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Exorcist Diary #124: Demon of Abortion Reveals Its Name

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

"Lucy" is possessed and being tortured nightly by the demons. They taunt her, mark her body with scratches and burns, claim that they own her, and often twist her bad leg, which is excruciating for her. Demons are merciless and relentless.

After a number of intense exorcism sessions, the demons were weakening. It seemed to me that they just might be weak enough to be compelled, by the power of Jesus, to reveal their names. Having their demonic names gives additional power to cast them out and suggests that the time of their exit is approaching.

So I demanded again and again and again: "Dicas mihi nomen tuum" ("Tell me your name"). This line is a direct quote from the traditional Rite of Exorcism. The demon resisted mightily. Finally, with great reluctance, it gave up its name, "Abyzou."

I looked it up. Several sources concur: Abyzou (also spelled Abizou, Obizu, Obizuth, Obyzouth, Byzou) is the name of a "female" demon in the Near East blamed for miscarriages and infant mortality.*

It made perfect sense. Sadly, Lucy had had an abortion. She sincerely repented, went to confession, and remained very contrite. While any and all sins are forgiven in the sacrament, this does not mean that associated demons are immediately cast out. Often, a time of purgation is necessary. Given the gravity of the sin and the resulting tragic child's death, it was going to be a fight to cast out this demon.

Abyzou taunted Lucy for having had an abortion. The demon told her she could never be forgiven. It played on her deep sense of guilt and attempted to drag her into the darkness of hopelessness and despair.

This is typical demonic behavior. Demons not only tempt you to commit sin but then if you do, they taunt you and shame you for doing so. We assured Lucy that her sin was truly forgiven and said a prayer for her baby. Lucy may also need post-abortion counseling and/or work with post-abortion healing groups.

In the midst of the session, one of the exorcists was inspired to hold up an icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The demon went into a huge convulsion. So, repeatedly we invoked Our Lady under this title and the demon convulsed every time the icon was held up.

The effectiveness of this holy image is no accident. The icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe reveals Mary as a pregnant woman and she is often invoked under this title for unborn children. Moreover, under her feet is a symbol of the moon and darkness, a reference to the devil. Juan Diego, upon whose tilma the image appeared, referred to her in his native language as: "Te Coatlazopeuh” – “she who crushes the serpent.”

An abortion is a grevious sin. But Lucy and all should know that there is a Divine source of healing and peace. We have a tremendous advocate in Our Lady of Guadalupe who treads upon Abyzou and brings God's healing. "Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, pray for us."

*Demons do not have physical bodies or gender so it is technically not a male or female.

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