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Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

Exorcist Diary #301: The Second Suffering of Hell

[Pope going to confession]

Demons invariably demean, threaten and torment people. They know people's weaknesses and they exploit them. Demons particularly torment people with their past sins, using them to belittle, tear down, and tempt them to despair. The possessed are especially targeted by demons who continually harass them without compassion or pity.

For example, they remind addicts of their past weaknesses and sins, tempting them to relapse. In one of our cases, the demons recently texted a recovering drug addict: "Enjoy snorting. No one cares or will even notice." And again, "Do your heroin; it's the only thing that's shown you comfort during your trials and sadness." Similarly, a recovering alcoholic who was possessed found bottles of alcohol mysterious appearing around him, and the strong scent of alcohol. For either of them, relapsing into their addiction would have greatly strengthened the demonic hold over them.

St. Faustina, the Polish nun who popularized the Divine Mercy devotion, was granted by God a vision of hell. She said there were seven major sufferings of hell: the first being the loss of the vision of God. But the second was the "perpetual remorse of conscience." In this torment, the conscience eternally condemns the soul for its sins. The soul sees what God wanted for its earthly life, and it sees the countless times it rejected God and chose to do evil.

This has been confirmed by the saints and mystics who witnessed the demons in hell torturing the damned. These evil spirits not only tortured them in "body", they especially tortured their minds, taunting them with their every past sin. They sought to tear them down, making them feel worthless, unloved, and unforgiven.

Demons bring this hellish behavior with them in their taunting of the living- the possessed and human beings in general. They sadistically enjoy making us suffer for our sins and would have us believe there is no forgiveness or any relief. Sadly, this is true for damned souls; they are eternally tormented by their sins because they rejected, time and again, the one source of forgiveness and relief.

But, for us the living, the possibility of relief remains. St. Gertrude the Great wrote that, for those who are repentant and accept the forgiveness of Jesus:

"God remembers no more the sins...there still remain some marks of our faults, that we may be reminded to praise His goodness for having pardoned them, and

for having poured forth His favors upon us as if we had never offended Him."


*"The Life and Revelations of Saint Gertrude the Great," Chpt. 28, p. 380

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