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Against Retaliation Prayer

Breaking the Freemasonic Curse - Short Form

Druid Renunciations

Liberation from the Spirit of Divination and Closing the "Occult Third Eye" Prayer

Prayer to Remove Generational Spirits

Umbrellino Prayer

Binding Prayer (Deacon)

Cleansing Prayers

Healing of Mind, Body, and Spirit Prayer

One Who Has Eaten Something Defiling Prayer

Renouncing Unholy Ties and Breaking Soul Ties Prayer

Umbrellino for Technology Prayer

Breaking Curses of the Occult (Deacon)

Deep Scrub after a Session Prayer

Invocation of the Entire Heavenly Court Prayer

Perimeter Prayer (Deacon)

Sealing Protection Prayer

Deacon Led Deliverance Session

Breaking the Freemasonic Curse Prayer

Deep Scrub with the Precious Blood and the Fire of the Holy Spirit Prayer

Invoking the Aid of Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer

Ratification Prayer for Freemasonry and Other Curses Prayer

Titles of Satan in the Rite of Exorcism

Deacon Led House Cleansing

Against Retaliation Prayer

Breaking the Freemasonic Curse - Short Form

Druid Renunciations

Liberation from the Spirit of Divination and Closing the "Occult Third Eye" Prayer

Prayer to Remove Generational Spirits

Umbrellino Prayer

Binding Prayer (Deacon)

Cleansing Prayers

Healing of Mind, Body, and Spirit Prayer

One Who Has Eaten Something Defiling Prayer

Renouncing Unholy Ties and Breaking Soul Ties Prayer

Umbrellino for Technology Prayer

Breaking Curses of the Occult (Deacon)

Deep Scrub after a Session Prayer

Invocation of the Entire Heavenly Court Prayer

Perimeter Prayer (Deacon)

Sealing Protection Prayer

Deacon Led Deliverance Session

Breaking the Freemasonic Curse Prayer

Deep Scrub with the Precious Blood and the Fire of the Holy Spirit Prayer

Invoking the Aid of Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer

Ratification Prayer for Freemasonry and Other Curses Prayer

Titles of Satan in the Rite of Exorcism

Deacon Led House Cleansing

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