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Exorcist Diary #245: Demonic Antics

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

["St. Margaret of Antioch Attacks A Demon With A Hammer," detail from "The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine" by Barna da Siena c. 1340]

In the midst of an exorcism last week, there was a loud BANG! A crucifix with a Benedictine medal was snapped and thrown to the floor. It didn't just fall; it was inexplicably broken and violently crashed to the floor.* Again, a few nights ago, around the demonic hour of 3 am, there was a loud crash in my closet. I opened the door and on the floor was a hanger with my clerical shirt. Like the crucifix, it didn't just drop to the floor; it hit the floor with a violent crash. No accident that the hanger chosen had my priest's shirt on it-- demons hate priests.

These are typical demonic antics. They crash our computers, mess with our phones, and interrupt online prayer sessions. But with perseverance and prayer, we are able to accomplish our ministry. The evil one is allowed to tempt and harass but never to destroy. These latest demonic antics confirm it. If Satan could, he would annihilate every deliverance ministry, and maim and kill everyone involved. But he cannot.

With these demonic antics, Satan's goal is to strike fear in people's hearts. Fear feeds the demons. If we act out of fear of Satan, it gives him some control. Initially, it can be frightening when objects invisibly fly across the room. But, eventually, these antics do just the opposite.

We see that the evil one is chained by the One who is truly Lord. Despite Satan's antics, we do accomplish our ministry. It is not destroyed. Despite the evil one's efforts, we do get up each day and conduct yet another exorcism.

Everything, even Satan's futile efforts, ultimately serve God's plan and leads to our sanctification and his glory. So many desperate people come to me questioning if God hears their pleas for help. Many are terrified of what the evil one is doing. In the midst of these demonic attacks, I encourage them to join us in prayer: "Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you."


*A converted sorcerer said that only higher ranking demons can handle religious objects. Interesting.....

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