It was a busy week for demons. The morning started off with a bang- the demons texted me a bunch of salacious photos. They were gross. These photos are typically accompanied by taunting and tempting comments, none of which should be repeated...
There is a reason why the Holy See does not allow every priest to perform solemn exorcisms. Rather, only those priests selected by the Bishop may do it (Canon 1172). It is also common for Bishops to choose older priests to be exorcists. This is prudent. You've got to be ready for the demons' retaliation. As I tell new exorcists: "You can't keep poking Satan in the eye and not expect some sort of response."
The demons continued. As I was praying online with someone with a demonic affliction, the session was reaching a crescendo. The demons were screaming and were at their breaking point. I thought some might leave. At that very moment, the connection inexplicably crashed. The program would NOT reboot, despite several tries (this has never happened). Eventually, with some patience and additional technology protection prayers, we reestablished the connection and continued. But it felt like the demons had successfully dodged leaving... for a while.
Moreover, this was the week of the March for Life rally in our Archdiocese. We know it is being heavily cursed by Satan's minions and attacked by demons. Thus, quietly behind the scenes, our Team lifts curses, and prays deliverance prayers. We pray protection prayers for all involved, especially all the courageous young people. This does not go unnoticed nor is it ineffective in the preternatural realm. Not surprisingly, the demons attacked some Team members; it was a rough week for them.
Demons do not rest in hell. This week, they seemed especially active. If they used their spiritual energies in praising God and loving others, they would be truly holy. But they spend their time and energies on promoting discord, destruction and death.
But the evil actions of Satan's minions and his demons are self-defeating, as evil always is. I have no doubt that all the powers and efforts of hell's denizens were completely eclipsed by the faith and sacrifices of many thousands of the faithful, especially our young, who marched in the cold to preach the Gospel of life.
As I reflect upon this and the faith of our young people, I feel a sense of joy. I thank God for all who took part or supported the March in any way. May God grant them joy and peace in this life, and the fullness of life in the next.
*Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session Monday Feb 19th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or at: catholicexorcism.org/event-details/february-19th-online-deliverance-prayer-session/form
**Signup for our online Lenten Deliverance Retreat with Msgr. Rossetti. Saturday March 9th, 11am -2pm Eastern USA time. Register here or register.gotowebinar.com/register/1381389462175786334
Scholarships readily available; send email to stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com
***Have you seen our "Pray With Me: Casting Out Demons of Infirmity"?
****Beware of scammers! There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. Our site is msgr.rossetti (Instagram) and they are, at this moment, using msgr.rossetti32 (Instagram) but this keeps changing; Also on Tik Tok our site is: msgrrossetti with scammers using msgrrosseti, msgrrossetti11, msgrrossetti1, msgrrossetti18 (Tik Tok). Moreover, they have made an email address which looks like me but it is not (stephenjrossetti1@gmail.com) and they are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.