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Exorcist Diary #325: What Matters Most

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

["Sacred Heart," Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787)]

An afflicted person asked me: "If I die still possessed by demons will I go to hell?" I quickly responded: demons do not possess the soul of a person. They can only take temporary possession of the body and they can afflict the mind. But the person's free will remains free: they can choose God or the darkness.

Being possessed by demons is a terrible trial. It is not something I would wish on anyone. But there is something much, much worse. This is willingly giving one's self over to Satan and his control. Sadly, many people do so, although often not fully aware of the ramifications of their choices. Many are immersed in materiality, sensuality, anger, violence, and a narcissist life centered on self. The state of the world today witnesses to the results of such choices.

But in our blessed ministry, I regularly experience the courageous battle of the afflicted against the demonic powers. They endure the incessant taunts of the demons and Satan's empty claims of invincible power. Our faith-filled afflicted show us the power of faith and the real Lordship of Jesus. Several of our people have made great progress toward full liberation during this graced-filled Christmas season.

What is most important is not to be completely freed from demonic afflictions in this life. Many of the great saints were tormented and vexed by evil spirits throughout their lives. Rather, what is of critical importance is to be counted among those saved by the Blood of the Lamb. We want to give our lives to Jesus and to have him be our Lord.

As we embark upon a new year, may we begin by renewing our gift of self to Jesus and to his Kingdom of love, joy and peace. He alone is Lord. You might begin this year praying with this beautiful song and renewing your love for Jesus:

[Or go to our YOUTUBE site (@stmichaelcenter):]


*Our next free monthly deliverance session is TOMORROW Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here. Join us in prayer!

**Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter

***Beware of scammers!  There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. The gmail address: msgrstephenrosetti is a scammer. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.

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