["The Fool with ... Demons (detail)" in a psalter, Master of the Ingeborg Psalter, after 1205.]
One of our demonically afflicted people said she had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary who told her that she would die on the upcoming Marian Feast. I responded directly and quickly, "That was not the BVM! Ignore it." "No," she insisted, "I know it was Mary. She was beautiful and I felt such a great Marian consolation. I know her." I reminded the woman of one of our fundamental principles for the possessed: "Assume that all extraordinary spiritual experiences before liberation come from the Evil One." She still didn't believe me.
The Feast came and went. She remained very much alive. Fortunately, she was liberated some months later. Eventually, she learned to be obedient to the process of liberation, which is critical to its success.
It almost always happens to the demonically afflicted, especially if they have somewhat of a spiritual life, that the Evil One will suggest to them that they are spiritually "special." He will mislead them with false visions and locutions. He will ply them with "secret" information. He will try to make them believe that they are numbered among the greatest of saints because of their affliction.
All this is to inflame their spiritual pride. Moreover, it is an attempt to have the possessed person develop a prideful relationship with the demons, albeit disguised as listening to the voice of heaven. By the time the ruse is discovered, if ever, much spiritual damage has been done. Some never discover the ruse and become deeply enmeshed in the demonic world, thinking they are awash with mystical graces.
A warning to the possessed and to those who care for them: "Assume that all extraordinary spiritual experiences during the process of liberation come from the Evil One." There may come a time when God will bestow true mystical graces upon the person, but these can wait until after liberation. Even then, great skepticism is warranted. The demons would like nothing better than to inflame the person's spiritual pride and return with seven worse spirits (Mt 12:45).
It is little wonder that the great Doctor of the Church and spiritual master, St. John of the Cross, advises us to eschew such mystical experiences which too easily mislead and corrupt. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and even the most adept can be fooled (2 Cor 11:14). Rather, he encourages us to embrace the Cross of Jesus which is the true and sure road to sanctity and thus to God.
*See blog number 253: Guardian Spirits
**Our next free monthly deliverance session is Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.)
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