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- Exorcist Diary #336: Four Steps to Cast Out One's Demons
[ " Jesus casts out the devils ", Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, 1860] Lent is a time of great graces of conversion and it is an especially good time to cast out one's demons. Here is a four-step process: + Identify your demons. Each of us has particular weaknesses and sins. Satan knows yours and assigns specific demons to exploit them. So, step one in the process is to identify your own "demons" and weaknesses. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you your weaknesses and sins. + Go to confession. Take these sins and failings into the confessional. Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the famous Roman exorcist, said that one good confession was worth many exorcisms. A pious layperson should consider going to confession at least once a month. While we often keep confessing the same sins, we might not realize that this faithful process slowly reduces the hold these sins and their demons have over us. + Use the Three R's . Whenever temptation strikes, use the three R's. Identify the demons and their temptations (e.g. anger, fear, judgmentalism, impurity) and assert strongly: "I reject the demons of [ name the sin ]. I reject them, I rebuke them; I renounce them, and, in Jesus' name, I cast them out!" Be fearless! Jesus is Lord; not Satan. He has won the battle for us. + Practice the contrary virtue . A demon can only be fully cast out when we put the opposite "angel" in its place. For example, if you are tempted to judge someone, then every time you feel the temptation say a prayer for the person. Similarly, if you are tempted to fear, then make an act of trust in Jesus perhaps saying: "Jesus I trust in you." If you are tempted to use internet pornography, use the three R's to cast out the demons of impurity and then remind yourself that the persons who are depicted in porn have mothers and fathers; these are real people being exploited. Say a prayer for them. And then look at something holy such as a picture of Jesus or Mary, or maybe a photo of your family. Some will say, "Yes, but I did all that and I still have the same problems." My response: "Of course you do. It's a long, steady process of conversion." Real spiritual warfare is typically not found in the great battles with huge demons attacking us in the night. While these can happen, the real battle is in the day-to-day struggle. Demons try to wear us down, tempting us to give into fatigue and despair. They want us to believe that our situation is hopeless-- that we are hopeless. Real progress is not measured so much in a decrease in demonic attacks and harassment in one's life. Rather, it is measured in an increase in trust in Jesus, an increase in hope in him, and thus an increase in our faith. Against this, demons are powerless. ---------------------------------------------------- + Msgr. Rossetti will lead an online Lenten deliverance retreat from 11am to 2pm EST Saturday, April 12th. He will give talks on healing, spiritual warfare, answer questions, and pray deliverance and healing prayers over all present. Register here or go to our website. Don't miss this special time of deliverance and healing! ++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday, May 12th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register for March on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) For a sample of the feedback from the last online deliverance session, see below. Join us in prayer! +++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ++++ Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. There are false Tik Tok and Instagram accounts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ------------------------------ Sample of Feedback March 2025 Online Deliverance Session Our home has experienced many bad circumstances lately…been doing this for a year every month. It brings me great comfort. Sense of peace and gratitude. I suffer with self-hate/trauma related thoughts, anxiety and depression. I feel a weight lifted after each session. During today’s deliverance prayer I had to cry when asking Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins. I felt his love and goodness around me. It was a very powerful session and received mental, physical and spiritual healing. I definitely felt the strong presence of the Lord in this session. I have had a chronic headache for years. It has been really bad over the last few days. It went down a good 80 to 90% after the healing meeting. Thank you God He is so good! ALWAYS a sense of peace. I cry when we read “I Am Loved.” The prayer sessions always help me. This time after the session, the perpetual guilt I've always felt for no reason significantly diminished. I feel light, calm and free in a way I haven't felt since I was a child. I came into the session with a great deal of shame. I carry the thoughts of feeling unloved, unwanted, not good enough, and worthless. Tonight, I felt the strength of these thoughts dwindle. These prayers are powerful. I also have an anxiety disorder and my thoughts instantly cleared regarding rumination. Jesus, I love you. The time difference in east africa was hectic but i managed joining and now re-watching it on youtube. I am so grateful for these sessions. These prayers bring me peace always. Started with pressure headache which went away after 2 prayers. My husband and I felt lifting and true healing last night, thank you and God Bless your Team!! Very touching ….. I found myself caught up in one of the healing prayers emotionally crying but they were tears of relief and healing. There were times of joy and times of relief with tears. I loved it. I feel so refreshed. I was feeling emotionally drained. This was what I needed. It's a taste of heaven for an hour. I am encouraged after each session as I see depression & anxiety lifting after these powerful prayers. Tonight was a powerful experience. Again this month prayers pierced me through bringing such healing and freedom, answered prayer. My daughter-in-law that I have prayed for the past two years in these sessions joined the prayer session tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it, she said she felt so peaceful and relaxed after the session and healed. She is not Catholic and comes from a strongly anti-Catholic family! Thank you. I look forward every month to the prayer/deliverance session. Thank you. I am always renewed with strength. I've participated in 6 or so, and with each one, no main "fireworks" happen for me at the time. However, I notice I am sleeping better, and feeling better about things in general. Angst and painful past memories and experiences are softening. I think there is a deeper inner spiritual healing taking place, hard to put into words. The deliverance prayer session is life changing. I felt very cleansed. These are always very good experiences for me. That was my first deliverance session. I feel lighter and less darkness crowding in around me. Didn’t realize that was the case until we kept moving through each prayer. I look forward to next month. Deep within me, I know the blessings and holy prayers of cleansing and protection entered and covered me. I have no words that can express my awe and joy and thanksgiving to Holy Triune God for this gift. AND my husband joined in this time! I felt very light and joyful at the end of the session. This is my second time joining the prayer session. I feel it a little more powerful being the second time I felt peace. It was beautiful. I look forward to the next prayer session and the Lenten retreat. I have been praying with you on and off for over a year. This time I felt a power, a joy and strength I have never felt. May God continue to bless and protect you all. My first time attending tonight. I very much enjoyed the experience. It was amazing to see thousands of viewers from around the world praying together! I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to everyone for organizing such a very powerful and helpful tool against evil. At the beginning of the Latin prayer, I felt a pain in my stomach. Then during the Latin prayer I started burping, out of the blue, non-stop. The burping started to stop when you asked us to say the St Michael prayer with you. For the rest of the session I felt a peace and serenity over me. I always look forward to [the] Online Deliverance sessions. It is convenient for us. I don’t know any other way to attend deliverance prayers. I thank you so much. I can’t honestly say that I felt or experienced anything during the session, but I can say that my life has been in financial ruin this last year and all seemed to happen very suddenly, one bad thing after another with my job and nothing would go right no matter what I did. The day after I had two large closes on new customers which is very hard to accomplish! Thank you, thank God!! How wonderfully uplifting these prayer sessions are .... and are now unmissable. So much so, that I'm recommending them to like-minded friends and relatives. Thank you so much. I pray with the deliverance sessions daily. My commute is about 20 minutes so when I don’t have extra time I listen to the shorter deliverance session. It was a meaningful and peaceful experience for me and I am from Singapore. Thank you. I felt a sense of peace, joy, renewal, and strength, especially after sprinkling the holy water over myself at the end. Thank you, Father, and everyone at the ministry center. A preview of heaven. I have been suffering and am deeply hurt and pained by some recent actions and tonight's session brought some healing as I uplifted and forgave the people responsible for these actions. I had been feeling anxious yesterday, but once the session began with Father praying the anxiety left me. By the end of the session I felt a peacefulness and the ability to go on with the rest of the day. These sessions are a blessing and I am grateful for them. Thank you for these healing sessions… It gave me such a sense of "release", very powerful. I live in Manitoba, CANADA. With each deliverance session I seem to go deeper and deeper and feel the healing power of our Beloved Lord and Savior. I cannot wait to attend the next session. Felt a relief and lifting of something from myself during the prayers. Glad you included prayers for physical healing. A positive and helpful experience. Greetings from Croatia. I am so grateful to Jesus for these monthly prayer sessions. I truly believe the sessions have saved me from the depths of despair because of a difficult 2024. During the session I was overcome by tears, but then felt stronger and more peaceful. Thank you and God bless you. I’ve been praying each session for months, I used to cough and have throat problems during the Freemasonry prayer but that has stopped. I have verified some great uncles & their sons who were Freemasons. Tears flowed and sense of joy and peace. I experienced holy tears of relief and great peace! Such peace. What stunned me was that the abuse I suffered as a child came to the fore. During the prayer to break unholy ties, there was a distinct untying at my wrists (in my mind, not physically) and during the Latin prayers, I just started weeping. I'd forgiven my abuser but this was a definite release. Thanks! Always super powerful! Each session is a blessing. I get something different each time. Cumulative effect. I notice something different each time. Thank you. I have the app and use it almost daily. I have been coming to the prayer session for about 3 months and I plan to continue, sometimes I feel so alone and discouraged and the Pray with Me part of the app has helped me immensely. Sometimes it is hard to find a priest to talk to. I am so glad I found the St. Michael Center on Youtube, Praise God! A wonderful session tonight. It was like taking a shower after working hard and getting dirty. Best session, and each one has been wonderful. As I prayed the forgiveness prayers I had a sense of peace come over me and realized that I have truly to forgive some people who hurt me. Hello Father, this was my first experience. I joined from the Island of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. I've had a lot of spiritual warfare going on in my life. After the event I felt light, happy and much better. I will be doing all of the previous events. I am so happy I found you. God bless you. Beautiful! I enjoyed hearing all of the different voices during the Rosary enjoyed the energy of the other Priest, the Litany of the Saints was SO UPLIFTING and joyful…I felt a lightness of heart and exhaled and breathed clearly, It was the first time I had a clear breath in 2 weeks. A weight was lifted from my chest I have Lupus. As a childhood sexual abuse victim, I am always searching for an avenue of healing. The prayer session is so uplifting and I feel healing of those wounds taking place. The prayers for healing shame, guilt and self-hatred are so helpful. I always feel so much better and happier after these sessions! My computer crashed as soon as the rosary started. The way it shut down was just odd and I was afraid it had actually died. I threw some holy water on it and it started back up and worked fine. Beautiful. Absolutely, positively one of the most beautiful sessions I’ve experienced. I could feel Jesus there. Loved it. Needed it. I've had a bleeding itchy rash over most of my body for over 15 years. It started when I was in a cemetery praying for the Poor Souls. It grew over time to cover most of my body. No medicine worked and my clothes and sheets get blood. After the session I looked at my body. Almost all the rash has suddenly disappeared. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you Jesus. I was moved. So soothing. I'm an impatient person but the one-hour session felt like 5 minutes. I will join the retreat in April. Thank you so much! It has almost been a year since I started your sessions, and they have brought on a peace that I have never experienced in my life before. I am no longer living in fear and anxiety. Bless you and your team… When Msgr spoke "healing of your heart to those who have hurt you", I felt a release followed by a sense of free. My heart feels so light and so free - just wonderful! Jesus is so good!! It’s been at least 1 year that I’ve joined the deliverance prayers. It is a blessing to me, I was depressed after my mom’s passing, suffered from anxiety and fears and some health issues. These prayers are a balm to my soul. I’m so blessed and feel lighter, calmer and uplifted. Thank you soooo much… Stayed up late especially for this in Ireland. My 1st time attending and it benefited me greatly. This is my first time to attend the Live Online Deliverance Session. It was LIBERATING! I feel that a heavy load was lifted off from my shoulders. I can breathe much [more] freely now. For about two months (missed last session) I have had a fog in my head and seemed to be walking in a cloud that I could not shake. After the last prayer of this session tonight this restrictive cloud has lifted and again feel like I am floating on air after being weighted down for these months of near un-productivity. I felt more peaceful afterwards. It felt like I was cleansed. I cried during the “you are loved” prayer. I really need healing from being told daily that Jesus doesn’t love me and that I was destined to hell. I was the child who didn’t count. That still hurts but there has been a lot of improvement. Very peaceful, like I had a wonderful soul shower. After session I felt peace, joy and love. I have been having a lot of pain on left leg due to a fall last year. This morning I woke up with no pain. Praise Jesus our Lord and Saviour! They have been great for the healing of my wounds. Months ago I was being tormented daily and in a very bad depression and these monthly sessions have helped me so much. I am truly grateful… My husband cried quite a bit. I cried throughout the prayers- feeling that areas of my that life needed help were being cleansed. I had a wonderful sense of spiritual joy throughout the session. I felt much more peaceful following the session. Thank you for giving this precious gift.
- Exorcist Diary #335: Exorcism Team Visits Medjugorje
[St. James Church in Medjugorje; Photo by Msgr. Rossetti, March 2025] On August 28, 2024, the Vatican formally approved pilgrimages to Medjugorje. It noted the many "positive fruits", "abundant conversions", "healthy practices of the faith," and "numerous vocations." The majority of our SMC exorcism team spent this last week in Medjugorje on pilgrimage. I was blessed to greet the Holy See's Apostolic Visitor to Medjugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli , after the evening Eucharistic adoration, who himself is regularly present in the prayers and devotions. His gentle, humble demeanor and beautiful smile gave a warm welcome. I asked the SMC team members on the pilgrimage, over two dozen in all, to share their personal experiences of being there. Here are some of their reflections: Since arriving here in Medjugorje, I am overwhelmed with our loving Mother’s presence within me, guiding me into healing of fear-filled experiences of my past...washing away anxiety and fear. I am now living with a new freedom. My Medjugorje takeaway is this: Mary's first message to the children was "Peace, peace, peace between God & man, and between all peoples." And we will never find true peace with each other without first having peace with God. You shall judge a tree by its fruits and the fruits of Medjugorje are very rich. Reception and Adoration of the Holy Eucharist, praying the complete Rosary, Fasting, Confession and Penance are the core of Medjugorje and the foundation of the Church. I was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit during evening Mass and adoration. It is impossible to describe such an encounter with words. I feel like this trip is the beginning of a new season in my spiritual journey. Being in Medjugorje is like having one foot in heaven and one foot on earth. I don’t want to return back to “the world”. The peace is palpable. Our Lady is always leading us to her son: the heart of Medjugorje is Eucharistic adoration. Miracles happen here!!! As I climbed Apparition Hill navigating the many rocks and steep incline to reach the summit and the statue of Our Lady, I was taken by the peace and beauty I encountered there. The climb, a striking parallel to the spiritual journey. We must sweat, occasionally bleed and certainly shed many a tear along the way, but at the summit all is redeemed as we rest in the gaze of Heaven! Through the messages Mary has told us to “pray pray pray”. It is a simple message and back to the basics. Wherever Our Lady appears, her grace overflows. It is no coincidence that she is called the Queen of Peace in this place, for this village and its people embody what it means to live in Christ’ peace. They radiate His love, selflessness, and desire to serve the Father. The encounters I’ve had this week—with the sacraments, the warmth of the local people, and the fellowship of fellow pilgrims—have ignited in me a hope and zeal that can only come from God. My one desire leaving Medjugorje is to love Jesus more completely as Our Lady does. I personally was graced in many ways. In particular, I was blessed to meet with one of the visionaries. I was touched by her radiant smile, pure joy, and inspiring words. I felt I was in the presence of a holy person. Also inspiring were the fervent overflowing crowds at Masses, confessions, and the evening Eucharistic adoration. I include a short three-minute video which gives a little taste of these powerful prayer experiences. There are "five stones" or basic principles of the spirituality of Medjugorje. They are: 1. Prayer with the heart: rosary 2. Eucharist 3. Holy Bible 4. Fasting 5. Monthly Confession In addition, the Holy See has granted a plenary indulgence to Medjugorje pilgrims with the usual conditions during the Jubilee Year. This pilgrimage was a most blessed way to begin our Lenten journey. ------------- + Msgr. Rossetti will lead an online Lenten deliverance retreat from 11am to 2pm EST Saturday, April 12th. He will give talks on healing, spiritual warfare, answer questions, and pray deliverance and healing prayers over all present. Register here or go to our website. Don't miss this special time of deliverance and healing! ++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday, May 12th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register for March on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) For a sample of the feedback from the last online deliverance session, see below. Join us in prayer! +++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ++++ Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. There are false Tik Tok and Instagram accounts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ------------------------ Sample of Feedback March 2025 Online Deliverance Session Our home has experienced many bad circumstances lately…been doing this for a year every month. It brings me great comfort. Sense of peace and gratitude. I suffer with self-hate/trauma related thoughts, anxiety and depression. I feel a weight lifted after each session. During today’s deliverance prayer I had to cry when asking Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins. I felt his love and goodness around me. It was a very powerful session and received mental, physical and spiritual healing. I definitely felt the strong presence of the Lord in this session. I have had a chronic headache for years. It has been really bad over the last few days. It went down a good 80 to 90% after the healing meeting. Thank you God He is so good! ALWAYS a sense of peace. I cry when we read “I Am Loved.” The prayer sessions always help me. This time after the session, the perpetual guilt I've always felt for no reason significantly diminished. I feel light, calm and free in a way I haven't felt since I was a child. I came into the session with a great deal of shame. I carry the thoughts of feeling unloved, unwanted, not good enough, and worthless. Tonight, I felt the strength of these thoughts dwindle. These prayers are powerful. I also have an anxiety disorder and my thoughts instantly cleared regarding rumination. Jesus, I love you. The time difference in east africa was hectic but i managed joining and now re-watching it on youtube. I am so grateful for these sessions. These prayers bring me peace always. Started with pressure headache which went away after 2 prayers. My husband and I felt lifting and true healing last night, thank you and God Bless your Team!! Very touching ….. I found myself caught up in one of the healing prayers emotionally crying but they were tears of relief and healing. There were times of joy and times of relief with tears. I loved it. I feel so refreshed. I was feeling emotionally drained. This was what I needed. It's a taste of heaven for an hour. I am encouraged after each session as I see depression & anxiety lifting after these powerful prayers. Tonight was a powerful experience. Again this month prayers pierced me through bringing such healing and freedom, answered prayer. My daughter-in-law that I have prayed for the past two years in these sessions joined the prayer session tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it, she said she felt so peaceful and relaxed after the session and healed. She is not Catholic and comes from a strongly anti-Catholic family! Thank you. I look forward every month to the prayer/deliverance session. Thank you. I am always renewed with strength. I've participated in 6 or so, and with each one, no main "fireworks" happen for me at the time. However, I notice I am sleeping better, and feeling better about things in general. Angst and painful past memories and experiences are softening. I think there is a deeper inner spiritual healing taking place, hard to put into words. The deliverance prayer session is life changing. I felt very cleansed. These are always very good experiences for me. That was my first deliverance session. I feel lighter and less darkness crowding in around me. Didn’t realize that was the case until we kept moving through each prayer. I look forward to next month. Deep within me, I know the blessings and holy prayers of cleansing and protection entered and covered me. I have no words that can express my awe and joy and thanksgiving to Holy Triune God for this gift. AND my husband joined in this time! I felt very light and joyful at the end of the session. This is my second time joining the prayer session. I feel it a little more powerful being the second time I felt peace. It was beautiful. I look forward to the next prayer session and the Lenten retreat. I have been praying with you on and off for over a year. This time I felt a power, a joy and strength I have never felt. May God continue to bless and protect you all. My first time attending tonight. I very much enjoyed the experience. It was amazing to see thousands of viewers from around the world praying together! I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to everyone for organizing such a very powerful and helpful tool against evil. At the beginning of the Latin prayer, I felt a pain in my stomach. Then during the Latin prayer I started burping, out of the blue, non-stop. The burping started to stop when you asked us to say the St Michael prayer with you. For the rest of the session I felt a peace and serenity over me. I always look forward to [the] Online Deliverance sessions. It is convenient for us. I don’t know any other way to attend deliverance prayers. I thank you so much. I can’t honestly say that I felt or experienced anything during the session, but I can say that my life has been in financial ruin this last year and all seemed to happen very suddenly, one bad thing after another with my job and nothing would go right no matter what I did. The day after I had two large closes on new customers which is very hard to accomplish! Thank you, thank God!! How wonderfully uplifting these prayer sessions are .... and are now unmissable. So much so, that I'm recommending them to like-minded friends and relatives. Thank you so much. I pray with the deliverance sessions daily. My commute is about 20 minutes so when I don’t have extra time I listen to the shorter deliverance session. It was a meaningful and peaceful experience for me and I am from Singapore. Thank you. I felt a sense of peace, joy, renewal, and strength, especially after sprinkling the holy water over myself at the end. Thank you, Father, and everyone at the ministry center. A preview of heaven. I have been suffering and am deeply hurt and pained by some recent actions and tonight's session brought some healing as I uplifted and forgave the people responsible for these actions. I had been feeling anxious yesterday, but once the session began with Father praying the anxiety left me. By the end of the session I felt a peacefulness and the ability to go on with the rest of the day. These sessions are a blessing and I am grateful for them. Thank you for these healing sessions… It gave me such a sense of "release", very powerful. I live in Manitoba, CANADA. With each deliverance session I seem to go deeper and deeper and feel the healing power of our Beloved Lord and Savior. I cannot wait to attend the next session. Felt a relief and lifting of something from myself during the prayers. Glad you included prayers for physical healing. A positive and helpful experience. Greetings from Croatia. I am so grateful to Jesus for these monthly prayer sessions. I truly believe the sessions have saved me from the depths of despair because of a difficult 2024. During the session I was overcome by tears, but then felt stronger and more peaceful. Thank you and God bless you. I’ve been praying each session for months, I used to cough and have throat problems during the Freemasonry prayer but that has stopped. I have verified some great uncles & their sons who were Freemasons. Tears flowed and sense of joy and peace. I experienced holy tears of relief and great peace! Such peace. What stunned me was that the abuse I suffered as a child came to the fore. During the prayer to break unholy ties, there was a distinct untying at my wrists (in my mind, not physically) and during the Latin prayers, I just started weeping. I'd forgiven my abuser but this was a definite release. Thanks! Always super powerful! Each session is a blessing. I get something different each time. Cumulative effect. I notice something different each time. Thank you. I have the app and use it almost daily. I have been coming to the prayer session for about 3 months and I plan to continue, sometimes I feel so alone and discouraged and the Pray with Me part of the app has helped me immensely. Sometimes it is hard to find a priest to talk to. I am so glad I found the St. Michael Center on Youtube, Praise God! A wonderful session tonight. It was like taking a shower after working hard and getting dirty. Best session, and each one has been wonderful. As I prayed the forgiveness prayers I had a sense of peace come over me and realized that I have truly to forgive some people who hurt me. Hello Father, this was my first experience. I joined from the Island of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. I've had a lot of spiritual warfare going on in my life. After the event I felt light, happy and much better. I will be doing all of the previous events. I am so happy I found you. God bless you. Beautiful! I enjoyed hearing all of the different voices during the Rosary enjoyed the energy of the other Priest, the Litany of the Saints was SO UPLIFTING and joyful…I felt a lightness of heart and exhaled and breathed clearly, It was the first time I had a clear breath in 2 weeks. A weight was lifted from my chest I have Lupus. As a childhood sexual abuse victim, I am always searching for an avenue of healing. The prayer session is so uplifting and I feel healing of those wounds taking place. The prayers for healing shame, guilt and self-hatred are so helpful. I always feel so much better and happier after these sessions! My computer crashed as soon as the rosary started. The way it shut down was just odd and I was afraid it had actually died. I threw some holy water on it and it started back up and worked fine. Beautiful. Absolutely, positively one of the most beautiful sessions I’ve experienced. I could feel Jesus there. Loved it. Needed it. I've had a bleeding itchy rash over most of my body for over 15 years. It started when I was in a cemetery praying for the Poor Souls. It grew over time to cover most of my body. No medicine worked and my clothes and sheets get blood. After the session I looked at my body. Almost all the rash has suddenly disappeared. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you Jesus. I was moved. So soothing. I'm an impatient person but the one-hour session felt like 5 minutes. I will join the retreat in April. Thank you so much! It has almost been a year since I started your sessions, and they have brought on a peace that I have never experienced in my life before. I am no longer living in fear and anxiety. Bless you and your team… When Msgr spoke "healing of your heart to those who have hurt you", I felt a release followed by a sense of free. My heart feels so light and so free - just wonderful! Jesus is so good!! It’s been at least 1 year that I’ve joined the deliverance prayers. It is a blessing to me, I was depressed after my mom’s passing, suffered from anxiety and fears and some health issues. These prayers are a balm to my soul. I’m so blessed and feel lighter, calmer and uplifted. Thank you soooo much… Stayed up late especially for this in Ireland. My 1st time attending and it benefited me greatly. This is my first time to attend the Live Online Deliverance Session. It was LIBERATING! I feel that a heavy load was lifted off from my shoulders. I can breathe much [more] freely now. For about two months (missed last session) I have had a fog in my head and seemed to be walking in a cloud that I could not shake. After the last prayer of this session tonight this restrictive cloud has lifted and again feel like I am floating on air after being weighted down for these months of near un-productivity. I felt more peaceful afterwards. It felt like I was cleansed. I cried during the “you are loved” prayer. I really need healing from being told daily that Jesus doesn’t love me and that I was destined to hell. I was the child who didn’t count. That still hurts but there has been a lot of improvement. Very peaceful, like I had a wonderful soul shower. After session I felt peace, joy and love. I have been having a lot of pain on left leg due to a fall last year. This morning I woke up with no pain. Praise Jesus our Lord and Saviour! They have been great for the healing of my wounds. Months ago I was being tormented daily and in a very bad depression and these monthly sessions have helped me so much. I am truly grateful… My husband cried quite a bit. I cried throughout the prayers- feeling that areas of my that life needed help were being cleansed. I had a wonderful sense of spiritual joy throughout the session. I felt much more peaceful following the session. Thank you for giving this precious gift.
- Exorcist Diary #334: Seven Behaviors that Feed Demons
[" St. Matthew and the Angel ," Rembrandt, c. 1661] One of the basic principles in an exorcism is to starve out the demons. A few years ago, we had some cases where the demons actually got stronger as time went on, despite intense weekly exorcism sessions. In one case, the demons actually razzed me about this. They snidely said (out of the mouth of a different possessed person who was manifesting at the time): "How's it going with [X]?" The demons knew they were getting stronger in that other case, and they were gloating. Instead of starving the demons out, they were being fed. When this happens, we need to step back and ask: "What is feeding the demons?" Here are some behaviors that feed the demons: *Relapsing into sinful behavior & unholy relationships *Fear of Satan and the demons *Anger, wrath and rage *Unforgiveness *Believing false spiritual experiences & spiritual pride *Frequenting shamans and other pagan healers *Divination of all sorts (e.g. ouija boards, tarot cards, magic, numerology) When people feed demons in any of these areas, their spiritual state becomes worse. As the Scriptures say, "[The] unclean spirit...brings back with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself" (Mt 12:43,45). But Jesus forgives and, with a proper confession and amendation of life, the exorcism can begin again. In addition starving out the demons, it is critical that the afflicted person "feed" their souls with God's "food." Here are seven solid ways to nourish the good Spirit in the soul: *Regular reception of the Sacraments (frequent Eucharist & confession) *Daily meditation on the Word of God *Eucharistic adoration and Holy Hours *Daily rosary and other Marian prayers *Fasting and almsgiving *Opening the heart and acts of love to God and Jesus. *Deliverance prayers as needed (e.g. Auxilium Christianorum prayers) A good Lenten reflection might be to assess both: What am I doing to feed the demons in my life? Plus: How am I feeding my soul with God's grace? ------------------------ + Msgr. Rossetti will lead an online Lenten deliverance retreat from 11am to 2pm EST Saturday, April 12th. He will give talks on healing, spiritual warfare, answer questions, and pray deliverance and healing prayers over all present. Register here or go to our website. Don't miss this special time of deliverance and healing! ++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday, May 12th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register for March on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) For a sample of the feedback from the last online deliverance session, see below. Join us in prayer! +++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ++++ Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ------------------------ Sample of Feedback March 2025 Online Deliverance Session Our home has experienced many bad circumstances lately…been doing this for a year every month. It brings me great comfort. Sense of peace and gratitude. I suffer with self-hate/trauma related thoughts, anxiety and depression. I feel a weight lifted after each session. During today’s deliverance prayer I had to cry when asking Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins. I felt his love and goodness around me. It was a very powerful session and received mental, physical and spiritual healing. I definitely felt the strong presence of the Lord in this session. I have had a chronic headache for years. It has been really bad over the last few days. It went down a good 80 to 90% after the healing meeting. Thank you God He is so good! ALWAYS a sense of peace. I cry when we read “I Am Loved.” The prayer sessions always help me. This time after the session, the perpetual guilt I've always felt for no reason significantly diminished. I feel light, calm and free in a way I haven't felt since I was a child. I came into the session with a great deal of shame. I carry the thoughts of feeling unloved, unwanted, not good enough, and worthless. Tonight, I felt the strength of these thoughts dwindle. These prayers are powerful. I also have an anxiety disorder and my thoughts instantly cleared regarding rumination. Jesus, I love you. The time difference in east africa was hectic but i managed joining and now re-watching it on youtube. I am so grateful for these sessions. These prayers bring me peace always. Started with pressure headache which went away after 2 prayers. My husband and I felt lifting and true healing last night, thank you and God Bless your Team!! Very touching ….. I found myself caught up in one of the healing prayers emotionally crying but they were tears of relief and healing. There were times of joy and times of relief with tears. I loved it. I feel so refreshed. I was feeling emotionally drained. This was what I needed. It's a taste of heaven for an hour. I am encouraged after each session as I see depression & anxiety lifting after these powerful prayers. Tonight was a powerful experience. Again this month prayers pierced me through bringing such healing and freedom, answered prayer. My daughter-in-law that I have prayed for the past two years in these sessions joined the prayer session tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it, she said she felt so peaceful and relaxed after the session and healed. She is not Catholic and comes from a strongly anti-Catholic family! Thank you. I look forward every month to the prayer/deliverance session. Thank you. I am always renewed with strength. I've participated in 6 or so, and with each one, no main "fireworks" happen for me at the time. However, I notice I am sleeping better, and feeling better about things in general. Angst and painful past memories and experiences are softening. I think there is a deeper inner spiritual healing taking place, hard to put into words. The deliverance prayer session is life changing. I felt very cleansed. These are always very good experiences for me. That was my first deliverance session. I feel lighter and less darkness crowding in around me. Didn’t realize that was the case until we kept moving through each prayer. I look forward to next month. Deep within me, I know the blessings and holy prayers of cleansing and protection entered and covered me. I have no words that can express my awe and joy and thanksgiving to Holy Triune God for this gift. AND my husband joined in this time! I felt very light and joyful at the end of the session. This is my second time joining the prayer session. I feel it a little more powerful being the second time I felt peace. It was beautiful. I look forward to the next prayer session and the Lenten retreat. I have been praying with you on and off for over a year. This time I felt a power, a joy and strength I have never felt. May God continue to bless and protect you all. My first time attending tonight. I very much enjoyed the experience. It was amazing to see thousands of viewers from around the world praying together! I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to everyone for organizing such a very powerful and helpful tool against evil. At the beginning of the Latin prayer, I felt a pain in my stomach. Then during the Latin prayer I started burping, out of the blue, non-stop. The burping started to stop when you asked us to say the St Michael prayer with you. For the rest of the session I felt a peace and serenity over me. I always look forward to [the] Online Deliverance sessions. It is convenient for us. I don’t know any other way to attend deliverance prayers. I thank you so much. I can’t honestly say that I felt or experienced anything during the session, but I can say that my life has been in financial ruin this last year and all seemed to happen very suddenly, one bad thing after another with my job and nothing would go right no matter what I did. The day after I had two large closes on new customers which is very hard to accomplish! Thank you, thank God!! How wonderfully uplifting these prayer sessions are .... and are now unmissable. So much so, that I'm recommending them to like-minded friends and relatives. Thank you so much. I pray with the deliverance sessions daily. My commute is about 20 minutes so when I don’t have extra time I listen to the shorter deliverance session. It was a meaningful and peaceful experience for me and I am from Singapore. Thank you. I felt a sense of peace, joy, renewal, and strength, especially after sprinkling the holy water over myself at the end. Thank you, Father, and everyone at the ministry center. A preview of heaven. I have been suffering and am deeply hurt and pained by some recent actions and tonight's session brought some healing as I uplifted and forgave the people responsible for these actions. I had been feeling anxious yesterday, but once the session began with Father praying the anxiety left me. By the end of the session I felt a peacefulness and the ability to go on with the rest of the day. These sessions are a blessing and I am grateful for them. Thank you for these healing sessions… It gave me such a sense of "release", very powerful. I live in Manitoba, CANADA. With each deliverance session I seem to go deeper and deeper and feel the healing power of our Beloved Lord and Savior. I cannot wait to attend the next session. Felt a relief and lifting of something from myself during the prayers. Glad you included prayers for physical healing. A positive and helpful experience. Greetings from Croatia. I am so grateful to Jesus for these monthly prayer sessions. I truly believe the sessions have saved me from the depths of despair because of a difficult 2024. During the session I was overcome by tears, but then felt stronger and more peaceful. Thank you and God bless you. I’ve been praying each session for months, I used to cough and have throat problems during the Freemasonry prayer but that has stopped. I have verified some great uncles & their sons who were Freemasons. Tears flowed and sense of joy and peace. I experienced holy tears of relief and great peace! Such peace. What stunned me was that the abuse I suffered as a child came to the fore. During the prayer to break unholy ties, there was a distinct untying at my wrists (in my mind, not physically) and during the Latin prayers, I just started weeping. I'd forgiven my abuser but this was a definite release. Thanks! Always super powerful! Each session is a blessing. I get something different each time. Cumulative effect. I notice something different each time. Thank you. I have the app and use it almost daily. I have been coming to the prayer session for about 3 months and I plan to continue, sometimes I feel so alone and discouraged and the Pray with Me part of the app has helped me immensely. Sometimes it is hard to find a priest to talk to. I am so glad I found the St. Michael Center on Youtube, Praise God! A wonderful session tonight. It was like taking a shower after working hard and getting dirty. Best session, and each one has been wonderful. As I prayed the forgiveness prayers I had a sense of peace come over me and realized that I have truly to forgive some people who hurt me. Hello Father, this was my first experience. I joined from the Island of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. I've had a lot of spiritual warfare going on in my life. After the event I felt light, happy and much better. I will be doing all of the previous events. I am so happy I found you. God bless you. Beautiful! I enjoyed hearing all of the different voices during the Rosary enjoyed the energy of the other Priest, the Litany of the Saints was SO UPLIFTING and joyful…I felt a lightness of heart and exhaled and breathed clearly, It was the first time I had a clear breath in 2 weeks. A weight was lifted from my chest I have Lupus. As a childhood sexual abuse victim, I am always searching for an avenue of healing. The prayer session is so uplifting and I feel healing of those wounds taking place. The prayers for healing shame, guilt and self-hatred are so helpful. I always feel so much better and happier after these sessions! My computer crashed as soon as the rosary started. The way it shut down was just odd and I was afraid it had actually died. I threw some holy water on it and it started back up and worked fine. Beautiful. Absolutely, positively one of the most beautiful sessions I’ve experienced. I could feel Jesus there. Loved it. Needed it. I've had a bleeding itchy rash over most of my body for over 15 years. It started when I was in a cemetery praying for the Poor Souls. It grew over time to cover most of my body. No medicine worked and my clothes and sheets get blood. After the session I looked at my body. Almost all the rash has suddenly disappeared. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you Jesus. I was moved. So soothing. I'm an impatient person but the one-hour session felt like 5 minutes. I will join the retreat in April. Thank you so much! It has almost been a year since I started your sessions, and they have brought on a peace that I have never experienced in my life before. I am no longer living in fear and anxiety. Bless you and your team… When Msgr spoke "healing of your heart to those who have hurt you", I felt a release followed by a sense of free. My heart feels so light and so free - just wonderful! Jesus is so good!! It’s been at least 1 year that I’ve joined the deliverance prayers. It is a blessing to me, I was depressed after my mom’s passing, suffered from anxiety and fears and some health issues. These prayers are a balm to my soul. I’m so blessed and feel lighter, calmer and uplifted. Thank you soooo much… Stayed up late especially for this in Ireland. My 1st time attending and it benefited me greatly. This is my first time to attend the Live Online Deliverance Session. It was LIBERATING! I feel that a heavy load was lifted off from my shoulders. I can breathe much [more] freely now. For about two months (missed last session) I have had a fog in my head and seemed to be walking in a cloud that I could not shake. After the last prayer of this session tonight this restrictive cloud has lifted and again feel like I am floating on air after being weighted down for these months of near un-productivity. I felt more peaceful afterwards. It felt like I was cleansed. I cried during the “you are loved” prayer. I really need healing from being told daily that Jesus doesn’t love me and that I was destined to hell. I was the child who didn’t count. That still hurts but there has been a lot of improvement. Very peaceful, like I had a wonderful soul shower. After session I felt peace, joy and love. I have been having a lot of pain on left leg due to a fall last year. This morning I woke up with no pain. Praise Jesus our Lord and Saviour! They have been great for the healing of my wounds. Months ago I was being tormented daily and in a very bad depression and these monthly sessions have helped me so much. I am truly grateful… My husband cried quite a bit. I cried throughout the prayers- feeling that areas of my that life needed help were being cleansed. I had a wonderful sense of spiritual joy throughout the session. I felt much more peaceful following the session. Thank you for giving this precious gift.
- Exorcist Diary #333: "Help, I can't find an exorcist."
Daily I receive emails from people around the globe crying out for help saying, "Help me! I can't find an exorcist." My heart goes out to these suffering people who cannot find an exorcist, whom they believe they must have to solve their problems. There are about 150 exorcists in the entire United States. Due to the shortage of priests, most of these exorcists are also busy pastors and have limited time to conduct exorcisms. There are a number of exorcists in other countries such as Italy and the Philippines. But more than a few countries have a handful or none at all. On the other hand, the request for exorcists has exploded. There are likely many reasons including the increased public awareness of this ministry beginning with the popular books of Fr. Gabriel Amorth the stellar exorcist from Rome. But many of us believe that there are simply more possessed and oppressed people than ever before. Why? First, practicing the faith has dwindled considerably in previously devout areas. The best spiritual protection is the shield of faith in Christ (Eph 6:11-17). Second, virtuous living is also on the decline in ma ny areas. Sin creates a vulnerability to the Evil One. Third, and particularly deadly, the practices of the occult, witchcraft, divination and other demonic portals have risen sharply. For example, WitchTok, a subset of TikTok for witches, boasts over 30 billion views. What to do if you have demons and cannot get an exorcist? Don't panic. An exorcism is a powerful tool to free the fully possessed, but the ordinary means of ridding oneself of demons are readily at hand. Fr. Amorth said that a good confession is worth more than an exorcism. This is definitely true. The sacraments are the primary means of ridding ourselves from demons and sanctifying our souls. Could there be any better exorcistic practice than a holy daily Eucharist? I was doing an exorcism not long ago and I said to the demons, "Did he go to Mass this morning and receive Jesus in the Eucharist?" The demons howled in agony. To this, I would add regular Eucharistic adoration, daily rosary, and if needed, some daily deliverance prayers. There are many on our app ("Catholic Exorcism") and website ( www.catholicexorcism.org ). There are also daily deliverance prayers found on the Auxilium Christianorum app and website ( https://auxiliumchristianorum.org/ ). There are many other effective deliverance spiritual practices such as daily meditation on the Bible, and more. People sometimes say: "I have done all that and I still have demons." When I ask how long they have been praying, they might say a few weeks or months. But for the truly possessed, the process of liberation typically takes 2-4 years, if everything works well. And some residual demonic harassment can be lifelong. If the person has been doing all this, and living a virtuous life for many years, it may be that their discernment that demons are directly responsible for their sufferings is inaccurate. They might look for other explanations for their suffering and inner torment. It is a special grace to have a priest exorcist and his team working with a possessed person on a weekly basis. At SMC we provide holistic care including spiritual direction, referral to a Catholic mental health professional, and a supportive team approach. The number of people we can help this way is very limited, and it will always be. But the vast majority of those who suffer from a demonic affliction are not possessed, but rather suffer a lesser form-- oppressed/vexed or obsessed. They need a less intense intervention, i.e. deliverance prayers and a solid Catholic spiritual life. With the arrival of the internet, a new source of information and help is now available.+++ We have 238k followers on social media with lots of short, informative videos, and each month our online deliverance sessions have about 25k participants, from all over the world.+ The faithful, in far flung areas, who would likely never have access to an exorcist, can now pray with one. They can be informed by experienced exorcists' videos and writings. They can pray with effective deliverance prayers found online. Can't find an exorcist? The great majority of those who are demonically afflicted are not fully possessed and don't need one. And, if you diligently use all the resources the Catholic Church has to offer everyone, you will slowly, steadily move toward liberation and healing. All true sanctification is a slow, steady process. This life is difficult and often a "vale of tears." Trust in Jesus. ---------------------- +Our next free monthly deliverance session is THIS MONDAY March 3. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register for March on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! ++ Msgr. Rossetti will lead an online Lenten deliverance retreat from 11am to 2pm EST Saturday, April 12th. He will give talks on healing, spiritual warfare, answer questions, and pray deliverance and healing prayers over all present. Register here or go to our website. Don't miss this special time of deliverance and healing! +++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ++++ Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #332: No Courage in Hell
[" Christ the good shepherd ," Bartolome Esteban Murillo, c. 1660] In the beginning of an exorcism process, demons present themselves as fearless and powerful. They will taunt and deride any who oppose them. They claim to be in command and will never leave. But it is a thin and weak facade. Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the well-known Roman exorcist, famously said, "The devil is afraid of me." It is true... After almost two years of exorcisms in a difficult case, only Lucifer and his retinue was left. At the end of a two hour session, I said to the Team, in earshot of Lucifer, "I have the rest of the evening free. Why don't we just keep praying all night?" A look of utter terror came over Lucifer and his demons. It was palpable. He was completely terrified. Courage is the strength and conviction to overcome one's fears and do what is right, potentially at great personal cost. Lucifer and his minions have none. They are cowards and their only concern is for themselves. They are the hired hand in Scripture who flees when the wolf appears (Jn 10:12). There are many everyday signs of courage all around us. For example, I am impressed with many young people on-fire with the faith who live with integrity, despite being subject to peer ridicule. This is courage. I am impressed with those who are demonically afflicted, subject to constant taunts and threats from demons, yet they persevere in prayer, faith and coming to exorcism sessions. This is true courage. I am impressed with single mothers who spend their lives sacrificing and working two and three jobs to make a better life for their children. This is courage. There are many men and women in the workplace who, like St. Joseph, live upright lives and refuse to give into temptations of evil and greed. This is courage. The ultimate sign of courage is Jesus, the good shepherd, who suffered and died for us. It is from Jesus that we gain our confidence and our strength. In Him, we are made strong: "Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!" Ps 31:24 ---- +See blog: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/post/exorcist-diary-159-demons-are-terrified on demons and their terror. ++See Msgr. Rossetti's video on " Casting Out Demons of Technology ." Over 75K have already done so on YOUTUBE or social media! +++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday March 3. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register for March on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! ++++ Msgr. Rossetti will lead an online Lenten deliverance retreat from 11am to 2pm EST Saturday, April 12th. He will give talks on healing, spiritual warfare, answer questions, and pray deliverance and healing prayers over all present. Register here or go to our website. +++++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ++++++ Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #331: Lucifer-"I hate that name!"
[“ The Fall of the Rebel Angels ” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1562)] As we got closer to the end of the exorcism session, our team Exorcist said over and over, "I command you Lucifer...." At that, the demon screamed and yelled, "I hate that name!" So, of course, the Exorcist used it again and again, commanding Lucifer, by name, to leave. Commanding a demon by its true name gives the Exorcist additional power to cast it out. It is often held that the original name for the devil, the name given him by God, was "Lucifer" meaning light bearer (cf. Is 14:12). While some scholars may disagree, it is clear that demons down through the centuries have responded to that name. It is also clear from our last session that the devil HATES it. Why? The name God gives us expresses our identity and mission. If Lucifer was his name given by God, then he was to be the "light bearer" for God, a great honor and a sacred mission. But he rejected it. Thus, whenever the name Lucifer is mentioned, he is forced to face the truth of his betrayal and his subsequent fall. Typically, after I command Lucifer by name in an exorcism, I then add, "You now dwell in darkness." Many theologians believe that you and I are also given a name by God, but one we will only know in heaven. It is likely that our name is so holy that it can only be truly understood in the light of salvation. There are biblical passages which suggest the existence of such a name: "You shall be called by a new name bestowed by the mouth of the LORD." Is 62:2 " To the victor I shall give some of the hidden manna; I shall also give a white [stone] upon which is inscribed a new name, which no one knows except the one who receives it." Rev 2:17 God knows our deepest, intimate selves. He gives each of us a personal sacred name which expresses His loving bond with our innermost selves and our true identity in Him. When we get to the Kingdom, God will call us by name and we will rejoice. ----------------------- +See Msgr. Rossetti's youtube video on the " Seven Kinds of Demonic Harassment ." Over 130K have already done so! ++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday March 3. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register for March on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! +++ Msgr. Rossetti will lead an online Lenten deliverance retreat from 11am to 2pm EST Saturday, April 12th. He will give talks on healing, spiritual warfare, answer questions, and pray deliverance and healing prayers over all present. Register here or go to our website. ++++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter +++++ Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #330: Demons in our Head
[" The (man) With Two Demons ," detail, Ingeborg Psalter ] Some people afflicted with demons have strong physical manifestations. They may have demonic symbols, such as an upside down cross, or unexplained bruises and scratches appearing on their bodies. They may be choked and punched. They might even be shoved and pummeled. Others have inexplicable pains and illnesses that do not respond to medical interventions but do alleviate with deliverance prayers. But there are many others who are just as intensely afflicted by demons who have none of these physical signs. Rather, the demons attack their minds . As such, they will have overwhelming and debilitating thoughts such as despair+, feelings of worthlessness, depressive ideation, distrust, isolation, distorted mental ideas, and other mental afflictions. “A” was just such a person. The focus of our work was both ejecting the demons in her head and healing her inner psychological weaknesses. In the midst of the session, I put the priestly stole and both my hands on the sides of her head and commanded the demons in a strong voice: “In the holy name of Jesus, I command the demons to get out of her head!” The demons howled. I definitely hit a demonic nerve. So I repeated the command again and again. Between sessions, “A” and others mentally afflicted by demons are referred to a good Catholic psychotherapist and a spiritual director trained in the exorcism ministry. Satan will exploit their mental weaknesses and exaggerate them, so we need to bring some psychological healing. The person will never be fully liberated without healing on both the spiritual and psychological levels. In addition, I offer three positive steps that someone who is mentally afflicted by demons might do: 1. Read and meditate on the Bible daily . Of course, we all should do this. But for those who have demons in their heads, putting Christ in one's head each day and meditating on Him is very helpful. The Word of God casts out the lies and distortions of the Evil One. 2. Connect with Others Daily . Isolation feeds the demons. This is why demons promote disunity, distrust, and division. There are no friendships and no true relationships in hell. Healthy and holy relationships ground the psyche and promote personal growth and healing. 3. Be productive . We encourage the afflicted to find a job, volunteer or engage a hobby to busy themselves. These encourage a positive sense of self and a feeling of worth and accomplishment. Demons, on the other hand, try to tear down the person and make them feel worthless. Most of all, when God's infinite, overpowering love floods a person's heart, it expels all demons and brings a heaven of joy and peace. I recommend you open your heart each day to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to come and dwell in you. May God give each of you a taste of that infinite love and grant you His peace! ----- +See Msgr. Rossetti's youtube video on the " Hallmark of Hell ." ++Our next free monthly deliverance session is TOMORROW Monday Feb 10. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for February on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) See below for a sample of the feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Session. Join us in prayer! +++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ++++ Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ----------------------------------------- Sample of Feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Session With tears I share that today following yesterday's session I experienced for the first time in 86 yrs a sense of compassion for myself. My normal experience from the moment I get up in the morning is being harassed by negative, self-condemning thoughts so that any peace eludes me. The 24/7 chronic back pain of 35 yrs is still present but it no longer consumes me with fear and anxiety. I am accepting "I am loved.” As usual, an amazing experience and Blessing! Praise God Almighty!! I was one of those who experienced a sense of tiredness as though I had just been emptied out of spiritual junk…I was a new-age Wiccan for 20 years before getting into voodoo and spiritualism… A new depth of peace I never had before. Weight of unforgiveness and bitterness I didn’t know I had was lifted. Thank You Jesus! God Bless all at St. Michael Center. Msgr. Rossetti's ministry is such a blessing of healing. I am overcoming childhood family trauma and wounds and more at peace than ever. Incredible Peace! …I find that I am feeling better after each session. I seem to be reacting to the deliverance prayers by coughing and shaking my head…But it seems to be the way Jesus is releasing me of this evil. First time I have attended. It was a wonderful experience. I appreciate all the prayers and explanations of what was being done explained thoroughly so I did not feel lost. I actually cried throughout the session…I enjoyed it and look forward to the next session. Thank you for doing this! God bless! The prayer to remove walls around my heart and let me connect with the heart of Jesus made such an impression on me…I felt this one is for me and my heart was pounding like mad during that prayer. I feel the difference. My high expectations were exceeded; I felt blessed and helped in my personal challenges… When Father prayed against the demon of Kundalini, I felt my body shutter and remembered dabbling in such things as a teenager. I WAS FILLED WITH PEACE & JOY I have noticed after attending many deliverance sessions that my obsession with unholy attachments has greatly decreased… Spiritually Rewarding! I am beginning to feel the demonic oppression starting to lift. I know that the key is perseverance in attending Mass, Sacraments and prayer…Your deliverance sessions offer me hope where there was little to none before. I was deeply affected by tonight’s session. Tears flowed profusely as prayer against self loathing was expressed. Wonderful feeling of peace I was moved to tears and felt like the webinar was so very personal even though thousands are on that call. Jesus touched my heart. Thank you all. I think that a change I’ve noticed both times is a sense of hope. As most families we have our fair share of struggles and your prayer sessions help me to focus on Jesus and bring Him into each struggle. Very powerful night. I felt a great heaviness being lifted! What a great way to spend Epiphany and begin the new year. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and fears. I am so glad to have found these sessions. My dad used to curse us all the time. I feel a lot of peace and strength after these sessions. Like a strengthening of hope. Uplifting and sacred! Thank you for these sessions!! Freemasonry surrounds my family. I’m grateful for all the prayers and the breaking of the curses. Great feeling of God’s presence and many times I felt the spirit throughout me. And l had no more pain in right hand and less in left hand. Tears also frequently during Msgr’s authoritative prayers. I am not “a cryer” in normal life—this was not sadness—awe and gratitude, recognition of God’s merciful goodness. I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful deliverance sessions. Last night I felt a peace in my heart especially when Monsignor spoke after the deliverance session. I feel his exuberance of joy emanating particularly when he speaks with the authority of holy Mother Church and he says to trust Jesus!!! Wow! My husband and I both watched this tonight. I believe I received healing because I've had multiple rapes and violence. My husband said he received something…I had an older brother…who told me that I was a loser…and I never realized that that pain was very prominent until Father prayed…I just thank you I felt an incredible lightness during your final Latin prayer of exorcism. Also, the same feeling came across me during the breaking of Generational Spirits. I am a Catholic of 5 years and it’s the greatest treasure a person could ever receive. I am full of hope when I participate in these sessions. A wonderful sense of peace came upon me while the session was going on. A deep trust in God that everything was going to be alright, even if things didn't turn out the way "I wanted them to turn out". I felt a deep love of God and my Catholic Faith. My husband joined me in participating. We are lifelong Catholics. My family is in need of the Lord’s healing graces. In 2022 we lost our oldest son to suicide. He had served several combat tours in Iraq. We found the prayers to be very genuine and comforting. Such a powerful prayer session each month…I did experience some coughing, burning in my throat and I became extremely hot. I'm saying prayers for my brother, his wife and son because we found out that his wife has family members who are into witchcraft… I am just feeling peaceful. I can feel God's peace even an hour after. Seems like waves of peace. I felt emotional and started crying of joy and gratitude with the “I am loved” prayer, when it said that we are temples of God. Only wanted to cry and cry… so self-aware about how big sinner I am.. still having self-hatred… but little by little healing my dirty heart. Our family is being delivered from Freemason curse, new age, etc w/ deliverance prayers, online sessions, etc. Literally life-saving. Our children endured severe spiritual attacks - depression, anxiety, lust, addictions, couldn't be in church or school, tormented. They've received major healings. Still peeling onion. Tonight I had burping, light choking, many tears. Too much has happened to write here. Thank you! Thank you Jesus, Mary, Joseph, St Gemma… I felt a weight lifted from me. Physically felt lighter. The breaking of bonds was very powerful for me. Thank you. Thank you for this was a beautiful experience. Feel the Joy of the Lord. I’m so thankful. During Latin prayers uncontrollable tears. During prayers to break freemasonic stuff experienced a lot of physical pain. Thank you for your ministry. It is working; slow but consistent. Refreshed, renewed, recharged… I felt peace and that something I've been dealing with for quite a while is gone. It was huge when you mentioned the spirit of python and kundalini. The demons left. I had made a few mistakes and committed sins against my faith and then returned to church and confessed them. I will keep coming each month. After a few years of deep depression from extreme trauma (domestic violence and sexual assault), self-isolation and periodic agoraphobia, I felt strongly motivated and determined to take steps to get a job, find friends and have fun in life. Thank you!! :) Each session is like fresh water for our souls! Beautiful. I was having a difficult moment with a verbally abusive spouse and in prayer remembered the session at 6:58pm. It was a grace from God to immediately forgive and let loose. So much healing. Thank you. It was wonderful. Each month my faith is growing stronger. I recognize things from past that were lies from evil one. I was a little distressed initially, but after a while, when Monsignor started the prayers, I felt peace and embraced by God's love and protection. The prayer to break the wall around the heart was very powerful…Tears started when praying to break unholy ties, seals consecrations, curses and evil spirits. I returned to my Catholic faith 2 years ago after experiencing the devastation of practicing in the occult and new age healing modalities for over 30 years. I go to confession & receive communion regularly and am healing slowly. Wow! Fantastic…I always feel clean and stronger, more hopeful. These sessions are so valuable to my healing from PTSD caused by all forms of child abuse. These sessions fill me with joy and hope. I am a first timer. Didn’t know what to expect. Wanting to get rid of Freemasonry because my family members were all in it. Lots of heartache in family. Want to keep going. Slept like a baby. God Bless You & your team. It is always so beneficial and I always shed tears. "I am loved" prayer brings me to tears each time but it is a tender feeling, accepting that HE LOVES me because I am his dearest child. I felt lighter and energized by the end of this session. God bless you. I was very comforted by this amazing prayer session. The prayer sessions are incredibly powerful and uplifting. Thank you. Absolutely wonderful experience. I am blessed to have found out about this ministry. Uplifting and helpful. Thanks and God bless.
- Exorcist Diary #329: Seven Ways Demons Harass Us
["Satan Bound," Bible de Sacy - Old French Illustrated Holy Bible] The lowest level of demonic involvement in our lives is "temptation". Demons tempt everyone. God allows this for our sanctification. The next level up in their evil involvement is "harassment." Many people are subject to demonic harassment. Most of the time it is so disguised that people do not realize it is demons who are the cause. After years of ministering to people who are victims of demonic harassment, we can identify some common types. It is important not to see a demonic cause for every negative event in life. Bad things happen to us all. But it is just as important to recognize when the Evil One is harassing us and to respond properly. Here are seven common types of demonic harassment. No doubt, there are many more.+ * Impeding holy ministry/works . Satan will target particularly holy works and ministries which directly interfere with his evil plans. For example, a woman in the pro-life movement shared with us a long series of inexplicable impediments to her holy work. The demons hate the pro-life movement and target it for special harassment. Another woman spoke to us of her holy work with minorities and oppressed peoples. Whenever she tried to work, she was inexplicably overcome with an intense lethargy. Deliverance prayers lifted this lethargy and thus revealed its demonic source. * Blocking important human connections . In all of our lives, there are important human connections. The demons will try to manipulate, impair or block these connections. For example, a young possessed woman's relationship with her loving father was a key to her liberation. The demons regularly sent false emails, imitating either the daughter or the father, to deceive and destroy this relationship. They were unsuccessful! Similarly, a priest exorcist tried to contact me about a difficult case for which he wanted some assistance. Both of our phones were working fine but our connection was inexplicably cut ten times in a row. It lifted after deliverance prayers were said. * Destroying families . In these days, the family is one of Satan's primary targets. The demons do all sorts of deceptions to break apart the family. One of their harassments is to sow distrusting or exaggerated negative thoughts in the minds of family members. A good antidote to this is a regular family rosary. Praying together and also maintaining good communication are important in defeating Satan's sowing seeds of discord. * Financial distress . The demons will target certain families, especially those who are the subject of financial curses, for ongoing financial harassment. Unexpected expenses continually crop up and/or income mysteriously disappears. Despite a solid income the family is always teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Such situations are not the result of bad financial management but rather a continuing bizarre series of negative financial events. Some families are able to trace these difficulties to a parent or relative who intentionally cursed their finances and said, "You will never have anything." * Impeding Mass attendance and other sacred sacraments and prayers . One possessed woman can never seem to get to Mass on Sunday. As she prepares to leave the house, something unexpected comes up or she suddenly starts to feel ill, and then stays home. Other people complain that they try to go to confession but a myriad of strange events hinders them from doing so. It is obvious why Satan would focus his harassment on people receiving these most efficacious holy sacraments. * Harassing our technology . Demons have a special focus on obstructing technology, particularly when it is used for sacred purposes. At SMC, we regularly experience this. For example, our monthly deliverance sessions, attended by thousands, are ALWAYS harassed in different ways each month. However, we always manage to get it done. Our computers are sometimes blocked from connecting to our website and APP, or APPs to record our social media videos are inexplicably not functioning. I regularly receive notes from people who cannot register for our sessions or pray with our videos, even though thousands of others can do so. Some of these are normal technical glitches, but others have a preternatural cause. * Overt Harassment . Sometimes the demons drop the disguise and overtly harass people. In exorcism sessions, they will throw crucifixes across the room. They will send harassing texts or make bogus phone calls to the afflicted, team members, family members and exorcists. They will break religious objects such as rosary beads or statues. Loud bangs and other noises are sometimes heard. People are invisibly pushed down stairs or touched or scratched or bruised. Warning notes are etched on mirrors. Satanic symbols suddenly appear on the afflicted person's body. These occur and many more. With overt harassment, the demons are trying to incite fear and/or dominance. They want to distract or dissuade an exorcist or the afflicted person from continuing the exorcism or other holy actions. With hidden or overt harassment, there is always a goal. Satan and his minions do not do "random." But it is obvious that the Evil One is chained. If he was not, he could easily control and destroy any human being or thwart any project. As Scripture tells us: Jesus is the one who overcomes the "strong man" and "takes away the armor on which he relied" (Lk 11:22). Thus, with Satan chained, we always manage to get the job done, although it takes a bit of persistence and faith. God uses this harassment to strengthen our trust and faith in Him. In response to demonic harassment, we (1) trust in God; (2) exercise patience; (3) offer deliverance prayers. Our app and website have a number of specific prayers in response to different types of demonic harassment. More general protection and deliverance prayers are also available and very effective, although persistence and trust is needed. At times, the Evil One might seem to have the upper hand, but it is not so. Jesus is Lord and He ALWAYS wins! ------------------------ +Do you have another kind of demonic harassment or an example to offer? Send an email to stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com and share it with us. ++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Feb 10. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for February on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) See below for a sample of the feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Session. Join us in prayer! +++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ++++ Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ----------------------------------------- Sample of Feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Session With tears I share that today following yesterday's session I experienced for the first time in 86 yrs a sense of compassion for myself. My normal experience from the moment I get up in the morning is being harassed by negative, self-condemning thoughts so that any peace eludes me. The 24/7 chronic back pain of 35 yrs is still present but it no longer consumes me with fear and anxiety. I am accepting "I am loved.” As usual, an amazing experience and Blessing! Praise God Almighty!! I was one of those who experienced a sense of tiredness as though I had just been emptied out of spiritual junk…I was a new-age Wiccan for 20 years before getting into voodoo and spiritualism… A new depth of peace I never had before. Weight of unforgiveness and bitterness I didn’t know I had was lifted. Thank You Jesus! God Bless all at St. Michael Center. Msgr. Rossetti's ministry is such a blessing of healing. I am overcoming childhood family trauma and wounds and more at peace than ever. Incredible Peace! …I find that I am feeling better after each session. I seem to be reacting to the deliverance prayers by coughing and shaking my head…But it seems to be the way Jesus is releasing me of this evil. First time I have attended. It was a wonderful experience. I appreciate all the prayers and explanations of what was being done explained thoroughly so I did not feel lost. I actually cried throughout the session…I enjoyed it and look forward to the next session. Thank you for doing this! God bless! The prayer to remove walls around my heart and let me connect with the heart of Jesus made such an impression on me…I felt this one is for me and my heart was pounding like mad during that prayer. I feel the difference. My high expectations were exceeded; I felt blessed and helped in my personal challenges… When Father prayed against the demon of Kundalini, I felt my body shutter and remembered dabbling in such things as a teenager. I WAS FILLED WITH PEACE & JOY I have noticed after attending many deliverance sessions that my obsession with unholy attachments has greatly decreased… Spiritually Rewarding! I am beginning to feel the demonic oppression starting to lift. I know that the key is perseverance in attending Mass, Sacraments and prayer…Your deliverance sessions offer me hope where there was little to none before. I was deeply affected by tonight’s session. Tears flowed profusely as prayer against self loathing was expressed. Wonderful feeling of peace I was moved to tears and felt like the webinar was so very personal even though thousands are on that call. Jesus touched my heart. Thank you all. I think that a change I’ve noticed both times is a sense of hope. As most families we have our fair share of struggles and your prayer sessions help me to focus on Jesus and bring Him into each struggle. Very powerful night. I felt a great heaviness being lifted! What a great way to spend Epiphany and begin the new year. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and fears. I am so glad to have found these sessions. My dad used to curse us all the time. I feel a lot of peace and strength after these sessions. Like a strengthening of hope. Uplifting and sacred! Thank you for these sessions!! Freemasonry surrounds my family. I’m grateful for all the prayers and the breaking of the curses. Great feeling of God’s presence and many times I felt the spirit throughout me. And l had no more pain in right hand and less in left hand. Tears also frequently during Msgr’s authoritative prayers. I am not “a cryer” in normal life—this was not sadness—awe and gratitude, recognition of God’s merciful goodness. I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful deliverance sessions. Last night I felt a peace in my heart especially when Monsignor spoke after the deliverance session. I feel his exuberance of joy emanating particularly when he speaks with the authority of holy Mother Church and he says to trust Jesus!!! Wow! My husband and I both watched this tonight. I believe I received healing because I've had multiple rapes and violence. My husband said he received something…I had an older brother…who told me that I was a loser…and I never realized that that pain was very prominent until Father prayed…I just thank you I felt an incredible lightness during your final Latin prayer of exorcism. Also, the same feeling came across me during the breaking of Generational Spirits. I am a Catholic of 5 years and it’s the greatest treasure a person could ever receive. I am full of hope when I participate in these sessions. A wonderful sense of peace came upon me while the session was going on. A deep trust in God that everything was going to be alright, even if things didn't turn out the way "I wanted them to turn out". I felt a deep love of God and my Catholic Faith. My husband joined me in participating. We are lifelong Catholics. My family is in need of the Lord’s healing graces. In 2022 we lost our oldest son to suicide. He had served several combat tours in Iraq. We found the prayers to be very genuine and comforting. Such a powerful prayer session each month…I did experience some coughing, burning in my throat and I became extremely hot. I'm saying prayers for my brother, his wife and son because we found out that his wife has family members who are into witchcraft… I am just feeling peaceful. I can feel God's peace even an hour after. Seems like waves of peace. I felt emotional and started crying of joy and gratitude with the “I am loved” prayer, when it said that we are temples of God. Only wanted to cry and cry… so self-aware about how big sinner I am.. still having self-hatred… but little by little healing my dirty heart. Our family is being delivered from Freemason curse, new age, etc w/ deliverance prayers, online sessions, etc. Literally life-saving. Our children endured severe spiritual attacks - depression, anxiety, lust, addictions, couldn't be in church or school, tormented. They've received major healings. Still peeling onion. Tonight I had burping, light choking, many tears. Too much has happened to write here. Thank you! Thank you Jesus, Mary, Joseph, St Gemma… I felt a weight lifted from me. Physically felt lighter. The breaking of bonds was very powerful for me. Thank you. Thank you for this was a beautiful experience. Feel the Joy of the Lord. I’m so thankful. During Latin prayers uncontrollable tears. During prayers to break freemasonic stuff experienced a lot of physical pain. Thank you for your ministry. It is working; slow but consistent. Refreshed, renewed, recharged… I felt peace and that something I've been dealing with for quite a while is gone. It was huge when you mentioned the spirit of python and kundalini. The demons left. I had made a few mistakes and committed sins against my faith and then returned to church and confessed them. I will keep coming each month. After a few years of deep depression from extreme trauma (domestic violence and sexual assault), self-isolation and periodic agoraphobia, I felt strongly motivated and determined to take steps to get a job, find friends and have fun in life. Thank you!! :) Each session is like fresh water for our souls! Beautiful. I was having a difficult moment with a verbally abusive spouse and in prayer remembered the session at 6:58pm. It was a grace from God to immediately forgive and let loose. So much healing. Thank you. It was wonderful. Each month my faith is growing stronger. I recognize things from past that were lies from evil one. I was a little distressed initially, but after a while, when Monsignor started the prayers, I felt peace and embraced by God's love and protection. The prayer to break the wall around the heart was very powerful…Tears started when praying to break unholy ties, seals consecrations, curses and evil spirits. I returned to my Catholic faith 2 years ago after experiencing the devastation of practicing in the occult and new age healing modalities for over 30 years. I go to confession & receive communion regularly and am healing slowly. Wow! Fantastic…I always feel clean and stronger, more hopeful. These sessions are so valuable to my healing from PTSD caused by all forms of child abuse. These sessions fill me with joy and hope. I am a first timer. Didn’t know what to expect. Wanting to get rid of Freemasonry because my family members were all in it. Lots of heartache in family. Want to keep going. Slept like a baby. God Bless You & your team. It is always so beneficial and I always shed tears. "I am loved" prayer brings me to tears each time but it is a tender feeling, accepting that HE LOVES me because I am his dearest child. I felt lighter and energized by the end of this session. God bless you. I was very comforted by this amazing prayer session. The prayer sessions are incredibly powerful and uplifting. Thank you. Absolutely wonderful experience. I am blessed to have found out about this ministry. Uplifting and helpful. Thanks and God bless.
- Exorcist Diary#328: Demons Failed
[" The Sheep and the Goats ," Byzantine mosaic, 520 AD] At the end of the exorcism session, the afflicted person looked up and said, "I feel like a failure." She went on to describe strong feelings of having failed, and being a failure, that overwhelmed her during the session. This is odd because she is a faith-filled successful wife, mother and professional woman who normally is not beset by such emotions. St. Thomas Aquinas maintained that the angels were put to the test after they were created. Those who responded with trust in God received full beatitude. Those who failed were banished forever. As the Angelic Doctor noted, "An angel has an inflexible free will after once choosing." They were given an infused knowledge of all the ramifications of their choice, and yet some inexplicably failed. Where did the powerful feelings of failure in her come from? It came from the ones who failed their one, only, and ultimate test: the fallen angels now called demons. They are eternally filled with a sense of their own failure, and forever suffer the ramifications of their choice. Our expert lay staff spoke to this afflicted woman and explained to her that these strong feelings of failure came not from her but from the demons. When people are in a possessed state, it can be difficult for them to distinguish their own emotions from those of the possessing demons. She was encouraged to first "disappropriate," that is, to recognize that these emotions were not hers but the demons. And then she should do the three R's: "I reject them; I rebuke them; I renounce them, and I cast them out!" We, humans, are also subjected to the test. Unlike angels, who are purely spiritual beings and need only one time to choose, we humans are given countless moments to choose or to deny the Living God and His Son Jesus. In the end, it is the only choice that matters. ------------------------------------------------- *Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Feb 10. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for February on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) See below for a sample of the feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Session. Join us in prayer! **Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ----------------------------------------- Sample of Feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Session With tears I share that today following yesterday's session I experienced for the first time in 86 yrs a sense of compassion for myself. My normal experience from the moment I get up in the morning is being harassed by negative, self-condemning thoughts so that any peace eludes me. The 24/7 chronic back pain of 35 yrs is still present but it no longer consumes me with fear and anxiety. I am accepting "I am loved.” As usual, an amazing experience and Blessing! Praise God Almighty!! I was one of those who experienced a sense of tiredness as though I had just been emptied out of spiritual junk…I was a new-age Wiccan for 20 years before getting into voodoo and spiritualism… A new depth of peace I never had before. Weight of unforgiveness and bitterness I didn’t know I had was lifted. Thank You Jesus! God Bless all at St. Michael Center. Msgr. Rossetti's ministry is such a blessing of healing. I am overcoming childhood family trauma and wounds and more at peace than ever. Incredible Peace! …I find that I am feeling better after each session. I seem to be reacting to the deliverance prayers by coughing and shaking my head…But it seems to be the way Jesus is releasing me of this evil. First time I have attended. It was a wonderful experience. I appreciate all the prayers and explanations of what was being done explained thoroughly so I did not feel lost. I actually cried throughout the session…I enjoyed it and look forward to the next session. Thank you for doing this! God bless! The prayer to remove walls around my heart and let me connect with the heart of Jesus made such an impression on me…I felt this one is for me and my heart was pounding like mad during that prayer. I feel the difference. My high expectations were exceeded; I felt blessed and helped in my personal challenges… When Father prayed against the demon of Kundalini, I felt my body shutter and remembered dabbling in such things as a teenager. I WAS FILLED WITH PEACE & JOY I have noticed after attending many deliverance sessions that my obsession with unholy attachments has greatly decreased… Spiritually Rewarding! I am beginning to feel the demonic oppression starting to lift. I know that the key is perseverance in attending Mass, Sacraments and prayer…Your deliverance sessions offer me hope where there was little to none before. I was deeply affected by tonight’s session. Tears flowed profusely as prayer against self loathing was expressed. Wonderful feeling of peace I was moved to tears and felt like the webinar was so very personal even though thousands are on that call. Jesus touched my heart. Thank you all. I think that a change I’ve noticed both times is a sense of hope. As most families we have our fair share of struggles and your prayer sessions help me to focus on Jesus and bring Him into each struggle. Very powerful night. I felt a great heaviness being lifted! What a great way to spend Epiphany and begin the new year. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and fears. I am so glad to have found these sessions. My dad used to curse us all the time. I feel a lot of peace and strength after these sessions. Like a strengthening of hope. Uplifting and sacred! Thank you for these sessions!! Freemasonry surrounds my family. I’m grateful for all the prayers and the breaking of the curses. Great feeling of God’s presence and many times I felt the spirit throughout me. And l had no more pain in right hand and less in left hand. Tears also frequently during Msgr’s authoritative prayers. I am not “a cryer” in normal life—this was not sadness—awe and gratitude, recognition of God’s merciful goodness. I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful deliverance sessions. Last night I felt a peace in my heart especially when Monsignor spoke after the deliverance session. I feel his exuberance of joy emanating particularly when he speaks with the authority of holy Mother Church and he says to trust Jesus!!! Wow! My husband and I both watched this tonight. I believe I received healing because I've had multiple rapes and violence. My husband said he received something…I had an older brother…who told me that I was a loser…and I never realized that that pain was very prominent until Father prayed…I just thank you I felt an incredible lightness during your final Latin prayer of exorcism. Also, the same feeling came across me during the breaking of Generational Spirits. I am a Catholic of 5 years and it’s the greatest treasure a person could ever receive. I am full of hope when I participate in these sessions. A wonderful sense of peace came upon me while the session was going on. A deep trust in God that everything was going to be alright, even if things didn't turn out the way "I wanted them to turn out". I felt a deep love of God and my Catholic Faith. My husband joined me in participating. We are lifelong Catholics. My family is in need of the Lord’s healing graces. In 2022 we lost our oldest son to suicide. He had served several combat tours in Iraq. We found the prayers to be very genuine and comforting. Such a powerful prayer session each month…I did experience some coughing, burning in my throat and I became extremely hot. I'm saying prayers for my brother, his wife and son because we found out that his wife has family members who are into witchcraft… I am just feeling peaceful. I can feel God's peace even an hour after. Seems like waves of peace. I felt emotional and started crying of joy and gratitude with the “I am loved” prayer, when it said that we are temples of God. Only wanted to cry and cry… so self-aware about how big sinner I am.. still having self-hatred… but little by little healing my dirty heart. Our family is being delivered from Freemason curse, new age, etc w/ deliverance prayers, online sessions, etc. Literally life-saving. Our children endured severe spiritual attacks - depression, anxiety, lust, addictions, couldn't be in church or school, tormented. They've received major healings. Still peeling onion. Tonight I had burping, light choking, many tears. Too much has happened to write here. Thank you! Thank you Jesus, Mary, Joseph, St Gemma… I felt a weight lifted from me. Physically felt lighter. The breaking of bonds was very powerful for me. Thank you. Thank you for this was a beautiful experience. Feel the Joy of the Lord. I’m so thankful. During Latin prayers uncontrollable tears. During prayers to break freemasonic stuff experienced a lot of physical pain. Thank you for your ministry. It is working; slow but consistent. Refreshed, renewed, recharged… I felt peace and that something I've been dealing with for quite a while is gone. It was huge when you mentioned the spirit of python and kundalini. The demons left. I had made a few mistakes and committed sins against my faith and then returned to church and confessed them. I will keep coming each month. After a few years of deep depression from extreme trauma (domestic violence and sexual assault), self-isolation and periodic agoraphobia, I felt strongly motivated and determined to take steps to get a job, find friends and have fun in life. Thank you!! :) Each session is like fresh water for our souls! Beautiful. I was having a difficult moment with a verbally abusive spouse and in prayer remembered the session at 6:58pm. It was a grace from God to immediately forgive and let loose. So much healing. Thank you. It was wonderful. Each month my faith is growing stronger. I recognize things from past that were lies from evil one. I was a little distressed initially, but after a while, when Monsignor started the prayers, I felt peace and embraced by God's love and protection. The prayer to break the wall around the heart was very powerful…Tears started when praying to break unholy ties, seals consecrations, curses and evil spirits. I returned to my Catholic faith 2 years ago after experiencing the devastation of practicing in the occult and new age healing modalities for over 30 years. I go to confession & receive communion regularly and am healing slowly. Wow! Fantastic…I always feel clean and stronger, more hopeful. These sessions are so valuable to my healing from PTSD caused by all forms of child abuse. These sessions fill me with joy and hope. I am a first timer. Didn’t know what to expect. Wanting to get rid of Freemasonry because my family members were all in it. Lots of heartache in family. Want to keep going. Slept like a baby. God Bless You & your team. It is always so beneficial and I always shed tears. "I am loved" prayer brings me to tears each time but it is a tender feeling, accepting that HE LOVES me because I am his dearest child. I felt lighter and energized by the end of this session. God bless you. I was very comforted by this amazing prayer session. The prayer sessions are incredibly powerful and uplifting. Thank you. Absolutely wonderful experience. I am blessed to have found out about this ministry. Uplifting and helpful. Thanks and God bless.
- Exorcist Diary #327: Our Christmas Exorcisms
I was a bit surprised with how spiritually powerful the Christmas season was for our exorcism sessions. As an exorcist, I expect Lent and Easter to be THE spiritual powerhouse season. The death and resurrection of Jesus destroyed Satan’s kingdom and thus it is foundation of every exorcism. But it turns out that Christmas is also a spiritual powerhouse and a particular torture for the demons. As usual, during the Christmas season we began the Rite of Exorcism with the Prologue of John’s Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” This reading is actually a deep spiritual reflection on the Nativity. It is St. John’s Christmas story. Theologians speculate that a fundamental reason for Satan's rebellion was his rejection of the Incarnation. Satan was blinded by pride and envy when informed that God would become human and not an angel. In our sessions, we hammered home the reality of this Christmas Incarnation…and the demons howled. The ancient Rite of Exorcism directly reminds Satan of this truth: "I adjure you every unclean spirit, every spectre from hell, every satanic power, in the name of Jesus Christ ...to cease your assaults against the creature whom He has formed from the slime of the earth for His own honor and glory; to quake before wretched man, seeing in him the image of almighty God, rather than his state of human frailty." God, in the Incarnation of Jesus, raised humans from the "slime of the earth" to an "image of almighty God." Satan will rage against this for an eternity and will try to destroy every human being. But Jesus will protect us. These exorcism sessions during the Christmas season were a reminder to me and to our Team of what Christmas really means. Demons know the “reason for the season.” But they reject it. However, we Christians rejoice: "Glory to God in the highest!" We have been given the unbelievable gift of being raised to the divine image. ----------------------------------------- *Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Feb 10. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for February on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) See below for a sample of the feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Sessions. Join us in prayer! **Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ----------------------------------------- Sample of Feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Session With tears I share that today following yesterday's session I experienced for the first time in 86 yrs a sense of compassion for myself. My normal experience from the moment I get up in the morning is being harassed by negative, self-condemning thoughts so that any peace eludes me. The 24/7 chronic back pain of 35 yrs is still present but it no longer consumes me with fear and anxiety. I am accepting "I am loved.” As usual, an amazing experience and Blessing! Praise God Almighty!! I was one of those who experienced a sense of tiredness as though I had just been emptied out of spiritual junk…I was a new-age Wiccan for 20 years before getting into voodoo and spiritualism… A new depth of peace I never had before. Weight of unforgiveness and bitterness I didn’t know I had was lifted. Thank You Jesus! God Bless all at St. Michael Center. Msgr. Rossetti's ministry is such a blessing of healing. I am overcoming childhood family trauma and wounds and more at peace than ever. Incredible Peace! …I find that I am feeling better after each session. I seem to be reacting to the deliverance prayers by coughing and shaking my head…But it seems to be the way Jesus is releasing me of this evil. First time I have attended. It was a wonderful experience. I appreciate all the prayers and explanations of what was being done explained thoroughly so I did not feel lost. I actually cried throughout the session…I enjoyed it and look forward to the next session. Thank you for doing this! God bless! The prayer to remove walls around my heart and let me connect with the heart of Jesus made such an impression on me…I felt this one is for me and my heart was pounding like mad during that prayer. I feel the difference. My high expectations were exceeded; I felt blessed and helped in my personal challenges… When Father prayed against the demon of Kundalini, I felt my body shutter and remembered dabbling in such things as a teenager. I WAS FILLED WITH PEACE & JOY I have noticed after attending many deliverance sessions that my obsession with unholy attachments has greatly decreased… Spiritually Rewarding! I am beginning to feel the demonic oppression starting to lift. I know that the key is perseverance in attending Mass, Sacraments and prayer…Your deliverance sessions offer me hope where there was little to none before. I was deeply affected by tonight’s session. Tears flowed profusely as prayer against self loathing was expressed. Wonderful feeling of peace I was moved to tears and felt like the webinar was so very personal even though thousands are on that call. Jesus touched my heart. Thank you all. I think that a change I’ve noticed both times is a sense of hope. As most families we have our fair share of struggles and your prayer sessions help me to focus on Jesus and bring Him into each struggle. Very powerful night. I felt a great heaviness being lifted! What a great way to spend Epiphany and begin the new year. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and fears. I am so glad to have found these sessions. My dad used to curse us all the time. I feel a lot of peace and strength after these sessions. Like a strengthening of hope. Uplifting and sacred! Thank you for these sessions!! Freemasonry surrounds my family. I’m grateful for all the prayers and the breaking of the curses. Great feeling of God’s presence and many times I felt the spirit throughout me. And l had no more pain in right hand and less in left hand. Tears also frequently during Msgr’s authoritative prayers. I am not “a cryer” in normal life—this was not sadness—awe and gratitude, recognition of God’s merciful goodness. I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful deliverance sessions. Last night I felt a peace in my heart especially when Monsignor spoke after the deliverance session. I feel his exuberance of joy emanating particularly when he speaks with the authority of holy Mother Church and he says to trust Jesus!!! Wow! My husband and I both watched this tonight. I believe I received healing because I've had multiple rapes and violence. My husband said he received something…I had an older brother…who told me that I was a loser…and I never realized that that pain was very prominent until Father prayed…I just thank you I felt an incredible lightness during your final Latin prayer of exorcism. Also, the same feeling came across me during the breaking of Generational Spirits. I am a Catholic of 5 years and it’s the greatest treasure a person could ever receive. I am full of hope when I participate in these sessions. A wonderful sense of peace came upon me while the session was going on. A deep trust in God that everything was going to be alright, even if things didn't turn out the way "I wanted them to turn out". I felt a deep love of God and my Catholic Faith. My husband joined me in participating. We are lifelong Catholics. My family is in need of the Lord’s healing graces. In 2022 we lost our oldest son to suicide. He had served several combat tours in Iraq. We found the prayers to be very genuine and comforting. Such a powerful prayer session each month…I did experience some coughing, burning in my throat and I became extremely hot. I'm saying prayers for my brother, his wife and son because we found out that his wife has family members who are into witchcraft… I am just feeling peaceful. I can feel God's peace even an hour after. Seems like waves of peace. I felt emotional and started crying of joy and gratitude with the “I am loved” prayer, when it said that we are temples of God. Only wanted to cry and cry… so self-aware about how big sinner I am.. still having self-hatred… but little by little healing my dirty heart. Our family is being delivered from Freemason curse, new age, etc w/ deliverance prayers, online sessions, etc. Literally life-saving. Our children endured severe spiritual attacks - depression, anxiety, lust, addictions, couldn't be in church or school, tormented. They've received major healings. Still peeling onion. Tonight I had burping, light choking, many tears. Too much has happened to write here. Thank you! Thank you Jesus, Mary, Joseph, St Gemma… I felt a weight lifted from me. Physically felt lighter. The breaking of bonds was very powerful for me. Thank you. Thank you for this was a beautiful experience. Feel the Joy of the Lord. I’m so thankful. During Latin prayers uncontrollable tears. During prayers to break freemasonic stuff experienced a lot of physical pain. Thank you for your ministry. It is working; slow but consistent. Refreshed, renewed, recharged… I felt peace and that something I've been dealing with for quite a while is gone. It was huge when you mentioned the spirit of python and kundalini. The demons left. I had made a few mistakes and committed sins against my faith and then returned to church and confessed them. I will keep coming each month. After a few years of deep depression from extreme trauma (domestic violence and sexual assault), self-isolation and periodic agoraphobia, I felt strongly motivated and determined to take steps to get a job, find friends and have fun in life. Thank you!! :) Each session is like fresh water for our souls! Beautiful. I was having a difficult moment with a verbally abusive spouse and in prayer remembered the session at 6:58pm. It was a grace from God to immediately forgive and let loose. So much healing. Thank you. It was wonderful. Each month my faith is growing stronger. I recognize things from past that were lies from evil one. I was a little distressed initially, but after a while, when Monsignor started the prayers, I felt peace and embraced by God's love and protection. The prayer to break the wall around the heart was very powerful…Tears started when praying to break unholy ties, seals consecrations, curses and evil spirits. I returned to my Catholic faith 2 years ago after experiencing the devastation of practicing in the occult and new age healing modalities for over 30 years. I go to confession & receive communion regularly and am healing slowly. Wow! Fantastic…I always feel clean and stronger, more hopeful. These sessions are so valuable to my healing from PTSD caused by all forms of child abuse. These sessions fill me with joy and hope. I am a first timer. Didn’t know what to expect. Wanting to get rid of Freemasonry because my family members were all in it. Lots of heartache in family. Want to keep going. Slept like a baby. God Bless You & your team. It is always so beneficial and I always shed tears. "I am loved" prayer brings me to tears each time but it is a tender feeling, accepting that HE LOVES me because I am his dearest child. I felt lighter and energized by the end of this session. God bless you. I was very comforted by this amazing prayer session. The prayer sessions are incredibly powerful and uplifting. Thank you. Absolutely wonderful experience. I am blessed to have found out about this ministry. Uplifting and helpful. Thanks and God bless.
- Exorcist Diary #321: Woman Casts Out Tormenting Demons
[ " Jesus casts out the devils " , Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld. Die Bibel in Bildern , Plate 191.] A few days ago I received this personal testimony. It caught my attention. The SMC staff thought it would be good to share this with our wider SMC community and I do so with her permission: My family and I have been partaking in the monthly deliverance sessions since 2022 and they've been life changing. I personally adopted the 3Rs "Reject, rebuke and renounce" any evil spirit oppressing me. But recently (2 weeks ago), I had a powerful experience with it. I came back from work feeling a little off/depressed and didn't make much of it. I thought it was just the weight of the day. However, the dark thoughts got more pressing as I was getting ready for work the next day. A voice in my head kept saying: "Don't see how ugly you look; your hair is mess; don't go to work, stay home and kill yourself!" I felt so heavy...but in a flash I remembered your talk about demon brain and told myself: "Those are NOT your thoughts! Cast out the evil right now." I stood in the middle of my bedroom and started the 3Rs prayer out loud: "In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His most Precious Blood & Glorious Cross, price of my redemption, I..." But nothing was coming out, my voice had died! I started over, but the same thing- when I got to the part where I'm to reject, renounce and rebuke, I became silent. I called on the Holy Spirit and started over a 3rd time. This time, I made it through the entire prayer. I felt a chilly sensation go through my body right after. I went to work and about my day with no feeling of depression or dark thoughts. I had shared the 3Rs prayer with a good friend of mine who is Protestant and she uses it whenever she feels overwhelmed or usually down. When I told her about my recent experience and how right after the prayer the depression left me, she revealed to me that she had shared the prayer with a coworker who is also Protestant and was going through a rough time. The coworker has 2 sons. One is VERY depressed. Saying he doesn't wanna go to school. When she would drop him to school she would stay and drive around the school and pray the 3Rs and declare her son would graduate. And he did. Now he wants to be a medic! I don't often share my testimonies, but I felt compelled to do so this time. I am aware of the battles the team at SMC is facing, and wanted you to know how much your ministry is touching lives, changing lives through Jesus Christ! May God continue to bless you and the ministry . There are many important takeaways in her experience. First, when "demon brain" hits us, we usually don't immediately recognize the work of the Evil One. This woman finally did, perhaps with a special grace from heaven. Second, her explicit rejection of these evil thoughts was very helpful. She used the 3 R's: I reject them; I rebuke them; I renounce them. Third, she initially could not even speak. It took three tries! The Evil One does everything he can to block our holy acts including blocking our voice, fogging our brains, and putting many obstacles in our paths. Fourth, the depression and dark thoughts lifted as a result of her prayer. This confirms that the mental attacks were indeed of a demonic origin and not simply due to her own human failings. Not everyone who uses this prayer will experience such a swift and dramatic release. But all of us regularly suffer demonic temptations until the end of our days. If we hold out to the end, trusting in Jesus and rejecting the voice of the Evil One, it will be a source of great sanctification. These trials will help make us the saints that God wants us to be. ---------------- * Join us for a Holy Hour on New Year's Eve, the vigil of the great feast of Mary the Mother of God. The attendance information will be available on our website soon ( www.catholicexorcism.org ). **Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here . See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. Join us in prayer! ***Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #326: Ghosts or Demons?
[" Saul Consults the Witch at Endor ," Caspar Luiken, 1712] Exorcists often get asked about "ghosts" and/or "stuck souls" that haunt places. These are human souls who are thought to inhabit places after their deaths, perhaps due to some unfinished business that needs to be resolved before their final rest. What does the Church have to say? Every exorcist knows how critical it is that he operates completely obedient to the teachings of the Church. Whenever he strays from such, it is an opening to the demonic which definitely will be exploited by the Evil One. Moreover, obedience exercised by the afflicted, the Exorcist and Team aids in the expulsion of the demons. Demons hate obedience. Not long ago, I was in the midst of a session and prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary to give the afflicted person a "double grace of obedience" and the demons' negative reaction was strong. They were repulsed by it. The Catholic Catechism summarizes the Church teaching on the disposition of departed souls: "Each man receives his eternal retribution in his immortal soul at the very moment of his death, in a particular judgment" ( CCC, 1022 ). The soul is immediately committed to heaven, hell or to a time of purgation before heaven. There are no other choices and there is no delay in this particular judgment. Does this mean that deceased souls cannot visit us on earth? St. Thomas Aquinas weighed in saying: "According to the disposition of Divine providence separated souls sometimes come forth from their abode and appear to men" ( ST, suppl, Q. 69, A. 3 ). He wrote that souls in heaven can wondrously visit us as a special grace. Many blessed persons on earth have been granted the grace of the visit of a saint from heaven . Souls in hell can, by a specific act of God, be allowed to visit the living for "man's instruction and intimidation" so that we, too, might not end up in such an awful place. And souls in purgatory can appear to the living "in order to seek our suffrages" to aid in their final liberation into heaven. Many a saint has been visited by a soul in purgatory and asked for the saint's intercession to be released more quickly from its torment. The lives of the saints are replete with such experiences. For example, Padre Pio claimed, "As many souls of the dead come up this road [to the monastery] as that of the souls of the living." The prayers of this holy monk released many of the living and the dead from evil. However, when encountering spirits in a place, it is safest to first assume that it is an evil spirit and to have it exorcized. Demons often try to disguise themselves as good spirits in order to develop an unholy relationship with its victims. However, if the spirit seems to be benign and not vengeful or harmful, and there are solid reasons to believe that it is a soul doing its purgation, then prayers and Masses might be offered for its repose. A word of caution. More than a few have believed that they were dealing with benign human souls when, in fact, they were engaged with demons. Also, it is very unwise to engage in any sort of communication with such spirits, evil or benign. I know a man who became possessed after an unholy interest and visits to haunted houses and ghost hunting. Beware of thinking one has a special charism to help "stuck souls"- this could easily be the sin of spiritual pride. Rather, simply offer prayers and Masses for the deceased souls who need them, as all the pious should do. There is an unholy interest and fascination today with the paranormal and with fringe "supernatural" experiences. I stick with what the Church has to offer: the lives of canonized saints (which are often filled with miraculous events), approved apparitions of the BVM, and, of course, the central focus on the truly miraculous and saving life of Jesus Christ. All these safely lead us to God, where our focus should be. ------------------------------ *Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Feb 10. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for February on our website or go here . (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) Join us in prayer! **Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #325: What Matters Most
[" Sacred Heart ," Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787)] An afflicted person asked me: "If I die still possessed by demons will I go to hell?" I quickly responded: demons do not possess the soul of a person. They can only take temporary possession of the body and they can afflict the mind. But the person's free will remains free: they can choose God or the darkness. Being possessed by demons is a terrible trial. It is not something I would wish on anyone. But there is something much, much worse. This is willingly giving one's self over to Satan and his control. Sadly, many people do so, although often not fully aware of the ramifications of their choices. Many are immersed in materiality, sensuality, anger, violence, and a narcissist life centered on self. The state of the world today witnesses to the results of such choices. But in our blessed ministry, I regularly experience the courageous battle of the afflicted against the demonic powers. They endure the incessant taunts of the demons and Satan's empty claims of invincible power. Our faith-filled afflicted show us the power of faith and the real Lordship of Jesus. Several of our people have made great progress toward full liberation during this graced-filled Christmas season. What is most important is not to be completely freed from demonic afflictions in this life. Many of the great saints were tormented and vexed by evil spirits throughout their lives. Rather, what is of critical importance is to be counted among those saved by the Blood of the Lamb. We want to give our lives to Jesus and to have him be our Lord. As we embark upon a new year, may we begin by renewing our gift of self to Jesus and to his Kingdom of love, joy and peace. He alone is Lord. You might begin this year praying with this beautiful song and renewing your love for Jesus: [Or go to our YOUTUBE site (@stmichaelcenter): https://youtu.be/aFODMS8m1cg ] ------------------------- *Our next free monthly deliverance session is TOMORROW Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here . Join us in prayer! **Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter *** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #324: New Saint Helps Cast Out Demon
[St. Elena Guerra's tomb in Sant'Agostino Church, Lucca Italy.] It was a long series of ugly exorcism sessions. The out-front demon was strong but had a particular weakness to any mention of the Holy Spirit. Whenever the Spirit was mentioned, the demon howled. I commanded it to tell me: "Were you there at Pentecost?" The demon literally screamed. Praying the Rite of Exorcism, I asked God: "Do not let this temple of the Holy Spirit to be occupied by an unclean spirit." Again, the demon screamed. Demons are strong. They are not mortal and cannot die, and they can take A LOT of pain. Demons are used to eons of suffering in hell. They are terrified of the final judgment, so they desperately hang on to the possessed. When they are finally cast out, it is a foretaste of their final judgment and damnation. I had been to Lucca, Italy the previous week and brought back a first class relic of newly canonized St. Elena Guerra , thanks to the generosity of the congregation of sisters she founded: Oblates of the Holy Spirit . St. Elena is often referred to as the "Apostle of the Holy Spirit." She fervently promoted devotion to the Holy Spirit and a renewal of the Church through a new Pentecost. In the midst of the exorcism, the Team laid the first class relic of St. Elena on the forehead on the afflicted person, again and again. I have a scale of how loud the demons scream from 1 to 5. The average in an exorcism is a 3. When it hits 5, the screams are ear-splitting. When the relic was used, it went off the scale. Shortly thereafter, demon finally left, thanks to the infinitely powerful Holy Spirit and the intercession of this new saint. St. Elena Guerra will certainly be added to our list of "go to" saints in future exorcisms. --------------------------------------- *Join us for a Holy Hour on New Year's Eve, the vigil of the great feast of Mary the Mother of God. Register here or go to our website: ( www.catholicexorcism.org ). **Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here . Join us in prayer! ***Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #323: Demons Hate Christmas Joy
[" The Ghent Altarpiece: Singing Angels "detail), Jan van Eyck, 1432] I was praying the Rite of Exorcism a few days ago and got to the line: "Let the joy of peace enter him/her." This is the deprecatory prayer of the Rite which asks God to intervene. In this case, we pray for God to bring joy and peace to the possessed person's life. I was a bit surprised by the demonic reaction- they definitely didn't like it!!! Similarly, in another difficult case, I noticed that whenever the possessed person had a positive experience and actually felt good for a moment, the demons attacked her and tried to destroy those good feelings. I have begun to realize that demons not only don't want us to experience joy, they themselves don't want it. Joy is repugnant to them. Theologians tell us that the angels were given infused knowledge of all that would result if they rejected God, but Satan and his followers did so anyway. They willingly chosen misery and darkness. Now demons try to make us miserable like themselves. If the possessed soul they are inhabiting has moments of joy, it is an unwanted and odious experience for the demons present and they try to quash it. Sadly, we can see similar dark choices in humans such as seeking highs and mystical experiences in drugs, illicit sex, kundalini "enlightenment," witchcraft, the occult, and a variety of other substitutes for the true source of joy and peace. One of our clients had been involved in the occult for years searching for "enlightenment" and spiritual fulfillment. Then, she had a powerful experience of the source of real love and peace: I was flooded with Christ’s love for me. It felt like such a personal love. No one had ever loved me like that. I got to “know” him a little bit in this experience. I perceived that there was something spiritually very different about Him than from the other spiritual experiences or other “beings” that I had had. I realized that what He said about himself is true. He is the Son of God, the Only Begotten. It left an imprint on my soul which was life-changing. I must say – if you are a new ager reading this who is searching for spiritual experiences – there is NOTHING like the spiritual experiences you can get as a Christian. Nothing. They completely renew you, change you, make you fall in love with our Creator. Christmas is a time when we sing "Joy to the World," and when the Prince of Peace sheds an abundance of peace across the land. Demons hate Christmas. The children of God welcome it. We rejoice- the true source of joy and peace that we long for is at hand. May the joy of peace enter you. May it grow and deepen for an eternity. ------------------------- [Click here to listen to: " Joy to the World " (The Chosen)] ------------------------- *Join us for a Holy Hour on New Year's Eve, the vigil of the great feast of Mary the Mother of God. Register here or go to our website: ( www.catholicexorcism.org ). **Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here . Join us in prayer! ***Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #322: Occult Third Eye or Divine Charism?
[ Anonymous . St . Catherine of Siena had a divine charism for casting out demons. ] I recently received this query (used with permission): Many years ago when I was doing massage therapy, I used to touch peoples' feet and I could see demons leaving their body. I was working in the New Age world and even worked as a psychic back then. I closed everything down a couple years ago and returned to the Catholic faith. I know I still have these abilities and I’m feeling called to return to healing work with people. I want to do this work now with Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph & the Holy Spirit guiding me. This woman believes she has a healing charism with special "abilities" from God and feels called to use them to help people. She said she would now do it with "Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph and the Holy Spirit" guiding her. Good idea? Certainly her intentions are good, which one should applaud. However, many an evil has been perpetrated in this world with people intending to do good, such as so-called "good witches." Regardless of one's intentions, there is no good witchcraft. In this case, great caution is warranted, which was communicated to her. A few people do have a real healing charism from God including seeing demons and assisting in casting them out, although it is relatively rare. However, this woman has a significant history of New Age spiritualities including working as a psychic! Some practitioners of the occult do have special "abilities" but they come from demons and/or the opening of their occult third eye (see Exorcist Diary #296: Closing the Occult Third Eye ). In this person's case, it would be prudent to assume her "abilities" come from the dark world and not from God. It can take 3-4 years of solid Catholic living, including regular confession and deliverance prayers, before the demonic effects of years of occult practice are "scrubbed out." This includes a final closing of the occult third eye. I recommended to her that she engage in ongoing deliverance prayers and continued sacramental living. If she becomes involved in a healing ministry too early, knowingly or not, using the occult third eye, she would likely become a channel for spiritual deception and harm. People underestimate the evil wrought by practicing the occult. What is the harm? It is a violation of the First Commandment against God, and its spiritual devastation should not be underestimated. While a good confession indeed wipes out the sin, the evil effects of such sins are typically not immediately and fully expunged, a theological principle well understood by the Catholic faith. ------------------------- *Join us for a Holy Hour on New Year's Eve, the vigil of the great feast of Mary the Mother of God. Register here or go to our website: ( www.catholicexorcism.org ). **Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here . Join us in prayer! ***Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #320: Large Demon Cast Out
[" The Exorcism of Demons at Arezzo ," Giotto, 1297-1299] It had been four days. I could not get my main computer to access our website and related SMC applications, but it worked fine for everything else. In fact, every computer in my house was affected when it tried to engage in our ministry. It was the latest in a long series of demonic IT harassments. We always managed to work through it, but it was a hassle and impeded our ministry. I prayed the Leo XIII deliverance prayers daily over it, used a lot of holy water, invoked our favorite IT saint Blessed Carlo Acutis, and more. But no success. This was unusual. On Day 4, I had an insight. I recalled that demons, as fallen angels, retained their hierarchy and thus their relative spiritual power. While smaller demons could be cast out quickly and easily, larger demons took a lot longer and the largest demons were difficult to expunge without considerable effort-- sometimes needing hours of praying. For example, most exorcisms of houses are successful rather quickly with typically one or two sessions. But if the infestation has higher level demons, it can be a much longer fight.* So, I decided to go more aggressively and directly against the demonic presence, assuming that I was dealing with higher level demons. Again, after saying the Leo XIII prayers, invoking Blessed Carlo, saying the Umbrellino Prayer for Technology, I laid my hands directly on the computer's CPU. A priest's hands are anointed and thus are themselves a sacramental. As I laid my hands on the computer, it indeed felt as if something evil was on it. I intensely started to pray and command the demons to leave. After some time, it felt as if something might have lifted. I immediately looked over at my computer screen, and it was now all functioning fine, including our SMC website. Obviously, there were demons and now they were gone. Whew! Where did we get such high-level demons? The presence of high-level demons can be the result of very grave sins, although nothing of that sort was done. They can also be the result of large curses and a lot of black magic directed at us, which we know is happening. And/or they can be allowed by God as a participation in his holy passion. At any rate, I am back to normal and getting my ministry done. I have no doubt that this is not the end but the beginning of a long series of demonic harassments. The Evil One is relentless and obsessed with impeding the Lord's work. But I trust the Lord will get us through. It is His will and it will be accomplished. I am grateful for everyone's prayers which you so generously sent to us. I have no doubt that they were important in ridding ourselves of these high level demons. And I am now enjoying a few days of demon-free ease in accomplishing our work. --------------------------------------- *For a prayer video to cast out demons from the home- Pray With Me: Casting Out Demons from the Home . ** Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th ! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing and deliverance, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website. ***Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here . See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. Join us in prayer! ****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ***** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
- Exorcist Diary #319: Gaslighted by Demons
[" The Fool With Two Demons "] Weird things have been happening to our computers. Our IT expert is experiencing unusual problems trying to update our APP, which he has never encountered. In the midst of the online sessions, more strange things have been happening-- computers have inexplicably shut down; batteries drained down even though plugged into a wall socket; our rapid internet connection slowed down to a crawl, and more. The latest inexplicable IT event is that I cannot access our own website, and other SMC related sites, no matter what browser, which computer, or what internet provider I use. I had to go to a local coffee shop to post the last blog which then went out without a hitch. It is becoming clear that demons are harassing us and trying to shut down our online deliverance ministry. And they are trying to mess with our minds. They are trying to assert control, confuse and disempower us, and make us think we are a little crazy. In short, they are gaslighting us. Recently having become aware of what the term: "gaslighting" means,* I suggest that demons are the original gaslighters. They invented it. Demons gaslight our clients as well. There are many people who are mentally ill and erroneously believe they have demons. We refer them to mental health professionals. But there are also people who are not mentally ill and do have demons. In the process of liberation, after months of clear demonic manifestations, some have told me that they think that they do not have demons and they are just "crazy." One possessed person even told me, somewhat ironically: "The demons told me that I am not possessed and that I am just crazy." Demons also gaslight people by psychologically manipulating them to break down their self-esteem and self-confidence. They sow doubts and mental confusion. They try to establish power and control over people. Demons are masters of gaslighting and clearly are its original authors. Satan is the "Father of Lies"; he is also the "Father of Gaslighting." The key is to recognize when you are being mentally manipulated by demons and rejecting it. I recommend saying the 3 R's: I reject it, I rebuke it, I renounce it. If the demons are messing with your technology, I recommend redundancy. At times, multiple ways of our team contacting a possessed client are necessary; the demons may block one avenue but not another. Also, having redundant IT platforms is likewise key. For example, this week's blog post is being done on a backup computer using an internet hotspot. The main computer and internet link are inexplicably inoperable. Most of all, trust in Jesus. It is our consistent experience that the demons can only harass but not destroy. They can make our ministry challenging, but this ministry is God's work and He will give us a way to accomplish it. Similarly, while demons can gaslight the possessed, they, too, need to look to Jesus and trust in him. In stark contrast to gaslighting, God loves, affirms, supports and encourages. He respects the free will He gave us and does not attempt to control or manipulate. Rather, He invites us into his healing and love. His message to us is that we are loved**, we are forgiven, and that we are beautifully made in His image. ------------------------------------- * Merriam-webster definition of gaslighting : " Psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator." **For the prayer: "I Am Loved", see our website under "Deliverance Prayers for the Laity." Or go here . ***Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th ! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing and deliverance, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website. ****Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here . See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. Join us in prayer! ****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ***** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ----------------------------------- Summary of Feedback from November 11 Online Deliverance Session People from over 55 countries attended the Nov2024 session live: Nigeria, Uganda, Angola, Singapore, Croatia, Kenya, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Gambia, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Poland, France, Paraguay, Norway, Japan, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Philippines, Mauritius, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nigeria, Angola, Peru, Indonesia, Spain, Malaysia, Gabon, Portugal, Wales, Brazil, Cameron, Denmark, Malta, Trinidad, India, Argentina, Netherlands, Kuwait, Guam, South Africa, Bulgaria, Trinidad+Tobago, Zimbabwe, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Nepal. - - - - - - - - - - - - - I feel lighter and different. It was very powerful. I was taking in deep cleansing inhalations and releasing deep exhalations during the deliverance process. Some “things” got released for sure. Thank you for these deliverance sessions! It was a wonderful deliverance session tonight. I had great feelings of peace and could feel the Lord with me. I actually felt lighter at the end. I have done several sessions and tonight was truly a healing experience. One thing I have noticed is that I’ve become more aware of the need of healing in my life with myself and in my family. Tonight I broke down and cried in sorrow and fully understood the need for healing. My mother’s family are freemasons and supporters and these prayers breaking these ties are so powerful and hit very close to my heart. Thank you. I did feel a lessening in my self-hatred and more loved by God. I try to participate every month and feel that it works bit by bit like you said. Brought many tears. God is so wonderful. The pain in my left hip area is gone! My inflammation in my gut is gone this morning. I am more calm today and assured of God’s love. I yawned a lot and feel healthier and happier. Praise God!! Thank you! Thank you for your ministry. It has been a great blessing for me to join these sessions. This evening I cried throughout the session. Didn’t realize how much I need healing in my relationship with Jesus. The deliverance prayer session is getting more and more uplifting and stronger. I was feeling nausea and lethargic for some reason --suddenly I felt a fresh air come down over me… Now I feel very happy; I feel joy in my heart. Thank you Jesus. Heart warming, wonderful, inspirational, positive I was happy to be part, even though it was late in London. I will recommend to my Catholic family friends. With each session, I feel the Lord chipping away at all the areas within me that need healing. After the session, my anxieties were less bothersome and I felt like I had renewed strength to trust God with all the things that I am going through. I’m truly grateful that your deliverance sessions are available and accessible. It was amazing. Thank you so much for doing it. My fears and anxieties from work that were bothering me seemed to dissipate during the session. Thank you. I just went through two very stressful events and was in desperate need of this deliverance and healing session. The new changes in prayers this evening were exactly what I needed. I felt an abundant amount of healing happen during this session. Thank you so much for these sessions and the app. This has made a significant change in my life. It brings great peace. Wonderful experience. We have been attending for a number of months together and it has been very uplifting for my wife and I. I felt a sense of peace and joy. This deliverance prayer session, as always, proves to be powerful and efficacious. I felt very peaceful and happy after the session. God bless you Father. I felt a better relationship with my daughters. I really appreciate it, and it is nice to pray knowing there are many people joining in prayer. This has been a wonderful and transformative experience for both my wife and I. Thank you so much. My wife is battling cancer and these sessions have been so helpful. I felt peace and love always a great experience. It was wonderful praying with you. Felt peace. I forgive my enemies in Jesus’ name. I started burping tonight during the service…Peaceful feeling by the end of the service. Thank you! May God bless you all! My husband and I did this session. My husband said: "When it began my heart started to beat really fast. Then it calmed. For myself: During the Latin prayer I got dizzy and light-headed. My right ear that's been draining the last couple days started to hurt, drain, the pain got intense then totally stopped. After that it was like my intellect and lower facilities aligned and I heard the prayer in a harmonious way like it was a song. Then peace came. I felt a great blessing from the prayer session. During the prayers, I received a gift of peace. I have been very fearful and fragile for the last 5 months after my hospitalization and illness. Thank you. Slept well and woke with the peace beyond all understanding. I suffer from addictions, BPD and historic abuse. Many thanks and much love. This was my second session and I thought I knew what to expect and I was wrong. It was twice as good. Interiorly, it was more enriching. I seemed to open up more. It really makes me look forward to the next session. The sessions are moving my daily prayer life to another level. I am grateful for these sessions. My brother and mom joined as well. I look forward to the Healing & Deliverance Retreat in December. Thanks be to God for the graces He is pouring over us. The peace of our Lord was keenly felt as the session went on. Helped my mother as she lay dying at her home - included her in prayer with Father and she had a glow around her head that evening, and died the next morning. Absolutely fantastic. I cried over some things but it was a release. I found it soothing and peaceful to know how much we are loved. Thank you as always. I was able to feel some peace, hope and a general light-heartedness. I felt that the prayers were efficacious and gave me strength. I have been attending these sessions for a few months now. Right from the get go I always felt tired and sleepy and only came really alive when the demons of lethargy were banished. I did not say anything about this earlier as I wasn’t sure if it was a coincidence. I can now say that these sessions really work and give me a feeling of peace. Thank you so much for all that you do. Blessings!! I always feel so much better afterwards. It’s like when you clean the sheets off your bed. It always feels better when they are clean! As always, I experienced a wonderful sense of well-being and freedom, which increased after each of the prayers were said!! This session I received so much additional peace. It was very liberating and healing. Each time my family and I attend these Deliverance Sessions, we always feel much better and so much peace. We have attended them for a few years now and will keep coming back as all of the prayers are very effective and super powerful. I began to cry with the opening prayer. The prayers were asking God for protection on me and my family I felt I am protected. Every time I participate in the session I find a deeper connection to my relationship with God. I truly enjoyed every moment. Please continue doing more prayer sessions! I am a Catholic therapist. I refer many of my clients to these sessions. I myself participate as well. Thank you for providing this! Such peace and goodness from the prayers and blessings. Thank you so very much. I feel at total sense of peace after the deliverance meeting , I tuned in from Nepal. So very blessed and powerful. Loved it. Thank you so much. I don’t know what happened but I haven’t felt like this in a long time. I feel like weights have been lifted from me. I feel joyous. I feel warm and so happy. Jesus’ light is shining on me. Thank you. I sent this to my friend whom I’m walking with through RCIA because she has struggled to get out of bed the last few days. She felt a weight on her or an attack. After praying with all of us she is feeling relief. I sent the link so she can pray it again. Thank you all. Something happened during the prayers for breaking generational curses. I just cried and gave thanks to God but in all honesty I don't know what I was giving thanks for. I know it sounds silly, but I guess I will find out sooner than later. Thank you so much for these deliverance sessions. I am left feeling love in my heart and soul for Our Lord Jesus. My body feels lighter and my soul rejoices in the Lord who is my light, my love, my Lord and Saviour. Amen. I felt at peace as I lifted up all of my troubles and anxieties and worries to God through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God. Thank you for a powerful deliverance session. During the first part of the session, I felt very joyful. As the session went on, I felt peace. Today I feel happy and content. Thank you so much for these sessions! I have been attending monthly since January and my life has changed so much! It gave me great peace and hope! I am so thankful for these sessions! Increasingly more peaceful and filled with joy after tuning in regularly for your Deliverance Prayer Sessions—great healing. Had a great night's sleep and woke up refreshed and joyous! While Msgr. Rossetti prayed a prayer for peace, I felt that I was flooded with warmth through my whole body. Thank You and Glory be to You, Father. Greetings from Croatia. I received some physical healing of my heart. Heart burn and other symptoms went away. I also experienced peace and an increase of hope. This deliverance session felt like a shower of pure holy light. I felt pretty good before the session began, almost like I didn't need delivered from anything, but by the end I felt so strong in my heart and light and peaceful - a big difference! And this morning I still feel that blessing lingering in my soul. What a gift! Thank you doesn't seem big enough. It was a true blessing for me. I understand how I want to live a not only better life but a New Life in Jesus Christ. Amen Thank you so much Father! I slept so well after the session. I haven’t slept this peacefully and profoundly in such a long time, I can’t even remember the last time I felt so much peace and had such a deep sleep! and I woke up full of energy to do my morning prayers! Deo gratias! I felt very peaceful during and after praying with you. Thank you for doing this service. I invited my husband to join me yesterday, and he loved it as well. Thank you for including your prayers for broken families. Those touched our hearts. I've been at the point of death a couple of times in the last two months. My MCC has now moved to stage 4. The immunotherapy works 30% of the time. I'm dealing with pneumonia now on top of everything else. I'm offering up my sufferings for the benefit of your ministry. I may not be able to write to you again, but look forward to catching up with you in the Heavenly Kingdom. Peace be with you! My family & I have been doing the monthly deliverance sessions for nearly a year & it has had such a profound impact on our lives that words simply can't capture how we feel… I am filled with Gods peace and joy. I am so happy. Thank you for making this available to me. I was so grateful for the prayers to break down the walls around my heart. I have some that make it difficult to relate to others and I seem cold, when in fact very guarded from past pain and trauma. I have tried unsuccessfully to pray for a " fleshy" heart, and was able to cry which I seldom do anymore. God bless you and thank you. I was suffering from fatigue, despair and self-loathing. These prayers brought healing tears and united me to the heart of Jesus further. I was also able to forgive others. I felt astonishingly hopeful, peaceful, strong, and unafraid after tonight's session. This isn't typical for me. Thank you so much. After the October prayer session my lethargy completely left me!!! I was tired ALL THE TIME! I did everything from taking more iron and vitamin C, Iodine, protein, B vitamins…nothing worked. Praise God, I feel normal!!! Me and my fiancé found this deliverance website and have been doing it together for eight months or so now and we both look forward to it each month as we pray together this brings us closer and something we really like to do together. You began, and out of nowhere, I burst into sobbing, heart-wrenching crying through the entire prayer and only finally calmed during the St. Michael prayer. Never happened before. I don’t know what it means. Thank you so much for doing these sessions! God bless you and team! I have been coming to these nights of deliverance healing for several months. What I’ve noticed is that some of the strongholds that I once had of anger and control are no longer controlling me. Last night I was upset over a family situation, so I prayed that I would not be bitter and resentful over it. I felt a sense of peace wash over me, and afterwards I felt total peace. Thank you Jesus!! Thanks from Mexico. Tonight I meet Jesus for the first time I feel loved. Paz y Bien. Que dios siempre lo bendiga Padre. For some reason my hands started shaking. But at the end of it, all felt very light. Thank you. I have a bad neck injury from a MVA. As you were praying to release infirmities, the right side of my neck began with a painful contraction & increased in intensity with pain radiating from my head into my neck and into my right shoulder. As you came to the end of your prayer (on casting those demons out) it eased right up and the pain left. Thank you! It was awesome!!! I have been coming here for a year and these sessions have changed my life!!! I feel blessed and light in my heart and soul. I actually cried tears of joy/happiness at the family prayers and more so at the "I am Loved" prayer. Thank you. During the prayers I felt like cords that had been suffocating me were untangled and released setting me free. I felt the presence of the Lord and I cried with joy with closing prayer that I am loved by Jesus! I'm very grateful that we have this means for deliverance because there is only 1 exorcist priest here in our whole state in Australia and he's 80+ years old so he only does formal exorcism for the extreme cases. This gives our family a chance to still have a deliverance session, so we're very grateful for your efforts. Please continue to help people worldwide this way. Forgiveness prayer was powerful for me. It helped my husband and me to reconcile over a recent incident. I did sense greater freedom and deliverance at a particular point in the session, it was a lifting of bondage. Afterwards, I sensed peace and joy. Thank you. I struggle with anger, wrath, and frustration. These emotions will build up and lead me to shout, use foul language, and sometimes use the Lord's name in vain. These monthly deliverance sessions bring about peace and lessens the "knot" I feel in my stomach that overwhelms me and leads me to unbridled anger and frustration, so I can look at the situations more logically, clearly and peacefully. Deliverance sessions are such a great "Booster shot!" God bless! Woke up at 4 am with absolutely horrific headache that lasted through the day up to the prayer session. Absolute peace afterward and NO headache. Flood of uncontrollable tears at the prayer to bind the walls around our heart. Thank you. It is slow and consistent, but it is working. Thank you. I loved it! The peace that came over me was amazing!! I am so grateful for these prayer sessions. The pain I’ve been suffering for almost two years has gone down since last week. The “I am loved” prayer feels very strong. Thank you. Blessings from Costa Rica. I had a most grace-filled time. It is not often you have people praying over you as a priest. I could feel the prayer and the renewal. Fr G I’ve been struggling with scrupulosity lately. I took a lot away from today’s session. I’ve received much more healing through this than any other source. I’m learning how to trust God more which is difficult to do when I had an abusive childhood. It’s hard to let God in sometimes but it’s getting easier through these sessions. Thank you and God bless you. It was amazing I’ve been having intrusive thoughts and it helped me so much thank you! I really liked the new prayers that were a part of the deliverance session last night. They were powerful. The fruits of these prayers will be experienced for some time. Thank you so much for offering these sessions to us each month. Felt safe. This was my first experience with the online prayer session. I downloaded the Catholic Exorcism app and have been reciting some of the prayers for the laity, which have been really powerful. Now the online prayer session I feel is the Icing on the Cake! I feel a sense of liberation and protection unlike any other time! The Breaking the Wall around your heart was so powerful for me that I started crying immediately. I am so glad you included it because I did not realize that I had such walls around my heart, or that they could even be broken. A FLOOD of tears. Thank you! This was my second session & each time I was in pain. Headache, nausea, & feverish. I cry at the beginning, then the pain, & finish feeling exhausted & emotionally drained as if I was literally in a knock-down, drag-out fist fight. I went to confession Saturday afternoon & my first Mass since August. I'm exiting a relationship where my partner dabbled with [the occult], etc. But I had enough. Now I'm looking forward to my relationship with Jesus & prayer. Ave Maria! The initial prayer to Jesus was just so beautiful; I felt a sense of "beautiful" in my heart. Towards the end, when speaking of the Blessed Mother's love - I could feel her love. It was so beautiful. I have been attending this prayer group for a number of years. Yes I have had experiences of coughing etc. I believe this amazing work you do is done on a universal basis. I know the Lord is very pleased by this work. Thank you from Ireland. A religious experience based on sound Catholic tradition. The power of prayer was amazing!!! Joy, peace, happiness— thank you Father!!! It brought me much peace. I experienced an unexpected financial resolution last month after feeling especially drawn to the prayers to break financial curses. Always calming and healing. I feel safe, loved, look very much forward to monthly meetings with communion of saints and body of Christ backing us all up. I get a little more liberated each time. It's emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally healing and deliverance in real time. I do believe I have broken family Generational curses, with cumulative effect, I feel calmer, peaceful, and joy is returning little by little. Dear All, I would like to express my highest gratitude in getting help while attending your sessions. I use both deliverance sessions and short prayer clips. It helps a lot; it cleans mind thoughts and changing life for better. I had a very bad time in my life, while trying to save myself and family; I was working with a Psychic. As result, the unity of my family was completely destroyed. After sessions I feel better and it is my only hope. Thanks to God and you. I was having a bad time with horrible judgmental thoughts before the session (not sure they were all fruit of my sins or if I had a little help from the evil one). The session gave me a sense of being cleansed and gave me peace. Thank you so much for your prayers. When Msgr. was praying and said lethargy, depression and despair, I suddenly burst into tears for a few seconds. I felt somewhat a relief. Today I had a much better day than I have had in a few weeks. Less depressed, I was even better engaged in my prayers. Thank you so much. So much peace. So much joy. A holy night! Please don't ever stop this Ministry, ever. I might guess that most people don't believe the human race is in an invisible battle against evil. Keep fighting the good fight. Know you have my prayers and support
- Exorcist Diary #318: Can dogs see demons?
[ St. Bernard Protecting A Child ] Last week, I wrote about our "four-footed angels" and how God can and does use animals to be a grace for us. I asked folks to share their own stories, which many kindly did. One caught my eye: Years ago when I was about 14 yrs old, I played the ouiji board with a couple of friends. We asked it for signs and questions of that nature. Needless to say, it gave signs. That night I went home. I sat down after warming up my dinner with my back to the window with my dog, a mixed Scottish terrier, at my feet. All of a sudden my dog was slightly growling and when I looked down at him, he was not looking at me, but looking over my left shoulder past me towards the window. His growl got louder and he bared his teeth. I was getting scared myself because I didn't know why he was acting like that. All of a sudden his hair stood straight up! At that very moment, I remember getting chills all over and I stood half way up and quickly looked back at the window. What I saw almost dropped me with fear. I saw a face with an elongated nose, defined protruding cheeks, and a pointed chin with a grin that was exaggerated. I jumped away from the table as my dog lunged with a fierceness as if he was going to fight another dog. He leaped past me barring his canines and barking, but the bark was deep and intense. I looked back and the demon was gone. As scared as I was, I remember my Mom always telling me to invoke the name of Jesus when in fear. So I kept saying: "In the name of Jesus I command you to leave" and I ran to the back door, let my dog out who was now scratching at the door to go after whatever was in the back yard. It was about 9 o'clock at night. The backyard seemed darker than usual especially as I couldn't see my dog and all I could hear was his barking. As astounding as all this sounds, I say it was a demon because its skin color was deep orange. I know many won't believe me on this, but his skin had a deep orange hue. My dog saw it first, warned me and then went to my defense to protect me. This is a true story, I use it to warn young people, not to ever ever play the ouiji board. I went to a Catholic school and the nuns always warned us not to play the ouiji board, as well as my mother. But being a curious kid, I knew it was wrong, but I played it that one time anyway. Lesson learned .* This story is interesting and instructive for a few reasons. First, playing with divination, including ouija boards, is a very bad idea. It is not a harmless game and there can be some ugly consequences which our clients have repeatedly shared with us. This girl did it once and a demon showed up. God gave her to "grace" to see it and to stop this dangerous practice. Had she continued in such divination (e.g. mediums, tarot cards, seances) she would most probably have become possessed. The girl's experience regarding her dog is also interesting. The dog saw the demon and recognized the threat. Bravely, the dog leapt into action and lunged after it. We have had several other experiences of dogs seeing demons and valiantly trying to protect their people. For example, in one case of a demonically infested house, the family dog would sit at the bedroom door to protect the family at night. It would howl in an alarming pitch when the demons approached. I do not know if all dogs can see demons, but I am completely convinced some can and I have had solid experiences of this. While dogs can warn us, I have not found them helpful in actually chasing demons away. Dogs do not have such power, but Jesus does. Thankfully the girl's Mother had told her to invoke Jesus' holy name when in fear, which she did. Wise counsel. The demon was cast out. ------------------------------------ *Used with permission. ** Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th ! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing and deliverance, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website. ***Our next free monthly deliverance sessions are Monday Jan 6 and Monday Feb 10th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January will open within a week. Check our website. See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. Join us in prayer! ****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter ***** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ----------------------------------- Summary of Feedback from November 11 Online Deliverance Session People from over 55 countries attended the Nov2024 session live: Nigeria, Uganda, Angola, Singapore, Croatia, Kenya, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Gambia, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Poland, France, Paraguay, Norway, Japan, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Philippines, Mauritius, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nigeria, Angola, Peru, Indonesia, Spain, Malaysia, Gabon, Portugal, Wales, Brazil, Cameron, Denmark, Malta, Trinidad, India, Argentina, Netherlands, Kuwait, Guam, South Africa, Bulgaria, Trinidad+Tobago, Zimbabwe, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Nepal. - - - - - - - - - - - - - I feel lighter and different. It was very powerful. I was taking in deep cleansing inhalations and releasing deep exhalations during the deliverance process. Some “things” got released for sure. Thank you for these deliverance sessions! It was a wonderful deliverance session tonight. I had great feelings of peace and could feel the Lord with me. I actually felt lighter at the end. I have done several sessions and tonight was truly a healing experience. One thing I have noticed is that I’ve become more aware of the need of healing in my life with myself and in my family. Tonight I broke down and cried in sorrow and fully understood the need for healing. My mother’s family are freemasons and supporters and these prayers breaking these ties are so powerful and hit very close to my heart. Thank you. I did feel a lessening in my self-hatred and more loved by God. I try to participate every month and feel that it works bit by bit like you said. Brought many tears. God is so wonderful. The pain in my left hip area is gone! My inflammation in my gut is gone this morning. I am more calm today and assured of God’s love. I yawned a lot and feel healthier and happier. Praise God!! Thank you! Thank you for your ministry. It has been a great blessing for me to join these sessions. This evening I cried throughout the session. Didn’t realize how much I need healing in my relationship with Jesus. The deliverance prayer session is getting more and more uplifting and stronger. I was feeling nausea and lethargic for some reason --suddenly I felt a fresh air come down over me… Now I feel very happy; I feel joy in my heart. Thank you Jesus. Heart warming, wonderful, inspirational, positive I was happy to be part, even though it was late in London. I will recommend to my Catholic family friends. With each session, I feel the Lord chipping away at all the areas within me that need healing. After the session, my anxieties were less bothersome and I felt like I had renewed strength to trust God with all the things that I am going through. I’m truly grateful that your deliverance sessions are available and accessible. It was amazing. Thank you so much for doing it. My fears and anxieties from work that were bothering me seemed to dissipate during the session. Thank you. I just went through two very stressful events and was in desperate need of this deliverance and healing session. The new changes in prayers this evening were exactly what I needed. I felt an abundant amount of healing happen during this session. Thank you so much for these sessions and the app. This has made a significant change in my life. It brings great peace. Wonderful experience. We have been attending for a number of months together and it has been very uplifting for my wife and I. I felt a sense of peace and joy. This deliverance prayer session, as always, proves to be powerful and efficacious. I felt very peaceful and happy after the session. God bless you Father. I felt a better relationship with my daughters. I really appreciate it, and it is nice to pray knowing there are many people joining in prayer. This has been a wonderful and transformative experience for both my wife and I. Thank you so much. My wife is battling cancer and these sessions have been so helpful. I felt peace and love always a great experience. It was wonderful praying with you. Felt peace. I forgive my enemies in Jesus’ name. I started burping tonight during the service…Peaceful feeling by the end of the service. Thank you! May God bless you all! My husband and I did this session. My husband said: "When it began my heart started to beat really fast. Then it calmed. For myself: During the Latin prayer I got dizzy and light-headed. My right ear that's been draining the last couple days started to hurt, drain, the pain got intense then totally stopped. After that it was like my intellect and lower facilities aligned and I heard the prayer in a harmonious way like it was a song. Then peace came. I felt a great blessing from the prayer session. During the prayers, I received a gift of peace. I have been very fearful and fragile for the last 5 months after my hospitalization and illness. Thank you. Slept well and woke with the peace beyond all understanding. I suffer from addictions, BPD and historic abuse. Many thanks and much love. This was my second session and I thought I knew what to expect and I was wrong. It was twice as good. Interiorly, it was more enriching. I seemed to open up more. It really makes me look forward to the next session. The sessions are moving my daily prayer life to another level. I am grateful for these sessions. My brother and mom joined as well. I look forward to the Healing & Deliverance Retreat in December. Thanks be to God for the graces He is pouring over us. The peace of our Lord was keenly felt as the session went on. Helped my mother as she lay dying at her home - included her in prayer with Father and she had a glow around her head that evening, and died the next morning. Absolutely fantastic. I cried over some things but it was a release. I found it soothing and peaceful to know how much we are loved. Thank you as always. I was able to feel some peace, hope and a general light-heartedness. I felt that the prayers were efficacious and gave me strength. I have been attending these sessions for a few months now. Right from the get go I always felt tired and sleepy and only came really alive when the demons of lethargy were banished. I did not say anything about this earlier as I wasn’t sure if it was a coincidence. I can now say that these sessions really work and give me a feeling of peace. Thank you so much for all that you do. Blessings!! I always feel so much better afterwards. It’s like when you clean the sheets off your bed. It always feels better when they are clean! As always, I experienced a wonderful sense of well-being and freedom, which increased after each of the prayers were said!! This session I received so much additional peace. It was very liberating and healing. Each time my family and I attend these Deliverance Sessions, we always feel much better and so much peace. We have attended them for a few years now and will keep coming back as all of the prayers are very effective and super powerful. I began to cry with the opening prayer. The prayers were asking God for protection on me and my family I felt I am protected. Every time I participate in the session I find a deeper connection to my relationship with God. I truly enjoyed every moment. Please continue doing more prayer sessions! I am a Catholic therapist. I refer many of my clients to these sessions. I myself participate as well. Thank you for providing this! Such peace and goodness from the prayers and blessings. Thank you so very much. I feel at total sense of peace after the deliverance meeting , I tuned in from Nepal. So very blessed and powerful. Loved it. Thank you so much. I don’t know what happened but I haven’t felt like this in a long time. I feel like weights have been lifted from me. I feel joyous. I feel warm and so happy. Jesus’ light is shining on me. Thank you. I sent this to my friend whom I’m walking with through RCIA because she has struggled to get out of bed the last few days. She felt a weight on her or an attack. After praying with all of us she is feeling relief. I sent the link so she can pray it again. Thank you all. Something happened during the prayers for breaking generational curses. I just cried and gave thanks to God but in all honesty I don't know what I was giving thanks for. I know it sounds silly, but I guess I will find out sooner than later. Thank you so much for these deliverance sessions. I am left feeling love in my heart and soul for Our Lord Jesus. My body feels lighter and my soul rejoices in the Lord who is my light, my love, my Lord and Saviour. Amen. I felt at peace as I lifted up all of my troubles and anxieties and worries to God through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God. Thank you for a powerful deliverance session. During the first part of the session, I felt very joyful. As the session went on, I felt peace. Today I feel happy and content. Thank you so much for these sessions! I have been attending monthly since January and my life has changed so much! It gave me great peace and hope! I am so thankful for these sessions! Increasingly more peaceful and filled with joy after tuning in regularly for your Deliverance Prayer Sessions—great healing. Had a great night's sleep and woke up refreshed and joyous! While Msgr. Rossetti prayed a prayer for peace, I felt that I was flooded with warmth through my whole body. Thank You and Glory be to You, Father. Greetings from Croatia. I received some physical healing of my heart. Heart burn and other symptoms went away. I also experienced peace and an increase of hope. This deliverance session felt like a shower of pure holy light. I felt pretty good before the session began, almost like I didn't need delivered from anything, but by the end I felt so strong in my heart and light and peaceful - a big difference! And this morning I still feel that blessing lingering in my soul. What a gift! Thank you doesn't seem big enough. It was a true blessing for me. I understand how I want to live a not only better life but a New Life in Jesus Christ. Amen Thank you so much Father! I slept so well after the session. I haven’t slept this peacefully and profoundly in such a long time, I can’t even remember the last time I felt so much peace and had such a deep sleep! and I woke up full of energy to do my morning prayers! Deo gratias! I felt very peaceful during and after praying with you. Thank you for doing this service. I invited my husband to join me yesterday, and he loved it as well. Thank you for including your prayers for broken families. Those touched our hearts. I've been at the point of death a couple of times in the last two months. My MCC has now moved to stage 4. The immunotherapy works 30% of the time. I'm dealing with pneumonia now on top of everything else. I'm offering up my sufferings for the benefit of your ministry. I may not be able to write to you again, but look forward to catching up with you in the Heavenly Kingdom. Peace be with you! My family & I have been doing the monthly deliverance sessions for nearly a year & it has had such a profound impact on our lives that words simply can't capture how we feel… I am filled with Gods peace and joy. I am so happy. Thank you for making this available to me. I was so grateful for the prayers to break down the walls around my heart. I have some that make it difficult to relate to others and I seem cold, when in fact very guarded from past pain and trauma. I have tried unsuccessfully to pray for a " fleshy" heart, and was able to cry which I seldom do anymore. God bless you and thank you. I was suffering from fatigue, despair and self-loathing. These prayers brought healing tears and united me to the heart of Jesus further. I was also able to forgive others. I felt astonishingly hopeful, peaceful, strong, and unafraid after tonight's session. This isn't typical for me. Thank you so much. After the October prayer session my lethargy completely left me!!! I was tired ALL THE TIME! I did everything from taking more iron and vitamin C, Iodine, protein, B vitamins…nothing worked. Praise God, I feel normal!!! Me and my fiancé found this deliverance website and have been doing it together for eight months or so now and we both look forward to it each month as we pray together this brings us closer and something we really like to do together. You began, and out of nowhere, I burst into sobbing, heart-wrenching crying through the entire prayer and only finally calmed during the St. Michael prayer. Never happened before. I don’t know what it means. Thank you so much for doing these sessions! God bless you and team! I have been coming to these nights of deliverance healing for several months. What I’ve noticed is that some of the strongholds that I once had of anger and control are no longer controlling me. Last night I was upset over a family situation, so I prayed that I would not be bitter and resentful over it. I felt a sense of peace wash over me, and afterwards I felt total peace. Thank you Jesus!! Thanks from Mexico. Tonight I meet Jesus for the first time I feel loved. Paz y Bien. Que dios siempre lo bendiga Padre. For some reason my hands started shaking. But at the end of it, all felt very light. Thank you. I have a bad neck injury from a MVA. As you were praying to release infirmities, the right side of my neck began with a painful contraction & increased in intensity with pain radiating from my head into my neck and into my right shoulder. As you came to the end of your prayer (on casting those demons out) it eased right up and the pain left. Thank you! It was awesome!!! I have been coming here for a year and these sessions have changed my life!!! I feel blessed and light in my heart and soul. I actually cried tears of joy/happiness at the family prayers and more so at the "I am Loved" prayer. Thank you. During the prayers I felt like cords that had been suffocating me were untangled and released setting me free. I felt the presence of the Lord and I cried with joy with closing prayer that I am loved by Jesus! I'm very grateful that we have this means for deliverance because there is only 1 exorcist priest here in our whole state in Australia and he's 80+ years old so he only does formal exorcism for the extreme cases. This gives our family a chance to still have a deliverance session, so we're very grateful for your efforts. Please continue to help people worldwide this way. Forgiveness prayer was powerful for me. It helped my husband and me to reconcile over a recent incident. I did sense greater freedom and deliverance at a particular point in the session, it was a lifting of bondage. Afterwards, I sensed peace and joy. Thank you. I struggle with anger, wrath, and frustration. These emotions will build up and lead me to shout, use foul language, and sometimes use the Lord's name in vain. These monthly deliverance sessions bring about peace and lessens the "knot" I feel in my stomach that overwhelms me and leads me to unbridled anger and frustration, so I can look at the situations more logically, clearly and peacefully. Deliverance sessions are such a great "Booster shot!" God bless! Woke up at 4 am with absolutely horrific headache that lasted through the day up to the prayer session. Absolute peace afterward and NO headache. Flood of uncontrollable tears at the prayer to bind the walls around our heart. Thank you. It is slow and consistent, but it is working. Thank you. I loved it! The peace that came over me was amazing!! I am so grateful for these prayer sessions. The pain I’ve been suffering for almost two years has gone down since last week. The “I am loved” prayer feels very strong. Thank you. Blessings from Costa Rica. I had a most grace-filled time. It is not often you have people praying over you as a priest. I could feel the prayer and the renewal. Fr G I’ve been struggling with scrupulosity lately. I took a lot away from today’s session. I’ve received much more healing through this than any other source. I’m learning how to trust God more which is difficult to do when I had an abusive childhood. It’s hard to let God in sometimes but it’s getting easier through these sessions. Thank you and God bless you. It was amazing I’ve been having intrusive thoughts and it helped me so much thank you! I really liked the new prayers that were a part of the deliverance session last night. They were powerful. The fruits of these prayers will be experienced for some time. Thank you so much for offering these sessions to us each month. Felt safe. This was my first experience with the online prayer session. I downloaded the Catholic Exorcism app and have been reciting some of the prayers for the laity, which have been really powerful. Now the online prayer session I feel is the Icing on the Cake! I feel a sense of liberation and protection unlike any other time! The Breaking the Wall around your heart was so powerful for me that I started crying immediately. I am so glad you included it because I did not realize that I had such walls around my heart, or that they could even be broken. A FLOOD of tears. Thank you! This was my second session & each time I was in pain. Headache, nausea, & feverish. I cry at the beginning, then the pain, & finish feeling exhausted & emotionally drained as if I was literally in a knock-down, drag-out fist fight. I went to confession Saturday afternoon & my first Mass since August. I'm exiting a relationship where my partner dabbled with [the occult], etc. But I had enough. Now I'm looking forward to my relationship with Jesus & prayer. Ave Maria! The initial prayer to Jesus was just so beautiful; I felt a sense of "beautiful" in my heart. Towards the end, when speaking of the Blessed Mother's love - I could feel her love. It was so beautiful. I have been attending this prayer group for a number of years. Yes I have had experiences of coughing etc. I believe this amazing work you do is done on a universal basis. I know the Lord is very pleased by this work. Thank you from Ireland. A religious experience based on sound Catholic tradition. The power of prayer was amazing!!! Joy, peace, happiness— thank you Father!!! It brought me much peace. I experienced an unexpected financial resolution last month after feeling especially drawn to the prayers to break financial curses. Always calming and healing. I feel safe, loved, look very much forward to monthly meetings with communion of saints and body of Christ backing us all up. I get a little more liberated each time. It's emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally healing and deliverance in real time. I do believe I have broken family Generational curses, with cumulative effect, I feel calmer, peaceful, and joy is returning little by little. Dear All, I would like to express my highest gratitude in getting help while attending your sessions. I use both deliverance sessions and short prayer clips. It helps a lot; it cleans mind thoughts and changing life for better. I had a very bad time in my life, while trying to save myself and family; I was working with a Psychic. As result, the unity of my family was completely destroyed. After sessions I feel better and it is my only hope. Thanks to God and you. I was having a bad time with horrible judgmental thoughts before the session (not sure they were all fruit of my sins or if I had a little help from the evil one). The session gave me a sense of being cleansed and gave me peace. Thank you so much for your prayers. When Msgr. was praying and said lethargy, depression and despair, I suddenly burst into tears for a few seconds. I felt somewhat a relief. Today I had a much better day than I have had in a few weeks. Less depressed, I was even better engaged in my prayers. Thank you so much. So much peace. So much joy. A holy night! Please don't ever stop this Ministry, ever. I might guess that most people don't believe the human race is in an invisible battle against evil. Keep fighting the good fight. Know you have my prayers and support.
- Exorcist Diary #317: Our Four-footed Angels
[ " The Archangel Raphael and Tobias " , Titian, (c. 1512−1514)] "N" was possessed and also had a history of drug abuse. It began in her infancy with her mother, a cocaine addict and a witch, who admittedly put cocaine and other drugs into her baby formula to "control her". The mother also dedicated her to Satan. Shortly after, the mother died in her 20's. N was adopted and eventually, after a personal battle of several years including extensive exorcisms, was free of drugs and liberated from the Evil One. But the history of severe early drug abuse took its toll. Her mental and relational abilities are limited. She has difficulty making healthy friendships and was spending too much time alone. This made her more vulnerable to relapsing with drugs and more vulnerable to demonic manipulation. Wisely, her adoptive father got her a dog. She loves the dog and often texts pictures of her and her dog together. They are inseparable. Her Dad said, "Best idea I've had was to rescue the dog." He added: "So she has a routine and is learning responsibility [with the dog] and it gives her emotional support as well." The dog has also given her an emotional stability she never had, which is very helpful in her long-term freedom from demons and drugs. The demons are very angry. After her liberation, they have been trying desperately to get her back and one obstacle is the dog. They angrily texted in capital letters: "SHE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO HELP FIND THAT DOG." A peaceful, contented soul is not likely to welcome in some demons and they know it. Over the years, I have witnessed and read story after story of how an animal, especially a dog, has been a wonderful grace in someone's life. Each of us has a guardian angel who watches over us 24/7. But sometimes they intervene in our lives with a little, four-footed helper. Have you been touched by or know of such a grace? Share your story with us through an email to: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com ----------------------------- *Our next free monthly deliverance session is this Monday Nov 11th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. Join us in prayer! ** Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th ! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website. ***Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter **** Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. ------------------ Some of the Feedback from Oct 2024 Online Deliverance Session Tonight’s return to the prayer session was a balm to my aching soul. It was a beautiful experience. During the I am loved prayer, I could not stop crying. As someone who has been dealing with depression and suicidal ideation, this truly brought me so much peace afterwards. This was amazing. I cannot put it into words...something so positive that can only have come from God. I feel these sessions are so very powerful and helpful and healing to me from all of my brokenness. My dad was an alcoholic and very verbally abusive-telling me I was worthless and would never amount to anything. Glorious absolutely glorious!! I wept and wept and wept beautiful tears with so much love and peace during forgiveness prayers, healing prayers and I am loved prayer...Then my husband called just to tell me he loves me so much and he felt the love straight from heaven! Thank you so much! These sessions bring me great solace, thank you!I felt an amazing sense of peace as the session went on. I feel energized by the Holy Spirit now! I had registered for this session knowing that my 40-year-old daughter would be here to watch and participate...My daughter was involved in witchcraft/Wicca...This was very emotional for her. She shed a lot of tears...stated that she was so emotionally drained. We plan on watching next month and doing the retreat in December. I am so thankful to God that we found out about the deliverance sessions. It’s my first time attending this prayer session. I loved it! It was very efficacious! Great session, as always. Always feel lighter, happier, less burdened afterwards. Wonderful prayers. Love this monthly session. Leads to such peace and joy.Felt immense love and hope this evening. I experienced a great sense of peace and God's presence, especially during the Latin prayers. I also felt my trust in God's plan increase, knowing I am loved as are my children. Tonight’s session gives me hope again and reminded me that God is our strength and protection and His will is good. Today I had felt very heavy, like something was weighing me down. This heaviness was making me feel discouraged and overwhelmed but by the end of the prayer session it was as if a huge weight was lifted off of me and I felt relieved - very light and full of Jesus's love. felt a sort of pressure in my head through most of the session. Notwithstanding, by the end I felt much less anxious and physically more comfortable too... EXCELLENT!! This is the first one I ever attended, and it was outstanding! Wow!!! There was a tremendous power of prayer behind this session...It felt like a Mighty Army!!! Praise God for that!! Keep it up!! I felt so much Refreshment, Light, peace and Love. I coughed like crazy, especially when you were praying the Latin prayers. God is good! Demons and their curses were being expelled! AMEN JESUS! Thank you GOD! Peace and Joy!!! 2 to 3 weeks after participating in the September 2024 deliverance prayer session I began to get insight as to how my childhood trauma was affecting me. I give thanks to God and my Guardian Angel for proving me this insight and thus begin healing process. I love the peace and lightness that I experience when the session is over. I have so much gratitude for this ministry. Thank you all! This was incredibly powerful. My husband and I were moved by these prayers immensely. I would absolutely do this every month for the salvation and healing of our family. Amazing prayers and deliverance. I needed to sever soul ties and forgive myself and break generational curses and Masonic ties as we have it all in our family line. Praise God for this wonderful webinar... What a wonderful peace came over me during the 'I am loved' prayer. This is my third session, I really can feel things shifting slowly. God bless you Monsignor and all those working to help us all I'm bursting with joy because my sister who was reluctant at first when I extended the invitation sent me a message that she is joining in today's deliverance session. JESUS & MARY you're awesome! Time to celebrate our victory as it is infectious. At one point I had cried due to forgiveness prayers for people I wanted to forgive from past hurts. An overwhelming feeling of peace came over me. Thank you for helping me to receive Jesus healing. My husband and I experienced great peace tonight. I especially prayed for the grace to forgive myself... Tremendous Joy was the hallmark of tonight's session. When Father spoke about the Blood of Jesus, beginning in the forgiveness prayer at the beginning of the session I felt like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket of safety and peace. I felt such hope! Going through a tough tough time....my daughter (30 yrs old) has turned to New Age stuff and is currently not speaking to me. Anyway, your prayers brought my heart ‘peace’...I totally feel lifted! This experience gave awareness of my own personal choices that lead me away from joy and peace. I experienced peace and joy tonight and appreciate Msgr. Rossetti giving us "Jesus is Lord", "Stay in the boat" It's a grace to be praying with thousands who also love the Lord. It was so comforting to be a part of it. Especially because of contact with freemasonry from a parent, and occult practices by child. Also, a drug addiction by a child. Thank you so much for these sessions. I felt that God really does love me. I’ve always had negative thoughts - and I’m in my 70’s!! But tonight I felt joy and peace. THANK YOU I prayed tonight most of all for deliverance from self rejection. Somehow in my heart I felt - I could almost see the memories - that this spirit had clung to me for so many years. I could see how it affected my view of myself, my relationship with others, and my unwillingness to reach outside of myself. I knew in my heart that the Lord never intended me to suffer the pain and loneliness that came with this evil. I felt such healing and peace. Thank you for your ministry and for all that y’all do I had mental clarity like a fog was lifted after the cursed object prayer. Thanks be to God! I also was crying during the You Are Loved prayer. I felt so loved. I felt like Jesus was giving me a hug... I’ve been struggling with addiction due to trauma caused by abusive relationships and just keep feeling more and more lost and hopeless...I felt Jesus speaking right to me through you in these times. I could feel the healing, and I feel renewed. I cried during the entire session. This was my first time attending. Wow. This was a beautiful and powerful session. I will be returning next month. Thank you. Thank you!! I felt so much love from Jesus and peace at the end. Thank you for this wonderful blessing. I feel a weight is lifted after each session. I cried cleansing tears and found profound peace! All Glory to God!It was wonderful! I feel a lot of peace and hope.Superb!!! During our Lady’s litany...I had uncontrollable crying...During your conclusion prayer...I felt woozy, peaceful and sensed our Mother’s presence and smelt faint scent of roses. It was beautiful. I always feel so much peace🙏🤍🕊I cried a lot during the Forgiveness prayers. I felt I was being healed of some deep childhood wounds of rejection, resulting in self-hate. The result of the session was a deep Peace. I have regained full movement of my right hip...I was limping for years and went to an orthopedic doctor who said there was nothing wrong (they did an mri and took x-rays)...I can do things like hike, exercise, work around the house that I was not able to do...Thank you to Father Rossetti and the team! I began to fall asleep during this session... However, after the prayer that calls to bind the spirit of lethargy, I feel wide awake. This is amazing to me. At the completion of the session I feel peaceful. I was brought to tears by the “I am loved” part. I have suffered through two divorces, not of my choosing. I did not know that I was in need of healing of feeling unloved. Each time I’ve participated, I’ve felt myself filled with peace and realize that when we finish, I’m smiling!! My husband and I have felt supported in the daily prayers we pray for the healing of our family trees. On one side of our family, there are many who struggle with addictions...we know that one aunt used Ouija Boards and tarot cards.....her descendants have had a very rough ride. Beautiful peace surrounded by pure love. God bless .Tonight was a very blessed and special night. I felt loved and accepted again. Lighter and hopeful. Beautiful sessions each time I attend, my family life has changed completely with saying the deliverance prayers...healings from addictions and compulsions the Lord has shown mercy to my family. Very peaceful and cleansing. I felt so much lighter and purer tonight than I ever have felt. I truly feel that these monthly deliverance prayers are helping me become more the kind of woman God created me to be. It was excellent. The prayers were very powerful. I was coughing throughout the entire session and felt lighter by the end. I really appreciated the prayer offering an act of love to the Father. Before the session I feel distracted and I'm hesitant to attend. But after the session I feel a tremendous peace in my heart. Our daughter, 19, who has been away from Holy Mother Church for 6 months, JOINED us while praying with you...She was so very drawn to Our Lord, exactly as He says, I know My sheep and My sheep know Me! She was hearing The Good Shepherd through you Monsignor and your voice! She kept leaning toward the screen! I, mom, had tears of healing! Thank you so much! Glory to God! I felt a renewed sense of hope and encouragement as the feelings of shame and self hatred from my past sins begin to lift - The knowing that God does Love me. Thank you I thought the prayer session was an incredible experience. I felt through out something being pulled from me and tingling in my fingers. I became very emotional and felt like all the prayers were very powerful... Beautiful healing. For too long, I struggled with self hatred believing I was worthless. These sessions have remarkable healing and awareness of the wickedness that surrounds us. Thank you so much for all of these prayer sessions. They are very powerful. Tonight was very emotional for me. I cried almost throughout and then felt very much at peace. I am so grateful. You have replaced my fear, dread and despair with hope. I am grateful for this incredible mission you have undertaken. I struggle so much with unforgiveness and only God’s grace can help me. I feel encouraged that these sessions are helping little by little to let go of past wounds and...eventually I can be liberated and free. I can’t wait for the next one!During the prayers in Latin, I felt very warm and comforted, as though wrapped in a holy blanket. When you renounced wounds from childhood, I knew the betrayal I was feeling was from my childhood. God is still healing me. There’s still so much healing needed. I’m not discouraged, though. As Fr. prays, I hang my head and close my eyes. At one point, I realized the pain I have been enduring the last two weeks on either side of my back shoulder and neck area disappeared. Great peace and encouragement! Renewed energy, at peace with trusting God more. Feeling of a layer of burden has been removed. A sense of joy and confidence filled me. My daughter and I are having issues with generational spirits (freemasonry) plus spirits of divination and other occult practices from before our conversion to Catholicism. This is my second session and her first. We already feel lighter and happier (once the headaches and nausea passed). Very, very powerful prayer session tonight! We used to be Satanists, so we know how important these prayers are. We were confirmed into the church last Easter. I'm sure these prayers have played a big role in helping lead us back home and minimizing the demonic attacks on the way. Thank you Msgr! All glory to God. I am filled with so much peace after the session. I am making progress with reconciling with my past and with people I’ve been hurt by and who I have hurt. Renouncing the spirit of self hatred was key for me! I felt it lifted from me!!! I am a child of the most high God!!! Jesus loves me so much!!! Such an amazing experience! I have never felt so much at peace as I did during this session! I was wounded growing up about who I am and what my value is. I spent 25 years in the dark understanding that I was worthless and rejected by God. The prayer about how loved I am and the act of love to God have been instrumental in my healing. Thank you!! We have been praying for my family particularly for my daughter... She has been away from the church and actually has satanic tattoos. Through these deliverance prayers she has unblocked me and God willing we are going to try to bring her back to God. I know Our Lord is Merciful. Praise be to God. I have shed many tears but now I am in PEACE. I don’t understand how this all works, but something has been lifted off. Afterwards, I realize I was walking around with a hundred pound weight on my back. And I wake up the next morning with a clear mind, and realize my mind was a complete fog before. The prayers are very powerful and after a very long day at work and getting home late, there was something trying to keep me away from joining the webinar and trying convince me that I'm too tired to join the session but I had a reminder in my calendar and I joined and I'm grateful that I did. Incredible agitation for several days prior. Painful at the Freemason part of session, but absolute peace afterward. Next day deep sense of freedom. Clearly something was forced to let go. I felt calm and something almost like layers being very gently lifted from me. It’s been a month since I’ve had difficulty of moving my left shoulder...While joining in praying the Prayer for healing, I also massaged my shoulder with holy & exorcised oil. Right after the said prayer I can move it comfortably further back. Glory to God! I truly felt Christ lifting my burdens and the feeling of leaning into Him. I found myself smiling often... when Msgr. Rossetti prayed the deliverance prayer in latin when I suddenly found myself crying out of nowhere...Then an overwhelming peace/joy come over me.