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Exorcist Diary #116: Protected from Demons

Daniel in the Lions' Den by Peter Paul Rubens

"Julia” grew up in a good Catholic family. She went away to college and began dating a young man who was heavily engaged in the occult. She participated in these rituals and fell into other sinful behaviors as well.

By the grace of God, she came in contact with a dynamic Catholic youth group at the University and it turned her life around. She broke up with her boyfriend. She started attending Mass and went to confession. Things were looking up.

A few months after her conversion, she awoke one morning with horrible marks on her back. It looked like a beast had raked its claws down her back. Demons began to attack her. They nightly harassed and abused her. She had difficulty entering a Church or going to Mass. She knew her past had come back to torment her.

Two of her female friends at the University wanted to help. They had entered her room at night and could see what was happening. They decided to sleep in her room and to be a support during the demonic attacks.

Unfortunately, these young women, although well intentioned, were not spiritually ready for what they encountered. One fell into drug abuse and sexual promiscuity, and shortly thereafter left the University. The other became filled with rage, threatened suicide, and she, too, left the University. Julia’s family referred to her to an exorcist who began the Rite.

Julia noted that when she went home to her family, the demons did not enter the house. The Father explained that their house had been blessed; it was filled with sacramentals including crucifixes, holy statues, and often sprinkled with holy water. The parents were fervent Catholics.

Ephesians 6 says: “Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil.” These two young women were not ready. The parents were.

Faith in God and Jesus Christ are the armor that protects us. As faith slips away in these secular days, I worry that our homes and families will not be protected. As faith slips away in our nation, what will become of it?


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24 Dis 2020

Yes, indeed! Dear Msgr. Rossetti & the Team - sending the warmest wishes of a blessed Christmas & Holy New Year from NZ.


23 Dis 2020

Dear Msgr. Rossetti

Thank you for all you do and the sacrifices you make for us all when doing them.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !


15 Dis 2020

I'm making the 3rd attempt to post this comment as my 2 previous attempts very late last night were either torpedoed by the Enemy or are simply indicative of my poor blogging skills...🙂 Msgr Rossetti's last post reminded me of either a fictional or true story that I've read some time ago about a psychologist, who was invited to observe an exorcism session. Despite the exorcist's stern & repeated warnings not to address the demon directly, the psychologist blurted out 2 direct questions to the possessing spirit. He was so fascinated by what saw during the exorcism that he couldn't manage his scientific curiosity & disobeyed the exorcist's clear instructions. As far as I can recall, the psychologist die…


For some reason, I think that this post is timely because I am thinking about the preternatural lately. In your blog, you said, "A few months after her conversion, she awoke one morning with horrible marks on her back. It looked like a beast had raked its claws down her back." How could spiritual and immaterial beings like demons physically hurt human beings? Do they materialize? Do they somehow possess individuals who do these to themselves? Also, I have a separate question but it may be related to this as well. While thinking about Satan and evil spirits, it's not just important to know what they can do but what they can't do as well. Last Feast of Our Lady o…


14 Dis 2020

Sancte Ioseph, Terror daemonum, ora pro nobis

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