["The Exorcism of Demons at Arezzo," Giotto, 1297-1299]
It had been four days. I could not get my main computer to access our website and related SMC applications, but it worked fine for everything else. In fact, every computer in my house was affected when it tried to engage in our ministry. It was the latest in a long series of demonic IT harassments. We always managed to work through it, but it was a hassle and impeded our ministry. I prayed the Leo XIII deliverance prayers daily over it, used a lot of holy water, invoked our favorite IT saint Blessed Carlo Acutis, and more. But no success. This was unusual.
On Day 4, I had an insight. I recalled that demons, as fallen angels, retained their hierarchy and thus their relative spiritual power. While smaller demons could be cast out quickly and easily, larger demons took a lot longer and the largest demons were difficult to expunge without considerable effort-- sometimes needing hours of praying. For example, most exorcisms of houses are successful rather quickly with typically one or two sessions. But if the infestation has higher level demons, it can be a much longer fight.*
So, I decided to go more aggressively and directly against the demonic presence, assuming that I was dealing with higher level demons. Again, after saying the Leo XIII prayers, invoking Blessed Carlo, saying the Umbrellino Prayer for Technology, I laid my hands directly on the computer's CPU. A priest's hands are anointed and thus are themselves a sacramental.
As I laid my hands on the computer, it indeed felt as if something evil was on it. I intensely started to pray and command the demons to leave. After some time, it felt as if something might have lifted. I immediately looked over at my computer screen, and it was now all functioning fine, including our SMC website. Obviously, there were demons and now they were gone. Whew!
Where did we get such high-level demons? The presence of high-level demons can be the result of very grave sins, although nothing of that sort was done. They can also be the result of large curses and a lot of black magic directed at us, which we know is happening. And/or they can be allowed by God as a participation in his holy passion.
At any rate, I am back to normal and getting my ministry done. I have no doubt that this is not the end but the beginning of a long series of demonic harassments. The Evil One is relentless and obsessed with impeding the Lord's work. But I trust the Lord will get us through. It is His will and it will be accomplished.
I am grateful for everyone's prayers which you so generously sent to us. I have no doubt that they were important in ridding ourselves of these high level demons. And I am now enjoying a few days of demon-free ease in accomplishing our work.
*For a prayer video to cast out demons from the home- Pray With Me: Casting Out Demons from the Home.
**Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing and deliverance, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website.
***Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here. See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. Join us in prayer!
****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter
*****Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.