["St. Matthew and the Angel," Rembrandt, c. 1661]
One of the basic principles in an exorcism is to starve out the demons. A few years ago, we had some cases where the demons actually got stronger as time went on, despite intense weekly exorcism sessions.
In one case, the demons actually razzed me about this. They snidely said (out of the mouth of a different possessed person who was manifesting at the time): "How's it going with [X]?" The demons knew they were getting stronger in that other case, and they were gloating.
Instead of starving the demons out, they were being fed. When this happens, we need to step back and ask: "What is feeding the demons?" Here are some behaviors that feed the demons:
*Relapsing into sinful behavior & unholy relationships
*Fear of Satan and the demons
*Anger, wrath and rage
*Believing false spiritual experiences & spiritual pride
*Frequenting shamans and other pagan healers
*Divination of all sorts (e.g. ouija boards, tarot cards, magic, numerology)
When people feed demons in any of these areas, their spiritual state becomes worse. As the Scriptures say, "[The] unclean spirit...brings back with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself" (Mt 12:43,45). But Jesus forgives and, with a proper confession and amendation of life, the exorcism can begin again.
In addition starving out the demons, it is critical that the afflicted person "feed" their souls with God's "food." Here are seven solid ways to nourish the good Spirit in the soul:
*Regular reception of the Sacraments (frequent Eucharist & confession)
*Daily meditation on the Word of God
*Eucharistic adoration and Holy Hours
*Daily rosary and other Marian prayers
*Fasting and almsgiving
*Opening the heart and acts of love to God and Jesus.
*Deliverance prayers as needed (e.g. Auxilium Christianorum prayers)
A good Lenten reflection might be to assess both: What am I doing to feed the demons in my life? Plus: How am I feeding my soul with God's grace?
+Msgr. Rossetti will lead an online Lenten deliverance retreat from 11am to 2pm EST Saturday, April 12th. He will give talks on healing, spiritual warfare, answer questions, and pray deliverance and healing prayers over all present. Register here or go to our website. Don't miss this special time of deliverance and healing!
++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday, May 12th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register for March on our website or go here. (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) For a sample of the feedback from the last online deliverance session, see below. Join us in prayer!
+++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter
++++Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
Sample of Feedback March 2025 Online Deliverance Session
Our home has experienced many bad circumstances lately…been doing this for a year every month. It brings me great comfort.
Sense of peace and gratitude.
I suffer with self-hate/trauma related thoughts, anxiety and depression. I feel a weight lifted after each session.
During today’s deliverance prayer I had to cry when asking Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins. I felt his love and goodness around me.
It was a very powerful session and received mental, physical and spiritual healing.
I definitely felt the strong presence of the Lord in this session. I have had a chronic headache for years. It has been really bad over the last few days. It went down a good 80 to 90% after the healing meeting. Thank you God He is so good!
ALWAYS a sense of peace. I cry when we read “I Am Loved.”
The prayer sessions always help me. This time after the session, the perpetual guilt I've always felt for no reason significantly diminished. I feel light, calm and free in a way I haven't felt since I was a child.
I came into the session with a great deal of shame. I carry the thoughts of feeling unloved, unwanted, not good enough, and worthless. Tonight, I felt the strength of these thoughts dwindle. These prayers are powerful. I also have an anxiety disorder and my thoughts instantly cleared regarding rumination. Jesus, I love you.
The time difference in east africa was hectic but i managed joining and now re-watching it on youtube. I am so grateful for these sessions. These prayers bring me peace always.
Started with pressure headache which went away after 2 prayers. My husband and I felt lifting and true healing last night, thank you and God Bless your Team!!
Very touching ….. I found myself caught up in one of the healing prayers emotionally crying but they were tears of relief and healing.
There were times of joy and times of relief with tears.
I loved it. I feel so refreshed. I was feeling emotionally drained. This was what I needed.
It's a taste of heaven for an hour.
I am encouraged after each session as I see depression & anxiety lifting after these powerful prayers.
Tonight was a powerful experience. Again this month prayers pierced me through bringing such healing and freedom, answered prayer. My daughter-in-law that I have prayed for the past two years in these sessions joined the prayer session tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it, she said she felt so peaceful and relaxed after the session and healed. She is not Catholic and comes from a strongly anti-Catholic family! Thank you.
I look forward every month to the prayer/deliverance session. Thank you. I am always renewed with strength.
I've participated in 6 or so, and with each one, no main "fireworks" happen for me at the time. However, I notice I am sleeping better, and feeling better about things in general. Angst and painful past memories and experiences are softening. I think there is a deeper inner spiritual healing taking place, hard to put into words.
The deliverance prayer session is life changing.
I felt very cleansed. These are always very good experiences for me.
That was my first deliverance session. I feel lighter and less darkness crowding in around me. Didn’t realize that was the case until we kept moving through each prayer. I look forward to next month.
Deep within me, I know the blessings and holy prayers of cleansing and protection entered and covered me. I have no words that can express my awe and joy and thanksgiving to Holy Triune God for this gift. AND my husband joined in this time!
I felt very light and joyful at the end of the session.
This is my second time joining the prayer session. I feel it a little more powerful being the second time
I felt peace. It was beautiful. I look forward to the next prayer session and the Lenten retreat.
I have been praying with you on and off for over a year. This time I felt a power, a joy and strength I have never felt. May God continue to bless and protect you all.
My first time attending tonight. I very much enjoyed the experience. It was amazing to see thousands of viewers from around the world praying together! I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to everyone for organizing such a very powerful and helpful tool against evil.
At the beginning of the Latin prayer, I felt a pain in my stomach. Then during the Latin prayer I started burping, out of the blue, non-stop. The burping started to stop when you asked us to say the St Michael prayer with you. For the rest of the session I felt a peace and serenity over me.
I always look forward to [the] Online Deliverance sessions. It is convenient for us. I don’t know any other way to attend deliverance prayers. I thank you so much.
I can’t honestly say that I felt or experienced anything during the session, but I can say that my life has been in financial ruin this last year and all seemed to happen very suddenly, one bad thing after another with my job and nothing would go right no matter what I did. The day after I had two large closes on new customers which is very hard to accomplish! Thank you, thank God!!
How wonderfully uplifting these prayer sessions are .... and are now unmissable. So much so, that I'm recommending them to like-minded friends and relatives. Thank you so much.
I pray with the deliverance sessions daily. My commute is about 20 minutes so when I don’t have extra time I listen to the shorter deliverance session.
It was a meaningful and peaceful experience for me and I am from Singapore. Thank you.
I felt a sense of peace, joy, renewal, and strength, especially after sprinkling the holy water over myself at the end. Thank you, Father, and everyone at the ministry center.
A preview of heaven.
I have been suffering and am deeply hurt and pained by some recent actions and tonight's session brought some healing as I uplifted and forgave the people responsible for these actions.
I had been feeling anxious yesterday, but once the session began with Father praying the anxiety left me. By the end of the session I felt a peacefulness and the ability to go on with the rest of the day. These sessions are a blessing and I am grateful for them.
Thank you for these healing sessions… It gave me such a sense of "release", very powerful.
I live in Manitoba, CANADA.
With each deliverance session I seem to go deeper and deeper and feel the healing power of our Beloved Lord and Savior. I cannot wait to attend the next session.
Felt a relief and lifting of something from myself during the prayers. Glad you included prayers for physical healing. A positive and helpful experience. Greetings from Croatia.
I am so grateful to Jesus for these monthly prayer sessions. I truly believe the sessions have saved me from the depths of despair because of a difficult 2024. During the session I was overcome by tears, but then felt stronger and more peaceful. Thank you and God bless you.
I’ve been praying each session for months, I used to cough and have throat problems during the Freemasonry prayer but that has stopped. I have verified some great uncles & their sons who were Freemasons.
Tears flowed and sense of joy and peace.
I experienced holy tears of relief and great peace!
Such peace. What stunned me was that the abuse I suffered as a child came to the fore. During the prayer to break unholy ties, there was a distinct untying at my wrists (in my mind, not physically) and during the Latin prayers, I just started weeping. I'd forgiven my abuser but this was a definite release. Thanks!
Always super powerful!
Each session is a blessing. I get something different each time. Cumulative effect. I notice something different each time. Thank you.
I have the app and use it almost daily. I have been coming to the prayer session for about 3 months and I plan to continue, sometimes I feel so alone and discouraged and the Pray with Me part of the app has helped me immensely. Sometimes it is hard to find a priest to talk to. I am so glad I found the St. Michael Center on Youtube, Praise God!
A wonderful session tonight. It was like taking a shower after working hard and getting dirty.
Best session, and each one has been wonderful.
As I prayed the forgiveness prayers I had a sense of peace come over me and realized that I have truly to forgive some people who hurt me.
Hello Father, this was my first experience. I joined from the Island of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. I've had a lot of spiritual warfare going on in my life. After the event I felt light, happy and much better. I will be doing all of the previous events. I am so happy I found you. God bless you.
Beautiful! I enjoyed hearing all of the different voices during the Rosary enjoyed the energy of the other Priest, the Litany of the Saints was SO UPLIFTING and joyful…I felt a lightness of heart and exhaled and breathed clearly, It was the first time I had a clear breath in 2 weeks. A weight was lifted from my chest
I have Lupus.
As a childhood sexual abuse victim, I am always searching for an avenue of healing. The prayer session is so uplifting and I feel healing of those wounds taking place. The prayers for healing shame, guilt and self-hatred are so helpful.
I always feel so much better and happier after these sessions!
My computer crashed as soon as the rosary started. The way it shut down was just odd and I was afraid it had actually died. I threw some holy water on it and it started back up and worked fine.
Beautiful. Absolutely, positively one of the most beautiful sessions I’ve experienced. I could feel Jesus there.
Loved it. Needed it.
I've had a bleeding itchy rash over most of my body for over 15 years. It started when I was in a cemetery praying for the Poor Souls. It grew over time to cover most of my body. No medicine worked and my clothes and sheets get blood. After the session I looked at my body. Almost all the rash has suddenly disappeared. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you Jesus.
I was moved. So soothing. I'm an impatient person but the one-hour session felt like 5 minutes. I will join the retreat in April. Thank you so much!
It has almost been a year since I started your sessions, and they have brought on a peace that I have never experienced in my life before. I am no longer living in fear and anxiety. Bless you and your team…
When Msgr spoke "healing of your heart to those who have hurt you", I felt a release followed by a sense of free. My heart feels so light and so free - just wonderful! Jesus is so good!!
It’s been at least 1 year that I’ve joined the deliverance prayers. It is a blessing to me, I was depressed after my mom’s passing, suffered from anxiety and fears and some health issues. These prayers are a balm to my soul. I’m so blessed and feel lighter, calmer and uplifted. Thank you soooo much…
Stayed up late especially for this in Ireland. My 1st time attending and it benefited me greatly.
This is my first time to attend the Live Online Deliverance Session. It was LIBERATING!
I feel that a heavy load was lifted off from my shoulders. I can breathe much [more] freely now.
For about two months (missed last session) I have had a fog in my head and seemed to be walking in a cloud that I could not shake. After the last prayer of this session tonight this restrictive cloud has lifted and again feel like I am floating on air after being weighted down for these months of near un-productivity.
I felt more peaceful afterwards. It felt like I was cleansed.
I cried during the “you are loved” prayer. I really need healing from being told daily that Jesus doesn’t love me and that I was destined to hell. I was the child who didn’t count. That still hurts but there has been a lot of improvement.
Very peaceful, like I had a wonderful soul shower.
After session I felt peace, joy and love. I have been having a lot of pain on left leg due to a fall last year. This morning I woke up with no pain. Praise Jesus our Lord and Saviour!
They have been great for the healing of my wounds. Months ago I was being tormented daily and in a very bad depression and these monthly sessions have helped me so much. I am truly grateful…
My husband cried quite a bit.
I cried throughout the prayers- feeling that areas of my that life needed help were being cleansed.
I had a wonderful sense of spiritual joy throughout the session.
I felt much more peaceful following the session. Thank you for giving this precious gift.