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Exorcist Diary #310: The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

[The Gates of Hell, Cornelis Saftleven (1607-1681)]

Wow, last Monday's online deliverance session was a challenge! Everything was all set. The Team was in place; computers were ready; our IT folks had connected us to the youtube livestream. Except ... I looked down and noticed my laptop was draining energy fast. It was working earlier but now, inexplicably, it stopped charging. (After the session ended, I plugged the laptop back into the same sockets with the same cords and it charged just fine!)

I started scrambling: changing cords, changing plugs, changing electrical sockets, changing ports, and anything else I could. Nothing worked. Trying to stay calm as the session started, I did everything I could to fix the problem (including additional protection prayers) but to no avail. So, I set the computer on "low power mode" to have it last as long as possible.

We made it to the Freemasonic renunciations. I still had some power, but it inexplicably froze and I was out of the session. We were about to end the entire session prematurely but, at the last second, I was able to reconnect on another computer, hook up camera and microphone, and load the program. I was back! ... a little harried but the Team adjusted beautifully and we finished the prayers.

I was worried that the session would not be as effective, but the worry was misplaced. We received 900 glowing surveys which are summarized below. We had 6,000 live at one time from all over the world, with almost 14,000 views to date and it is growing.

There are some important takeaways:

1. Despite assiduous protection prayers, God allowed the demons to harass our session. We have several dozen prayer warriors praying for the session. We say multiple protection prayers before it begins. We have one priest whose sole job during the session is to lift curses. (We are being cursed by a number of Satan's minions.) Sometimes people complain that they do all the right things and say the right prayers but demons still torment them. Protection prayers do not always completely stop the demons, but God does hear our prayers; He gives us strength; and he helps us to navigate through the trial.

2. These online deliverance prayers must be spiritually important or the demons would not try so hard to stop them. We continue to be astounded by the healing graces the Lord provides each session, as witnessed by the amazing feedback. See a sample below. Thanks be to God for his infinite generosity!

3. The renunciation of Freemasonry and its curses are particularly important. We often experience demonic harassment in our sessions and this time, as it often happens, it occurred during the lifting of freemasonic curses. We particularly invoke Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney, the founder of the solid Catholic organization Knights of Columbus.* These renunciations are important in the U.S.A. which, unfortunately, has an extensive masonic history.**

4. Demons can harass God's ministers but they cannot stop them. God's Kingdom will come. His Word will be proclaimed. The Evil One is but a fallen angel and, compared to Jesus, he is dust. When God's ministers are harassed in their efforts, one can expect even greater graces. This seemed to be the case Monday night.


*The Knights of Columbus are an important worldwide Catholic organization of 2.1 million members. Blessed Michael McGivney, its founder, founded it as a charitable organization and as a Catholic alternative to Freemasonry. Thus, his intercession to counter Freemasonry is particularly effective. We encourage men to join who wish to become part of a fervent Catholic faith community dedicated to charitable works. Did you know the Knights have a very active assistance program in the Ukraine?

**On November 13, 2023 the Holy See (through the CDF) reiterated its prohibition of membership in Freemasonry. In a letter to the Philippines bishops it said: "... active membership in Freemasonry by a member of the faithful is forbidden because of the irreconcilability between Catholic doctrine and Freemasonry."

***Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday October 14th.  Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) Join us in prayer!

****Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter.

*****Beware of scammers!  There are a number of scammers on social media and YouTube posing as Msgr. Rossetti and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa or for a fund for sick children. Or they are claiming "get rich quick" schemes in our YOUTUBE chat in order to scam people. There is also someone with a scam email address posing as me & soliciting funds. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.+


Summary of Feedback from the Sept 16, 2024

Online Deliverance Session


I felt a great deal of peace during the whole session. No words can describe the gratitude that I have in my heart.

Always Wonderful

I experienced so much peace! I had been afflicted with thoughts of hate such as “ no one likes you” “ you will never be liked” “ what makes you think you can be loved” etc. and when the prayer of I Am Loved was prayed peace love and an enveloping sense of calm came over me and my heart. 

I felt a sense of peace. Looking back on past experiences, past relationships was cleansing.

Always feel peaceful

I admit that I came to the prayer meeting unfocused on anything in particular just seeking the prayer. I suddenly cried during the prayer for breaking the Freemasonic and occult curses and this was quite unexpected as I don’t know anyone in my family who has been involved with the occult. The prayer that touched me so deeply was the ‘I am loved’ prayer and Father’s compassionate reach out to those of us who struggle to feel loved. I go in heavy and finish feeling like I had an outing to the park!

The childhood trauma and abuse and the fallout of that, I'm 81 and felt unloved my whole life, the prayers touched me deeply. Thank you. Home was hell for me… 

They have been such a blessing to my husband and me. We are presently in the midst of a terrible trial with our 22 year old daughter. Prior to the session, I was in a very sad and low place. Half way into the session, I clearly felt the despair being lifted and was given, at least for a little while, a sense of peace and hope. I am so grateful.

Uplifting! Reassuring! 

It was an enlightening experience…when you are enveloped in God’s love, mercy and kindness, fear just melts away into nothing and it liberates you.

I felt God’s peace 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

I felt chills during the deliverance of your generational line. The rest of the time I felt great peace.

Received healing of self image. One of the last prayers of the evening concerning God the Father affected me greatly. Thank you. May God be praised.

I was praying for my daughter who has a doll with a satanic symbol on it…This is the first time I've seen movement with my daughter. Today I'm fasting and praying for her. Thank you

It was great!

Very uplifting! I started to be a little agitated but during one of the deliverance prayers it immediately subsided.

I encourage others to join us. I feel great peace and happiness both during and after the session. Problems seem to melt away. A big thank you to Monsignor and the team for helping us all.

After your sessions I feel so strong against the forces of evil. You help me to “be not afraid”.

When Msgr. Rossetti prayed the prayer for the weight of the devils yoke to leave, my shoulders and then body physically experienced this weight leaving and my entire body felt relaxed and free. 

Always peaceful and healing!

I have demons of lust and uncleanliness from my ancestors, my biological father who molested me and the lifestyle I used to live. The demons were manifesting in my abdomen and some were being released out thru burps and yawns. Thank you again, I’m confident God will deliver me completely. You are a great blessing 🙏

Amazingly blessed

I was tempted to just let this session go… I realize now that I have finished the prayer session just how much I really needed it. The old trickster tried to stop me from this prayer session. All the more proof to me that these deliverance sessions are powerful! Thank you and I will be continuing with them for me and my family.

I felt surrounded by all of heaven, especially Jesus.

It was very uplifting for me because I’m coming out of a suicide attempt and am very fragile. My children are shunning me… but what I DO understand is that GOD loves me and that’s all that matters.

Very good teaching

It was wonderful... very powerful prayers. The world needs them now more than ever. 

It was my first experience. I was not clear as to what to expect. nonetheless, I am very glad and I am feeling blessed. I will return next month.


I was so moved that I started to weep. My gratitude to Lord Jesus and the Monsignor.

I experienced a great lifting of lethargy and depression that I had been feeling. I now feel “light”, with a sense of peace and joy!

This experience is extremely uplifting and gave me so much peace.

My spirit feels lighter

I heard Msgr and even Gina’s voice at my lowest points. Your prayers helped me so much!!!

I love that so many from over the world are also participating. It helps me feel more connected to the Body of Christ.

LOVE IT. Has brought me so much closer to Jesus and so much peace Game changer I tell everyone about these sessions.

Just beautiful...

I always experience great peace. I cry with the prayer I'm loved, I'm a son/daughter of God. I have seen wonderful changes in my family. Thank you Jesus!

I can genuinely say that the experience is the highlight of my month. I always feel recharged with a deep sense of peace and new hope. 

Today I searched for the anger and unforgiveness but they were gone…I felt free.

Today, I had to drive to pick up my son…I cried all the way listening [to] you and following and repeating the prayers aloud, I felt so happy because The Lord was cleansing me from my past.

It was wonderful

During this experience I felt inner peace, comfort and joy…I felt I was being unburdened, freed and spiritually cleansed and was being filled with God's peace and love.

I renounced demons which have been oppressing me and dissolved an unholy tie and relieved an undue burden.

I felt something in my heart I can't put my finger on, like I was freed from something. 

I think this is a precious gift from heaven…This was a beautiful experience.

I feel comforted and more at peace. I was experiencing despair and darkness for awhile. Thank you for your prayers and ministry. God bless.

Very powerful prayers

Every time I emerge from a bout of depression I tell myself that this is the last time I go back to the dark….but I get to a place where I can’t leave my house. Your deliverance sessions are a vital lifeline. I always come away from them with renewed hope. Keep fighting the good fight for us.

Your comments at the end regarding his harassment gave me hope to keep attending no matter how long it takes…I beg people to register each month telling them how much the prayers have helped me, especially with fear and childhood abuse. God Bless you and your Team!

No words to describe how peaceful and blessed I feel. 

I am so grateful for these sessions 🙏, it has really helped me through some difficulties, lots of witchcraft in Trinidad and Tobago, so we need this ministry. 

…an overwhelming feeling of peace and joy, and I felt lighter…some baggage was taken off my back.

Full of grace!

Definitely recommend even if you don’t feel like you need one. I thought I didn’t need help with the evil spirit of self-hatred because I know God loves me despite my sin, however, once the priest was casting out evil spirits I started crying because I knew deep in my soul I was struggling with loving myself as a child of God. 😭

I felt a sense of peace and real presence of God. I did not want the prayers to end. It was a beautiful experience.

This was a beautiful and freeing evening, that filled my heart with hope. The powerful prayers and spiritual support means the world to me for us.

Exactly what I needed!

[I was] very anxious and tempted to an angry outburst at the beginning of the session and I was battling those temptations. When you began to pray in Latin peace returned and reigned through out the rest of the session. Praise God!

I had a deeper feeling of Our Lord and Our Lady’s presence and Love…It was truly beautiful. And the fruit of the prayers…in our home was very evident. My 19 year old daughter came downstairs to watch a Catholic program, Women of Grace and then Chris Stefanik !!! She has stopped going to Mass in May of this year. Please keep having these sessions, we appreciate you and the world and we need you so much!

It's all good!

My husband and I prayed with you together tonight. What a blessing! He has strong Masonic family ties (via his father and grandfather) that he has prayed against many times. The more we pray, the more we see God moving in our family, unloosing bonds (for example, spiritually healing our daughter). We are very grateful for your ministry.

Attending the spiritual and deliverance session was a truly transformative experience for me. During the forgiveness part, I found myself in tears, realizing that I had been carrying a burden I didn’t even know was there. That moment of release was life-changing for me. I left feeling spiritually recharged…

…general feeling of freedom from any demonic threats. I am in Nigeria and we have serious issues with foundational curses around here. A comprehensive deliverance session like this one is so helpful.

Dear Msgr and the wonderful team of SMC , I am…from India. I can't thank [you] enough for the session that is conducted for all the Catholics and others around the world. 

Thank you!

I’ve been afflicted by so many Freemasons…But after that freemason deliverance prayer I felt lifted and then after the ratification prayer I felt completely free from it all!!!! Glory be to God!

During the deliverance prayer of casting all evil spirit I had a violent spell of coughing and had severe back pain ( which was light before) after we finished my back pain ceased. Thank you Monsignor and Gina 🙏🏻God bless all of you 🙏🏻❤️‍🔥

I always finish with a deep sense of peace. It's like a spiritual reset, so to speak.

My spiritual life has exploded!! The peace and healing I have received from the deliverance prayers cannot be described. I now attend daily mass, bi-weekly confession and have developed an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of our faith. Thank you, Monsignor Rossetti!

Words cannot express my gratitude. I am deeply moved and this came at a time when I was most in despair. You have given me hope once again and have done much to restore my faith in God and in myself. A gift from God. I cannot wait for the next session. God bless you all.

I was moved...

These sessions have been life-changing for me and helped me get delivered from oppressive feelings of anxiety and depression due to life circumstances that I experienced. May God bless all of you!

My husband has only one brother…and they did not talk to each other for more than 3 years and I noticed my husband was very depressed…on the July Session…the priest said. "I wont be surprised if a loved one who hasn't talked to you, calls you after this session"... well, 10 days later my husband and his brother reunited and talked to each other again.

Very enlightening...

Such a wonderful experience. I cried much and I do feel God loves me. I have struggled with self-hatred since I was very young. Thank you Msgr and your team.

I was in tears for much of this session. Thank you for I believe God was really doing a purification on my soul as I have been under extreme stress of late being a sole caretaker of my elderly parents. The stress of such brought on much nefarious anger and bitterness even though I was aware that those emotions were not of God but of the evil one. Your prayer session has truly opened my eyes and heart and has helped cleanse me.

…tears were rolling down my face from beginning to end, I felt so moved by our God's love. 

I cried many healing tears, and I felt the love of the Holy Spirit embrace me. I feel much lighter because I’ve been suffering with depression for the last month pretty intensely and I have sense of joy and peace.

So grateful...

I had a stomach ache before the prayers started, and while praying, I started burping. It stopped when the session ended and the ache was gone. I felt such a wonderful peace…

I feel like I have openness in my soul, quiet and calm and confident. It feels strong and so good. I feel like I am somehow new. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

As you went through the prayers of forgiveness and the release of family curses, I was relieved of a weight that has been weighing me down in such a subtle fashion that I did not realize it! I had not connected the bringing of pornography into my childhood home with the opening of doors to demons, but it was this intention I brought tonight - to pardon the persons responsible for bringing it and to forgive all the sequelae from it that affected me. I am so very grateful for this ministry!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for your Deliverance Ministry which is a most amazing blessing for all who participated throughout the world this evening.

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