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Exorcist Diary #329: Seven Ways Demons Harass Us

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

["Satan Bound," Bible de Sacy - Old French Illustrated Holy Bible]

The lowest level of demonic involvement in our lives is "temptation". Demons tempt everyone. God allows this for our sanctification. The next level up in their evil involvement is "harassment." Many people are subject to demonic harassment. Most of the time it is so disguised that people do not realize it is demons who are the cause.

After years of ministering to people who are victims of demonic harassment, we can identify some common types. It is important not to see a demonic cause for every negative event in life. Bad things happen to us all. But it is just as important to recognize when the Evil One is harassing us and to respond properly.

Here are seven common types of demonic harassment. No doubt, there are many more.+

*Impeding holy ministry/works. Satan will target particularly holy works and ministries which directly interfere with his evil plans. For example, a woman in the pro-life movement shared with us a long series of inexplicable impediments to her holy work. The demons hate the pro-life movement and target it for special harassment. Another woman spoke to us of her holy work with minorities and oppressed peoples. Whenever she tried to work, she was inexplicably overcome with an intense lethargy. Deliverance prayers lifted this lethargy and thus revealed its demonic source.

*Blocking important human connections. In all of our lives, there are important human connections. The demons will try to manipulate, impair or block these connections. For example, a young possessed woman's relationship with her loving father was a key to her liberation. The demons regularly sent false emails, imitating either the daughter or the father, to deceive and destroy this relationship. They were unsuccessful! Similarly, a priest exorcist tried to contact me about a difficult case for which he wanted some assistance. Both of our phones were working fine but our connection was inexplicably cut ten times in a row. It lifted after deliverance prayers were said.

*Destroying families. In these days, the family is one of Satan's primary targets. The demons do all sorts of deceptions to break apart the family. One of their harassments is to sow distrusting or exaggerated negative thoughts in the minds of family members. A good antidote to this is a regular family rosary. Praying together and also maintaining good communication are important in defeating Satan's sowing seeds of discord.

*Financial distress. The demons will target certain families, especially those who are the subject of financial curses, for ongoing financial harassment. Unexpected expenses continually crop up and/or income mysteriously disappears. Despite a solid income the family is always teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Such situations are not the result of bad financial management but rather a continuing bizarre series of negative financial events. Some families are able to trace these difficulties to a parent or relative who intentionally cursed their finances and said, "You will never have anything."

*Impeding Mass attendance and other sacred sacraments and prayers. One possessed woman can never seem to get to Mass on Sunday. As she prepares to leave the house, something unexpected comes up or she suddenly starts to feel ill, and then stays home. Other people complain that they try to go to confession but a myriad of strange events hinders them from doing so. It is obvious why Satan would focus his harassment on people receiving these most efficacious holy sacraments.

*Harassing our technology. Demons have a special focus on obstructing technology, particularly when it is used for sacred purposes. At SMC, we regularly experience this. For example, our monthly deliverance sessions, attended by thousands, are ALWAYS harassed in different ways each month. However, we always manage to get it done. Our computers are sometimes blocked from connecting to our website and APP, or APPs to record our social media videos are inexplicably not functioning. I regularly receive notes from people who cannot register for our sessions or pray with our videos, even though thousands of others can do so. Some of these are normal technical glitches, but others have a preternatural cause.

*Overt Harassment. Sometimes the demons drop the disguise and overtly harass people. In exorcism sessions, they will throw crucifixes across the room. They will send harassing texts or make bogus phone calls to the afflicted, team members, family members and exorcists. They will break religious objects such as rosary beads or statues. Loud bangs and other noises are sometimes heard. People are invisibly pushed down stairs or touched or scratched or bruised. Warning notes are etched on mirrors. Satanic symbols suddenly appear on the afflicted person's body. These occur and many more. With overt harassment, the demons are trying to incite fear and/or dominance. They want to distract or dissuade an exorcist or the afflicted person from continuing the exorcism or other holy actions.

With hidden or overt harassment, there is always a goal. Satan and his minions do not do "random." But it is obvious that the Evil One is chained. If he was not, he could easily control and destroy any human being or thwart any project. As Scripture tells us: Jesus is the one who overcomes the "strong man" and "takes away the armor on which he relied" (Lk 11:22). Thus, with Satan chained, we always manage to get the job done, although it takes a bit of persistence and faith. God uses this harassment to strengthen our trust and faith in Him.

In response to demonic harassment, we (1) trust in God; (2) exercise patience; (3) offer deliverance prayers. Our app and website have a number of specific prayers in response to different types of demonic harassment. More general protection and deliverance prayers are also available and very effective, although persistence and trust is needed. At times, the Evil One might seem to have the upper hand, but it is not so. Jesus is Lord and He ALWAYS wins!


+Do you have another kind of demonic harassment or an example to offer? Send an email to and share it with us.

++Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Feb 10. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for February on our website or go here. (Once you've registered and received a link, there is no need to register again.) See below for a sample of the feedback from the January 2025 Online Deliverance Session. Join us in prayer!

+++Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter

++++Beware of scammers!  There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely. 


Sample of Feedback from the January 2025

Online Deliverance Session


With tears I share that today following yesterday's session I experienced for the first time in 86 yrs a sense of compassion for myself. My normal experience from the moment I get up in the morning is being harassed by negative, self-condemning thoughts so that any peace eludes me. The 24/7 chronic back pain of 35 yrs is still present but it no longer consumes me with fear and anxiety. I am accepting "I am loved.”

As usual, an amazing experience and Blessing! Praise God Almighty!!

I was one of those who experienced a sense of tiredness as though I had just been emptied out of spiritual junk…I was a new-age Wiccan for 20 years before getting into voodoo and spiritualism…

A new depth of peace I never had before. Weight of unforgiveness and bitterness I didn’t know I had was lifted. Thank You Jesus!

God Bless all at St. Michael Center. Msgr. Rossetti's ministry is such a blessing of healing. I am overcoming childhood family trauma and wounds and more at peace than ever.

Incredible Peace!

…I find that I am feeling better after each session. I seem to be reacting to the deliverance prayers by coughing and shaking my head…But it seems to be the way Jesus is releasing me of this evil.

First time I have attended. It was a wonderful experience. I appreciate all the prayers and explanations of what was being done explained thoroughly so I did not feel lost. I actually cried throughout the session…I enjoyed it and look forward to the next session. Thank you for doing this! God bless!

The prayer to remove walls around my heart and let me connect with the heart of Jesus made such an impression on me…I felt this one is for me and my heart was pounding like mad during that prayer. I feel the difference.

My high expectations were exceeded; I felt blessed and helped in my personal challenges…

When Father prayed against the demon of Kundalini, I felt my body shutter and remembered dabbling in such things as a teenager.


I have noticed after attending many deliverance sessions that my obsession with unholy attachments has greatly decreased…

Spiritually Rewarding!

I am beginning to feel the demonic oppression starting to lift. I know that the key is perseverance in attending Mass, Sacraments and prayer…Your deliverance sessions offer me hope where there was little to none before.

I was deeply affected by tonight’s session. Tears flowed profusely as prayer against self loathing was expressed.

Wonderful feeling of peace

I was moved to tears and felt like the webinar was so very personal even though thousands are on that call. Jesus touched my heart. Thank you all.

I think that a change I’ve noticed both times is a sense of hope. As most families we have our fair share of struggles and your prayer sessions help me to focus on Jesus and bring Him into each struggle.

Very powerful night. I felt a great heaviness being lifted! What a great way to spend Epiphany and begin the new year.

I suffer from a lot of anxiety and fears. I am so glad to have found these sessions. My dad used to curse us all the time. I feel a lot of peace and strength after these sessions. Like a strengthening of hope.

Uplifting and sacred!

Thank you for these sessions!! Freemasonry surrounds my family. I’m grateful for all the prayers and the breaking of the curses.

Great feeling of God’s presence and many times I felt the spirit throughout me. And l had no more pain in right hand and less in left hand.

Tears also frequently during Msgr’s authoritative prayers. I am not “a cryer” in normal life—this was not sadness—awe and gratitude, recognition of God’s merciful goodness.

I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful deliverance sessions. Last night I felt a peace in my heart especially when Monsignor spoke after the deliverance session. I feel his exuberance of joy emanating particularly when he speaks with the authority of holy Mother Church and he says to trust Jesus!!! Wow!

My husband and I both watched this tonight. I believe I received healing because I've had multiple rapes and violence. My husband said he received something…I had an older brother…who told me that I was a loser…and I never realized that that pain was very prominent until Father prayed…I just thank you

I felt an incredible lightness during your final Latin prayer of exorcism. Also, the same feeling came across me during the breaking of Generational Spirits. I am a Catholic of 5 years and it’s the greatest treasure a person could ever receive.

I am full of hope when I participate in these sessions.

A wonderful sense of peace came upon me while the session was going on. A deep trust in God that everything was going to be alright, even if things didn't turn out the way "I wanted them to turn out". I felt a deep love of God and my Catholic Faith.

My husband joined me in participating. We are lifelong Catholics. My family is in need of the Lord’s healing graces. In 2022 we lost our oldest son to suicide. He had served several combat tours in Iraq. We found the prayers to be very genuine and comforting.

Such a powerful prayer session each month…I did experience some coughing, burning in my throat and I became extremely hot. I'm saying prayers for my brother, his wife and son because we found out that his wife has family members who are into witchcraft…

I am just feeling peaceful. I can feel God's peace even an hour after. Seems like waves of peace.

I felt emotional and started crying of joy and gratitude with the “I am loved” prayer, when it said that we are temples of God.

Only wanted to cry and cry… so self-aware about how big sinner I am.. still having self-hatred… but little by little healing my dirty heart.

Our family is being delivered from Freemason curse, new age, etc w/ deliverance prayers, online sessions, etc. Literally life-saving. Our children endured severe spiritual attacks - depression, anxiety, lust, addictions, couldn't be in church or school, tormented. They've received major healings. Still peeling onion. Tonight I had burping, light choking, many tears. Too much has happened to write here. Thank you! Thank you Jesus, Mary, Joseph, St Gemma…

I felt a weight lifted from me. Physically felt lighter. The breaking of bonds was very powerful for me. Thank you.

Thank you for this was a beautiful experience. Feel the Joy of the Lord. I’m so thankful.

During Latin prayers uncontrollable tears. During prayers to break freemasonic stuff experienced a lot of physical pain. Thank you for your ministry. It is working; slow but consistent.

Refreshed, renewed, recharged…

I felt peace and that something I've been dealing with for quite a while is gone. It was huge when you mentioned the spirit of python and kundalini. The demons left. I had made a few mistakes and committed sins against my faith and then returned to church and confessed them. I will keep coming each month.

After a few years of deep depression from extreme trauma (domestic violence and sexual assault), self-isolation and periodic agoraphobia, I felt strongly motivated and determined to take steps to get a job, find friends and have fun in life. Thank you!! :)

Each session is like fresh water for our souls!

Beautiful. I was having a difficult moment with a verbally abusive spouse and in prayer remembered the session at 6:58pm. It was a grace from God to immediately forgive and let loose. So much healing. Thank you.

It was wonderful. Each month my faith is growing stronger. I recognize things from past that were lies from evil one.

I was a little distressed initially, but after a while, when Monsignor started the prayers, I felt peace and embraced by God's love and protection.

The prayer to break the wall around the heart was very powerful…Tears started when praying to break unholy ties, seals consecrations, curses and evil spirits. I returned to my Catholic faith 2 years ago after experiencing the devastation of practicing in the occult and new age healing modalities for over 30 years. I go to confession & receive communion regularly and am healing slowly.

Wow! Fantastic…I always feel clean and stronger, more hopeful.

These sessions are so valuable to my healing from PTSD caused by all forms of child abuse. These sessions fill me with joy and hope.

I am a first timer. Didn’t know what to expect. Wanting to get rid of Freemasonry because my family members were all in it. Lots of heartache in family. Want to keep going. Slept like a baby. God Bless You & your team.

It is always so beneficial and I always shed tears.

"I am loved" prayer brings me to tears each time but it is a tender feeling, accepting that HE LOVES me because I am his dearest child. I felt lighter and energized by the end of this session. God bless you.

I was very comforted by this amazing prayer session.

The prayer sessions are incredibly powerful and uplifting. Thank you.

Absolutely wonderful experience. I am blessed to have found out about this ministry. Uplifting and helpful. Thanks and God bless.

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