Spiritual Direction.com
"This site is an outreach of the Avila Foundation which also provides formation through the Avila Institute, Divine Intimacy Radio, and local talks and formation events. Help us reach and serve millions of Catholics with the life-changing riches of Christ found in authentic Catholic spirituality!" - Spiritualdirection.com
Opus Santorum Angelorum: Work of the Holy Angels
"Opus Sanctorum Angelorum, the Work of the Holy Angels, is an international movement within the Catholic Church faithful to the Magisterium. It is ordered to promoting devotion to the holy angels and a covenant bond with them through a consecration approved by the Church, so that the holy angels may lead us more effectively to God." -Opus Angelorum Website
Auxilium Christianorum
"Principle aims of the association: (1) to provide prayers for priests associated with Auxilium Christianorum so that their apostolate in driving our demons is efficacious. (2) To provide prayer for the members - priests, laity, family, and friends - so that they are not adversely affected by the demonic."
- Auxilium Christianorum
Regina Apostolorum Exorcist Conference
"The first course in the world on the ministry of the exorcism and prayer of liberation, it is organised in collaboration with the Group for Socio-religious Research and Information of Bologna and proposes an academic and interdisciplinary research on the ministry of exorcism and prayer of liberation." - Regina Apostolorum.
The Website of Msgr. Charles Pope
"Msgr. Charle Pope is the Pastor of Holy Comforter – St. Cyprian Catholic Church in Washington, D.C. and in his spare time is involved with Catholic media and lectures across America, and has attracted many readers from across the globe through the internet. This website is a central location for the many forms of Catholic media the Monsignor appears in including: radio, newspapers, blogs, video, lectures, and social media." - Msgr. Pope's Website
Pope Leo XIII Institute
"The Pope Leo XIII Institute serves bishops, priests, exorcists, deacons, and laity. Rooted in the love of the Father who defines the identity of each person, the Pope Leo XIII Institute supports the spiritual formation of priests, preparing their minds and hearts to bring the light of Christ to dispel evil and to heal the wounded and afflicted." - Pope Leo XIII Institute
The Missionaries of the New Evangelization
"Religious Organization under the guidance of the Roman Catholic Church dedicated to the renewal of all God’s children through Proclamation of the Word, Conversion of Hearts, Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Prayers of Healing." - Missionaries of the New Evangelization
Unbound Ministry
"UNBOUND Ministry ® is an approach to deliverance and healing prayer developed by Neal Lozano. The focus of the UNBOUND model is on an individual as you deeply listen to their story and heart. UNBOUND is a safe, loving, effective prayer model that helps people to respond to the good news of the gospel. UNBOUND applies the truth to our lives by using five basic responses called the Five Keys." - Unbound
"ChurchPOP is a Christian culture brand that’s fun, informative, and inspirational. We hope you enjoy it!... ChurchPOP is a part of the EWTN network... ChurchPOP is under the spiritual patronage of Our Lady of Perpetual Help." - ChurchPOP
The Angels Magazine
"The main task of the knights is to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ over Satan. The knights are sent on a mission to expiate God for the sins of human kind and to obtain the conversion of sinners. They aim to achieve this by reciting the prayer of St Michael the Archangel to defend us in the day of battle. This simple prayer of exorcism is said every day to keep away evil spirits from oneself, the Church and the whole world, particularly from those who are tempted and possessed by Satan. It is referred to in these set of the Statutes / Rules as the prayer of simple exorcism." - The Angels Magazine
Women of Grace
"Women of Grace® is a Catholic apostolate which began in 2003 as an outreach of Living His Life Abundantly®, Inc, a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit corporation. The mission of Women of Grace® is to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity™ through ongoing spiritual formation."
St. Anthony Press
Saint Anthony Press was founded out of a need for inexpensive, professionally reset (no facsimiles), and easy to use Catholic liturgical and religious books that have gone out of print. Our motto is "Quod amiserat, repertus est" - "What once was lost, is now found", both an allusion to the parable of the Prodigal Son and to our Patron's knack for helping us find our missing knicks.
Exorcismus.org - Un Recurso Español
"Since 2002 we have been dealing with the problems of exorcisms in the Catholic Church. We run the Polish www.egzorcyzmy.katolik.pl website. It is the largest site on this subject in Poland, with over 3.000.000 visitors. We remain in cooperation with several Catholic priests, including exorcists."
Treasures of the Church
Treasures of the Church is a ministry of evangelization of the Catholic Church. Directed by Fr. Carlos Martins, its purpose is to give people an experience of the living God through an encounter with the relics of his saints in the form of an exposition. Each exposition begins with a multi-media presentation on the Church’s use of relics that is scriptural, catechetical, and devotional, leading to a renewal of the Catholic faith for many people. After the teaching those in attendance have an opportunity to venerate the relics of some of their favorite saints.