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The Hell There Is

Msgr. Charles Pope

Even self-described Christians question whether God would consign anyone to hell. In The Hell There Is, Msgr. Pope defends the doctrine of hell against doubters and skeptics. An interesting, important and critical reflection.

Tan Books

An Exorcist Explains the Demonic

Fr. Gabriel Amorth

From Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the renowned exorcist in Rome, comes this powerful, eye-opening book on the deadly antics of Satan and his fallen angels, as well as spiritual remedies for each. These pages provide a basic orientation in the dark phenomenology, succinctly explaining Catholic doctrine on the fallen angels and the innumerable manifestations.

Sophia Institute Press

Diabolical Possession and the Ministry of Exorcism

Fr. Francesco Bamonte

Fr. Francesco Bamonte moves with agility in a world that knows no straight lines. With lots of modesty, he calls many colleagues to his workplace - some of the best that Italy has to offer. Of course, in light of the multifaceted wiles with which the Evil One works, one almost despairs in the search for a correct typology in which to insert each individual case.

Pope Leo XIII Institute

The Rebellious Angels

Fr. Francesco Bamonte

The author, Fr. Francesco Bamonte, reminds us of the teaching of the Church. For what reason did the most beautiful and magnificent of all the angels freely and irreversibly oppose the immense love of God? Fr. Bamonte offers abundant questions and fascinating documentation in response to them.

Pope Leo XIII Institute

The Trouble with Magic: Our Failed Search for More and Christ's Fulfillment of Our Desires

Fr. Cliff Ermatinger

In this book Father Cliff Ermatinger shows us how what was lost, was far more precious than realized, what was acquired far more reaching in its damage than suspected, and the lengths that God would undergo to restore His lost creation more majestic than imaginable... In the end, it is all the trouble with magic.

Dominion: The Nature of Diabolic Warfare

Fr. Chad Ripperger

The goal of this book is to provide that initial synthesis for the laity. This book is not written in a popular style. It is a bit more technical than most laity are accustomed to. It is not meant to be a quick or easy read, but to provide a thoroughness and a proper level to a theological topic which often is only addressed on a superficial level." -Amazon

**This is the laity version of The Nature and Psychology of Diabolic Influence.

Sensus Traditionis Press

Diary of an American Exorcist

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

Exorcist Msgr. Stephen Rossetti has a very active caseload of demonic possessions, and in each case two vivid lessons consistently emerge: demons possess or harass people in a myriad of ways (even when they do not enter a body), and they are defeated decisively by the power of Christ and His Church—and especially by invocations to the Blessed Mother.

Sophia Institute Press

The Devil is Afraid of Me

Fr. Gabriel Amorth

Angelologist Father Marcello Stanzione tells the fascinating story of Father Amorth and his life as an exorcist. You’ll find out what his exorcism room looked like, and how various devils responded to his bold practice. Best of all, you’ll read Father Amorth’s own startling explanations of many truths about the Devil that our culture has forgotten and about the canny methods the Deceiver has adopted in recent years to corrupt believers and unbelievers alike.

Sophia Institute Press

The Virgin Mary and the Devil in Exorcisms

Fr. Francesco Bamonte

From the turbulent accounts of the exorcisms, the most pure figure of the Mother of God emerges in her greatness and magnificence. From these accounts arises a dreadful image of the Evil One. Satan appears repulsive, wretched, weak, and defeated despite the ferocity and ugliness of his anger and his blasphemous hate. This is a clear invitation to love the Blessed Virgin with all one's heart and through Mary her beloved son Jesus Christ.

Pope Leo XIII Institute

The Devil's Role in the Spiritual Life

Fr. Cliff Ermatinger

Roaring Lion or Angel of Light, thus Saints Peter and Paul described the enemy of human nature - Satan.The great mystic and authority on all things spiritual, St. John of the Cross, is our guide and coach in this volume based on his writings. He reveals not only everything Satan is capable of doing to us, but also his limitations.

The Nature and Psychology of Diabolic Influence

Fr. Chad Ripperger

The goal of this book is to provide that initial synthesis for the priest or professional working in the area of psychology and psychiatry. This book is not written in a popular style. It is more technical than most priests would be accustomed to. It is not meant to be a quick or easy read, but to provide a thoroughness and a proper level to a theological topic which often is only addressed on a superficial level." - Sensus Traditionis Press

*Note that there are two versions of this book, one for priests and one for laity. This book is the clergy version. Follow the instructions from the publisher on how to purchase.*

Sensus Traditionis Press

Guidelines for the Ministry of Exorcisms

International Association of Exorcists

The text, a vademecum (Handbook) of exorcistic doctrine and practice of the new Ritual of Exorcisms, is intended for those who exercise the Ministry of Exorcism and for those who are preparing to live it.

International Association of Exorcists

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