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Exorcist Diary #331: Lucifer-"I hate that name!"

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

[“The Fall of the Rebel Angels” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1562)]

As we got closer to the end of the exorcism session, our team Exorcist said over and over, "I command you Lucifer...." At that, the demon screamed and yelled, "I hate that name!" So, of course, the Exorcist used it again and again, commanding Lucifer, by name, to leave. Commanding a demon by its true name gives the Exorcist additional power to cast it out.

It is often held that the original name for the devil, the name given him by God, was "Lucifer" meaning light bearer (cf. Is 14:12). While some scholars may disagree, it is clear that demons down through the centuries have responded to that name. It is also clear from our last session that the devil HATES it.

Why? The name God gives us expresses our identity and mission. If Lucifer was his name given by God, then he was to be the "light bearer" for God, a great honor and a sacred mission. But he rejected it. Thus, whenever the name Lucifer is mentioned, he is forced to face the truth of his betrayal and his subsequent fall. Typically, after I command Lucifer by name in an exorcism, I then add, "You now dwell in darkness."

Many theologians believe that you and I are also given a name by God, but one we will only know in heaven. It is likely that our name is so holy that it can only be truly understood in the light of salvation. There are biblical passages which suggest the existence of such a name:

"You shall be called by a new name

bestowed by the mouth of the LORD." Is 62:2

"To the victor I shall give some of the hidden manna; I shall also give a white [stone] upon which is inscribed a new name, which no one knows except the one who receives it." Rev 2:17

God knows our deepest, intimate selves. He gives each of us a personal sacred name which expresses His loving bond with our innermost selves and our true identity in Him. When we get to the Kingdom, God will call us by name and we will rejoice.


+See Msgr. Rossetti's youtube video on the "Seven Kinds of Demonic Harassment." Over 130K have already done so!

++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday March 3. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register for March on our website or go here. (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) Join us in prayer!

+++Msgr. Rossetti will lead an online Lenten deliverance retreat from 11am to 2pm EST Saturday, April 12th. He will give talks on healing, spiritual warfare, answer questions, and pray deliverance and healing prayers over all present. Register here or go to our website.

++++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter

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