Weird things have been happening to our computers. Our IT expert is experiencing unusual problems trying to update our APP, which he has never encountered. In the midst of the online sessions, more strange things have been happening-- computers have inexplicably shut down; batteries drained down even though plugged into a wall socket; our rapid internet connection slowed down to a crawl, and more.
The latest inexplicable IT event is that I cannot access our own website, and other SMC related sites, no matter what browser, which computer, or what internet provider I use. I had to go to a local coffee shop to post the last blog which then went out without a hitch.
It is becoming clear that demons are harassing us and trying to shut down our online deliverance ministry. And they are trying to mess with our minds. They are trying to assert control, confuse and disempower us, and make us think we are a little crazy. In short, they are gaslighting us. Recently having become aware of what the term: "gaslighting" means,* I suggest that demons are the original gaslighters. They invented it.
Demons gaslight our clients as well. There are many people who are mentally ill and erroneously believe they have demons. We refer them to mental health professionals. But there are also people who are not mentally ill and do have demons. In the process of liberation, after months of clear demonic manifestations, some have told me that they think that they do not have demons and they are just "crazy." One possessed person even told me, somewhat ironically: "The demons told me that I am not possessed and that I am just crazy."
Demons also gaslight people by psychologically manipulating them to break down their self-esteem and self-confidence. They sow doubts and mental confusion. They try to establish power and control over people. Demons are masters of gaslighting and clearly are its original authors. Satan is the "Father of Lies"; he is also the "Father of Gaslighting."
The key is to recognize when you are being mentally manipulated by demons and rejecting it. I recommend saying the 3 R's: I reject it, I rebuke it, I renounce it. If the demons are messing with your technology, I recommend redundancy. At times, multiple ways of our team contacting a possessed client are necessary; the demons may block one avenue but not another. Also, having redundant IT platforms is likewise key. For example, this week's blog post is being done on a backup computer using an internet hotspot. The main computer and internet link are inexplicably inoperable.
Most of all, trust in Jesus. It is our consistent experience that the demons can only harass but not destroy. They can make our ministry challenging, but this ministry is God's work and He will give us a way to accomplish it. Similarly, while demons can gaslight the possessed, they, too, need to look to Jesus and trust in him.
In stark contrast to gaslighting, God loves, affirms, supports and encourages. He respects the free will He gave us and does not attempt to control or manipulate. Rather, He invites us into his healing and love. His message to us is that we are loved**, we are forgiven, and that we are beautifully made in His image.
*Merriam-webster definition of gaslighting: "Psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator."
**For the prayer: "I Am Loved", see our website under "Deliverance Prayers for the Laity." Or go here.
***Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing and deliverance, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website.
****Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Jan 6. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Registration for January on our website or go here. See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session. Join us in prayer!
****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter
*****Beware of scammers! There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.
Summary of Feedback from November 11 Online Deliverance Session
People from over 55 countries attended the Nov2024 session live:
Nigeria, Uganda, Angola, Singapore, Croatia, Kenya, Scotland, Ireland, Germany,
Gambia, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Poland, France, Paraguay, Norway, Japan, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Philippines, Mauritius, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nigeria, Angola, Peru, Indonesia, Spain, Malaysia, Gabon, Portugal, Wales, Brazil, Cameron, Denmark, Malta, Trinidad, India, Argentina, Netherlands, Kuwait, Guam, South Africa, Bulgaria, Trinidad+Tobago, Zimbabwe, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Nepal.
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I feel lighter and different.
It was very powerful. I was taking in deep cleansing inhalations and releasing deep exhalations during the deliverance process. Some “things” got released for sure. Thank you for these deliverance sessions!
It was a wonderful deliverance session tonight. I had great feelings of peace and could feel the Lord with me. I actually felt lighter at the end.
I have done several sessions and tonight was truly a healing experience. One thing I have noticed is that I’ve become more aware of the need of healing in my life with myself and in my family. Tonight I broke down and cried in sorrow and fully understood the need for healing. My mother’s family are freemasons and supporters and these prayers breaking these ties are so powerful and hit very close to my heart. Thank you.
I did feel a lessening in my self-hatred and more loved by God. I try to participate every month and feel that it works bit by bit like you said.
Brought many tears. God is so wonderful.
The pain in my left hip area is gone! My inflammation in my gut is gone this morning. I am more calm today and assured of God’s love.
I yawned a lot and feel healthier and happier. Praise God!! Thank you!
Thank you for your ministry. It has been a great blessing for me to join these sessions. This evening I cried throughout the session. Didn’t realize how much I need healing in my relationship with Jesus.
The deliverance prayer session is getting more and more uplifting and stronger. I was feeling nausea and lethargic for some reason --suddenly I felt a fresh air come down over me… Now I feel very happy; I feel joy in my heart. Thank you Jesus.
Heart warming, wonderful, inspirational, positive
I was happy to be part, even though it was late in London. I will recommend to my Catholic family friends.
With each session, I feel the Lord chipping away at all the areas within me that need healing.
After the session, my anxieties were less bothersome and I felt like I had renewed strength to trust God with all the things that I am going through. I’m truly grateful that your deliverance sessions are available and accessible.
It was amazing. Thank you so much for doing it.
My fears and anxieties from work that were bothering me seemed to dissipate during the session. Thank you.
I just went through two very stressful events and was in desperate need of this deliverance and healing session. The new changes in prayers this evening were exactly what I needed. I felt an abundant amount of healing happen during this session. Thank you so much for these sessions and the app. This has made a significant change in my life.
It brings great peace.
Wonderful experience. We have been attending for a number of months together and it has been very uplifting for my wife and I.
I felt a sense of peace and joy.
This deliverance prayer session, as always, proves to be powerful and efficacious.
I felt very peaceful and happy after the session. God bless you Father. I felt a better relationship with my daughters.
I really appreciate it, and it is nice to pray knowing there are many people joining in prayer.
This has been a wonderful and transformative experience for both my wife and I. Thank you so much. My wife is battling cancer and these sessions have been so helpful.
I felt peace and love always a great experience.
It was wonderful praying with you. Felt peace. I forgive my enemies in Jesus’ name.
I started burping tonight during the service…Peaceful feeling by the end of the service. Thank you! May God bless you all!
My husband and I did this session. My husband said: "When it began my heart started to beat really fast. Then it calmed. For myself: During the Latin prayer I got dizzy and light-headed. My right ear that's been draining the last couple days started to hurt, drain, the pain got intense then totally stopped. After that it was like my intellect and lower facilities aligned and I heard the prayer in a harmonious way like it was a song. Then peace came.
I felt a great blessing from the prayer session.
During the prayers, I received a gift of peace. I have been very fearful and fragile for the last 5 months after my hospitalization and illness. Thank you.
Slept well and woke with the peace beyond all understanding. I suffer from addictions, BPD and historic abuse. Many thanks and much love.
This was my second session and I thought I knew what to expect and I was wrong. It was twice as good. Interiorly, it was more enriching. I seemed to open up more. It really makes me look forward to the next session. The sessions are moving my daily prayer life to another level.
I am grateful for these sessions. My brother and mom joined as well. I look forward to the Healing & Deliverance Retreat in December. Thanks be to God for the graces He is pouring over us.
The peace of our Lord was keenly felt as the session went on.
Helped my mother as she lay dying at her home - included her in prayer with Father and she had a glow around her head that evening, and died the next morning.
Absolutely fantastic. I cried over some things but it was a release. I found it soothing and peaceful to know how much we are loved. Thank you as always.
I was able to feel some peace, hope and a general light-heartedness. I felt that the prayers were efficacious and gave me strength.
I have been attending these sessions for a few months now. Right from the get go I always felt tired and sleepy and only came really alive when the demons of lethargy were banished. I did not say anything about this earlier as I wasn’t sure if it was a coincidence. I can now say that these sessions really work and give me a feeling of peace. Thank you so much for all that you do. Blessings!!
I always feel so much better afterwards. It’s like when you clean the sheets off your bed. It always feels better when they are clean!
As always, I experienced a wonderful sense of well-being and freedom, which increased
after each of the prayers were said!! This session I received so much additional peace.
It was very liberating and healing. Each time my family and I attend these Deliverance Sessions, we always feel much better and so much peace. We have attended them for a few years now and will keep coming back as all of the prayers are very effective and super powerful.
I began to cry with the opening prayer. The prayers were asking God for protection on me and my family I felt I am protected. Every time I participate in the session I find a deeper connection to my relationship with God.
I truly enjoyed every moment. Please continue doing more prayer sessions!
I am a Catholic therapist. I refer many of my clients to these sessions. I myself participate as well. Thank you for providing this!
Such peace and goodness from the prayers and blessings.
Thank you so very much. I feel at total sense of peace after the deliverance meeting , I tuned in from Nepal.
So very blessed and powerful. Loved it. Thank you so much.
I don’t know what happened but I haven’t felt like this in a long time. I feel like weights have been lifted from me. I feel joyous. I feel warm and so happy. Jesus’ light is shining on me. Thank you.
I sent this to my friend whom I’m walking with through RCIA because she has struggled to get out of bed the last few days. She felt a weight on her or an attack. After praying with all of us she is feeling relief. I sent the link so she can pray it again. Thank you all.
Something happened during the prayers for breaking generational curses. I just cried and gave thanks to God but in all honesty I don't know what I was giving thanks for. I know it sounds silly, but I guess I will find out sooner than later. Thank you so much for these deliverance sessions.
I am left feeling love in my heart and soul for Our Lord Jesus. My body feels lighter and my soul rejoices in the Lord who is my light, my love, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
I felt at peace as I lifted up all of my troubles and anxieties and worries to God through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God. Thank you for a powerful deliverance session.
During the first part of the session, I felt very joyful. As the session went on, I felt peace. Today I feel happy and content. Thank you so much for these sessions! I have been attending monthly since January and my life has changed so much!
It gave me great peace and hope! I am so thankful for these sessions!
Increasingly more peaceful and filled with joy after tuning in regularly for your Deliverance Prayer Sessions—great healing.
Had a great night's sleep and woke up refreshed and joyous!
While Msgr. Rossetti prayed a prayer for peace, I felt that I was flooded with warmth through my whole body. Thank You and Glory be to You, Father. Greetings from Croatia.
I received some physical healing of my heart. Heart burn and other symptoms went away. I also experienced peace and an increase of hope.
This deliverance session felt like a shower of pure holy light. I felt pretty good before the session began, almost like I didn't need delivered from anything, but by the end I felt so strong in my heart and light and peaceful - a big difference! And this morning I still feel that blessing lingering in my soul. What a gift! Thank you doesn't seem big enough.
It was a true blessing for me. I understand how I want to live a not only better life but a New Life in Jesus Christ. Amen
Thank you so much Father! I slept so well after the session. I haven’t slept this peacefully and profoundly in such a long time, I can’t even remember the last time I felt so much peace and had such a deep sleep! and I woke up full of energy to do my morning prayers! Deo gratias!
I felt very peaceful during and after praying with you. Thank you for doing this service. I invited my husband to join me yesterday, and he loved it as well. Thank you for including your prayers for broken families. Those touched our hearts.
I've been at the point of death a couple of times in the last two months. My MCC has now moved to stage 4. The immunotherapy works 30% of the time. I'm dealing with pneumonia now on top of everything else. I'm offering up my sufferings for the benefit of your ministry. I may not be able to write to you again, but look forward to catching up with you in the Heavenly Kingdom. Peace be with you!
My family & I have been doing the monthly deliverance sessions for nearly a year & it has had such a profound impact on our lives that words simply can't capture how we feel…
I am filled with Gods peace and joy. I am so happy. Thank you for making this available to me.
I was so grateful for the prayers to break down the walls around my heart. I have some that make it difficult to relate to others and I seem cold, when in fact very guarded from past pain and trauma. I have tried unsuccessfully to pray for a " fleshy" heart, and was able to cry which I seldom do anymore. God bless you and thank you.
I was suffering from fatigue, despair and self-loathing. These prayers brought healing tears and united me to the heart of Jesus further. I was also able to forgive others.
I felt astonishingly hopeful, peaceful, strong, and unafraid after tonight's session. This isn't typical for me. Thank you so much.
After the October prayer session my lethargy completely left me!!! I was tired ALL THE TIME! I did everything from taking more iron and vitamin C, Iodine, protein, B vitamins…nothing worked. Praise God, I feel normal!!!
Me and my fiancé found this deliverance website and have been doing it together for eight months or so now and we both look forward to it each month as we pray together this brings us closer and something we really like to do together.
You began, and out of nowhere, I burst into sobbing, heart-wrenching crying through the entire prayer and only finally calmed during the St. Michael prayer. Never happened before. I don’t know what it means. Thank you so much for doing these sessions! God bless you and team!
I have been coming to these nights of deliverance healing for several months. What I’ve noticed is that some of the strongholds that I once had of anger and control are no longer controlling me. Last night I was upset over a family situation, so I prayed that I would not be bitter and resentful over it. I felt a sense of peace wash over me, and afterwards I felt total peace. Thank you Jesus!!
Thanks from Mexico. Tonight I meet Jesus for the first time I feel loved.
Paz y Bien. Que dios siempre lo bendiga Padre.
For some reason my hands started shaking. But at the end of it, all felt very light. Thank you.
I have a bad neck injury from a MVA. As you were praying to release infirmities, the right side of my neck began with a painful contraction & increased in intensity with pain radiating from my head into my neck and into my right shoulder. As you came to the end of your prayer (on casting those demons out) it eased right up and the pain left. Thank you!
It was awesome!!! I have been coming here for a year and these sessions have changed my life!!!
I feel blessed and light in my heart and soul. I actually cried tears of joy/happiness at the family prayers and more so at the "I am Loved" prayer. Thank you.
During the prayers I felt like cords that had been suffocating me were untangled and released setting me free.
I felt the presence of the Lord and I cried with joy with closing prayer that I am loved by Jesus!
I'm very grateful that we have this means for deliverance because there is only 1 exorcist priest here in our whole state in Australia and he's 80+ years old so he only does formal exorcism for the extreme cases. This gives our family a chance to still have a deliverance session, so we're very grateful for your efforts. Please continue to help people worldwide this way.
Forgiveness prayer was powerful for me. It helped my husband and me to reconcile over a recent incident.
I did sense greater freedom and deliverance at a particular point in the session, it was a lifting of bondage. Afterwards, I sensed peace and joy. Thank you.
I struggle with anger, wrath, and frustration. These emotions will build up and lead me to shout, use foul language, and sometimes use the Lord's name in vain. These monthly deliverance sessions bring about peace and lessens the "knot" I feel in my stomach that overwhelms me and leads me to unbridled anger and frustration, so I can look at the situations more logically, clearly and peacefully. Deliverance sessions are such a great "Booster shot!" God bless!
Woke up at 4 am with absolutely horrific headache that lasted through the day up to the prayer session. Absolute peace afterward and NO headache. Flood of uncontrollable tears at the prayer to bind the walls around our heart. Thank you. It is slow and consistent, but it is working. Thank you.
I loved it! The peace that came over me was amazing!!
I am so grateful for these prayer sessions. The pain I’ve been suffering for almost two years has gone down since last week. The “I am loved” prayer feels very strong. Thank you. Blessings from Costa Rica.
I had a most grace-filled time. It is not often you have people praying over you as a priest. I could feel the prayer and the renewal. Fr G
I’ve been struggling with scrupulosity lately. I took a lot away from today’s session. I’ve received much more healing through this than any other source. I’m learning how to trust God more which is difficult to do when I had an abusive childhood. It’s hard to let God in sometimes but it’s getting easier through these sessions. Thank you and God bless you.
It was amazing I’ve been having intrusive thoughts and it helped me so much thank you!
I really liked the new prayers that were a part of the deliverance session last night. They were powerful. The fruits of these prayers will be experienced for some time. Thank you so much for offering these sessions to us each month.
Felt safe.
This was my first experience with the online prayer session. I downloaded the Catholic Exorcism app and have been reciting some of the prayers for the laity, which have been really powerful. Now the online prayer session I feel is the Icing on the Cake! I feel a sense of liberation and protection unlike any other time!
The Breaking the Wall around your heart was so powerful for me that I started crying immediately. I am so glad you included it because I did not realize that I had such walls around my heart, or that they could even be broken. A FLOOD of tears. Thank you!
This was my second session & each time I was in pain. Headache, nausea, & feverish. I cry at the beginning, then the pain, & finish feeling exhausted & emotionally drained as if I was literally in a knock-down, drag-out fist fight. I went to confession Saturday afternoon & my first Mass since August. I'm exiting a relationship where my partner dabbled with [the occult], etc. But I had enough. Now I'm looking forward to my relationship with Jesus & prayer. Ave Maria!
The initial prayer to Jesus was just so beautiful; I felt a sense of "beautiful" in my heart. Towards the end, when speaking of the Blessed Mother's love - I could feel her love. It was so beautiful.
I have been attending this prayer group for a number of years. Yes I have had experiences of coughing etc. I believe this amazing work you do is done on a universal basis. I know the Lord is very pleased by this work. Thank you from Ireland.
A religious experience based on sound Catholic tradition. The power of prayer was amazing!!!
Joy, peace, happiness— thank you Father!!!
It brought me much peace.
I experienced an unexpected financial resolution last month after feeling especially drawn to the prayers to break financial curses.
Always calming and healing. I feel safe, loved, look very much forward to monthly meetings with communion of saints and body of Christ backing us all up. I get a little more liberated each time. It's emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally healing and deliverance in real time. I do believe I have broken family Generational curses, with cumulative effect, I feel calmer, peaceful, and joy is returning little by little.
Dear All, I would like to express my highest gratitude in getting help while attending your sessions. I use both deliverance sessions and short prayer clips. It helps a lot; it cleans mind thoughts and changing life for better. I had a very bad time in my life, while trying to save myself and family; I was working with a Psychic. As result, the unity of my family was completely destroyed. After sessions I feel better and it is my only hope. Thanks to God and you.
I was having a bad time with horrible judgmental thoughts before the session (not sure they were all fruit of my sins or if I had a little help from the evil one). The session gave me a sense of being cleansed and gave me peace. Thank you so much for your prayers.
When Msgr. was praying and said lethargy, depression and despair, I suddenly burst into tears for a few seconds. I felt somewhat a relief. Today I had a much better day than I have had in a few weeks. Less depressed, I was even better engaged in my prayers. Thank you so much.
So much peace.
So much joy.
A holy night!
Please don't ever stop this Ministry, ever. I might guess that most people don't believe the human race is in an invisible battle against evil. Keep fighting the good fight. Know you have my prayers and support