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  • Exorcist Diary #135: A Prince of Hell on Fire

    Baphomet is associated with this 19th-century depiction of a Sabbatical Goat by Èliphas Lèvi (Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, 1856) I had hoped that she was only oppressed and not possessed. This young woman had many signs of possession including waking up with huge slash marks on her back and upside crosses burned on her body. But then she sent me a picture she drew the previous night that removed all doubt... She said she was in a kind of trance and didn't recall drawing it. Moreover, she had no idea what it was. But to us, it was immediately recognizable- Baphomet, one of the princes of hell. Sadly, she was possessed and the demonic cohort was being led by a high ranking demon.... Months later, thanks be to God, we are now getting near the end of the exorcism. At the beginning, there were 10 senior demons under Baphomet and, in all, several hundred demons. One by one, as the months passed, the ten left. Finally, only Baphomet and his coterie around him remain. He is now undefended by other demons and taking the brunt of the exorcism himself. For months, the afflicted young woman has had nightly visitations and torments by the demons. Being possessed, she is able to "see" some of the preternatural world. She said she sees Baphomet nightly; in the beginning he was huge and seated on a large throne. Now, as the exorcism has taken its toll, Baphomet looks small and his horns are on fire. She added that his face is contorted with pain and he is in a rage. As we pray, she can hear the demons screaming. This is no time to let down our guard. In the final throes, demons can be especially vicious, especially a prince of hell. We maintain our vigilance and look to the Mother of God as a special help. Whenever we mention her name and invoke her protection, the demons convulse in agony. Sometimes people, including some young priests, are excited by the prospect of an exorcism and all things related. The reality is ugly and painful for all. There is nothing attractive about it. But I think of the day when this young woman can lie down to sleep and not be terrified by the prospect of being dragged into hell. I pray that it is, through God's mercy, soon...

  • Exorcist Chat #134: Demons Witness to Sanctity of Church

    To know what is truly holy, one might look at what demons hate. Demons are tortured by anything holy. And one of the greatest tortures, for all that is evil, is entering a Catholic Church... +First, as one approaches the Church, the bells are ringing. Demons are repelled by the sound of the Church bells. Some exorcists ring little blessed bells during an exorcism for that very reason. + Walking through the Church doors causes great distress and anxiety for demons. Many possessed people find it well nigh impossible; demons desperately try to block them from entering. +Then blessing one's self with holy water is a source of great torment for demons. Holy water is part of every exorcism. It is one of the most consistently effective sacramentals to cast out every type of demon. +Walking up the aisle, one sees a crucifix. A standard part of every exorcism is raising the sign of the demon's defeat, the crucified Jesus, and saying, "Ecce crucem Domini: fugite partes adversae." When I raised up the crucifix in a recent exorcism, the demons shouted, "Take it away! It's burning me!" +Near the altar is typically an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The demons cannot even say her name, it is so holy and full of grace. They are terrified of her. +As the Mass begins, a priest approaches and kisses the altar. Demons hate priests, as uniquely configured to Christ. As a demon said to me in the midst of an exorcism, "I hate the day she met you!" +The priest's vestments themselves, particularly the stole, are powerful sacramentals. When one possessed person was struggling with demons of unchastity, we wrapped a priest's cincture, a symbol of chastity, around her waist. The demons begged to have it removed. In another exorcism, I laid my stole on the possessed and the demons howled in pain, "Take it off! Take it off!" +Demons do everything they can to keep a possessed person from going to Mass and receiving communion. A possessed person said the host tasted to her like "a dead animal." Demons abhor the real presence. Satanic cults know how sacred a consecrate host is, which is why they try to steal one and desecrate it. Everything about a Catholic Church is abhorrent to demons because it is holy. Their tortured response is a strong and clear testament to the sanctity of a Church and manifold graces inside. Then, wouldn't a daily visit to a Church for all of us be a graced moment? Is there really anything more important or more grace-filled than daily Mass?

  • Exorcist Diary #133: Demons Mess with Easter

    This Holy Thursday, as a local priest began the sacred triduum, unexpectedly, the church lights began to flicker. They got unnaturally bright, and then very dim, despite the controls having no rheostat. The lights flashed and faded. Then the church went completely dark. The priest, unfazed, led a beautiful celebration by candlelight. Later, a spiritually gifted woman present in the congregation confided to him: "One of Satan's minions entered the church and invoked the help of demons to disrupt the Mass." When the Mass ended, the lights returned to normal, as if nothing had happened. In a nearby Church two days later at the Easter vigil, when it came time to sing the Gloria, the organ inexplicably would not play. The priest calmly preceded to lead the people in a blessed vigil Mass acapella, without instruments. The organist tried throughout the liturgy to get the organ to work, to no avail. At the very end, the organist had an inspiration and took out some of the holy water blessed on Epiphany. He sprinkled the water on the organ and it began to function normally, just in time for the final hymn.* This is typical demonic behavior. It harasses and tempts, but it can never thwart the work of God. I have encountered a number of people recently who are frightened by Satan and cower in fear. Unwittingly, because of their fear and letting this fear control their behavior, they fall under his control. On this Divine Mercy Sunday, we say the prayer that St. Faustina offers us, "Jesus, I trust in you." Satan is toothless and powerless in the presence of the Risen Lord. Trust in Jesus. *In our app: "Catholic Exorcism," there is an Umbrellino Prayer for Technology that is used to protect computers, cell phones, etc., from demonic harassment. It can be adapted for other uses, such as a church organ.

  • Exorcist Diary #132: A Witch Reinforced

    Annibale Carracci "Resurrection" We had started to make some progress with the curses sent against A's family. After several weeks of sessions, the physical pains in the husband as a result of the curse were starting to abate-- a sign the witch was losing her grip over them. However, she still had occult knowledge of almost everything that transpired in the household and taunted them with it. As her power over them initially started to fade, I expected this to start decreasing soon as well. Then the woman announced she was going to meet with a higher level witch. I suspected she was aware she was losing her grip and sought out more powerful assistance. The next session confirmed it: the husband's pains were back and worse than ever. It felt like we had started all over. However, when we began the next session, I opened with the Umbrellino prayer as always. It is a prayer which protects the afflicted person from demonic reinforcements and isolates the demons tormenting the individual. We say it in the beginning of every session. This time, the husband instantly began coughing wildly and painfully. Clearly something was up! Ah yes... This Umbrellino prayer, which we say almost perfunctorily, has an important function, especially in such cases. The witch had obtained the help of a more powerful witch and was calling in demonic reinforcements. The prayer was blocking the reinforcements, hence the coughing and hacking. It's a battle. We will see this to its successful end and I know the Risen Jesus will triumph. In the meantime, the family is suffering terribly in many ways. From those who discern a call to do so: your prayers are requested!

  • Exorcist Diary #131: The Power of Holy Water

    Francesco Trevisani "John the Baptist baptizing Christ" After years of practicing New Age spiritualities and several forms of yoga, "N" now experiences much demonic oppression and obsession. Her mind and affect are darkened and foggy. We have been praying over her for some months and she is slowly getting better. Recently, she has been having demonic attacks in her stomach area. I suggested she drink some holy water. She did so and was happy to share with others her experience: As I felt attacked by demons in my stomach area, I drank three or four big sips of the holy water. The effect was almost immediate. I was flooded with a strong and very clear light from above. The light pushed all the darkness away from me for a moment, it was a physical sensation. Then I felt my mind clear and I could suddenly feel that I was more myself again. I realized that I had forgotten what that is like. The fog in my mind cleared. I got a new perspective. It seemed like my brain was functioning at normal level again. Everything seemed light, saying "bathed in light" wouldn't be an exaggeration. A wonderful sense of peace and clarity filled my whole home. I felt very grateful and impressed that just a sip of holy water could be this powerful. Most people do not have such a profound experience using holy water, but her reflection is a good reminder of the importance of sacramentals, especially holy water. I often recall a similar quote from St. Teresa of Avila's autobiography (chpt 31): “From long experience I have learned that there is nothing like holy water to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again….For my own part, whenever I take it, my soul feels a particular and most notable consolation. In fact it is quite usual for me to be conscious of a refreshment which I cannot possibly describe, resembling an inward joy which comforts my whole soul. This is not fancy, or something which has happened to me only once, it has happened again and again and I have observed it attentively….” These might seem to some as exaggerations, but it is good to recall some important things about holy water. Water is an essential of life and stimulates life; there is no water in hell. Water is an essential part of baptism and holy water ought to remind us of this foundational sacrament. Holy water is a sacramental and its power comes from the authority and power that Christ gives to his Church. Shouldn't we all have holy water readily accessible and use it often? It certainly puts devils to flight and refreshes the soul.

  • Exorcist Diary #130: Names for Children-- from heaven or hell?

    All Saints Day procession As the sessions continue with "John," the demons are getting weaker. They are starting to reveal their names-- some rather strong demons present including Asmodeus, Abaddon, Baal and more. As I research all the names, I continue to be amazed at how many are used in video games. Many times, the games rightly portray demons as evil and by the end they are vanquished. But in others, young people are sometimes casting spells, taking on the names or attributes of demons, or enlisting demons as allies. In years past, it was standard practice that Christian parents named their children at birth after a favorite saint. It is thought that this saint would not only be a role model for the child, but also a patron and intercessor. Moreover, the "spirit" of the saint is thought to influence the one named. If a child was named Michael, for example, the Archangel would hopefully be its special protector. Moreover, one could expect that the powerful spirit of this defender of God's holiness (Quis ut Deus) would be a strength upon which the child could draw. The authority of parents to name their children is a sacred responsibility. The act of naming something, given by God to humanity, concedes an aspect of divine authority (Gen 2:19). Giving a name to things is meant to identify their true nature. Something valuable is lost when a child is not given a holy name. Similarly, what does this say about those who take on the name of a demon or take a demon as an aid in a video game or cast demonic spells? One might protest that it is only a game. But from what I know of demons, if they can, they will take it as an open door.

  • Exorcist Diary #129: A Recipe for Possession

    Peter Paul Rubens, The Immaculate Conception Things weren't adding up. When we prayed over "Joyce," it seems she was fully possessed. She reacted strongly to the exorcism prayers. Her personality receded into the background and a snarky, arrogant look came over her face. When we held up a crucifix, she said it burned her eyes to look at it. She had great difficulty going to Mass and swallowing the consecrated host. She said, "It tasted like a dead animal." When our exorcism sessions ended, she remembered little of what happened. But her background information didn't seem to match. It is true that she was a fallen away Catholic and she had engaged in some sinful behaviors. But our experience is that fully possessed people usually have more open doors to the demonic. Her condition wasn't making sense. Several months into the exorcism, the truth finally came out. As she felt more comfortable with us, she revealed that she had had an abortion. Moreover, she previously spent a couple of years dabbling in the occult, including consulting mediums, calling on spirits, and practicing divination. Now, I understood. This is the perfect trifecta for possession. First, do not practice the faith. Living a virtuous life of faith in Christ and his Church is the primary protection against the power of Satan. Without it, the person is vulnerable. Second, commit seriously sinful behaviors, especially contributing to wrongful deaths, child abuse, or mortal sins in general. These create wounds in the psyche and spirit through which the demonic may enter. Third, call on evil spirits such as in occult behaviors or any new age spiritisms. This directly invites demons to enter through the wounds and possess the defenseless person. As I look around in society today, all three conditions are rapidly on the rise. Things are going to get a lot uglier before they get better. We need more exorcists and more deliverance teams. Our little team is increasingly flooded with valid cries for help. We must look to Our Lady.... My beautiful Mary, my love, we need you.

  • Exorcist Diary #128: A Demonic Ruse

    "Susan" had asked for one of the other exorcists by name to attend her exorcism session. Sometime after she was fully manifesting, the priest was finally available and walked in. The demons immediately let out a yell and cowered in the corner. They cried out, "Get him away from me!" They acted terrified. I looked up and said to the Team, "It's a ruse." We ignored the demons' histrionics and calmly went back to our prayers. In an exorcism, demons try all sorts of tricks to derail the Team. One of them is pitting team members against each other. A related trick is trying to inflame some members' pride and deflate others' self-esteem. Today's demonic antics attempted to do both. They made it seem like the one priest was a spiritually powerful person and the others were spiritually inferior. This was a lie. Moreover, it attempted to take our focus away from that which is most powerful in an exorcism: a priest with faculties from the Bishop saying the Church's approved Rite of Exorcism. How did I know it was a ruse? Likely it was a special grace. Although the demons' histrionic cries and cowering were hollow and felt like a badly acted play. And I had seen that demonic ruse attempted several times before with others. An exorcism is a spiritual battle fought on many levels simultaneously-- spiritual, psychological, and physical. We rely not on any special personal gifts nor are we disheartened by our weaknesses. Rather, it is the power of Christ, given to his Church, which makes the demons truly terrified.

  • Exorcist Diary #127: Sexually Abused by Demons

    Crucifixion, El Greco and Janina Ploska In the midst of the session, "Lucy" started to scream and thrash. By the sound of her voice, I knew it wasn't the demons; it was Lucy herself. "Get them off me!" she yelled. "Are the demons molesting you?" I asked. She began to sob, "Yes." The team immediately went into its protective mode. The exorcists commanded the demons to stop. We beseeched the Blessed Mother to spread her mantle of protection with all its purity over her. We asked the angelic powers of heaven to establish a perimeter of protection around her. After about five minutes, it stopped. Not long ago, a new exorcist called me for a consult. He said he had a new referral and the woman claimed to be sexually abused by demons at night. He was skeptical. I explained that this is actually common. One of the demons' most upsetting tactics is sexually abusing and thus shaming and traumatizing women. It can be hard to understand why God would allow this. But God allows millions of people around the globe every year to be sexually abused by humans. Sexual abuse is an evil act in league with Satan and his minions. After the session, I explained to Lucy that demons do not have gender nor do they have bodies. They are not actually physically having sex with her. However, they can make it feel exactly like being abused including all the physical sensations. While I know that this does not reduce the horrible experience for her, perhaps she can realize it is another demonic deception and lie. When the session ended, the priests prayed a healing prayer over Lucy. We prayed that God would heal her of any hurts and traumas, past or present. An exorcism is a dirty, ugly affair because of the presence of evil demons and all that they do. It is particularly awful, and we too can feel helpless and pained to the heart, when the afflicted person is being abused by demons right in front of us. In this Lenten season, we all might offer up our sufferings to the One who suffered the full weight of evil and sin for us. May Jesus make Lucy, and all of us, whole.

  • Exorcist Diary #126: Wounded in a Spiritual Combat

    It was a particularly ugly session. After months of exorcism sessions, I now had the demon leader's name. I moved in close, about two feet away, and stared the demons in the eye. They were fully manifested. Using the leader's name, I commanded the demons, in the name of Jesus, to leave. They were not weak enough yet to cast out and had plenty of fight left in them. In a gravely voice, they mocked and taunted me. I could hear and feel the evil. They were disgusting and full of filth. I tried not to listen. I try not to make this a personal fight. I hide behind Jesus and do everything in his name. It is he who is the exorcist. But it's a bit difficult being only 24 inches from the demons, who are in a full rage. The demons take it very personally and focus their seething violence on me. Finally, it was time to end. The team members, and the afflicted person, were all tired. Together we said prayers of thanksgiving. At the beginning of the session, I had faithfully said prayers of protection. Now, at the closing, I said the full cleansing prayers. But when it all ended, I wasn't feeling quite right. I tried relaxing, eating dinner, and moving on. It didn't seem to help. After an hour or so, I wasn't any better. In fact, I felt somewhat disabled. Finally, I was able to identify the feeling. I felt like I had been stabbed by a poisoned blade. I was spiritually wounded. The poison was there and it would not go away. It was infecting my entire system. Apparently, for some reason, the demons were able to break through the usual protection and "stab" me with their poison. Perhaps I was in too close. Regardless, I was wounded with an otherworldly poison. There was only one solution for this. I went into the chapel and asked my Mother for help. It seemed to me that she looked at me with kindness and gently chided me for waiting for so long to come to her. She quickly expelled the poison. I was now fine although I needed to rest a bit. I don't know how the demons were able to get through. It reminds me what one of my military instructors said who was training us in knife fighting. He opened the lesson with the following admonition: "In a knife fight, you are going to get cut." In a close fight with demons, I have to expect occasionally getting "cut." But I learned my lesson. Next time, my first stop is the chapel and the healing touch of Our Lady.

  • Exorcist Diary #124: Demon of Abortion Reveals Its Name

    "Lucy" is possessed and being tortured nightly by the demons. They taunt her, mark her body with scratches and burns, claim that they own her, and often twist her bad leg, which is excruciating for her. Demons are merciless and relentless. After a number of intense exorcism sessions, the demons were weakening. It seemed to me that they just might be weak enough to be compelled, by the power of Jesus, to reveal their names. Having their demonic names gives additional power to cast them out and suggests that the time of their exit is approaching. So I demanded again and again and again: "Dicas mihi nomen tuum" ("Tell me your name"). This line is a direct quote from the traditional Rite of Exorcism. The demon resisted mightily. Finally, with great reluctance, it gave up its name, "Abyzou." I looked it up. Several sources concur: Abyzou (also spelled Abizou, Obizu, Obizuth, Obyzouth, Byzou) is the name of a "female" demon in the Near East blamed for miscarriages and infant mortality.* It made perfect sense. Sadly, Lucy had had an abortion. She sincerely repented, went to confession, and remained very contrite. While any and all sins are forgiven in the sacrament, this does not mean that associated demons are immediately cast out. Often, a time of purgation is necessary. Given the gravity of the sin and the resulting tragic child's death, it was going to be a fight to cast out this demon. Abyzou taunted Lucy for having had an abortion. The demon told her she could never be forgiven. It played on her deep sense of guilt and attempted to drag her into the darkness of hopelessness and despair. This is typical demonic behavior. Demons not only tempt you to commit sin but then if you do, they taunt you and shame you for doing so. We assured Lucy that her sin was truly forgiven and said a prayer for her baby. Lucy may also need post-abortion counseling and/or work with post-abortion healing groups. In the midst of the session, one of the exorcists was inspired to hold up an icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The demon went into a huge convulsion. So, repeatedly we invoked Our Lady under this title and the demon convulsed every time the icon was held up. The effectiveness of this holy image is no accident. The icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe reveals Mary as a pregnant woman and she is often invoked under this title for unborn children. Moreover, under her feet is a symbol of the moon and darkness, a reference to the devil. Juan Diego, upon whose tilma the image appeared, referred to her in his native language as: "Te Coatlazopeuh” – “she who crushes the serpent.” An abortion is a grevious sin. But Lucy and all should know that there is a Divine source of healing and peace. We have a tremendous advocate in Our Lady of Guadalupe who treads upon Abyzou and brings God's healing. "Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, pray for us." *Demons do not have physical bodies or gender so it is technically not a male or female.

  • Exorcist Diary #123: A Week in Hell

    Immaculate Conception by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1767–1769, in the Museo del Prado, Spain A strong taste of hell this week. Many of our afflicted were oppressed with hopelessness and despair. It was palpable. Underneath was a current of anger, occasionally manifesting in a look of violence. One of our sensitives confirmed that she, too, was aware of this despair afflicting her directees. Something in the air. People are rightly concerned about the coronavirus. I am more concerned about the virus of despair and anger infecting our nation. It is fueled by Evil and afflicting many. In one session, a man began to manifest and the entire eyeballs of his blue eyes turned completely black. In another session, the demons were dissing us, threatening us, spewing forth every sort of demonic taunt and disgusting mockery. All this is hell-- anger, despair, violence. The eyes of the soul turning black. Filth. Attacking any semblance of good. Sometime back, I was teaching a graduate theology class of 33 good Catholics. I gave them Sr. Faustina's vision of hell and asked them if they believed it. Only one did. Her vision was a private revelation and thus one is not obliged to accept it. I can understand why they did not; it seems too horrible. But I believe St. Faustina had a true vision. Actually, her words could not fully capture this terrible reality. This week we entered, once again, the presence of hell. We were surrounded by evil, weighing down the air around us, and oppressing our spirits. In a text from the demons, they said I was a "weak priest" and threatened to up the attack against us. Finally, the week ended. I went into my regular, monthly retreat day. There I found the loving arms of the Mother awaiting me. She was fully aware of it all. She lifted the oppression of hell and there was peace. I am indeed a "weak priest." But I have a beautiful and powerful Mother. 2 Cor 12:9-10: I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me....for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

  • Exorcist Diary #122: A Wounded Beast

    Michael casts out rebel angels. Illustration by Gustave Doré for John Milton's Paradise Lost. Jason woke up with four long, ugly looking, 18" gouges on his back. It looked like a beast had raked its claws down his back. In fact, that's exactly what happened. The demons' attacks against him have intensified. He is aggressively assaulted and abused. At night, and even during the day, his bed shakes violently when he lies on it. Jason is terrified. Friends freak out when they see it. In our latest session, Jason said his eyes were burning when he looked at the crucifix. He cried, "My eyes are on fire!" Several times, he was choked to the point of passing out. He relayed to me that the demons were demanding that I take off my stole. This, too, is causing much suffering. Of course, I refuse. Jason's mother is distraught. She complains, "The situation is getting worse. The demons are getting stronger!" And Jason, because of the physical possession, feels much of the demon's pain. He is suffering greatly. The demons themselves are suffering intensely and are actually getting weaker. The stole, the crucifix and other sacramentals are torturing them. The Rite of Exorcism is loosening their grip and they are fighting back like a dying animal. Like a mortally wounded beast, they are thrashing and lashing out. It cuts to the heart to see Jason suffer so much. I wish there was an easier way, and I tell him so. These are dark moments, that pushes Jason and his family to the limit. I trust that God will not allow the demons to push them beyond what they can stand. I encourage them to pray, "Jesus I trust in you." It is my prayer as well.

  • Exorcist Diary #121: In the Midst of a Demonic Onslaught

    DUCCIO di Buoninsegna, Siena, "The Temptation on the Mount" The demons have now launched a full out attack against Jason. They are sending manipulative and accusatory texts. (A friend walked into Jason's room and saw his phone sitting face up and the keys typing messages by themselves.) The demons are intensely tormenting him, nightly burning crosses into his body, and more. They are getting into his and his family's head, inflaming their frustration, anger and despair. In the texts, the demons continue to boast: "He is ours." "You will tire of this and give up." "We will drag him to hell." "You will never defeat us." But if you listen closely, you will hear that it is really the demons who are despairing. They fear giving up. They are insisting that Jason belongs to them because they know they are actually losing him. It is just one piece of a cosmic battle that they have already lost on Calvary. Their lot is one of defeat and despair. Our task is to support Jason and his family who are suffering terribly. Their anger, frustration and feelings of hopelessness are very real. This is the challenge of an intense exorcism- keeping the team together and moving forward in the middle of a demonic onslaught. We have engaged our prayer warriors. We need their prayers....I speak to Jason and his family about trusting in Jesus. I tell them this trial will end. The demons will be cast out. Persevere. I worry. I stay close to them during this trial. I tell them that we will never abandon them. Neither will Jesus. And I pray, "Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided..."

  • Exorcist Diary #120: Branded by Satan

    "The Baptism of Christ" by Andrea del Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci Jason woke up with a very ugly four-inch, upside-down cross burned deeply into his shoulder. Strangely, he said he didn't feel it, just a little tingling. Four days later it rapidly disappeared. Jason had foolishly asked Satan for success in his business and finances. Years later he repented and had returned to the Church. But Satan had not forgotten him and was now laying claim to him. At night, Jason hears the voice of Satan in his head, "You belong to me." The upside-down cross is a mockery of the cross of Christ. The fact of its appearance without pain and impossible rapid healing attest to its preternatural origin. Like the branding of an animal, Satan was claiming ownership. In the midst of the exorcism sessions using the new Rite of Exorcism, Jason repeated his baptismal vows. He rejected Satan and all his works. I had Jason explicitly add three times, "I belong to Jesus. Jesus is my Lord and Savior." In the Rite of Baptism for infants, the priest prays, "I claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of the cross." Echoing these sacramental words, I then prayed over Jason, "I invoke the power of the keys of Peter and by the authority of the Church, I break any covenants between Jason and the Evil One. The death and resurrection of Jesus cancels any ownership Satan may believe he had over him. I claim Jason for Christ our Savior. In the holy name of Jesus, I set him free." At root, an exorcism is a rejection of Satan's claim of ownership. In baptism, we are claimed for Christ our Savior. The new Rite of Exorcism is a renewal of the sacrament of baptism and once more freeing a soul from Satan's grasp. I have come away from these experiences with a more profound appreciation and gratitude for the sacrament of baptism we all receive and its power to free us from the Evil One.

  • Exorcist Diary #119: "She will come."

    Winged Virgin of the Apocalypse by Miguel de Santiago. Quito, Ecuador, 17th century It was a very tough case. The young woman was possessed by hundreds of demons with Satan himself personally leading them. But the more difficult the case, the stronger the graces God gives. In this case, I knew that we would need the very best God could send. We were coming close to the end, after countless hours of ugly and painful sessions. The demons were getting weaker and were now more obedient, much to their dismay. I commanded them, in the name of Jesus, to tell us, "When will you leave and by what means?" The demons reluctantly responded with a date two weeks hence and said, "She will come." Everyone in the room knew who "she" was. The demons would not say the name of the Mother of God. Her name, like that of her Son, is itself holy. The day finally came and the moment approached. The room grew silent and the possessed woman said, "She is here." As the Virgin quietly moved closer, the demons began to thrash wildly. She said nothing but the radiant light of Christ shining through the humble handmaid of God was overpowering. Satan himself screamed. After screaming and thrashing several times, the Prince of Darkness left. It was over. Now, I ask all of the possessed to consecrate themselves to the Mother of God as part of the healing process. We ask Mary not only to cast out the demons but to protect the afflicted person for the rest of their lives, until she welcomes them into the Kingdom. The Gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church, or against its Mother.

  • Exorcist Diary #118: The Birth of Our Hope

    Gerard van Honthorst's Adoration of the Shepherd After an ugly dream last night, I woke up and began feeling awful. Where did this come from? After a few moments, I was able to name it. It was a feeling of hopelessness. Ugh. I don't recall ever feeling the darkness of such hopelessness. Where did this come from? Then the insight came: several of my current clients are struggling with hopelessness. It is not uncommon that an exorcist would get a whiff, or perhaps even more, of his clients' demons. It is helpful in diagnosis, and more. So, I took the advice I give to my clients. With rosary beads in hands, I placed both hands on my head and repeatedly commanded: "In the name of Jesus, I command the demons of hopelessness to leave." Again and again and again. After a few minutes, I took a short break and did a second and third round. Then, it lifted. Wow. Hopelessness is a very ugly feeling, which permeates the demonic and the depths of hell. In addition, it is one of Satan's main attacks these pandemic days. COVID-19 is a real virus killing people; but Satan is an opportunist and he is taking advantage of it and sowing hopelessness everywhere. Tomorrow is Christmas. With the coming of Jesus, hope has entered our land and casts out the darkness of despair. I learned again, first hand, what a great gift God gives us in the birth of our hope.

  • Exorcist Diary #117: Whence comes human suffering?

    Flagellation of Christ by Caravaggio We received a late night text from the demons. They were taunting us: "You should have heard her scream. We are going to break her leg off." Then they blamed us, "It's your fault. You made us do it." "Jane" is possessed. She also has a bad left leg. That night, the demons attacked her and twisted her bad leg. It was awful. I knew they couldn't break her leg off; God would not allow it. But they could make her suffer and they did. The demons couldn't help jabbing us and trying to shift the blame: "It's your fault." I suspect their twisted minds actually believe it. Evil will never take the blame for its own sins and despicable actions. Satan is spending his eternity blaming God for all he himself has done. One of our gifted people had an intense encounter with some demons. She said what stunned her most was the absolute lack of even a drop of mercy or compassion. Thus, it was predictable they would exploit Jane's bad leg in order to inflict the maximum pain and fear. Demons are vicious and will always try to torture a person where it hurts the most. Our little team, I believe, feels God's response to such pain and torture. There arises in us a deep sadness, an intense compassion, and a desire to help. Our team rallied around Jane and doubled our efforts. Isn't that what Jesus does? He is God's compassion and one who ultimately saves us from such evil. Where does all the pain and suffering come from in this world? I know it does not come from God.

  • Exorcist Diary #116: Protected from Demons

    Daniel in the Lions' Den by Peter Paul Rubens "Julia” grew up in a good Catholic family. She went away to college and began dating a young man who was heavily engaged in the occult. She participated in these rituals and fell into other sinful behaviors as well. By the grace of God, she came in contact with a dynamic Catholic youth group at the University and it turned her life around. She broke up with her boyfriend. She started attending Mass and went to confession. Things were looking up. A few months after her conversion, she awoke one morning with horrible marks on her back. It looked like a beast had raked its claws down her back. Demons began to attack her. They nightly harassed and abused her. She had difficulty entering a Church or going to Mass. She knew her past had come back to torment her. Two of her female friends at the University wanted to help. They had entered her room at night and could see what was happening. They decided to sleep in her room and to be a support during the demonic attacks. Unfortunately, these young women, although well intentioned, were not spiritually ready for what they encountered. One fell into drug abuse and sexual promiscuity, and shortly thereafter left the University. The other became filled with rage, threatened suicide, and she, too, left the University. Julia’s family referred to her to an exorcist who began the Rite. Julia noted that when she went home to her family, the demons did not enter the house. The Father explained that their house had been blessed; it was filled with sacramentals including crucifixes, holy statues, and often sprinkled with holy water. The parents were fervent Catholics. Ephesians 6 says: “Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil.” These two young women were not ready. The parents were. Faith in God and Jesus Christ are the armor that protects us. As faith slips away in these secular days, I worry that our homes and families will not be protected. As faith slips away in our nation, what will become of it?

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