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Exorcist Diary #133: Demons Mess with Easter

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

This Holy Thursday, as a local priest began the sacred triduum, unexpectedly, the church lights began to flicker. They got unnaturally bright, and then very dim, despite the controls having no rheostat. The lights flashed and faded. Then the church went completely dark. The priest, unfazed, led a beautiful celebration by candlelight. Later, a spiritually gifted woman present in the congregation confided to him: "One of Satan's minions entered the church and invoked the help of demons to disrupt the Mass." When the Mass ended, the lights returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

In a nearby Church two days later at the Easter vigil, when it came time to sing the Gloria, the organ inexplicably would not play. The priest calmly preceded to lead the people in a blessed vigil Mass acapella, without instruments. The organist tried throughout the liturgy to get the organ to work, to no avail. At the very end, the organist had an inspiration and took out some of the holy water blessed on Epiphany. He sprinkled the water on the organ and it began to function normally, just in time for the final hymn.*

This is typical demonic behavior. It harasses and tempts, but it can never thwart the work of God. I have encountered a number of people recently who are frightened by Satan and cower in fear. Unwittingly, because of their fear and letting this fear control their behavior, they fall under his control.

On this Divine Mercy Sunday, we say the prayer that St. Faustina offers us, "Jesus, I trust in you." Satan is toothless and powerless in the presence of the Risen Lord. Trust in Jesus.

*In our app: "Catholic Exorcism," there is an Umbrellino Prayer for Technology that is used to protect computers, cell phones, etc., from demonic harassment. It can be adapted for other uses, such as a church organ.


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