's deliverance session. JESUS & MARY you're awesome! Time to celebrate our victory as it is infectious. At one point I had cried due to forgiveness prayers for people I wanted to forgive from past hurts. An overwhelming feeling of peace came over me. Thank you for helping me to receive Jesus healing. My husband and I experienced great peace tonight. I especially prayed for the grace to forgive myself... Tremendous Joy was the hallmark of tonight's session. When Father spoke about the Blood of Jesus, beginning in the forgiveness prayer at the beginning of the session I felt like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket of safety and peace. I felt such hope! Going through a tough tough time....my daughter (30 yrs old) has turned to New Age stuff and is currently not speaking to me. Anyway, your prayers brought my heart ‘peace’...I totally feel lifted! This experience gave awareness of my own personal choices that lead me away from joy and peace. I experienced peace and joy tonight and appreciate Msgr. Rossetti giving us "Jesus is Lord", "Stay in the boat" It's a grace to be praying with thousands who also love the Lord. It was so comforting to be a part of it. Especially because of contact with freemasonry from a parent, and occult practices by child. Also, a drug addiction by a child. Thank you so much for these sessions. I felt that God really does love me. I’ve always had negative thoughts - and I’m in my 70’s!! But tonight I felt joy and peace. THANK YOU I prayed tonight most of all for deliverance from self rejection. Somehow in my heart I felt - I could almost see the memories - that this spirit had clung to me for so many years. I could see how it affected my view of myself, my relationship with others, and my unwillingness to reach outside of myself. I knew in my heart that the Lord never intended me to suffer the pain and loneliness that came with this evil. I felt such healing and peace. Thank you for your ministry and for all that y’all do I had mental clarity like a fog was lifted after the cursed object prayer. Thanks be to God! I also was crying during the You Are Loved prayer. I felt so loved. I felt like Jesus was giving me a hug... I’ve been struggling with addiction due to trauma caused by abusive relationships and just keep feeling more and more lost and hopeless...I felt Jesus speaking right to me through you in these times. I could feel the healing, and I feel renewed. I cried during the entire session. This was my first time attending. Wow. This was a beautiful and powerful session. I will be returning next month. Thank you. Thank you!! I felt so much love from Jesus and peace at the end. Thank you for this wonderful blessing. I feel a weight is lifted after each session. I cried cleansing tears and found profound peace! All Glory to God!It was wonderful! I feel a lot of peace and hope.Superb!!! During our Lady’s litany...I had uncontrollable crying...During your conclusion prayer...I felt woozy, peaceful and sensed our Mother’s presence and smelt faint scent of roses. It was beautiful. I always feel so much peace🙏🤍🕊I cried a lot during the Forgiveness prayers. I felt I was being healed of some deep childhood wounds of rejection, resulting in self-hate. The result of the session was a deep Peace. I have regained full movement of my right hip...I was limping for years and went to an orthopedic doctor who said there was nothing wrong (they did an mri and took x-rays)...I can do things like hike, exercise, work around the house that I was not able to do...Thank you to Father Rossetti and the team! I began to fall asleep during this session... However, after the prayer that calls to bind the spirit of lethargy, I feel wide awake. This is amazing to me. At the completion of the session I feel peaceful. I was brought to tears by the “I am loved” part. I have suffered through two divorces, not of my choosing. I did not know that I was in need of healing of feeling unloved. Each time I’ve participated, I’ve felt myself filled with peace and realize that when we finish, I’m smiling!! My husband and I have felt supported in the daily prayers we pray for the healing of our family trees. On one side of our family, there are many who struggle with addictions...we know that one aunt used Ouija Boards and tarot cards.....her descendants have had a very rough ride. Beautiful peace surrounded by pure love. God bless .Tonight was a very blessed and special night. I felt loved and accepted again. Lighter and hopeful. Beautiful sessions each time I attend, my family life has changed completely with saying the deliverance prayers...healings from addictions and compulsions the Lord has shown mercy to my family. Very peaceful and cleansing. I felt so much lighter and purer tonight than I ever have felt. I truly feel that these monthly deliverance prayers are helping me become more the kind of woman God created me to be. It was excellent. The prayers were very powerful. I was coughing throughout the entire session and felt lighter by the end. I really appreciated the prayer offering an act of love to the Father. Before the session I feel distracted and I'm hesitant to attend. But after the session I feel a tremendous peace in my heart. Our daughter, 19, who has been away from Holy Mother Church for 6 months, JOINED us while praying with you...She was so very drawn to Our Lord, exactly as He says, I know My sheep and My sheep know Me! She was hearing The Good Shepherd through you Monsignor and your voice! She kept leaning toward the screen! I, mom, had tears of healing! Thank you so much! Glory to God! I felt a renewed sense of hope and encouragement as the feelings of shame and self hatred from my past sins begin to lift - The knowing that God does Love me. Thank you I thought the prayer session was an incredible experience. I felt through out something being pulled from me and tingling in my fingers. I became very emotional and felt like all the prayers were very powerful... Beautiful healing. For too long, I struggled with self hatred believing I was worthless. These sessions have remarkable healing and awareness of the wickedness that surrounds us. Thank you so much for all of these prayer sessions. They are very powerful. Tonight was very emotional for me. I cried almost throughout and then felt very much at peace. I am so grateful. You have replaced my fear, dread and despair with hope. I am grateful for this incredible mission you have undertaken. I struggle so much with unforgiveness and only God’s grace can help me. I feel encouraged that these sessions are helping little by little to let go of past wounds and...eventually I can be liberated and free. I can’t wait for the next one!During the prayers in Latin, I felt very warm and comforted, as though wrapped in a holy blanket. When you renounced wounds from childhood, I knew the betrayal I was feeling was from my childhood. God is still healing me. There’s still so much healing needed. I’m not discouraged, though. As Fr. prays, I hang my head and close my eyes. At one point, I realized the pain I have been enduring the last two weeks on either side of my back shoulder and neck area disappeared. Great peace and encouragement! Renewed energy, at peace with trusting God more. Feeling of a layer of burden has been removed. A sense of joy and confidence filled me. My daughter and I are having issues with generational spirits (freemasonry) plus spirits of divination and other occult practices from before our conversion to Catholicism. This is my second session and her first. We already feel lighter and happier (once the headaches and nausea passed). Very, very powerful prayer session tonight! We used to be Satanists, so we know how important these prayers are. We were confirmed into the church last Easter. I'm sure these prayers have played a big role in helping lead us back home and minimizing the demonic attacks on the way. Thank you Msgr! All glory to God. I am filled with so much peace after the session. I am making progress with reconciling with my past and with people I’ve been hurt by and who I have hurt. Renouncing the spirit of self hatred was key for me! I felt it lifted from me!!! I am a child of the most high God!!! Jesus loves me so much!!! Such an amazing experience! I have never felt so much at peace as I did during this session! I was wounded growing up about who I am and what my value is. I spent 25 years in the dark understanding that I was worthless and rejected by God. The prayer about how loved I am and the act of love to God have been instrumental in my healing. Thank you!! We have been praying for my family particularly for my daughter... She has been away from the church and actually has satanic tattoos. Through these deliverance prayers she has unblocked me and God willing we are going to try to bring her back to God. I know Our Lord is Merciful. Praise be to God. I have shed many tears but now I am in PEACE. I don’t understand how this all works, but something has been lifted off. Afterwards, I realize I was walking around with a hundred pound weight on my back. And I wake up the next morning with a clear mind, and realize my mind was a complete fog before. The prayers are very powerful and after a very long day at work and getting home late, there was something trying to keep me away from joining the webinar and trying convince me that I'm too tired to join the session but I had a reminder in my calendar and I joined and I'm grateful that I did. Incredible agitation for several days prior. Painful at the Freemason part of session, but absolute peace afterward. Next day deep sense of freedom. Clearly something was forced to let go. I felt calm and something almost like layers being very gently lifted from me. It’s been a month since I’ve had difficulty of moving my left shoulder...While joining in praying the Prayer for healing, I also massaged my shoulder with holy & exorcised oil. Right after the said prayer I can move it comfortably further back. Glory to God! I truly felt Christ lifting my burdens and the feeling of leaning into Him. I found myself smiling often... when Msgr. Rossetti prayed the deliverance prayer in latin when I suddenly found myself crying out of nowhere...Then an overwhelming peace/joy come over me.
- Exorcist Diary #314: A Foretaste of Heaven
While demons mercilessly torture people if they can, it is they themselves who are constantly in torment. Some of their torment is external: the higher-ranking demons abuse and beat up the lower-ranking demons, and all demons live literally in a tortuous hell. But a greater torture comes from within. As I remind the demons during exorcism sessions: "God made you beautiful and now look at how ugly and evil you have become!" The Rite reminds them (" reus es ") that it is their own fault. It is they who rejected God and are now eternally in torment. We, humans, can experience a similar inner torment in this life and in the next. Sr. Faustina, from her graced experience of hell, identified hell's second suffering as this inner torment. The soul was created for God and to be holy, but one's sin and rejection of God conflicts with this fundamental call. Thus, there is a perpetual inner war between what the person was created to be and what it has become. It is truly a great torture. At SMC, we have just finished another monthly online deliverance session and we are grateful for the 17,000 from around the world who have already prayed with us live or with the video . We are also grateful for the many hundreds of positive responses after the session. A sample of those are provided below. Looking at this feedback, the most common experience is one of inner peace . This might seem like a nice passing feeling, but it is likely much, much more. God's peace is not simply an absence of stress or external conflict. No, it is a deep inner harmony with God and with self that comes from the salvation of Christ. It is a foretaste of heaven. Jesus spoke clearly about this: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid" (Jn 14:27). It reminds us of how close God is to us and always hears our prayers. Even if you don't feel such peace in your prayers, know that God is always pouring His grace into your hearts as you pray to Him in confidence. ------------- * Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Nov 11th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! ** Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th ! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website. ***Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ------------------ Some of the Feedback from Oct 2024 Online Deliverance Session Tonight’s return to the prayer session was a balm to my aching soul. It was a beautiful experience. During the I am loved prayer, I could not stop crying. As someone who has been dealing with depression and suicidal ideation, this truly brought me so much peace afterwards. This was amazing. I cannot put it into words...something so positive that can only have come from God. I feel these sessions are so very powerful and helpful and healing to me from all of my brokenness. My dad was an alcoholic and very verbally abusive-telling me I was worthless and would never amount to anything. Glorious absolutely glorious!! I wept and wept and wept beautiful tears with so much love and peace during forgiveness prayers, healing prayers and I am loved prayer...Then my husband called just to tell me he loves me so much and he felt the love straight from heaven! Thank you so much! These sessions bring me great solace, thank you!I felt an amazing sense of peace as the session went on. I feel energized by the Holy Spirit now! I had registered for this session knowing that my 40-year-old daughter would be here to watch and participate...My daughter was involved in witchcraft/Wicca...This was very emotional for her. She shed a lot of tears...stated that she was so emotionally drained. We plan on watching next month and doing the retreat in December. I am so thankful to God that we found out about the deliverance sessions. It’s my first time attending this prayer session. I loved it! It was very efficacious! Great session, as always. Always feel lighter, happier, less burdened afterwards. Wonderful prayers. Love this monthly session. Leads to such peace and joy.Felt immense love and hope this evening. I experienced a great sense of peace and God's presence, especially during the Latin prayers. I also felt my trust in God's plan increase, knowing I am loved as are my children. Tonight’s session gives me hope again and reminded me that God is our strength and protection and His will is good. Today I had felt very heavy, like something was weighing me down. This heaviness was making me feel discouraged and overwhelmed but by the end of the prayer session it was as if a huge weight was lifted off of me and I felt relieved - very light and full of Jesus's love. felt a sort of pressure in my head through most of the session. Notwithstanding, by the end I felt much less anxious and physically more comfortable too... EXCELLENT!! This is the first one I ever attended, and it was outstanding! Wow!!! There was a tremendous power of prayer behind this session...It felt like a Mighty Army!!! Praise God for that!! Keep it up!! I felt so much Refreshment, Light, peace and Love. I coughed like crazy, especially when you were praying the Latin prayers. God is good! Demons and their curses were being expelled! AMEN JESUS! Thank you GOD! Peace and Joy!!! 2 to 3 weeks after participating in the September 2024 deliverance prayer session I began to get insight as to how my childhood trauma was affecting me. I give thanks to God and my Guardian Angel for proving me this insight and thus begin healing process. I love the peace and lightness that I experience when the session is over. I have so much gratitude for this ministry. Thank you all! This was incredibly powerful. My husband and I were moved by these prayers immensely. I would absolutely do this every month for the salvation and healing of our family. Amazing prayers and deliverance. I needed to sever soul ties and forgive myself and break generational curses and Masonic ties as we have it all in our family line. Praise God for this wonderful webinar... What a wonderful peace came over me during the 'I am loved' prayer. This is my third session, I really can feel things shifting slowly. God bless you Monsignor and all those working to help us all I'm bursting with joy because my sister who was reluctant at first when I extended the invitation sent me a message that she is joining in today's deliverance session. JESUS & MARY you're awesome! Time to celebrate our victory as it is infectious. At one point I had cried due to forgiveness prayers for people I wanted to forgive from past hurts. An overwhelming feeling of peace came over me. Thank you for helping me to receive Jesus healing. My husband and I experienced great peace tonight. I especially prayed for the grace to forgive myself... Tremendous Joy was the hallmark of tonight's session. When Father spoke about the Blood of Jesus, beginning in the forgiveness prayer at the beginning of the session I felt like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket of safety and peace. I felt such hope! Going through a tough tough time....my daughter (30 yrs old) has turned to New Age stuff and is currently not speaking to me. Anyway, your prayers brought my heart ‘peace’...I totally feel lifted! This experience gave awareness of my own personal choices that lead me away from joy and peace. I experienced peace and joy tonight and appreciate Msgr. Rossetti giving us "Jesus is Lord", "Stay in the boat" It's a grace to be praying with thousands who also love the Lord. It was so comforting to be a part of it. Especially because of contact with freemasonry from a parent, and occult practices by child. Also, a drug addiction by a child. Thank you so much for these sessions. I felt that God really does love me. I’ve always had negative thoughts - and I’m in my 70’s!! But tonight I felt joy and peace. THANK YOU I prayed tonight most of all for deliverance from self rejection. Somehow in my heart I felt - I could almost see the memories - that this spirit had clung to me for so many years. I could see how it affected my view of myself, my relationship with others, and my unwillingness to reach outside of myself. I knew in my heart that the Lord never intended me to suffer the pain and loneliness that came with this evil. I felt such healing and peace. Thank you for your ministry and for all that y’all do I had mental clarity like a fog was lifted after the cursed object prayer. Thanks be to God! I also was crying during the You Are Loved prayer. I felt so loved. I felt like Jesus was giving me a hug... I’ve been struggling with addiction due to trauma caused by abusive relationships and just keep feeling more and more lost and hopeless...I felt Jesus speaking right to me through you in these times. I could feel the healing, and I feel renewed. I cried during the entire session. This was my first time attending. Wow. This was a beautiful and powerful session. I will be returning next month. Thank you. Thank you!! I felt so much love from Jesus and peace at the end. Thank you for this wonderful blessing. I feel a weight is lifted after each session. I cried cleansing tears and found profound peace! All Glory to God!It was wonderful! I feel a lot of peace and hope.Superb!!! During our Lady’s litany...I had uncontrollable crying...During your conclusion prayer...I felt woozy, peaceful and sensed our Mother’s presence and smelt faint scent of roses. It was beautiful. I always feel so much peace🙏🤍🕊I cried a lot during the Forgiveness prayers. I felt I was being healed of some deep childhood wounds of rejection, resulting in self-hate. The result of the session was a deep Peace. I have regained full movement of my right hip...I was limping for years and went to an orthopedic doctor who said there was nothing wrong (they did an mri and took x-rays)...I can do things like hike, exercise, work around the house that I was not able to do...Thank you to Father Rossetti and the team! I began to fall asleep during this session... However, after the prayer that calls to bind the spirit of lethargy, I feel wide awake. This is amazing to me. At the completion of the session I feel peaceful. I was brought to tears by the “I am loved” part. I have suffered through two divorces, not of my choosing. I did not know that I was in need of healing of feeling unloved. Each time I’ve participated, I’ve felt myself filled with peace and realize that when we finish, I’m smiling!! My husband and I have felt supported in the daily prayers we pray for the healing of our family trees. On one side of our family, there are many who struggle with addictions...we know that one aunt used Ouija Boards and tarot cards.....her descendants have had a very rough ride. Beautiful peace surrounded by pure love. God bless .Tonight was a very blessed and special night. I felt loved and accepted again. Lighter and hopeful. Beautiful sessions each time I attend, my family life has changed completely with saying the deliverance prayers...healings from addictions and compulsions the Lord has shown mercy to my family. Very peaceful and cleansing. I felt so much lighter and purer tonight than I ever have felt. I truly feel that these monthly deliverance prayers are helping me become more the kind of woman God created me to be. It was excellent. The prayers were very powerful. I was coughing throughout the entire session and felt lighter by the end. I really appreciated the prayer offering an act of love to the Father. Before the session I feel distracted and I'm hesitant to attend. But after the session I feel a tremendous peace in my heart. Our daughter, 19, who has been away from Holy Mother Church for 6 months, JOINED us while praying with you...She was so very drawn to Our Lord, exactly as He says, I know My sheep and My sheep know Me! She was hearing The Good Shepherd through you Monsignor and your voice! She kept leaning toward the screen! I, mom, had tears of healing! Thank you so much! Glory to God! I felt a renewed sense of hope and encouragement as the feelings of shame and self hatred from my past sins begin to lift - The knowing that God does Love me. Thank you I thought the prayer session was an incredible experience. I felt through out something being pulled from me and tingling in my fingers. I became very emotional and felt like all the prayers were very powerful... Beautiful healing. For too long, I struggled with self hatred believing I was worthless. These sessions have remarkable healing and awareness of the wickedness that surrounds us. Thank you so much for all of these prayer sessions. They are very powerful. Tonight was very emotional for me. I cried almost throughout and then felt very much at peace. I am so grateful. You have replaced my fear, dread and despair with hope. I am grateful for this incredible mission you have undertaken. I struggle so much with unforgiveness and only God’s grace can help me. I feel encouraged that these sessions are helping little by little to let go of past wounds and...eventually I can be liberated and free. I can’t wait for the next one!During the prayers in Latin, I felt very warm and comforted, as though wrapped in a holy blanket. When you renounced wounds from childhood, I knew the betrayal I was feeling was from my childhood. God is still healing me. There’s still so much healing needed. I’m not discouraged, though. As Fr. prays, I hang my head and close my eyes. At one point, I realized the pain I have been enduring the last two weeks on either side of my back shoulder and neck area disappeared. Great peace and encouragement! Renewed energy, at peace with trusting God more. Feeling of a layer of burden has been removed. A sense of joy and confidence filled me. My daughter and I are having issues with generational spirits (freemasonry) plus spirits of divination and other occult practices from before our conversion to Catholicism. This is my second session and her first. We already feel lighter and happier (once the headaches and nausea passed). Very, very powerful prayer session tonight! We used to be Satanists, so we know how important these prayers are. We were confirmed into the church last Easter. I'm sure these prayers have played a big role in helping lead us back home and minimizing the demonic attacks on the way. Thank you Msgr! All glory to God. I am filled with so much peace after the session. I am making progress with reconciling with my past and with people I’ve been hurt by and who I have hurt. Renouncing the spirit of self hatred was key for me! I felt it lifted from me!!! I am a child of the most high God!!! Jesus loves me so much!!! Such an amazing experience! I have never felt so much at peace as I did during this session! I was wounded growing up about who I am and what my value is. I spent 25 years in the dark understanding that I was worthless and rejected by God. The prayer about how loved I am and the act of love to God have been instrumental in my healing. Thank you!! We have been praying for my family particularly for my daughter... She has been away from the church and actually has satanic tattoos. Through these deliverance prayers she has unblocked me and God willing we are going to try to bring her back to God. I know Our Lord is Merciful. Praise be to God. I have shed many tears but now I am in PEACE. I don’t understand how this all works, but something has been lifted off. Afterwards, I realize I was walking around with a hundred pound weight on my back. And I wake up the next morning with a clear mind, and realize my mind was a complete fog before. The prayers are very powerful and after a very long day at work and getting home late, there was something trying to keep me away from joining the webinar and trying convince me that I'm too tired to join the session but I had a reminder in my calendar and I joined and I'm grateful that I did. Incredible agitation for several days prior. Painful at the Freemason part of session, but absolute peace afterward. Next day deep sense of freedom. Clearly something was forced to let go. I felt calm and something almost like layers being very gently lifted from me. It’s been a month since I’ve had difficulty of moving my left shoulder...While joining in praying the Prayer for healing, I also massaged my shoulder with holy & exorcised oil. Right after the said prayer I can move it comfortably further back. Glory to God! I truly felt Christ lifting my burdens and the feeling of leaning into Him. I found myself smiling often... when Msgr. Rossetti prayed the deliverance prayer in latin when I suddenly found myself crying out of nowhere...Then an overwhelming peace/joy come over me.
- Exorcist Diary #313: All Demons are Catholic
In yesterday's exorcism, the demons yelled: "Get that off of me!" It was a relic of Pope St. John Paul II. In fact, the entire Litany of the Saints was so powerful that we stayed with it for a long time. Demons also hate holy water and say it "burns." They can't stand priests; the famous Italian exorcist Fr Amorth said, "Satan is afraid of me!" They are completely terrified of the Virgin Mary and cannot even say her name. The sacraments are powerful graces that are so important in deliverance. Receiving the sacrament of confession is one of the most effective exorcistic practices one can do. Similarly, in another recent exorcism, I knew that the afflicted person had just been to Mass. So I commanded the demons to recall it: "Did she just go to Mass? Did she receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus? Did you feel it?" The demons screamed. In fact, demons hate everything Catholic. A well-known demonologist Adam Blai recently told a group of exorcists: "All demons are Catholic." The statement struck me. The demons cannot stand anything Catholic. It is true. I read an article that said the reason why the Catholic Church is promoting exorcisms in recent years is to convince people of the faith. This is nonsense. While an exorcism is a powerful evangelizing experience, we are not promoting exorcisms so much as people are knocking down our doors and pleading for help. Everyone knows, if you have demons, go to a Catholic priest. Moreover, it is the demons themselves who are affirming the truths of the faith, albeit contrary to their desires. They cannot help screaming when exposed to all things Catholic. I am a Catholic priest and one would expect me to witness to the truth of our faith, which I gladly do. But the demons do not want to acknowledge the truth. The last thing they want is for the world to know what tortures them and casts them out. The answer is very simple: Jesus gave his authority and power to cast out demons to the Church and its priests wield this power and authority in obedience to his command. The demons unhappily witness to it. As Adam Blai said, "All demons are Catholic." Are you a Catholic? Then practice your faith with fervor and confidence. Daily Mass, frequent confession, rosary, and Eucharistic devotion are wonderful sources of grace. Not Catholic? Say a prayer and ask God to lead you where He wants you. But if you are reading this, then perhaps God is already answering that prayer... ------------------------- * TONIGHT! Our next free monthly deliverance session is TONIGHT Monday October 14th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! 11,000 have already registered. **Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #312: Good is Not Good Enough
[" Casting out Satan ," Carl Bloch, 1834-1890] Some time ago, I was speaking with a young woman and I was encouraging her to go to Church. She said, "Why? I am a good person." She added that she was confident she would go to heaven because she was good. In an exorcism, it is very clear that we humans have no intrinsic power to cast out demons. They do not respond to reason, appeals to kindness, or any other positive motive. Only a power greater than Satan can force him out. An essential and iconic part of every exorcism is the priest holding up a crucifix and saying, " Ecce crucem Domini. Fugite partes adversae " (Behold the cross of the Lord; depart you evil powers.) I typically add, "Satan, look at the sign of your defeat!" When forced to look at the cross in a well-known exorcism, the demons responded, "I cannot bear it. Oh, this is torture! It is unbearable!"* What the young woman does not realize is that the power to rescue us from Satan's clutches only comes through Jesus. He alone can save us (Acts 4:12). In the Sacrament of Baptism, the priest similarly holds up a crucifix and prays, "I claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of his cross." Satan's hold over us is smashed on the cross and this salvation is present to us in baptism and the sacraments. Jesus' power to save comes through his Church. As he said to his disciples: "Whoever listens to you, listens to me" (Lk 10:16). Don't believe it? Attend an exorcism and watch what happens to the devil when the power of Christ in the Church is invoked. In an exorcism last week, I commanded the demons to answer the question: "Did she receive Jesus in the Eucharist this morning? Can you feel the presence of Christ in her?" Cover your ears because the demons will start to scream! If you face the demons on your own, you will be quickly vanquished. No exorcist would think of going one-on-one with the Evil One. No, we are clothed with Christ and wield the power and authority given to his Church. Being "good" is not good enough to defeat Satan. You need Jesus. --------------------- *" Begone Satan: A Soul Stirring Account of an Exorcism in Earling, Iowa in 1928 ," (Kindle version, p.21) **Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday October 14th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! ***Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #310: The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
[ The Gates of Hell , Cornelis Saftleven (1607-1681)] Wow, last Monday's online deliverance session was a challenge! Everything was all set. The Team was in place; computers were ready; our IT folks had connected us to the youtube livestream. Except ... I looked down and noticed my laptop was draining energy fast. It was working earlier but now, inexplicably, it stopped charging. (After the session ended, I plugged the laptop back into the same sockets with the same cords and it charged just fine!) I started scrambling: changing cords, changing plugs, changing electrical sockets, changing ports, and anything else I could. Nothing worked. Trying to stay calm as the session started, I did everything I could to fix the problem (including additional protection prayers) but to no avail. So, I set the computer on "low power mode" to have it last as long as possible. We made it to the Freemasonic renunciations. I still had some power, but it inexplicably froze and I was out of the session. We were about to end the entire session prematurely but, at the last second, I was able to reconnect on another computer, hook up camera and microphone, and load the program. I was back! ... a little harried but the Team adjusted beautifully and we finished the prayers. I was worried that the session would not be as effective, but the worry was misplaced. We received 900 glowing surveys which are summarized below. We had 6,000 live at one time from all over the world, with almost 14,000 views to date and it is growing. There are some important takeaways: 1. Despite assiduous protection prayers, God allowed the demons to harass our session . We have several dozen prayer warriors praying for the session. We say multiple protection prayers before it begins. We have one priest whose sole job during the session is to lift curses. (We are being cursed by a number of Satan's minions.) Sometimes people complain that they do all the right things and say the right prayers but demons still torment them. Protection prayers do not always completely stop the demons, but God does hear our prayers; He gives us strength; and he helps us to navigate through the trial. 2. These online deliverance prayers must be spiritually important or the demons would not try so hard to stop them . We continue to be astounded by the healing graces the Lord provides each session, as witnessed by the amazing feedback. See a sample below. Thanks be to God for his infinite generosity! 3. The renunciation of Freemasonry and its curses are particularly important . We often experience demonic harassment in our sessions and this time, as it often happens, it occurred during the lifting of freemasonic curses. We particularly invoke Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney, the founder of the solid Catholic organization Knights of Columbus .* These renunciations are important in the U.S.A. which, unfortunately, has an extensive masonic history.** 4. Demons can harass God's ministers but they cannot stop them. God's Kingdom will come. His Word will be proclaimed. The Evil One is but a fallen angel and, compared to Jesus, he is dust. When God's ministers are harassed in their efforts, one can expect even greater graces. This seemed to be the case Monday night. ----------------------------- *The Knights of Columbus are an important worldwide Catholic organization of 2.1 million members. Blessed Michael McGivney, its founder, founded it as a charitable organization and as a Catholic alternative to Freemasonry. Thus, his intercession to counter Freemasonry is particularly effective. We encourage men to join who wish to become part of a fervent Catholic faith community dedicated to charitable works. Did you know the Knights have a very active assistance program in the Ukraine? **On November 13, 2023 the Holy See (through the CDF) reiterated its prohibition of membership in Freemasonry. In a letter to the Philippines bishops it said: "... active membership in Freemasonry by a member of the faithful is forbidden because of the irreconcilability between Catholic doctrine and Freemasonry." ***Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday October 14th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! ****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. ***** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. + ----------------------------- Summary of Feedback from the Sept 16, 2024 Online Deliverance Session I felt a great deal of peace during the whole session. No words can describe the gratitude that I have in my heart. Always Wonderful I experienced so much peace! I had been afflicted with thoughts of hate such as “ no one likes you” “ you will never be liked” “ what makes you think you can be loved” etc. and when the prayer of I Am Loved was prayed peace love and an enveloping sense of calm came over me and my heart. I felt a sense of peace. Looking back on past experiences, past relationships was cleansing. Always feel peaceful I admit that I came to the prayer meeting unfocused on anything in particular just seeking the prayer. I suddenly cried during the prayer for breaking the Freemasonic and occult curses and this was quite unexpected as I don’t know anyone in my family who has been involved with the occult. The prayer that touched me so deeply was the ‘I am loved’ prayer and Father’s compassionate reach out to those of us who struggle to feel loved. I go in heavy and finish feeling like I had an outing to the park! The childhood trauma and abuse and the fallout of that, I'm 81 and felt unloved my whole life, the prayers touched me deeply. Thank you. Home was hell for me… They have been such a blessing to my husband and me. We are presently in the midst of a terrible trial with our 22 year old daughter. Prior to the session, I was in a very sad and low place. Half way into the session, I clearly felt the despair being lifted and was given, at least for a little while, a sense of peace and hope. I am so grateful. Uplifting! Reassuring! It was an enlightening experience…when you are enveloped in God’s love, mercy and kindness, fear just melts away into nothing and it liberates you. I felt God’s peace 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I felt chills during the deliverance of your generational line. The rest of the time I felt great peace. Received healing of self image. One of the last prayers of the evening concerning God the Father affected me greatly. Thank you. May God be praised. I was praying for my daughter who has a doll with a satanic symbol on it…This is the first time I've seen movement with my daughter. Today I'm fasting and praying for her. Thank you It was great! Very uplifting! I started to be a little agitated but during one of the deliverance prayers it immediately subsided. I encourage others to join us. I feel great peace and happiness both during and after the session. Problems seem to melt away. A big thank you to Monsignor and the team for helping us all. After your sessions I feel so strong against the forces of evil. You help me to “be not afraid”. When Msgr. Rossetti prayed the prayer for the weight of the devils yoke to leave, my shoulders and then body physically experienced this weight leaving and my entire body felt relaxed and free. Always peaceful and healing! I have demons of lust and uncleanliness from my ancestors, my biological father who molested me and the lifestyle I used to live. The demons were manifesting in my abdomen and some were being released out thru burps and yawns. Thank you again, I’m confident God will deliver me completely. You are a great blessing 🙏 Amazingly blessed I was tempted to just let this session go… I realize now that I have finished the prayer session just how much I really needed it. The old trickster tried to stop me from this prayer session. All the more proof to me that these deliverance sessions are powerful! Thank you and I will be continuing with them for me and my family. I felt surrounded by all of heaven, especially Jesus. It was very uplifting for me because I’m coming out of a suicide attempt and am very fragile. My children are shunning me… but what I DO understand is that GOD loves me and that’s all that matters. Very good teaching It was wonderful... very powerful prayers. The world needs them now more than ever. It was my first experience. I was not clear as to what to expect. nonetheless, I am very glad and I am feeling blessed. I will return next month. Wow... I was so moved that I started to weep. My gratitude to Lord Jesus and the Monsignor. I experienced a great lifting of lethargy and depression that I had been feeling. I now feel “light”, with a sense of peace and joy! This experience is extremely uplifting and gave me so much peace. My spirit feels lighter I heard Msgr and even Gina’s voice at my lowest points. Your prayers helped me so much!!! I love that so many from over the world are also participating. It helps me feel more connected to the Body of Christ. LOVE IT. Has brought me so much closer to Jesus and so much peace Game changer I tell everyone about these sessions. Just beautiful... I always experience great peace. I cry with the prayer I'm loved, I'm a son/daughter of God. I have seen wonderful changes in my family. Thank you Jesus! I can genuinely say that the experience is the highlight of my month. I always feel recharged with a deep sense of peace and new hope. Today I searched for the anger and unforgiveness but they were gone…I felt free. Today, I had to drive to pick up my son…I cried all the way listening [to] you and following and repeating the prayers aloud, I felt so happy because The Lord was cleansing me from my past. It was wonderful During this experience I felt inner peace, comfort and joy…I felt I was being unburdened, freed and spiritually cleansed and was being filled with God's peace and love. I renounced demons which have been oppressing me and dissolved an unholy tie and relieved an undue burden. I felt something in my heart I can't put my finger on, like I was freed from something. I think this is a precious gift from heaven…This was a beautiful experience. I feel comforted and more at peace. I was experiencing despair and darkness for awhile. Thank you for your prayers and ministry. God bless. Very powerful prayers Every time I emerge from a bout of depression I tell myself that this is the last time I go back to the dark….but I get to a place where I can’t leave my house. Your deliverance sessions are a vital lifeline. I always come away from them with renewed hope. Keep fighting the good fight for us. Your comments at the end regarding his harassment gave me hope to keep attending no matter how long it takes…I beg people to register each month telling them how much the prayers have helped me, especially with fear and childhood abuse. God Bless you and your Team! No words to describe how peaceful and blessed I feel. I am so grateful for these sessions 🙏, it has really helped me through some difficulties, lots of witchcraft in Trinidad and Tobago, so we need this ministry. …an overwhelming feeling of peace and joy, and I felt lighter…some baggage was taken off my back. Full of grace! Definitely recommend even if you don’t feel like you need one. I thought I didn’t need help with the evil spirit of self-hatred because I know God loves me despite my sin, however, once the priest was casting out evil spirits I started crying because I knew deep in my soul I was struggling with loving myself as a child of God. 😭 I felt a sense of peace and real presence of God. I did not want the prayers to end. It was a beautiful experience. This was a beautiful and freeing evening, that filled my heart with hope. The powerful prayers and spiritual support means the world to me for us. Exactly what I needed! [I was] very anxious and tempted to an angry outburst at the beginning of the session and I was battling those temptations. When you began to pray in Latin peace returned and reigned through out the rest of the session. Praise God! I had a deeper feeling of Our Lord and Our Lady’s presence and Love…It was truly beautiful. And the fruit of the prayers…in our home was very evident. My 19 year old daughter came downstairs to watch a Catholic program, Women of Grace and then Chris Stefanik !!! She has stopped going to Mass in May of this year. Please keep having these sessions, we appreciate you and the world and we need you so much! It's all good! My husband and I prayed with you together tonight. What a blessing! He has strong Masonic family ties (via his father and grandfather) that he has prayed against many times. The more we pray, the more we see God moving in our family, unloosing bonds (for example, spiritually healing our daughter). We are very grateful for your ministry. Attending the spiritual and deliverance session was a truly transformative experience for me. During the forgiveness part, I found myself in tears, realizing that I had been carrying a burden I didn’t even know was there. That moment of release was life-changing for me. I left feeling spiritually recharged… …general feeling of freedom from any demonic threats. I am in Nigeria and we have serious issues with foundational curses around here. A comprehensive deliverance session like this one is so helpful. Dear Msgr and the wonderful team of SMC , I am…from India. I can't thank [you] enough for the session that is conducted for all the Catholics and others around the world. Thank you! I’ve been afflicted by so many Freemasons…But after that freemason deliverance prayer I felt lifted and then after the ratification prayer I felt completely free from it all!!!! Glory be to God! During the deliverance prayer of casting all evil spirit I had a violent spell of coughing and had severe back pain ( which was light before) after we finished my back pain ceased. Thank you Monsignor and Gina 🙏🏻God bless all of you 🙏🏻❤️🔥 I always finish with a deep sense of peace. It's like a spiritual reset, so to speak. My spiritual life has exploded!! The peace and healing I have received from the deliverance prayers cannot be described. I now attend daily mass, bi-weekly confession and have developed an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of our faith. Thank you, Monsignor Rossetti! Words cannot express my gratitude. I am deeply moved and this came at a time when I was most in despair. You have given me hope once again and have done much to restore my faith in God and in myself. A gift from God. I cannot wait for the next session. God bless you all. I was moved... These sessions have been life-changing for me and helped me get delivered from oppressive feelings of anxiety and depression due to life circumstances that I experienced. May God bless all of you! My husband has only one brother…and they did not talk to each other for more than 3 years and I noticed my husband was very depressed…on the July Session…the priest said. "I wont be surprised if a loved one who hasn't talked to you, calls you after this session"... well, 10 days later my husband and his brother reunited and talked to each other again. Very enlightening... Such a wonderful experience. I cried much and I do feel God loves me. I have struggled with self-hatred since I was very young. Thank you Msgr and your team. I was in tears for much of this session. Thank you for I believe God was really doing a purification on my soul as I have been under extreme stress of late being a sole caretaker of my elderly parents. The stress of such brought on much nefarious anger and bitterness even though I was aware that those emotions were not of God but of the evil one. Your prayer session has truly opened my eyes and heart and has helped cleanse me. …tears were rolling down my face from beginning to end, I felt so moved by our God's love. I cried many healing tears, and I felt the love of the Holy Spirit embrace me. I feel much lighter because I’ve been suffering with depression for the last month pretty intensely and I have sense of joy and peace. So grateful... I had a stomach ache before the prayers started, and while praying, I started burping. It stopped when the session ended and the ache was gone. I felt such a wonderful peace… I feel like I have openness in my soul, quiet and calm and confident. It feels strong and so good. I feel like I am somehow new. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! As you went through the prayers of forgiveness and the release of family curses, I was relieved of a weight that has been weighing me down in such a subtle fashion that I did not realize it! I had not connected the bringing of pornography into my childhood home with the opening of doors to demons, but it was this intention I brought tonight - to pardon the persons responsible for bringing it and to forgive all the sequelae from it that affected me. I am so very grateful for this ministry! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for your Deliverance Ministry which is a most amazing blessing for all who participated throughout the world this evening.
- Exorcist Diary #140: Decorated Soldier Busts Ring of Satanists
Her 2.5 ton army vehicle exploded when it hit an IED. She dragged two American soldiers from the burning vehicle; shot four insurgents and stabbed a fifth before lapsing into a coma. During her four deployments to Afghanistan, she was decorated with a bronze star, purple heart, meritorius service medal, and two battlefield promotions. Back in the USA, a ring of Satanists targeted her, underestimating the strength and character of this petite-looking 5'2" 113 pound young Catholic soldier. These men were targeting virtuous female soldiers, trying to bend them to their evil. The Satanists threatened her and said if she did not murder a certain named individual, they would kill her younger brothers and sisters back home.* One of the members of the cult had this tattoo on his arm: It appears to be an image of Aka Manah , a demon of "evil desire." When someone tattoos the image of a demon on their bodies, it is like branding an animal to its owner. These men were willingly under the control of Satan. When they accosted and threatened her, this decorated army soldier knocked the first one down, where he laid bleeding. The others fled in fear. She had the presence of mind to surreptitiously tape the conversation and it was also videotaped with cameras on the premises. To the credit of the senior Army leadership, seven members of the cult were immediately arrested and are now in prison, awaiting trial. One of these Satanists confessed to multiple crimes including covering up murders of innocent people. She is a decorated soldier who heroically serves in our armed forces and, I suspect, a powerful soldier in the Army of Christ. *For an example of a Satanic influenced murder, see the story of Sr. Maria Laura Mainetti , who was killed and recently beatified.
- Exorcist Diary #309: Do Something Fun
[ St. Philip Neri , patron saint of laughter and joy, by Carlo Dolci 1645.] A young woman was severely possessed by many demons. I noticed that whenever she managed to do something she enjoyed, or at least felt some happiness, the demons would immediately attack her. They seemed intent on making her miserable. No doubt there are many reasons... In a possessed person there is a melding of consciousness of the demons and the person. As strange as it sounds, I suspect the demons themselves do not want to feel the person's happiness. In the beginning, the angels were given full knowledge of what would happen if they rejected God, and still they rejected Him. They chose suffering and darkness, rather than Divine joy and light. Feeling the individual's happiness would likely be odious to the demons and remind them of what they lost. Also, one of the demons' main goals in the case of a possession is to lead the person into hopelessness and despair. They try to drag the person into their own hellish existence and eventually into hell itself. Truly enjoying God's creation in a healthy and holy way, and rejoicing in the graced company of one's friends would frustrate the demons' plans to infuse misery and pain. I gave another one of our demonically afflicted folks the following daily assignment: "I want you to do something fun every day. It doesn't have to be a big thing, just something you enjoy. Enjoy a walk outdoors; call a friend; read a good book; eat something you like (in moderation), or whatever." Of all the assignments I give her to do in between sessions, this is the one she fails at the most. It is very difficult for her, and very important. Suffering is not good ipso facto . Suffering is only good when it is in accord with God's will and thus contributes to one's growth and holiness. Suffering 24/7 is not. A sign of true sanctity is an abiding sense of joy. As St. Teresa of Avila said, "From sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us!" -------------------------- *Our next free monthly deliverance session is this Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) 14,000 people have already registered from several countries all over the world. Join us in prayer! **Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #308: The False Angel of Light
[ " The Fool with ... Demons (detail) " in a psalter, Master of the Ingeborg Psalter, after 1205.] One of our demonically afflicted people said she had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary who told her that she would die on the upcoming Marian Feast. I responded directly and quickly, "That was not the BVM! Ignore it." "No," she insisted, "I know it was Mary. She was beautiful and I felt such a great Marian consolation. I know her." I reminded the woman of one of our fundamental principles for the possessed: "Assume that all extraordinary spiritual experiences before liberation come from the Evil One." She still didn't believe me. The Feast came and went. She remained very much alive. Fortunately, she was liberated some months later. Eventually, she learned to be obedient to the process of liberation, which is critical to its success. It almost always happens to the demonically afflicted, especially if they have somewhat of a spiritual life, that the Evil One will suggest to them that they are spiritually "special." He will mislead them with false visions and locutions. He will ply them with "secret" information. He will try to make them believe that they are numbered among the greatest of saints because of their affliction. All this is to inflame their spiritual pride. Moreover, it is an attempt to have the possessed person develop a prideful relationship with the demons, albeit disguised as listening to the voice of heaven. By the time the ruse is discovered, if ever, much spiritual damage has been done. Some never discover the ruse and become deeply enmeshed in the demonic world, thinking they are awash with mystical graces. A warning to the possessed and to those who care for them: "Assume that all extraordinary spiritual experiences during the process of liberation come from the Evil One." There may come a time when God will bestow true mystical graces upon the person, but these can wait until after liberation. Even then, great skepticism is warranted. The demons would like nothing better than to inflame the person's spiritual pride and return with seven worse spirits (Mt 12:45). It is little wonder that the great Doctor of the Church and spiritual master, St. John of the Cross , advises us to eschew such mystical experiences which too easily mislead and corrupt. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and even the most adept can be fooled (2 Cor 11:14). Rather, he encourages us to embrace the Cross of Jesus which is the true and sure road to sanctity and thus to God. ------------------------------------ *See blog number 253: Guardian Spirits **Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) ***Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds; msgrstephenrosetti@gmail.com . If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #307: The Fifth Suffering of Hell
[" The Annunciation to Mary- Lily and Violet ", Holly Schapker] Our exorcism session was well underway when one of the assisting priests arrived late. He walked into the room and exclaimed, "What is that horrible stench?" No one else smelled anything. Similarly, a woman, apparently with some spiritual sensitivities, told me that when she is with people afflicted with demons they "smell" very bad. She finds this quite disconcerting and difficult to be around. Many saints could smell the odor of sin and evil. St. Catherine of Siena was greatly repulsed by the odor of sin in others. St. Gemma of Galgani could smell people's sins of impurity; she would shudder and become physically ill in its presence. St. Faustina, in her famous vision, described seven awful tortures of hell including: The fifth torture is continual darkness and a terrible suffocating smell, and, despite the darkness, the devils and the souls of the damned see each other and all the evil, both of others and their own . I don't know why the priest who arrived late had a unique experience of the demon's stench, but the stench of evil is very real. Fortunately, we exorcists and our teams do not normally experience it, otherwise our ministry would be intolerable. God spares us. The beautiful odor of sanctity is very real as well. Padre Pio, St. Therese of Lisieux and many saints were said to emit an odor of flowers. An inexplicable scent of flowers can be a sign of a saint's presence, even when the saint is not seen such as in response to prayer. Those who have had graced experiences of heaven similarly report an indescribably beautiful scent of flowers. As the years pass in this ministry, I regularly come in contact with the horror of demons and their hell. I feel increasingly sad and incredulous that more than a few people would invite such putrid presences into their lives and ultimately consign themselves to hell. But, as St. Faustina wrote: " I noticed one thing: that most of the souls there (in hell) are those who disbelieved that there is a hell.'" I don't know what the answer is. I know that preaching about the reality of hell does not work in today's world. Maybe those who are expert in modern evangelization have a better way forward to get the Word out. In the meantime, our little exorcism team will cast out foul smelling demons in Jesus' name and we will share our real experiences. ------------------- *Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) **Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds; msgrstephenrosetti@gmail.com . If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #306: The New Morning Star
[ The Morning Star Preceding the Dawn] In the midst of a recent exorcism, we included in the session praying the Litany of Loreto . It is a beautiful litany in praise of Our Lady with her many titles. I chanted my favorite part: "Mystical Rose, Tower of David, Tower of Ivory, House of Gold, Ark of the Covenant, Gate of Heaven" and then I said; "Morning Star." The demons jerked and reacted strongly to it. Hmmm.... My ears perked up. Then I recalled that earlier the demon had identified itself as Lucifer. His name means "Light Bearer." He was supposed to be the Light Bearer, but he rejected God and thus he rejected his heavenly role. The light was taken from him. Now, Mary is referred to as the "Morning Star," whose coming precedes Jesus who is the light of the world. She, as the new Ark of the Covenant, bore the light in her womb and thus she is the new light bearer. When I saw the reaction of the demons, I stayed with it. I exclaimed over and over: "She is the new light bearer"; "Mary is the new morning star." A huge demonic reaction! Lucifer was enraged; he had been cast out and replaced by this humble radiant woman. I spent some time with the Team chanting these Marian titles over and over: "Ark of the Covenant", "Morning Star." Then I read from Isaiah 14:12-15 which explicitly reminds Lucifer of his fall: "How you have fallen from the heavens, O Morning Star, son of the dawn! How you have been cut down to the earth...In your heart you said: ...I will be like the Most high!...No! Down to Sheol you will be brought to the depths of the pit! " Clearly I had hit a demonic "nerve" and a particular vulnerability of this demon. An exorcism, very simply, reminds the demons of the Truth. It is precisely the Truth, which ultimately is Jesus, which they cannot stand. They live in the darkness; they are steeped in lies; and they cannot face the Truth. But for us, it was a grace to proclaim these beautiful titles of Mary. Just the thought of this radiant woman and her Son brings light and joy to the heart. ----------------------------------- *Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) **Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds; msgrstephenrosetti@gmail.com . If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #305: Demons Offer Exorcist A Deal
[During an exorcism, the Virgin Mary forces the Devil to return a pact made with Christoph Haizmann who later became a religious, Haizmann-triptych, 1677] In the afternoon I had a session with one of our biggest cases.. After a year and a half of brutal weekly sessions, the demonic colony was finally starting to crumble and demons were leaving. That morning, I was chatting with a gifted woman from another diocese. She said, "I had an inspiration that the demons in your case would try to make a 'deal' with you." I thanked her for the tip. A few hours later toward the end of the two-hour session, the out-front demon said, "I want to make a deal!" Because of the earlier tip, I was ready for this most unusual demonic offer. I responded, "You want to make a deal? Ok. Here's the deal: 'You leave.' That's the deal." The demonic response: silence. About a half hour later, that demon and his demonic minions left. Obviously, I did not make a deal with the demons. It turns out they were going to leave anyway. Demons never make fair deals. They are liars and deceivers. They will never give you a good deal or, for that matter, an honest deal. They will promise everything, maybe give you a little enticing taste, and then pull the rug out from under your feet. Demons cannot truly give anything good because they don't have anything good to give. Very quickly, you will wish you never made the deal. In talking to demonically-afflicted people who made such deals, they typically ask for power, wealth, jobs, success, health or love. They may have made such a deal unwittingly. For example, whenever someone casts a spell to get something, it is implicitly making a contract with Satan. What you don't know is what he will exact from you in return. One thing I have noticed is that those who have spent years in the occult, wicca, witchcraft, divination or the like typically are dark, sullen, unhappy, and angry. And when they try to get out of the occult and return to the faith, that's when the demons make their presence known: they mercilessly torture and torment the person. The only reason the demons wanted to make a "deal" with me is that they were going to leave anyway and were hoping to get something in return. Most importantly, if I had made such a deal, I would then be, at least partially, under their control. As is typical with a demonic deal, they would have gotten something for nothing. It might have been tempting for me as an exorcist to make a deal with the demons in order to liberate an afflicted person. Similarly, one occasionally hears about someone who offered to be possessed by someone else's demons in order to spare the other person. This is a very bad idea and I caution team members against it. If you take on someone's demons in a "deal," you only make things A LOT worse. I say to them clearly, "Don't do it!" No deals with the devil. Satan is a thief. God, on the other hand, is infinitely generous. Accept what God sends you in humility and obedience. Believe that what God sends is truly best for you, regardless of what you want. This is what conquers the Evil One: obedience, humility and trust in God. And this is what Satan does not have. ----------------------------------------- *See the blog "Breaking Satanic Contracts": 265 https://www.catholicexorcism.org/post/exorcist-diary-265-breaking-satanic-contracts **Our next free monthly deliverance session this Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) ***Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds; msgrstephenrosetti@gmail.com . If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #304: The Power of the Keys
[" Delivery of the Keys ," Pietro Perugino, 1481-1482] The first time I spontaneously prefaced one of my exorcism prayers with: "I invoke the keys of St. Peter", I was stunned with the demonic reaction.* They clearly recognized the power of these keys and were bound by them. This should not be a surprise. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus gave the keys to St. Peter and promised that "The gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it" and "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven" (Mt 16:18-19). Throughout the Rite of Exorcism, the demons are reminded of their defeat. Some of these lines are: "Why then do you resist, knowing that Jesus brings your plans to nothing?" "Depart, therefore, Satan, depart in the name of Jesus Christ, the mighty one who cast you out by the finger of God and destroyed your kingdom." And: "Give way to Christ...for He has already stripped you of your powers and laid waste your kingdom." I recall one moment in an intense session when the demons said, "You have no power over us; you have no faculties."** It turns out, at that time, I was being given faculties for each case. I had gotten a verbal OK from the Archdiocese so, in fact, I had faculties, but it was not in writing. I explained the situation to the Vicar General and he sent me a letter confirming it. I brought the letter into the next session. The demons response? Dead silence. Eventually, they left. It is common for people to say today that they are "spiritual but not religious." I think the demons would be pretty happy with that; they wouldn't have to deal with the power of the keys. The person doesn't have the protection and abundant graces that the Church offers. I would not even think of entering a spiritual battle without them. I would be defenseless. As an exorcist, I realize that I have no power of my own. In the ancient Rite of Exorcism, we admit to the demons that we are weak human beings: "I adjure you Satan, not by my weakness ..." and thus "I cast you out, unclean spirit, along with every satanic power...in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...For it is He who commands you..." Yes, when I authoritatively command the demons to leave, I invoke the keys of Peter and it is Christ himself who is actually commanding the demons. And they know it. ---------- *See the blog "The Great Weapon Against Satan": 289 https://www.catholicexorcism.org/post/exorcist-diary-289-the-great-weapon-against-satan **The demons were trying to disempower and distract me, as always. But I got my faculties in writing to emphasize that the Church had empowered me. ***Our next free monthly deliverance session this Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) ****Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. ***** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds; msgrstephenrosetti@gmail.com . If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #303: A Taste of Hell & A Taste of Heaven
[ “The Last Judgment,” 1536-1541 Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel] Stepping into an exorcism, the Team and the possessed enter the world of the demonic. We taste a bit of what hell is like. And it is incredibly nasty... When demons speak, they criticize and taunt; they spew hatred and violence. The rage in their eyes and the feeling of evil in the room is a taste of hell. When an exorcism session is finished, it is not uncommon to walk out feeling "slimed," with the demonic ugliness and filth still clinging to us. A second round of cleansing prayers is often needed. In St. Faustina's vision, the seventh suffering of hell is the despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies. In this life, we are fortunate that the demons are chained. In hell, where the chains are off, it must be infinitely worse. But there is also, in an exorcism, a taste of heaven. We invoke the saints in heaven and the demons howl. The name of Jesus and His crucifix are a powerful grace that cowers the demons. I recently asked the Virgin Mary to come and a wide-eyed look of terror came over the demons. In every session there are great moments of grace and a taste of the Kingdom of Heaven. Perhaps one of the most satisfying graces is when the session is over. The afflicted person, who walked into the center feeling tormented and hopeless, often leaves with a smile, an expression of gratitude, and a feeling of hope, sometimes even joy. Compacted into an exorcism is the full mystery of redemption: from sin and hell to grace and the heavenly life. I am blessed to experience the mystery of salvation and our team members have often told me the same. For this grace and for all of our blessings, we give thanks to God! ------------------ *Our next free monthly deliverance session this Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) **Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #302: Magdalene's Powerful Presence in an Exorcism
[Anonymous, 2024, inspired by private revelations. Used with permission.]* We have a few "go to"saints who are especially powerful in exorcisms. One of these is Mary Magdalene. We especially invoke her and apply her first class relic when the afflicted person has demons related to sexual sins. We often get a strong reaction from the demons. It is noteworthy that Mary Magdalene has become a popular saint these days. Growing up I don't recall ever hearing her being mentioned. In retrospect, this was an oversight. She has a prominent place in the Gospels with the life of Jesus and his disciples. She is mentioned by name over a dozen times. She was next to the Mother of Jesus on Calvary. She was the first to witness the resurrection of Christ and proclaimed it to the Apostles, thus she is rightly called, "Apostle to the Apostles." But we exorcists especially invoke her help in casting out demons. The Gospels state clearly that she was possessed by 7 demons and Jesus freed her (Lk 8:2). The number 7 in biblical times referred to a "fullness" or "completion." One might then surmise that she was full of demons and completely possessed. So, she would be a "natural" for our ministry. Undoubtedly, she would have a special love and efficacy for those afflicted by demons. In the early Church (see Pope Gregory the Great's sermons), it was believed that this Mary of Magdala (i.e. Mary Magdalene) was also the same unnamed woman in the Scriptures who was a "sinful woman" (Lk 7:36) and who wiped Jesus' feet with her tears and hair. More recent biblical scholars have questioned this. The fact that she is a powerful intercessor in exorcism cases involving sexual sins gives some support to the idea that her demons were a result of sexual sins. In truth, we do not know for certain how she got the demons or if these different female figures in the Bible are the same person. Theories abound. But it is clear that Jesus freed her from being fully possessed and she belonged to Jesus' inner circle. She was an important figure in the early Church, and she is resurfacing again in prominence. We are better off for it. People of today can relate to a repentant sinner. Given that she rose to great sanctity gives us all hope. Perhaps what is of the greatest significance in her life is her love for Jesus. It was she who wept at his tomb (Jn 20:11). May St. Mary Magdalene intercede for us that we, too, might have a great love for Jesus. --------------------- *This image was inspired by private revelations communicated by the visionary to the artist (who wishes to remain anonymous). The visionary said Mary Magdalene appeared as a "tall, very elegant woman. She had long chestnut hair pulled over one shoulder and had eyes the color of honey. She was holding two anointing flasks in her right hand- it was she who anointed him, both at the house of the Pharisee and at her brother's house. In the other hand, she was holding the linen cloth used to mop up the blood at the pillar after the scourging, with Mary." The artist is generously making this image available for public use for all. Note: this image is inspired by a private revelation so it is not official teaching but one can privately accept it if one wishes . **Our next free monthly deliverance session this Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) ***Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. See our short video on Mary Magdalene on youtube . **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #301: The Second Suffering of Hell
[Pope going to confession] Demons invariably demean, threaten and torment people. They know people's weaknesses and they exploit them. Demons particularly torment people with their past sins, using them to belittle, tear down, and tempt them to despair. The possessed are especially targeted by demons who continually harass them without compassion or pity. For example, they remind addicts of their past weaknesses and sins, tempting them to relapse. In one of our cases, the demons recently texted a recovering drug addict: "Enjoy snorting. No one cares or will even notice." And again, "Do your heroin; it's the only thing that's shown you comfort during your trials and sadness." Similarly, a recovering alcoholic who was possessed found bottles of alcohol mysterious appearing around him, and the strong scent of alcohol. For either of them, relapsing into their addiction would have greatly strengthened the demonic hold over them. St. Faustina, the Polish nun who popularized the Divine Mercy devotion, was granted by God a vision of hell. She said there were seven major sufferings of hell : the first being the loss of the vision of God. But the second was the "perpetual remorse of conscience." In this torment, the conscience eternally condemns the soul for its sins. The soul sees what God wanted for its earthly life, and it sees the countless times it rejected God and chose to do evil. This has been confirmed by the saints and mystics who witnessed the demons in hell torturing the damned. These evil spirits not only tortured them in "body", they especially tortured their minds, taunting them with their every past sin. They sought to tear them down, making them feel worthless, unloved, and unforgiven. Demons bring this hellish behavior with them in their taunting of the living- the possessed and human beings in general. They sadistically enjoy making us suffer for our sins and would have us believe there is no forgiveness or any relief. Sadly, this is true for damned souls; they are eternally tormented by their sins because they rejected, time and again, the one source of forgiveness and relief. But, for us the living, the possibility of relief remains. St. Gertrude the Great wrote that, for those who are repentant and accept the forgiveness of Jesus: "God remembers no more the sins...there still remain some marks of our faults, that we may be reminded to praise His goodness for having pardoned them, and for having poured forth His favors upon us as if we had never offended Him. " ------------------------ *"The Life and Revelations of Saint Gertrude the Great," Chpt. 28, p. 380 **Our next free monthly deliverance session this Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) ***Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #300: Demons' Favorite Word
[" The Holy Trinity ," El Greco, 1577-1579] After listening to countless demons and scores of hours of demonic chatter, there is one word which stands out as demons' most commonly used word. They use it again and again in varied contexts and in response to varied commands. The word is: "No!" This is the constant demonic refrain. When anything related to God is mentioned, they say, "No!" It is a rebellious "no" . They rejected God and will never willingly obey anything related to God. During an exorcism, when the Exorcist commands the demons to do or say anything, they will respond with an arrogant "no!" They take a perverted delight in voicing their refusal. And when forced to obey, they will only do so with gritted teeth and rage in their eyes. When the powerful Rite of Exorcism is prayed over them, they will scream a terrified "no!" , facing imminent expulsion and an ultimate damning judgment. Their demonic existence began with a "no" to God and this defiance permeates everything in their intellects, wills, and actions. Their very existence is one long, loud, emphatic "no!" But saying "yes" to God is not always easy. Saying "yes" to the hardships and crosses that come our way can be a struggle. Our plans for our lives are not always God's plans. At times, the demons' "no" to God might seem easier, that is, trying to take control and do it our way. Jesus gives us the ultimate prayer and the sure, although sometimes difficult, road ahead: "Our Father ... Thy will be done." ----------------------------------- *SOON!!!! Don't miss our free monthly deliverance session this Monday July 15 ! Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) **Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #299: Satan's "A Game"
[" Chess Players ," Friedrich Retzsch, 1779-1857, note: Satan is the player on the left] Most exorcisms are fairly straightforward. There are typically a bunch of lesser demons present with one leader who may or may not have a recognizable biblical name. These can be difficult for all involved, but with perseverance and faith the demons are eventually cast out. Jesus gave his Church the authority to cast out demons and it is obvious in an exorcism. In a face-to-face battle, demons always lose. But, once in a while, Satan plays, what I call, his "A Game." He puts a lot of effort into a particular case for reasons only he knows. His power is not unlimited so the case must have some real significance for his plans. Sadly, in such cases, the person is filled with hundreds of demons that are led by many well-known, high-ranking, powerful demons. The list reads like a "who's who" in hell. There are even times when Satan himself is personally present, although these are rare (despite lesser demons often claiming that they are Satan). When Satan is playing his "A Game," an exorcist is in particular danger. The real battle is not in the exorcism session itself. Satan knows full well that he loses in a face-to-face confrontation with the Church and her priests. The real "A Game" battle is behind the scenes. Satan is a master manipulator. He knows the right psychological and spiritual buttons to push for each person involved. Behind the scenes, he will sow discord and anger, doubts and fears, distrust, and intense temptations to pride, envy, sexual license and more. He will enlist human minions to tempt and attack the Exorcist, team members and the possessed. He will manipulate forces and nature to accomplish his goals. Through his manipulation of the possessed person, he will try the strength, boundaries, and virtue of the Exorcist, threatening to exhaust or compromise his priesthood. In modern times, a few have succumbed. Exorcists should know that they themselves are no match for the wiles of the Evil One. They will always be one step behind him. Just when they think they are winning, they will find out that Satan has been playing them and they are on the brink of losing. But there is one sure remedy. Trust in Jesus and listen to the Holy Spirit. And an added sure protection: love the Virgin Mary and let her mantle of protection cover you. God will give the Exorcist and his team the graces needed to unmask and confound even Satan's "A Game." ----------------------------------- *Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session July 15 . Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) **Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. These are scams. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #298: My Proof for God
[" Healing of the Cripple and Raising of Tabitha , " Masolino da Panicale, 1426-1427] As an exorcist, one image that is seared into my mind is the "Look of Evil." When we conduct an exorcism, the demons come to the fore and I look into their eyes. The total evil and murderous rage that I see is stunning and impossible to forget. Sadly we also see glimpses of such evil in the world around us. We see the face of evil when we witness violent rages, terrorist attacks against children, destruction of churches and holy images, greed and selfishness. Similarly, I have noticed that those who spend decades practicing the occult, witchcraft and unholy divination are typically unhappy, emotionally isolated, and often exude a darkness that surrounds them. These seem to me to be reflections of the face of the Evil One. Fortunately, as we pray over them and the light of Christ shines on them, the darkness slowly lifts and they once again come alive. I experience many daily touches of grace. So many people are genuinely kind and thoughtful, willing to help, such as the generous and faith-filled members of our exorcism teams. The joy of our team members and God's powerful healing graces greatly overshadow the demons' dark presence. One unmistakable sign of God's presence is the joy that springs up from someone’s heart and radiates from their faces. These “looks," some full of rage and darkness, and others full of heavenly joy, confirm for me both the reality of the Evil One and the reality of God. Even if there were no heavenly reward in the next life (which assuredly there is!), I would choose to follow the Lord. It is He who is the source of our joy and peace. Such joy and peace is its own reward in this life and a promise of happiness in the next. These are my daily “proofs” of God’s existence. What is yours? -------------------------------------- *Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session July 15 . Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) **Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter *** Beware of scammers! There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #297: Satan's Second Sin
["Envy," "The Seven Deadly Sins" detail, Hieronymus Bosch, 1475-1480] This past week, in the midst of an exorcism, I heard something I had never heard before in a session. We had just finished praying the Prologue of John’s Gospel: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The afflicted person came to consciousness and looked up at me. I asked her how she was doing. She responded, “I was just overwhelmed by an incredibly powerful feeling of ENVY!” She was not normally an envious person so where did that come from? Obviously, it came from the demons. People who suffer demonic affliction typically have a symbiotic relationship with the demons: they can feel and sense some of what the demons are experiencing and vice versa. Listening to the Prologue of John’s Gospel, which emphasizes the Incarnation of God in Jesus, was a torment for them—it filled them with envy. It is commonly thought that the fallen angels originally sinned through pride. But many theologians, including St. Thomas, speculate that they also sinned through envy. From the beginning, God revealed to the angels his plan to become incarnate in the Word. The idea that God would humble himself and become a human, and not an angel, enraged Satan and his followers. Pride and envy fueled their rejection of God. These fallen angels wanted more than what God would give them and they wanted to get it for themselves, not depending upon His generosity. These days you don’t hear much from pulpits about the sin of envy. But when looking at the widespread unrest, conflict and discord throughout our world today, much of it stems from envy- not being grateful for all that God has given us. Demons are constantly goading us to commit the same sins of which they are guilty, particularly their sins of pride and envy. They want us to suffer with them and under their brutal yoke in this life and the next. I know an antidote. It is a simple prayer that can only come from the heart of a soul that is saved: “Thank you Jesus." Say it often. And join me in this prayer: Jesus I thank you! Jesus I thank you. I thank you for humbling yourself as the Son of God and becoming one of us. I thank you for teaching us about the Father and sharing your Word. I thank you for your loving sacrifice on the Cross. I thank you for sharing with us your beautiful Mother. I thank you for sending down your Holy Spirit. May gratitude well up in my heart and deepen each day. I ask for the grace to praise and thank you this day and forever. Jesus, I thank you. Jesus, I thank you. Jesus I love you. (not copyrighted; please share with others) -------------------------------------------- *Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session July 15. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) **Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ***Beware of scammers! There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.