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Exorcist Diary #240: Demons of Lethargy

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

["Vocation of the Apostles," Domenicao Ghirlandaio, 1481]

We just finished another monthly online deliverance session. We had 4,500 live and over 10,000 views. It was a wonderful and powerful experience with so many faithful from all over the world praying together. They came from Argentina, Spain, Finland, Philippines, Italy, Venezuela, Malaysia, Ireland, Uruguay, Croatia, Slovenia, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Canada and more.*

After the last session, one participant wrote:

"I became extremely sleepy and started falling asleep. I tried to fight it but it was

so powerful and then I heard Monsignor Rossetti cast out Satan who is trying to

put us to sleep and I instantly woke up wide eyed! I don't remember his exact

words but everything had gone fuzzy as I fell asleep but, whatever he said, it

immediately left me. Thank you Jesus."

What I said that woke him up was: "In Jesus' name, I command the demons of lethargy to leave!"

It is a common experience among participants that they become drowsy the minute the deliverance prayers start. They can hardly follow the prayers. Another participant wrote: "I fell asleep... I got to the point of the breaking of freemasonry, then boom, I passed out." Do these folks just need more sleep?

This week, in a face-to-face session, an afflicted person complained of the same thing. "Every time we start to pray," she said, "A feeling of lethargy comes over me." So, I commanded the demons of lethargy to leave and her lethargy departed.

This happens not only in deliverance sessions, but also in people's daily lives, especially in ministries that demons hate. One woman has an important Gospel ministry and the minute she begins to work on it, she can barely keep her eyes open. After several deliverance sessions, the problem was gone.

This has happened way too many times to be a coincidence. Demons do everything they can from stopping people from being involved in deliverance prayers. They try to stop the communications and mess with the electronics. They will throw up barrier after barrier to stop people from attending. And if they do make it to a session, they will try to put them to sleep. So, we pray for the Holy Spirit to help these people attend; we use prayers of protection for our technology; and we pray to cast out demons of lethargy.

These are all annoyances of Satan. But Jesus is Lord! We are harassed in many, different ways but never thwarted. The Good News will be preached and it will reach the ends of the earth.


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