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Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

Exorcist Diary #315: A Holy Hour on Halloween

Updated: 20 hours ago

["All Saints," Fra Angelico, 1420s]

The Solemnity of All Saints (November 1st) is a powerful, graced holy day on which we remember and honor all the holy souls who have gone to heaven, including the loved ones in our own families. While God is constantly gracing us, these special feasts are particularly graced in which God pours out his blessings in a most generous way. We ought to welcome this great feast and open ourselves in prayer to the healing graces God has for each of us.

We begin great feasts on the previous night. In this case, it is the "Eve of All Hallows," ie., All Hallows Eve or, as is secularized today, Halloween. Rather than glorifying evil, we ought to glorify Our God!

Join us for a special online holy hour (Thursday midnight Oct 31 to 1am Friday Nov 1 Eastern USA time)* in which Msgr. Rossetti and SMC will lead us in adoration of the Holy Eucharist, the Litany of the Saints, the Holy Rosary, the Litany of Loretto, a prayer for healing, and moments of silence. We will pray especially for:

*Remember and honor our loved ones in heaven and all saints

*Peace in the world, our country, our families, and our own hearts

*Reparation for the offenses against God, especially the Eucharist

*Vocations to the priesthood, religious life, marriage and for priests

*Healing for all those present and their loved ones

*Your specific intentions

In yesterday's message, Marija, one of the Medjugorje's seers, said she received the following message from Our Lady:

[See Sr. Emmanuel]

Your prayers are badly needed for today's troubled world. Join us in prayer. If you cannot, begin this great feast with your own prayer and, of course, holy Mass. God has a unique and special grace for you and for our world.

[To sign up click the button above or go to:]


*Eastern USA time is the same as New York City so that you can find the time difference for your time zone.

**Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday Nov 11th.  Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) Join us in prayer!

*** Sign up for our Advent Retreat, Saturday Dec 7th! Msgr. Rossetti will lead the group with a deep look at inner healing, plus questions and answers, and in prayers for healing and deliverance. Sign up here or go to our website. See below for a sample of feedback from the last online deliverance session.

****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter.

*****Beware of scammers!  There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.


                Some of the Feedback from Oct 2024 Online Deliverance Session

Tonight’s return to the prayer session was a balm to my aching soul.

It was a beautiful experience. During the I am loved prayer, I could not stop crying.

As someone who has been dealing with depression and suicidal ideation, this truly brought me so much peace afterwards.

This was amazing. I cannot put it into words...something so positive that can only have come from God.

I feel these sessions are so very powerful and helpful and healing to me from all of my brokenness. My dad was an alcoholic and very verbally abusive-telling me I was worthless and would never amount to anything.

Glorious absolutely glorious!! I wept and wept and wept beautiful tears with so much love and peace during forgiveness prayers, healing prayers and I am loved prayer...Then my husband called just to tell me he loves me so much and he felt the love straight from heaven! Thank you so much!

These sessions bring me great solace, thank you!I felt an amazing sense of peace as the session went on. I feel energized by the Holy Spirit now!

I had registered for this session knowing that my 40-year-old daughter would be here to watch and participate...My daughter was involved in witchcraft/Wicca...This was very emotional for her. She shed a lot of tears...stated that she was so emotionally drained. We plan on watching next month and doing the retreat in December. I am so thankful to God that we found out about the deliverance sessions.

It’s my first time attending this prayer session. I loved it! It was very efficacious! Great session, as always. Always feel lighter, happier, less burdened afterwards.

Wonderful prayers. Love this monthly session. Leads to such peace and joy.Felt immense love and hope this evening.

I experienced a great sense of peace and God's presence, especially during the Latin prayers. I also felt my trust in God's plan increase, knowing I am loved as are my children.

Tonight’s session gives me hope again and reminded me that God is our strength and protection and His will is good.

Today I had felt very heavy, like something was weighing me down. This heaviness was making me feel discouraged and overwhelmed but by the end of the prayer session it was as if a huge weight was lifted off of me and I felt relieved - very light and full of Jesus's love.

 felt a sort of pressure in my head through most of the session. Notwithstanding, by the end I felt much less anxious and physically more comfortable too...

EXCELLENT!! This is the first one I ever attended, and it was outstanding!

Wow!!! There was a tremendous power of prayer behind this session...It felt like a Mighty Army!!! Praise God for that!! Keep it up!! I felt so much Refreshment, Light, peace and Love.

I coughed like crazy, especially when you were praying the Latin prayers. God is good! Demons and their curses were being expelled! AMEN JESUS! Thank you GOD!

Peace and Joy!!!

2 to 3 weeks after participating in the September 2024 deliverance prayer session I began to get insight as to how my childhood trauma was affecting me. I give thanks to God and my Guardian Angel for proving me this insight and thus begin healing process.

I love the peace and lightness that I experience when the session is over. I have so much gratitude for this ministry. Thank you all!

This was incredibly powerful. My husband and I were moved by these prayers immensely. I would absolutely do this every month for the salvation and healing of our family.

Amazing prayers and deliverance. I needed to sever soul ties and forgive myself and break generational curses and Masonic ties as we have it all in our family line. Praise God for this wonderful webinar...

What a wonderful peace came over me during the 'I am loved' prayer. This is my third session, I really can feel things shifting slowly. God bless you Monsignor and all those working to help us all

I'm bursting with joy because my sister who was reluctant at first when I extended the invitation sent me a message that she is joining in today's deliverance session. JESUS & MARY you're awesome! Time to celebrate our victory as it is infectious.

At one point I had cried due to forgiveness prayers for people I wanted to forgive from past hurts. An overwhelming feeling of peace came over me. Thank you for helping me to receive Jesus healing.

My husband and I experienced great peace tonight. I especially prayed for the grace to forgive myself... Tremendous Joy was the hallmark of tonight's session.

When Father spoke about the Blood of Jesus, beginning in the forgiveness prayer at the beginning of the session I felt like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket of safety and peace. I felt such hope!

Going through a tough tough daughter (30 yrs old) has turned to New Age stuff and is currently not speaking to me. Anyway, your prayers brought my heart ‘peace’...I totally feel lifted!

This experience gave awareness of my own personal choices that lead me away from joy and peace. I experienced peace and joy tonight and appreciate Msgr. Rossetti giving us "Jesus is Lord", "Stay in the boat"

It's a grace to be praying with thousands who also love the Lord.

It was so comforting to be a part of it. Especially because of contact with freemasonry from a parent, and occult practices by child. Also, a drug addiction by a child. Thank you so much for these sessions.

I felt that God really does love me. I’ve always had negative thoughts - and I’m in my 70’s!! But tonight I felt joy and peace. THANK YOU

I prayed tonight most of all for deliverance from self rejection. Somehow in my heart

I felt - I could almost see the memories - that this spirit had clung to me for so many years. I could see how it affected my view of myself, my relationship with others, and my unwillingness to reach outside of myself. I knew in my heart that the Lord never intended me to suffer the pain and loneliness that came with this evil. I felt such healing and peace. Thank you for your ministry and for all that y’all do

I had mental clarity like a fog was lifted after the cursed object prayer. Thanks be to God! I also was crying during the You Are Loved prayer. I felt so loved.

I felt like Jesus was giving me a hug...

I’ve been struggling with addiction due to trauma caused by abusive relationships and just keep feeling more and more lost and hopeless...I felt Jesus speaking right to me through you in these times. I could feel the healing, and I feel renewed.

I cried during the entire session.

This was my first time attending. Wow. This was a beautiful and powerful session. I will be returning next month. Thank you. Thank you!! I felt so much love from Jesus and peace at the end.

Thank you for this wonderful blessing. I feel a weight is lifted after each session. I cried cleansing tears and found profound peace! All Glory to God!It was wonderful! I feel a lot of peace and hope.Superb!!!

During our Lady’s litany...I had uncontrollable crying...During your conclusion prayer...I felt woozy, peaceful and sensed our Mother’s presence and smelt faint scent of roses. It was beautiful.

I always feel so much peace🙏🤍🕊I cried a lot during the Forgiveness prayers. I felt I was being healed of some deep childhood wounds of rejection, resulting in self-hate. The result of the session was a deep Peace.

I have regained full movement of my right hip...I was limping for years and went to an orthopedic doctor who said there was nothing wrong (they did an mri and took x-rays)...I can do things like hike, exercise, work around the house that I was not able to do...Thank you to Father Rossetti and the team!

I began to fall asleep during this session... However, after the prayer that calls to bind the spirit of lethargy, I feel wide awake. This is amazing to me. At the completion of the session I feel peaceful.

I was brought to tears by the “I am loved” part. I have suffered through two divorces, not of my choosing. I did not know that I was in need of healing of feeling unloved.

Each time I’ve participated, I’ve felt myself filled with peace and realize that when we finish, I’m smiling!!

My husband and I have felt supported in the daily prayers we pray for the healing of our family trees. On one side of our family, there are many who struggle with addictions...we know that one aunt used Ouija Boards and tarot cards.....her descendants have had a very rough ride.

Beautiful peace surrounded by pure love. God bless .Tonight was a very blessed and special night. I felt loved and accepted again. Lighter and hopeful.

Beautiful sessions each time I attend, my family life has changed completely with saying the deliverance prayers...healings from addictions and compulsions the Lord has shown mercy to my family.

Very peaceful and cleansing.

I felt so much lighter and purer tonight than I ever have felt. I truly feel that these monthly deliverance prayers are helping me become more the kind of woman God created me to be.

It was excellent. The prayers were very powerful. I was coughing throughout the entire session and felt lighter by the end. I really appreciated the prayer offering an act of love to the Father.

Before the session I feel distracted and I'm hesitant to attend. But after the session I feel a tremendous peace in my heart.

Our daughter, 19, who has been away from Holy Mother Church for 6 months, JOINED us while praying with you...She was so very drawn to Our Lord, exactly as He says, I know My sheep and My sheep know Me! She was hearing The Good Shepherd through you Monsignor and your voice! She kept leaning toward the screen! I, mom, had tears of healing! Thank you so much! Glory to God!

I felt a renewed sense of hope and encouragement as the feelings of shame and self hatred from my past sins begin to lift - The knowing that God does Love me. Thank you

I thought the prayer session was an incredible experience. I felt through out something being pulled from me and tingling in my fingers. I became very emotional and felt like all the prayers were very powerful...

Beautiful healing. For too long, I struggled with self hatred believing I was worthless.

These sessions have remarkable healing and awareness of the wickedness that surrounds us.

Thank you so much for all of these prayer sessions. They are very powerful. Tonight was very emotional for me. I cried almost throughout and then felt very much at peace. I am so grateful.

You have replaced my fear, dread and despair with hope. I am grateful for this incredible mission you have undertaken.

I struggle so much with unforgiveness and only God’s grace can help me. I feel encouraged that these sessions are helping little by little to let go of past wounds and...eventually I can be liberated and free.

I can’t wait for the next one!During the prayers in Latin, I felt very warm and comforted, as though wrapped in a holy blanket.

When you renounced wounds from childhood, I knew the betrayal I was feeling was from my childhood. God is still healing me. There’s still so much healing needed. I’m not discouraged, though.

As Fr. prays, I hang my head and close my eyes. At one point, I realized the pain I have been enduring the last two weeks on either side of my back shoulder and neck area disappeared.

Great peace and encouragement! Renewed energy, at peace with trusting God more. Feeling of a layer of burden has been removed. A sense of joy and confidence filled me.

My daughter and I are having issues with generational spirits (freemasonry) plus spirits of divination and other occult practices from before our conversion to Catholicism. This is my second session and her first. We already feel lighter and happier (once the headaches and nausea passed).

Very, very powerful prayer session tonight!

We used to be Satanists, so we know how important these prayers are. We were confirmed into the church last Easter. I'm sure these prayers have played a big role in helping lead us back home and minimizing the demonic attacks on the way. Thank you Msgr! All glory to God.

I am filled with so much peace after the session. I am making progress with reconciling with my past and with people I’ve been hurt by and who I have hurt.

Renouncing the spirit of self hatred was key for me! I felt it lifted from me!!! I am a child of the most high God!!! Jesus loves me so much!!!

Such an amazing experience! I have never felt so much at peace as I did during this session!

I was wounded growing up about who I am and what my value is. I spent 25 years in the dark understanding that I was worthless and rejected by God. The prayer about how loved I am and the act of love to God have been instrumental in my healing. Thank you!!

We have been praying for my family particularly for my daughter... She has been away from the church and actually has satanic tattoos. Through these deliverance prayers she has unblocked me and God willing we are going to try to bring her back to God. I know Our Lord is Merciful. Praise be to God.

I have shed many tears but now I am in PEACE.

I don’t understand how this all works, but something has been lifted off. Afterwards,

I realize I was walking around with a hundred pound weight on my back. And I wake up the next morning with a clear mind, and realize my mind was a complete fog before.

The prayers are very powerful and after a very long day at work and getting home late, there was something trying to keep me away from joining the webinar and trying convince me that I'm too tired to join the session but I had a reminder in my calendar and I joined and I'm grateful that I did.

Incredible agitation for several days prior. Painful at the Freemason part of session, but absolute peace afterward. Next day deep sense of freedom. Clearly something was forced to let go.

I felt calm and something almost like layers being very gently lifted from me.

It’s been a month since I’ve had difficulty of moving my left shoulder...While joining in praying the Prayer for healing, I also massaged my shoulder with holy & exorcised oil. Right after the said prayer I can move it comfortably further back. Glory to God!

I truly felt Christ lifting my burdens and the feeling of leaning into Him. I found myself smiling often... when Msgr. Rossetti prayed the deliverance prayer in latin when I suddenly found myself crying out of nowhere...Then an overwhelming peace/joy come over me.


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