[St. Philip Neri , patron saint of laughter and joy, by Carlo Dolci 1645.]
A young woman was severely possessed by many demons. I noticed that whenever she managed to do something she enjoyed, or at least felt some happiness, the demons would immediately attack her. They seemed intent on making her miserable. No doubt there are many reasons...
In a possessed person there is a melding of consciousness of the demons and the person. As strange as it sounds, I suspect the demons themselves do not want to feel the person's happiness. In the beginning, the angels were given full knowledge of what would happen if they rejected God, and still they rejected Him. They chose suffering and darkness, rather than Divine joy and light. Feeling the individual's happiness would likely be odious to the demons and remind them of what they lost.
Also, one of the demons' main goals in the case of a possession is to lead the person into hopelessness and despair. They try to drag the person into their own hellish existence and eventually into hell itself. Truly enjoying God's creation in a healthy and holy way, and rejoicing in the graced company of one's friends would frustrate the demons' plans to infuse misery and pain.
I gave another one of our demonically afflicted folks the following daily assignment: "I want you to do something fun every day. It doesn't have to be a big thing, just something you enjoy. Enjoy a walk outdoors; call a friend; read a good book; eat something you like (in moderation), or whatever." Of all the assignments I give her to do in between sessions, this is the one she fails at the most. It is very difficult for her, and very important.
Suffering is not good ipso facto. Suffering is only good when it is in accord with God's will and thus contributes to one's growth and holiness. Suffering 24/7 is not. A sign of true sanctity is an abiding sense of joy. As St. Teresa of Avila said, "From sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us!"
*Our next free monthly deliverance session is this Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.) 14,000 people have already registered from several countries all over the world. Join us in prayer!
**Find us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter.
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